• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Destroyers: Day of the Tournament

Eventually the day of the Tournament of Destroyers, as Twilight had dubbed it, arrived and their group gathered outside Capsule Corp, where she found that her parents, along with Cooler and King Cold, plus Demigra since the other Demons were busy keeping an eye on the universe, standing nearby. Vegeta was joined by Bulma, Trunks, and Eschalot, while Goku had Chi-Chi and Goten, plus the Ox King, not to mention that both of Bulma's parents had joined them, as they were eager to see what else space had to offer them. There was also Krillin, 18, and their daughter, along with Tien, Yamcha, and Paur, not to mention Roshi, Piccolo, and even Dende, showing her that everyone important to the group had gathered for this event, both because they would get a glimpse into another universe's races and witness something massive. Even Buu, Mr. Satan, and Videl, plus her little daughter Pan, were present for the event, though Gohan had a conference he had to attend and Twilight had told the rest of the group that it was fine, as he wasn't one of their warriors, so it was okay for him to miss the tournament.

Even Jaco showed up, despite his tragic first meeting with Twilight that soured her opinion of him, where he quickly told her that it was, in fact, his day off and he was here as a friend of Bulma's, as they had talked about the tournament on the way to Zuno's and it made him interested in seeing the residents of another universe. Twilight, on the other hand, was sure that he really wasn't a friend of Bulma's, not after his statement that caused her to move against the Galactic King earlier than she had intended, rather he was likely a forced driver for her so she could head into the depths of the universe. She knew that if Bulma wanted a space vehicle she could have one crafted to her specifications and delivered in no time, but she didn't seem to care about that, rather she seemed to enjoy having someone like Jaco do what she said every now and then. Twilight also made a quick call to Merus, to be sure that Jaco had the day off and that he wasn't pulling their leg, only to find that he went through the official channels to approve his time off, causing her to acknowledge before returning to the others, though she stayed away from him for the most part.

Beerus and Whis eventually arrived in a transparent cube, large enough for them to use to travel through space quickly, a device used for when the gods had mortal visitors since the private transport of an Angel was usually good enough for a smaller group, as in three to five, and once everyone was inside, including the trainees who had been inside the cube, Whis sat on top of it before they took off.

"You'll be happy to know that Bulma's learned the summoning phrase for the Super Dragon Balls, and has a radar that can locate the last one." Twilight commented, as she, Beerus, and Bulma were standing near the area of the cube that Whis was sitting under, while everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves to the food that had been brought with them, though she made sure to save some for Beerus and Whis, "However, only one set of them exists in the entire multiverse, meaning Champa's been invading both our universe and others to track them down... depending on where they're hidden he's likely destroyed a few planets in his search."

"Damn it... this is a huge breach of proper etiquette." Beerus remarked, though at the same time he wasn't too surprised by the fact that his brother would do something stupid like this, it seemed to be in his nature to do things like this, even if it pissed off the other gods in the process, before he sighed for a moment, "Hopefully he didn't piss off the other Gods of Destruction with his actions... this also means the last sphere could be in any of the other eleven universes, so tracking it down will take some time and likely draw the attention of everyone else."

"We can only hope that it's somewhere in our universe, or Champa's at the very least." Bulma said, as she figured that if any of the other Destroyers knew that they were hunting for the last Super Dragon Balls, and one happened to have it, she was sure that they would hold it over Beerus until they either got what they wanted or Beerus backed off, and given how much Twilight wanted to see Super Shenron she also knew the Dark Queen would help him out.

Beerus simply nodded and thanked Bulma for acquiring the information she had told him about, while he and Whis took a moment to consider the phrase that would activate the seven spheres and summon 'Super Shenron', something they would have to share in the unlikely event that Champa's team won. Twilight, on the other hand, knew that Champa would no doubt be confident in his team's abilities, since he had seen Goku and Vegeta in weighted clothing, but even then she knew that he would be caught off guard by the power of those that had been chosen for Beerus' team. Still, she was interested in what sort of warriors he might have picked and how they would fair against the likes of Goku and Vegeta, not to mention Cooler and maybe even Buu, the latter of whom had been practicing his writing and test taking skills so he wouldn't fail, because he wanted to do her and Mr. Satan proud, and have fun. Other than that there was nothing much for them to do but stare out at space as they went by, allowing Twilight to pull out her tablet as she marked down the planets they went by, simply to see what sort of path they were taking to reach the Nameless Star, while the others played a word game that she ignored for the rest of their journey.

Eventually they reached the Nameless Star, after about two hours flying in the same direction, where Twilight found that the place Champa had picked out looked more like an asteroid than a moon or a planet, though it was a pretty big asteroid as she looked at it. After that she and the others got a glimpse of the Super Dragon Balls, massive planet sized spheres that floated in the space above and around the Nameless Star, making it look like the group of seven was present given the size of the asteroid, where Twilight chuckled as she made a few notes on the massive spheres. From there she spotted the area that had been set up for the tournament, a large domed area that no doubt had air for the contestants and those who were just here to watch the event, where she focused on the large square shaped arena that floated in the air, before spotting a fact that decreased her opinion of Champa, he had hard seats for the observers. Beerus and Whis also noticed that as the cube landed, though as Beerus went out to talk with his brother, and maybe lecture him a little about stealing from the rest of the multiverse, Whis used his staff to erase the stands and replace them with floating sitting areas for everyone, as in one for both Destroyers and their warriors, another for observers, and one more for the Kaioshin.

Twilight also spotted an area that had a table and ten chairs, five on each side, which was where they would be taking the test that Vegeta insisted they should have, though she did have to question why it happened to be higher than the rest of the structures, before deciding that it really didn't matter. In addition to that, however, Twilight also noticed two people that Aria, Shin, and Old Kai were chatting with as Kibito stood nearby, no doubt the Kaioshin of Universe 6 and who she had to assume was his attendant, meaning Universe 7 was more special because of how many Gods of Creation they had at any given moment. The one she assumed was the Kaioshin was a short and somewhat overweight figure, whose spiky white hair made him resemble a pineapple for some reason, but he seemed nervous, likely surprised by the team that his God of Destruction had gathered, meaning he was lazy as well. Standing next to him was a tall and lean figure, a strange thing considering the Kaioshin and Champa, who seemed very calm and serious, making her wonder if he was a better fit for the role as his universe's God of Creation, before shelving the thought as Goku floated down to to talk to them.

In that moment she finally spotted the team that represented Universe 6, five warriors who would stand between them and the Super Dragon Balls, and with a glance she was actually partly disappointed in what she saw, since she figured that Champa could do better with the time he had. One of the warriors was a massive metallic figure that many would think was a robot, though the Metalmen, as they were called, were a humanoid species that resembled robots and could drink some incredibly hot substances, but were easy to take down. Another was a yellow skinned bear wearing a red shirt over his chest, plus red bands around his wrists and red boots on his feet, though she was sure he was a Rubearien, basically a rubber bear, a race that no longer existed in Universe 7 thanks to Beerus' mindless destruction. What interested her was the other three warriors, as one appeared to be a young Saiyan who didn't have a tail, and wore the attire of a planet that didn't exist in their universe, a purple skinned individual who had his eyes closed and seemed to be dressed in the attire of a shadowy figure, and someone who looked like her father, only he was in his lowest form while his jeweled sections were blue colored.

Based on what she was feeling right now the only one who seemed even remotely threatening was the shadowy figure, who opened his eyes for a moment and locked his gaze with hers for a few seconds, no doubt because he felt her gaze on him, before he looked elsewhere as the others joined them, causing the Universe 6 Saiyan to approach them.

"Hey, you two must be Saiyans, right?" the other Saiyan inquired, though at the same time he noticed something he hadn't seen before, Goku's tail was swaying behind him, since he didn't keep it wrapped around his waist, and Vegeta's only came out as soon as the newcomer realized what he was seeing, "No way... you guys still have your tails? We used to have them, but evolved to no longer need them."

"Actually, both of us lost ours in battle... it was only thanks to Twilight that we got them back." Vegeta admitted, though he didn't bother asking the foolish question of if this guy was a Saiyan, because his reaction told him everything he needed to know, while his rival was happy to meet another of their race, "Your attire... what planet do your Saiyans call home?"

"Planet Sadala." the newcomer replied, something that told Twilight everything she needed to know as she took a seat at the end of Universe 7's side of the stone table, as the Sadala of their universe had been destroyed by eternal conflict, an event that helped fueled the tales of Yamoshi as they conquered a new planet to make their home, while the Saiyans of Universe 6 evolved into warriors of justice and kept their home.

Vados interrupted the Saiyans and reminded them that the test was starting, while she summoned some pencils for them to use to answer whatever questions were on the test, though once everyone had taken their seats she waved her staff for a moment and summoned the test for them to take. Twilight found that it was ten questions, some incredibly basic, just as Vegeta said when she read some of the items, and some more difficult, which would give someone like Goku trouble since they seemed outside his usual area of expertise, but none of them were a challenge for her. It was almost sad when she looked over the rest of the test, as she was hoping for something challenging, before discovering that there was another side to it, an optional section for those who still had time and wanted to actually challenge themselves. With that in mind she went to work solving all of the main problems on the front side of the page, completing all of them in no time at all due to how easy they were, before focusing on the other side as the others focused on the front page.

By the time that time was up, as they were only given ten minutes before Vados collected the tests and graded them in a matter of seconds, causing her to write down their results before approaching the edge of the platform, allowing the rest of the people in the tournament grounds to glance up at her.

"Only one contestant will be eliminated: Majin Buu, with a score of 45, is eliminated." Vados said, where Buu frowned for a moment as he floated down to where Mr. Satan was sitting, as he had been so excited for the battle, and found that the rest of his team took a moment to talk with him as Champa's team took their positions, before she glanced at her God of Destruction as he floated up to her with a smirk on his face, "Lord Champa, we might have a problem."

"Are you kidding me? We're golden! Beerus just lost one of his own warriors, thanks to a suggestion that another warrior made during our visit!" Champa remarked, as it was hilarious when he thought about it, because it meant that there were only four warriors he had to worry about and, based on his observations, the Saiyans would be out in no time, meaning he might not have to worry about Hit competing.

"Only two contestants scored perfect scores: Hit and Twilight... and of the two, Hit only got three of the ten optional items right, while Twilight got all ten correct." Vados stated, which was remarkable, as she had designed the other side to be far more difficult than the required side of the test, in fact those two were the only ones to attempt it at the end, but even she wasn't expecting to find a perfect score on both the front page and the back page.

"So she's smart, that's not going to help her out." Champa said, showing Vados that he didn't care too much, as he had a tournament to win and he already had the order of his team decided, as he came to this prepared, causing him to glance over to his brother's side as he floated down to his new sitting area, "Hey Beerus, have you decided on the order of your team, or do we have to wait for you to confer with your girlfriend before we start the tournament?"

"Gods he's annoying... I'm going to punch him one of these days." Twilight remarked, though at the very least Buu wasn't too upset over failing the test, in fact she was sure that without his training for this day he would have scored a zero, so getting close to passing, in the short time period he had, was nothing short of spectacular, before she glanced at the rest of their team, "I don't care which order you guys decide to compete in, as I'll take the last position."

"Is that wise, Twilight? With how strong the three of us are you might not have a chance to fight." Cooler asked, because he knew his niece was a fighter and that she must have been excited by the idea of clashing with the warriors from Universe 6, so hearing that she wanted to be their last warrior worried him more than he was willing to admit.

"She's well aware of that fact, plus she realizes that there are some cards we must not play right now." Beerus said, as he suspected that, even if Twilight had to fight, she would only use her Dark Form or her Demon Goddess form, since the power of her Dark Queen form was overkill based on her chill attitude right now, "If the need calls for it our trump card will do everything in her power to keep the Earth safe."

Goku, Vegeta, and Cooler glanced at each other for a moment as they settled on who would fight in what order, as Goku would be first to challenge Champa's team, then Cooler, and Vegeta would be third, though Twilight could only smile as she stared at the arena, as she was sure that the upcoming battles would be exciting for everyone present and was eager to see what happened next.

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