• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Robot Problems

Trunks and Goten found that Piccolo and the others continued their harsh training, pushing them to master the basics of the Graded Forms, because mastering those for each form would grant them more power and control, but with all of the new information that they gleamed from Bardock and Raditz the pair continued to meet Piccolo's standards. Piccolo let a smile appear on his face as he pushed them to learn what he knew they needed to learn, as they had finally accepted the lesson and message they had been trying to get them to learn, which meant they were finally making progress on whatever plan Twilight had for them, if there was anything beyond training. At the same time they, Rena, Garu, and Gato continued to do their hero work, tackling down both monsters and criminals while defending their city from danger, showing that they had a greater degree of justice now that they knew that they would be the only defenders after a certain point of time. Talking with the two revived Saiyans had done wonders for the pair, as now both knew the stakes and continued to push themselves towards a brighter future, since they had no idea what Devi Dimon had planned for the city, not to mention the rest of the world.

Of course criminals were the least of their concern, because not long after the pair obtained their newest level of power a new threat showed up outside the city, this one coming in the form of a large dark rabbit-like creature that seemed to have a jester collar around it's neck. This beast was definitely stronger than the first couple of massive monsters they had faced in the past, where Trunks found that it seemed to have the power to command lightning itself and even used the power of darkness to influence gravity, similar to what Twilight did with her powers. Such a thing told him and Goten that Devi Dimon must have studied the greatest warrior in the universe and was using identical powers, which she had trained herself to use, to deal with the annoying defenders of Earth, or those that would remain once everyone else departed for the stars. Just fighting it proved to be a nightmare as it tried to shock them out of the air or tried to use it's gravity to force them into the ground, though the pair found themselves fortunate that the beast, Cherubi according to what Rena said, as she had encountered him at one point in the past, chose to stay in the outskirts so he didn't hurt the town, meaning they could go all out without worrying about their homes or friends.

In addition to that there were a few bipedal dog monsters, roughly near Gato's smallest size, called Gazies, who loved to dig around and be like moles, where a larger one called 'Mole' happened to be their leader, causing the team to divide the workload, Trunks and Rena focusing on Cherubi while Goten joined Garu and Gato in dealing with Mole's group.

As it turned out the mole dogs seemed to enjoy playing whack-a-mole, often leading one of the trio into Mole's sight so he could hit them, light enough to not damage them while being harder than they were expecting, which Goten found to be more interesting than he was expecting. Of course it made fighting him and all of his buddies harder, but it made sense due to the fact that Devi Dimon was no doubt keeping track of their progress when they were in the city, meaning he likely had something in mind for when they got even stronger than this. While he was sure that Rena might have an idea on how to win this fight, however, Goten realized something as he surfaced and found that Cherubi refused to target the area that Mole was currently operating in, meaning if they could get him to his this area with his gravity power it would make taking out one group of enemies that much easier. If that worked, and he was sure it would, they could knock out one group and then focus on Cherubi, as in likely use their signature attack to take him down, something that caused him to tap the side of his helmet and convey the plan to his team, causing them to confirm his idea.

Goten could only smile as Trunks and Rena found a way to direct the gravity attack into the area Mole was in, allowing him and his teammates to get out of the way before the dark orb struck the ground, where they watched as the group floated up into the air, causing them to lash out at them before they could regain themselves. Once the Gazies and Mole were down for the count, and he was sure of that fact as his team checked them, they burst into the air and raced over to the area that Cherubi was fighting in, forcing him to divide his attention between five foes and not the two that had been in front of him for some time. Trunks discovered that the division of labor, between Cherubi and Mole, had been intentional to make sure they could overcome the team, but it had failed as Goten realized how to even the odds and took it, allowing them to focus on beating down Cherubi and avoiding the gravity attacks that were coming at them. Trunks and Goten were fine with this turn of events, because they had some understanding of gravity training thanks to seeing Eschalot and a few others training with Twilight in the past, thus allowing them to deal some great damage to their foe as he tried to take them down.

In the end their combined beam attack was more than enough to bring Cherubi down, blasting him off into the distance of the outskirts, where they were able to find that they were successful thanks to the odd gates that opened and retrieved all those who got taken out, allowing them to relax and bask in the glory of their accomplishments.

In addition to saving the city from the various dangers that insisted on attacking it both Trunks and Goten started to make good strides in their schooling, surprising their teachers, and even the other students, with the fact that they were actually on time, had all of their homework prepared, and even engaged in some of the lessons. Their friends were really surprised by this turn of events, since they weren't expecting such a sudden change in both of them, and attributed it to the fact that Eschalot had beaten them in front of so many people, that it forced a drastic transformation in them. It also gave them a chance to get more information on what was going on in the city, where they learned that some of the robot servants that Capsule Corp had started making recently, which Mai and her pals helped work on, were having problems, as one of their friends heard of one running off in the middle of the night and returned at dawn. In addition to the helperbots going crazy for some reason there were also rumors of zombies, or ghouls as some called them, being seen around the city as well, in the same moments that the helperbots went crazy for some reason, giving the pair something to investigate that wasn't Devi Dimon and the other Digimon.

"So... ghosts have been seen at Mt. Butterfly, and our friends are going to investigate it." Goten commented, speaking to Trunks on their way home from school, as it allowed them to go over everything they had learned over the course of the day, though while this would have been the time that they went and played games, like they did in the past, both of them had homework to do, "What do you say Trunks?"

"We might be able to deal with a problem, before it becomes one." Trunks replied, because he knew that his mother was working Mai's group to the bone, mostly because they were freeloaders at Capsule Corp, even though she was waiting for them to become of age so she could hire them as workers for real, if only to help get them out of her hair, "Let's head out at night and see if we can't solve this mess."

Goten nodded his understanding and called his mother, letting her know that he'd be staying over for a late night study session, which was true in a sense since they had started doing their homework together to make sure they were doing all of the things that Eschalot had taught them. Once she knew what was going on they headed to Capsule Corp and got to work on everything that their teachers gave the various classes, where Trunks started to understand some of the tougher questions thanks to all of his sister's support, otherwise he was sure he would have failed at this point. His mother was glad for the change in his habits, even though he still took breaks for games every now and then to relax his mind, and had no problem with them doing another night session, leaving them to their homework while making sure they had the snacks needed to keep them energized. Trunks knew that his mother also expected them to leave at some point, as was their habit since Piccolo was giving them all sorts of training, so they wouldn't have to worry about her checking in and discovering that they were gone.

When night fell on the city Trunks and Goten headed out as well, sticking to the rooftops as they kept an eye out for any insane helperbots or ghouls, or the trio of friends that were about to do something incredibly stupid, until they found one of their targets, a tall figure with screws on either side of his head and mix colored skin.

"A zombie... ghoul... whatever." Trunks commented, though at one point in time he had been terrified of spooky stuff, but that had changed after spending time with Rena and the others, somewhere along the way he had gotten over his fear of spooky stuff, likely due to Devi Dimon being the end goal of their current endeavors, so now he could focus without even getting scared.

Sure enough they found that he passed by several people without noticing them on the roofs, where the pair found that he seemed to pull something out and clicked it, causing the helperbots he passed by to go crazy before rushing off, much to the confusion of the owners that watched them disappear into the city. As it turned out both the ghoul and the robots headed to the same place, the abandoned mansion on Mt. Butterfly, where Trunks had once believed that Devi Dimon's base was located, only to be proven wrong on that matter when they investigated it with Rena. This was an odd thing to discover, since they had been here not that long ago, but upon further inspection they found an interesting sight, all of the insane robots were working on new assembly lines, assembling lunch boxes full of sushi, which West City was enjoying at the moment. There were also a number of other ghouls hanging out inside the abandoned building, one looking like he was a battle ball player for a high school, someone who met an unfortunate end, with the name 'Alpha 12' on his back, like a name or something, though the pair had to wonder what they were looking at, the truth behind the facade.

In the following moments one of the other ghouls called out to someone and the pair found that they hadn't been found, rather it was the same three friends that had mentioned coming here, where one of them was being roughed up, though the pair found themselves fortunate to have their new watches, transforming into their super hero forms as they burst into the abandoned mansion.

"Oh my god... it's Data Red and Data Blue!" one of the trio said, showing that they were well known even among the rest of the school, even though it was hard to say if anyone actually knew about their secret identities, but while they were just slightly annoyed by their introduction being ruined, since it was a hero's thing, neither said anything as they focused on the enemies in front of them.

Trunks and Goten found that the ghouls were far too easy for them to take out, as a series of simple punches and kicks were all that was needed to take down eleven of the twelve assembled undead enemies, while Alpha 12, since they didn't have anything else to call him, withstood a couple of attacks before collapsing. This was further conformation that their training had paid off, as while the undead were clearly designed to withstand blows and deal them in return, or at least the pair assumed so since they had taken their foes out rather quickly, their defenses had clearly been overlooked by the one who worked on them. With the ghouls taken care of, knocked out for the foreseeable future, Goten made sure that the students were escorted out as Trunks investigated the area, all while the helperbots continued to work, something he decided not to touch since he didn't want to wreck them, before finding a room with a safe. Inside the safe, which Trunks had opened by breaking the hinges, was a data disk that seemed important, and it even mentioned 'Dr. Gero', causing him to pick it up before leaving, all while finding that Goten was talking to Krillin outside, with the students having run off just before his arrival, no doubt briefing him on what they had discovered.

In that moment he realized something, this disk needed to be delivered to Twilight, as she was the only one who might know what to do with it, but he had the feeling that things were going to get far more interesting now that another player had entered the super hero world as a villain and he was eager to see whatever might happen next.

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