• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Newfound Training

After the battle with Beerus, and the Destroyer getting beaten down by Twilight's full power, the group returned to Earth without delay and returned to Bulma's birthday party, though on the way back Vegeta informed her that he wouldn't do the ritual that Goku had gone through, as he knew her strength was far greater than Super Saiyan God. Twilight knew that, at some point in time, he was going to ask Whis if he could train with him so he could catch up with Goku, he didn't even need to say it since she was good at reading him and the other Saiyan, and she suspected that his rival was already thinking the same thing. With a whole new world, the world of godly energy, available to them it was only a matter of time until one or both of them made a move to gain a brand new level of power that was unknown to everyone, and she had to admit that she was interested in seeing what might happen when they finally reached that level. It did cause her to think about the few notes she had written down before the battle with Beerus, about the potential for something she called 'Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan', and wondered if she might be on the right track, before shelving the thought for the time being.

While she thought about all that Twilight heard Whis mention that he was more than willing to set up some lessons for the two Saiyans, no doubt to help force his God of Destruction to do more training or something, while Beerus himself was chatting with the trainees that were living in his universe. It was a good thing in her mind, as the three displaced trainees had been wondering what to do with their lives, other than call Earth home and train with either her or the Saiyans, and taking on Beerus' training would allow them to figure out the heights of their power and potential. Of course she had to wonder what Saria and her friends would do once their own training was done, since they couldn't return to their old timelines and she was positive that the other universes didn't need a replacement Destroyer, so for now it looked like they were stuck in just improving themselves. She honestly felt sorry for them, since it was the fault of an alternate version of herself that had brought about the destruction of the timelines that they came from, and knew that they would figure out how to help the trio, even if the trainees were more focused on what their futures held for them.

One thing Twilight really wasn't expecting was that her father came over to her and asked if she would be willing to put him through some of her training, because after witnessing the entirety of her clash with Beerus, something his family had told her not to do when she was younger, had convinced him it was time for him to improve his power. She was, however, happy that he was willing to actually train and wanted her as his training partner, even though both her grandfather and uncle had the same idea, they all wanted her to train with them so they could master their own powers and discover whatever might be beyond what each of them were used to. After studying her father's kind, enough to add them into the Animorph series, Twilight assumed that there was another level of power that was beyond what all three of them were used to, and now she had a chance to prove whether she was right or not, though even if she was wrong, and they had no further forms to gain, it would benefit them in the long run. Of course they weren't the only ones interested in such a thing, as she had Dabura and the rest of the Demon Gods and Goddesses asking for the same thing, all to aid her in her plans for the rest of the universe, as all of them knew that it was only a matter of time until she went back to expanding the Empire and they wanted to be of use to her in some manner.

In the days and weeks that followed Twilight took her family and the Demons to a nearby planet that they could reach with ease, thanks to her modified and improved engines, where they would remain undisturbed, as her father didn't have to worry about Goku teleporting here and interrupting their training. To be fair towards everyone else she decided not to use her Dark Queen form, as that would be overkill, rather she took to using her Demon Goddess form as they trained, where she blocked and parried attacks while lashing out with her own, even if it meant taking on all of them at once. When they weren't having mock battles, to see how everyone was improving in terms of power and skill, she walked around an area that was meant to help her make sure the others knew the basics of combat and controlling their great power, the latter of which was a problem for her father, his brother, and her grandfather. Twilight had studied her father's fight with Goku a few times before even starting their training, where she knew that stamina control was a problem for him and she wanted to get it out of the way, hence why she started with the basics since the three of them hadn't trained as much as everyone else had.

Such a thing had an interesting side effect, as it allowed her father to match Cooler's ability to control his true form, which meant he didn't need any of his restriction forms anymore, not to mention growing his power at absurd rates, to the point where she had to wonder if he might have similar genetics to a Saiyan, in terms of power growth.

Of course such a thing meant that she had to force him into meditating and improving his self control, even though she did made sure everyone took breaks every now and then so they didn't burn themselves out, since overexertion was one of the things that she wanted to avoid. During her downtime Twilight would do one of two things, the first being that she would head to Beerus' planet, thanks to Whis giving her permission to teleport to and from whenever she wanted, free of charge since he was likely planning on having the Saiyans bribe him with Earth food for his training. Whenever she did that Twilight discovered that he was actually using both of them to clean up the rest of the planet, in ways that looked like they were getting some training out of it anyway, and by lingering in a realm filled with godly energy she realized that Whis was exposing them to the energy of the gods. While they did that Twilight and Whis moved through the air during their own sessions, allowing her to train with an Angel and improve her own skills, though she had to admit that Whis' methods for the Saiyans were fun to watch, such as when he forced them to lug around large stones cuffed to their wrists, with the threat of falling into the abyss if they were too slow.

The other thing she did was continue her expansion of the Empire, as in studying the various planets that were around the outskirts, seeing what sort of species happened to call each one home and what she could learn from them, and stopping conflicts on her own, since she didn't need an army to back her up.

One of the planets she ended up visiting was the planet of Fantasia VII, a planet that looked pristine and full of life, just like Earth when Twilight thought about it, which was home to a species of dwarf sized goblins, anthropomorphic rats that were almost human sized and had a hunch, and a race of annoying elves. The problem was that a war was about to break out among the races, as the Lord of the rats, Ikit Doomclaw, tapped his metallic runed staff on the ground and pointed one of his claws at the Goblin Queen, Sorisa, blaming her kind for attacking the rat caravans and looting them. Apparently they had found a new energy source fairly recently, a green gemstone they called 'Worpal', or 'Warp Opal' as Twilight found out, that was incredibly powerful and could be used as a source of renewable energy, and what they had claimed so far had been stolen. Of course Sorisa informed Twilight that they weren't responsible for such a thing, in fact her people, who just so happened to be a warrior race, weren't capable of ambushing the rats and escaping without leaving any evidence that they were there, as the goblins and rats were equal in terms of power, so if it was them they would have lost people in the attack and everyone was accounted for.

Twilight uncovered that the fair skinned elves, who were late to the meeting, were the culprits, as she learned the exact time and place of the last attack and looked into the past to reveal the truth of the situation, the elves ambushed the last caravan, killed every guard, and made off with the Worpal shipment. Of course she also showed it when the party from the elves showed up, who swore it wasn't them, but Dabura and Demigra captured them while uncovering a chest full of Worpal, something that stunned the goblins while the rats cried out for vengeance for their fallen. Twilight had to ask the group why they were willing to start a war between both of the other species of their world, when it was pristine and was large enough for everyone to get along, only for her and the rulers of the other races to discover that the elves didn't want to share, and that anyone who survived the war would be enslaved until they died. The tipping point for her was the fact that the elven ruler even indicated that she would tear down every other planet as well, kill everyone that happened to be a different race, and that included the Empire, causing Twilight to officially call in the Frieza Force as she openly declared the elves to be enemies of the universe.

By the end of the day the elf capital was in ruin, the rest of the Worpal had been recovered and delivered to the rats, who needed a better name in her mind, and both they and the goblins joined the Empire, adding Fantasia VII to her father's vast network of planets. What surprised her was that many, if not all, of Ikgit's race called her the 'holy pony-thing', which would have made her question their intelligence, given all of the races she had encountered before, but while many had problems with their speech, such as 'sound-noise', the scientists of the Empire welcomed them with open arms. That was followed by her learning that they were actually fairly intelligent, they adapted to their new roles with ease and were now already working on some ideas to improve the gear that Twilight hadn't gotten to, while the warrior cast joined the rest of the other soldiers of the Empire. The goblins were the same, going where they were needed so they could aid all sorts of planets that were still in need of assistance, so they could repay the Empire for aiding them in their time of need, since all of them knew that without Twilight's arrival the elves would have annihilated them.

Other than that Twilight found that the other planets weren't as exciting as Fantasia VII, allowing her to focus on training with either Whis or her family and all of the other Demons, where she found that the weeks turned into months, until a year had passed without anything major happening, save for the results of her family's training.

"I have to admit it, your new forms are very powerful." Twilight remarked, as her father, uncle, and grandfather had taken a moment to show off the results of their training, especially after figuring out how to regulate the stamina drain, to some degree since it wasn't an easy thing to accomplish for those who haven't trained like her, and she was impressed by what they had done in a years' worth of training.

"Do you think Frieza and Cooler can beat Goku and Vegeta?" King Cold asked, because while he suspected that they had a fighting chance now, since all three of them had rapidly grown in strength over the last year, at a rate that was slower than Twilight's insane growth, he wanted to know his granddaughter's thoughts on the matter.

"Honestly, it all depends on how much Goku and Vegeta have grown over the last year." Twilight replied, because with the two Saiyans having spent most of the last year with Whis, and dodging all sorts of attacks from Beerus' area while he was training the three trainees, there was honestly no telling how much stronger they could have gotten, "Hence why we're here, far away from the rest of the races of Earth, so any fighting that happens won't damage any of the cities."

They had returned to the Earth and she had picked out an area for a potential fight to take place in, and sure enough the pair everyone was waiting for, as the Z Warriors and the Demons were off to the side, arrived with the trainees, including Whis and Beerus for that matter. In that moment King Cold and Towa departed from the area that Twilight, Frieza, and Cooler were standing in, with Twilight herself off to the side so she could watch what was going to happen next, though it did allow her to see that Goku's attire had been updated by Whis, molding her own Morph Clothing with his own style, all while Vegeta had done the same, as he was wearing a new version of her Battle Armor. Frieza was in his base form while Cooler had taken on his own evolved form, the one he used back when he landed on Earth with King Cold, though both of them and the two Saiyans were radiating power, showing that they were allowing the other side to realize just how strong they had gotten recently. While Twilight observed them, however, she spotted a newcomer, a short figure who wore the uniform of the Galactic Patrol, a light gray chest piece with a purple jumpsuit under it, equipped with a blaster while really having no unique features that let him stand out.

She really had no idea why a member of the Galactic Patrol was even here, as he hadn't been invited to this function, not to mention that the Earth was officially under the Empire's glorious rule, and all Bulma could offer her was the fact that he heard of Frieza's visits and, for some reason, came to 'warn' them of his arrival.

In the next couple of seconds Goku clashed with Frieza while Vegeta did the same with Cooler, where the groups moved all over the air above them, showing off newfound levels of speed and power while making sure not to break everything that was around them. Sure enough everyone watched the scene unfold with interest, as Frieza and Cooler were able to match the Saiyans, despite the fact that they had trained for a shorter period of time than their opponents had, which interested everyone that was observing them right now. The Patrolman, Jaco, was actually taking pictures of the fighters as they moved through the air, which was impressive since it meant his eyes were better than a normal person's, though he had to stop as the four fighters paused their clash and both Saiyans focused for a time. It was something that Twilight had been eager to see, if they were able to utilize Super Saiyan God or a form that was beyond it, where they were covered by a blue layer of energy, God Ki to be exact, as they transformed, as not a few moments later she discovered that they were in their Super Saiyan forms, only with blue hair, blue eyes, a nice blue aura, and even a blue color to their Saiyan tails.

Their power was impressive, in fact she was certain that these forms could match what her father and his family could use in battle now, though as she studied them Whis floated nearby and informed her that the Saiyans called this Super Saiyan 'Blue', a simple name instead of 'Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan'. Such a thing was followed by Frieza and Cooler calling forth golden auras as they called upon their newest power, causing the very skies to erupt with lightning every couple of seconds while the ground itself gave way to their incredible terrifying power. Their transformation was a full body one, as in the armored portions of their wrists and legs took on a golden shine, while the upper parts of their arms and legs took on a slightly darker golden shine, and their actual skin, as in the hands, feet, and the area around both of their mouths turned purple. The gemstone sections also turned purple, but they also shrunk in size while their eyes became blood red, though the sheer amount of power coming from their Golden form, as they called it, was enough to put them on the same level as Goku and Vegeta's newly acquired Super Saiyan Blue.

As she started to take notes, however, she heard the sound of Jaco taking more pictures of what was going on, focusing on the new forms since this was the first time anyone had seen something like this, but it was what he said next that caused her to move over to where he was standing, especially since Bulma seemed shocked by his statement.

"Could you repeat what you just said?" Twilight inquired, because if she had heard things right there was another matter in the universe that demanded her full attention for some time, while at the same time everyone stopped to observe her and Jaco for a time, due to the fact that if she was focused on something it meant it had to be important.

"I was just telling Bulma that I need these pictures for the report that I'll be submitting later," Jaco stated, gesturing to the camber he was holding, something the dragon lady was interested in grabbing from him so she could smash it, which only made Twilight more eager to figure out what in the world was going on, "and that, if I had to guess their response to all the powers that are available here, they would declare Earth a max warning level ultra hazardous zone... and, as standard risk management procedure, they'll send a mega missile, in the form of the Extinction Bomb, to blow it up. Considering that I'll be sending in my report in the next hour, and that they'll want to react swiftly, I'd say the Earth is doomed and you won't have time to evacuate anyone."

In the next moment chains of magical energy wrapped around Jaco as Twilight eliminated his ability to move, though while Bulma claimed the camera and crushed it, to prevent the report from being partly completed, she realized that it was time to deal with the Galactic Patrol, in her way, and bring stability to the rest of the universe.

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