• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Battle: Super Saiyan God

After making sure that Goku was ready to move, and King Kai's planet was back to normal, Twilight warped them back to Capsule Corp, where she discovered that the party was in full swing and that people were enjoying themselves, which was good considering that things were about to get crazy.

"Lord Beerus, Whis, welcome to Earth." Twilight stated, where she moved her left hand for a moment and levitated a few pudding cups to the godly pair that was behind her, who took them without delay as Goku demonstrated how to eat them, causing her to step away from them for a moment, "I'm going to tell Bulma of your arrival, so she doesn't think I brought a pair of troublemakers with me, and then I'll get to work double checking my information on the Super Saiyan God."

"Be quick about it, I don't have all day." Beerus remarked, though at the same time he ate some of the pudding and found that it was more amazing than he could have hoped for, while Whis enjoyed sampling it as well, before finding that he was interrupted by the arrival of three new figures, which caused him to pause for a moment, "What the... Who are you three?"

"I am Caser, and these are my friends Shandy and Saria." Caser said, where they bowed towards the God of Destruction as he said that, showing him that they knew of his status and that they were being as respectful as they could be towards a being who was far stronger than them, "We are God of Destruction trainees from three different timelines, though now we are wards of this timeline, due to ours being lost when Buulight was fleeing from your alternate self."

"Ugh, don't remind me of that." Beerus stated, showing them that he didn't want to talk about that day at all, meaning he must have experienced something that caused him to dislike what had gone down while they were fleeing from a creature that resulted in the end of their home timelines, "So, what happened to your Destroyers?"

"Caser's was assassinated, mine died while fighting another Destroyer, and Shandy's seemed to die in his sleep, based on what he and his teacher were unable to discover." Saria answered, where Beerus noted that all three seemed ashamed of not being able to do anything while their Destroyers were taken down and their timelines were destroyed, though that was when the rabbit girl sighed as she and the others focused on him again, "Each of us only had time to get a couple of lessons from the Angels of our timelines, before that... monster... showed up and caused our homes to be eradicated, and when she was finally sealed away your alternate selves said that we were 'your responsibility now'. We assumed that they were talking to Lady Twilight at the time, but it makes more sense that the message was meant for you, who had to be watching everything go down."

"You would be correct... however, there is a slight problem with that idea." Whis stated, where he glanced at his Destroyer for a moment, who walked down to the party after seeing that Twilight and the one she was talking to wave them into the party, showing that he was more interested in the food than the trio, "Beerus isn't interested in training, as he's focused on the fighter he's been waiting to fight for quite some time... and even if that wasn't the case, it's unlikely that he would actually teach any of you anything. He's not interested in looking for a replacement... however, don't let that get to you, as I'll gladly take you on as my students and help you master your powers."

While it was a minor victory for the three trainees, since they were hoping for the Destroyer to take an interest in training them, none of them were going to argue with the results and accepted Whis' offer, especially since they had no idea what the future held for them and the rest of the universe. After that they returned to the party, where Whis asked both Saria and Caser about their godly attire, since none of them were wearing it, where Caser informed him that it seemed very disrespectful to essentially proclaim that they were gods while the real Destroyer was still alive. As they walked Beerus did beckon Shandy over and asked him a few questions, as he was interested in what planet he was from and found that he was from Anu, making them both Anuians, but he told Beerus that Aeos and Chronoa had already checked this timeline for any signs of his existence. Shandy had survived the disaster that befell their home planet in his timeline, but in this one he wasn't so lucky, so he didn't have to worry about bumping into another version of him, though he was sure that some sort of time shenanigans were involved since the planet had been wiped out around the time that Beerus became the God of Destruction for this universe.

Shandy also told him that Aeos and Chronoa confirmed that someone had brought him to the present of his timeline, so he could be trained by his Whis, but now he'd never figure everything out, something that caused Beerus to let out a sigh as he patted the youngster on the head, as everything was all right now.

Twilight chuckled as she observed Beerus and Whis while she did her work in figuring out the information their God of Destruction wanted, hence why she tapped her tablet as Aria went off into space, as she was checking out another energy signature that was another god, but not one from this universe. She was studying the legends of Yamoshi, the first ever recorded Saiyan who was able to transform into a Super Saiyan, long before his kind came to live on the planet that both Goku and Vegeta came from, hence why they held the legend of such a powerful being that was 'born' every one thousand years, an error after everything she had seen since her visit to Namek. That was the more commonly known legend that he was associated with, the one that every Saiyan eventually came to know about, but there was another tale in an ancient Namekian tome that Moori insisted on saving before the destruction of his home planet, one that happened to contain a second more obscure legend on Yamoshi, which matched her discoveries in Alexandria. The second legend claimed that he had a righteous heart, just as his five allies did, and that when the power of a Super Saiyan failed him his allies poured all of their power, their light so to speak, into him, sparking the transformation into the fabled 'Super Saiyan God'.

Based on what she was reading they needed six Saiyans, one to act as a vessel for the power of the other five, which they currently had now that Goku was present, meaning they could perform the ritual with ease, though it would tick off either Goku or Vegeta since they only had enough for one of them to take on this new level of power.

Fortunately it seemed like they had some time before Beerus remembered why he came to Earth in the first place, as he and Whis were in the middle of enjoying themselves, whether it being break dancing, which the God of Destruction was actually good at, playing games, Whis' strong suit while he had to keep his Destroyer in check, or just enjoying the bits of food that were here. While he hadn't been invited in the first place, especially since Vegeta seemed afraid of him for just a few moments before finding that the god wasn't here to destroy them all, everyone appeared to enjoy his presence, even if the chefs who were preparing the food in the stalls Bulma had prepared were surprised by his arrival. Twilight even saw her father and the rest of his side of the family talk with Beerus for a time, bowing their heads with respect while talking about whatever it was that interested him, no doubt interested in the state of affairs for the rest of the universe, like how many planets have been blown up recently. She chuckled as she noticed the look of shock that appeared on Beerus' face as Frieza and Towa told him about everything that had been done since Twilight was taken in, especially the fact that she had stopped the senseless destruction of planets and races, instead welcoming them into the Empire by helping take out a local villain or something.

There was so much that Beerus needed to catch up on, since it appeared that he had missed all the time she had been growing up and learning from her family, though after about an hour of hanging out, enjoying himself, Beerus decided it was time to move on with his life and walked over to where Twilight was sitting.

"Twilight, have you figured out what you know about the Super Saiyan God? Or should I give you some incentive by, oh I don't know, blowing up the Earth?" Beerus inquired, though at the same time none of them others seemed to be even a little worried about his threat, as if they knew that Twilight would stop him if he dared to lay a hand on the planet that she had invested so much time and energy into.

"I figured you were enjoying yourself and didn't want to interrupt... but yes, I know the answer to your question." Twilight said, where she beckoned everyone to follow her as she lead the way up to a part of Capsule Corp that Bulma had told her that was going to be demolished and reworked in the very near future, because if her thoughts were right they could do part of the work for her, "First, a little history: once upon a time there was a Saiyan called Yamoshi who, joined by five like-minded individuals, fought against the more evil members of their kind, something that caused him to gain access to the Super Saiyan transformation, but it wasn't enough and it burned him out. His allies, however, infused their light, as in their Ki, into his body and he took on the even more legendary form known as 'Super Saiyan God', allowing him to resume the fight against their enemies... they ultimately lost, but the tale was recorded in the Namekian book of secrets and one of the Libraries of Alexandria. While Yamoshi is dead, that doesn't mean you can't fight a Super Saiyan God, as we need six Saiyans with righteous hearts to perform the ritual, five concentrating their Ki into the sixth... after that, well, we'll see the creation of the second Super Saiyan God."

Naturally Vegeta wanted to have a go at the transformation, since Goku had already faced Beerus and lost, but Bulma said that they should let the Earth raised Saiyan use it, since he had some experience facing the God of Destruction, though to appease him Twilight told Vegeta that she'd clash with him in the godly form later, once Goku was done showing it off to Beerus. With that decision made the six Saiyans followed Twilight's instructions to the letter, as while Beerus was waiting she had slipped out to go to the Room of Time to quickly observe the scene in question, where she had Goku stand facing the chair that Beerus was sitting in, while the other five would stand behind him and form a circle. They had to hold hands for a short period of time, while the two closest to Goku would place their hands on his back, though to better focus their energies they could transform into their Super Saiyan forms, or at least the five could while Goku remained in base. She was positive that this would work, a hundred percent sure anyway, so it wasn't long before they were consumed by their golden auras as the five took on their first transformation, though a few moments later that aura took on a blue color as it washed over all of them.

Twilight smiled as the energy transferred from the five Saiyans and entered Goku's body, surrounding him in the aura as it lifted him into the air, leaving the others in their base forms, before he was shrouded from their view as the energy quickly formed a sphere and pulsed three times... though after all of that it pulled away and revealed Goku floating there, with a red coloration to his hair and eyes, the former in it's base state.

"And there it is: Super Saiyan God!" Twilight stated, where Goku touched down and glanced at himself in disbelief, not to mention the fact that his body was slightly slimmer than he was used to, no doubt a side effect of his new transformation, causing her to glance at the others and shoo them away, "Come on, give them room."

She and Whis were the only ones standing nearby as Beerus and Goku readied themselves once more, though this time around, when Goku made the first move, his opponent shifted his stance and caught the fist, all while everyone noticed that the Saiyan had a red flaming aura around him now. Such a thing caused the ground around them to flatten while also making a crater around their immediate area, all while the clouds started to part and evaporate before their eyes, though Goku was taken aback by his new level of power, as he now understood what Twilight felt after she gained access to her Demon Goddess form. A few moments later Beerus let his foe go before they floated up into the air, which was followed by the two clashing once again, this time the Destroyer took the lead as he used far more basic attacks to gauge how his foe reacted to his newfound power and the unknown heights he could now reach. As they started to move around the city it didn't look like either of them were taking this seriously, almost as if this was a game to both fighters, though Goku did admit that he hated the fact that he could have never reached this level of power on his own, even though Twilight knew if he had trained with Whis, for example, he would have gained it naturally.

Such a thing set Beerus off as he attacked Goku and pushed him out into the wilderness, going into a forest and even one of the mountain ranges, all while mocking his foe for hating the fact that this strength wasn't his own, as if his pride was far greater than Goku thought, all while leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. As everyone else followed, by using a flying spherical ship of Bulma's design, Twilight found that the two fighters smashed through trees, tore apart a peak due to Goku's back hitting it, and an area was shattered as the two clashed with their fists, showing the might of two god level beings fighting each other. She found it sad that Aria was missing all of this, though while the two clashed she found that the Kaioshin in question whispered something to Whis and the Angel disappeared, meaning she had been right that there was trouble in the universe and that he was going to resolve it. From there it was a simple manner of turning her focus back to the fight as Beerus sent Goku flying once more, showing her that while the power of a Super Saiyan God was far more than even Super Saiyan 4, as the Saiyan had gotten a few good blows in, it was still nothing compared to the might of a God of Destruction.

At the same time, as he knocked Goku down into a body of water, sending him down into the Earth itself until he found a cavern, Twilight realized what was really going on, as Beerus was training Goku, honing his god powers so he'd be a better challenge for him, and when no ground shattering movements were detected she determined that Goku was convincing Beerus of something important.

Of course it wasn't long before she felt a drop in Goku's Ki, he had lost his new transformation, and yet she discovered an interesting fact, the Saiyan wasn't backing down and continued the fight, to the point that he even transformed again and tore his way out of the ground. As he and Beerus appeared in the air it was easy to tell which form he was in, as he was back in his base form, and yet he seemed to be pushing Beerus as they moved higher and higher into the air at far greater speeds than Goku was capable of in this form. Such a thing caused Twilight to chuckle, as she had once thought that Goku and Vegeta were prodigies, quickly adapting to new ideas and techniques with little to no training, like how the former was able to replicate the Kamehameha after only seeing it once, according to Bulma's tale on the matter, and it seemed like it even applied to his new god form. Transcending the barrier between a mortal's power and the power of the gods allowed Goku to grow to the point where his base form seemed to be keeping up with Beerus' current level of strength, meaning if he transformed into his Super Saiyan 4 form it would be significantly stronger than before.

It got to the point where he pushed Beerus out into space, so he wouldn't cause any additional harm to the Earth, and she followed them up there to watch the end of the fight, to the point where the Saiyan used his Instant Transmission to move around and get into a blind spot to fire a Kamehameha at his opponent. Such a thing, while lighting up the sky and likely causing the people of Earth to wonder what was going on up here, did nothing to Beerus, even though it did look like he was pleased with Goku's progress, before he flashed out of the way to avoid another attack. That, in turn, allowed him to get behind the Saiyan as he brought his hands close together and pulled them apart above his head, forming a massive sphere of energy that was similar to a sun, just like Twilight's Sol Invictus, that he sent down at Goku without delay, which caused his foe to raise his hands in an attempt to stop it. Beerus used the next few moments to inform him that he had lost his Super Saiyan God form, even though he admitted that he viewed Goku as a rare prodigy, in adapting to his newest level of power in no time, before blasting the sun with enough power to expand it, only for Goku to surprise both him and Twilight as he tapped into the power of his new form again, for a few seconds, and shattered the sun.

By that Twilight meant that he powered up, let himself be taken into the core of the attack, and then let loose a scream or a yell as he expanded his power, breaking the entire sphere into smaller bits of power that were extinguished as they surged off into the distance, leaving him totally exhausted.

"Fascinating. You were able to call forth the power of a Super Saiyan God after using it once." Twilight remarked, which she found to be incredibly interesting when she thought about it, as it meant that any Saiyan who underwent the ritual would gain access to a whole new level of power, one they could tap into with the required training in that field, "You have taken your first step into the realm of the gods, Son Goku, and I expect that you and Vegeta, when he catches up, will go on to do great things with your new power."

"I just... wish I was able to do more." Goku huffed, where he focused on the god that was behind Twilight, because Beerus was possibly the greatest foe he had faced in his life, though it was hard to judge and rank him accurately since he knew that Twilight had withheld and hidden most of her great power from him and the others.

"Don't be disappointed, Saiyan, as you have proven your might... you are my second greatest foe," Beerus stated, though as he thought about that Whis returned to the area they were in, as if nothing had happened during his clash with Goku, but he was more interested in the other figure who was currently floating nearby, "though if I'm being honest, you might drop to being my third greatest opponent. Twilight Sparkle, I would like to see how you fare in a fight as well."

Twilight smiled for a moment, as it was an honor that someone like Beerus even wanted to clash with her, and she knew it would be one for the record books by the time it was over, which only made her even more interested in what might happen once they were ready to go at it.

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