• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: Goku's Secrets

As Piccolo flew off into the distance Twilight found that her thoughts were right, Buu put himself back together with next to no problem at all, as if that was a perfectly reasonable power for someone like him to have, where she found that the being danced around with a smile on his face.

"Buu... Buu, fix me... to like what I was before!" Babidi commanded, something that impressed Twilight as she stared at him, as Piccolo's attack had nearly killed him and left him in a state where he would perish in no time if he was left alone, hence why he was begging for his life right now, where it was easy to see that Buu didn't care, "Do it for I'll seal you!"

Buu stood there for a moment, debating whether or not he should do it as he glanced around the area, where Twilight was sure he might have noticed her since he paused in her direction for a moment, before he blasted Babidi with a light beam, one that healed his body back to it's previous state.

"Ah, not bad Buu. Not bad at all." Babidi remarked, where Twilight found that he glanced down at himself at the wrong moment, as it caused him to miss the fact that Buu looked like he either regretted saving the wizard or he was doing this to lure him into a false sense of security before ending his life, before the little figure growled, "Those bastards... how dare they get the drop on us and then flee before facing the consequences for their actions?! I'm going to kill that green man and the kids that showed up before Vegeta went all mental on us... oh well, I'm not going to kill them immediately, oh no, I'm going to show them true hell before I crush them."

Normally in this situation Twilight would crush whoever threatened her family, especially since her kids happened to be part of the group that Babidi wanted to kill, though for the time being she was interested in seeing what sort of 'hell' the little wizard had in mind. As he climbed onto Buu's back, however, the pair flee off to put his plan into motion, where she found that the new Dark Dragon Ball seemed to pull itself, not to mention the hand that was holding onto it right now, in the direction of Buu, confirming that it was supposed to be his. With that in mind Twilight made sure to seal the sphere so it didn't leave her hand when she caught up to Buu, there was no telling with the strange magical orbs, though once that was done she started moving after the pair, all while noting that most of the Ki signatures for the Z Warriors were over on the Lookout. Interestingly enough she detected Goku over there as well, no doubt getting an update from the others since Vegeta had likely knocked him out before coming here, which he might be sore over, while she realized that Gohan was no longer on the planet, meaning he, Shin, and Kibito had fled after Buu was released.

It wasn't long before Babidi reached his destination, one of the nearby cities that happened to be near where his ship had landed when he decided to send those two twisted humans out to collect energy, where he had Buu stop so he could get off his back, touch the ground of the cliff they were on, and prepared his sorcery.

Do you hear me, Earthlings? I am Babidi, the great wizard, and I am speaking to you through your minds by using my great sorcery, so don't bother looking for me. Babidi stated, where she could see his mouth moving and could hear his words, though at the same time everyone else was hearing him in their minds, something that would freak out anyone if they were subjected to something like this, My apologies, but I'm looking for a group of individuals who caused me quite a bit of trouble earlier today... here, close your eyes and I will send you the images of who I'm looking for.

Sure enough Twilight found that Babidi was seeking Goten and Trunks for their actions in saving Vegeta, and Piccolo for his near fatal blow, while Eschalot, Houko, Calas, and Mira were purely guilty by association, being friends or siblings to the first three he showed the world. In the next moment he revealed an image of himself and Buu to the rest of the world, before revealing that this city was his target, merely to instill fear into the people to get what he wanted, which was when he ordered Buu to exterminate the city. Buu proceeded to lift everyone in the city up with his power, levitation Twilight noted, before using his antenna to transform everyone into candy, specifically crunchy gumballs that he seemed to enjoy since he sucked them all into his mouth before chewing and crunching them to bits. Once he had devoured all of the small gumballs Buu blew at the city, like he was putting out a fire, which was when Twilight watched as the city was wiped out in a matter of seconds, to the point where nothing of it remained, and with the show done Babidi repeated himself to the rest of the world.

It was around that point that one of the referees from the tournament spoke into his mind and told Babidi about those he was after, as in their names, which Babidi frowned on before blowing up the guy's head, showing everyone that he had no desire for useless information, before flying off to look for another city. Following that Babidi and Buu found another city in no time at all, which was easy to do given the amount of cities that were scattered around the planet, where he baited those he was seeking into revealing themselves before letting Buu turn everyone into chocolate. Such a thing told Twilight that the creature was a glutton by nature, he loved to eat anything and everything that was put in front of him, and once the city was done for Buu blew it up without wasting time, something that caused him to tell the people that he was just going to blow up all of the other cities when they found them. Twilight found that Goten and Trunks, as she expected from them given what she had seen during the tournament, contacted Babidi and told him that they would beat him and Buu, though that was all they told him, since speaking too much would reveal the location of the Lookout to him, leaving Babidi in the dark.

In the following moments Babidi was contacted by none other than the mother of the two boys that had been knocked out of the tournament by Goten and Trunks, where he revealed that West City was going to be his next target, causing Goku to teleport down to where Buu was located, stopping the pair in their tracks.

"So... you're Buu. Vegeta and I underestimated your power." Goku commented, though at the same time he said nothing as Twilight appeared nearby, as he was used to her studying their foes before making her move against them, which he was thankful for this time around since she might have ideas on how to beat Buu, "I just came to tell you that the ones you are looking for will, in time, reveal themselves, as they are busy training to bring you down... you don't have to destroy the world to bring them out, rather you just need to play some games for a few days."

"No. How about they come here, now, otherwise we'll just keep killing people." Babidi remarked, showing Goku that he had no desire to listen to the Saiyan or his specific desires, where he pointed at Goku for a moment as Buu simply floated off to the side, as if the creature was ignoring him once more, "Buu, if you don't want to be sealed away again listen to me and destroy them both."

"Seal me and they kill you." Buu stated, confirming Twilight's thoughts on the matter, Buu was smarter than most people gave him credit for, especially since his remark caused Babidi to take a step back, as if he hadn't considered that issuing a threat to the powerful creature would backfire like this, "But I'll fight him anyway. Pony can watch."

As Babidi cast his spell to show the world what was about to happen Twilight countered it, preventing him from using the spell in question, though she did replicate it so only the people on the Lookout could see what was about to happen, and once she was done she nodded to Goku.

"Now, I know that a Super Saiyan won't be able to beat you, so how about I go beyond that?" Goku inquired, though at the same time he noticed something interesting, Buu didn't seem to know what he was talking about, despite his battle with Vegeta earlier, before he thought of a good way to stall the creature and maybe convince him not to wreck the world while the kids were training, "Tell me: do you want to see something cool?"

While Babidi didn't seem to care what Goku did, since he wanted Buu to kill him, Buu cared about whatever Goku had to show him and Twilight, as he voiced his excitement over the possibility of seeing 'something cool', causing the Saiyan to chuckle as he transformed into his Super Saiyan form. Buu was instantly interested in the fact that a Super Saiyan turned the hair of a Saiyan warrior golden, not to mention their aura as well, while Babidi grumbled about wasting time, though he made no move to do anything since he needed Buu and the creature was totally focused on Goku. Once he knew what a Super Saiyan was Goku transformed into his second transformation, his hair becoming spikier than before while blue lightning danced around his aura, where he told Buu that it was a 'Super Saiyan that had surpassed a Super Saiyan', or, as Twilight and the others called it, Super Saiyan 2. In that moment Twilight realized where he was going with this, he must have trained his body to the point where he was able to use his now vast power to ascend to a new level, a Super Saiyan who was far stronger than even the form that Gohan had unlocked during his training with her in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, causing her to grin as she readied herself.

"And this... is... to go... even further beyond!" Goku stated, where Twilight found that she was right, he shifted his stance as soon as the words left his mouth, his Ki skyrocketed, and he let loose what she dubbed as his 'power up scream', since it seemed like he was straining his voice while drawing on every drop of power that was inside his body.

Twilight found that his aura was going crazy as he called forth more and more of his power, while sweat was rolling down the sides of his face and stopped at his chin, where she quickly realized that he was going to be cutting his time on Earth short with this transformation, displaying how powerful it actually was. While he did that she found that the water below them was vibrating in a ringed pattern, connected to his new transformation, and it looked like the clouds were being pulled into where he was floating, though she determined that such a thing was a trick of perspective. His power also had another interesting effect that she wasn't quite expecting, it was shaking the entire world so that everyone felt it, even if all those who weren't familiar with Ki would think it was an earthquake, to the point where if it went on for too much longer she was sure it would have serious consequences for the planet. She could tell that this transformation was painful, just by how much screaming and pain Goku seemed to be going through in order to even ascend beyond the power of a Super Saiyan 2, all while noting that his hair was also affected by this, as it was growing longer and longer as time went on.

Eventually Goku released a blinding flash of light, causing Twilight to shield her eyes as the others glanced away, though as it faded she found that the Saiyan's spiky hair was now down to his waist, while his eyebrows had vanished entirely and made his eye ridges appear to be larger than before, with a more prominent brow ridge.

"Sorry about the wait, I'm not used to this level of power. I call this 'Super Saiyan 3'." Goku said, where he quickly shifted his stance as Twilight floated around him, taking notes on his new form and the power that it commanded, before moving back over to where she had been floating previously.

"Impressive... terrible Ki consumption and improper balance... but still, very impressive." Twilight remarked, though as she said that Buu shifted his stance as well, showing them that he was ready for a fight, causing her to realize that Trunks and Eschalot were in West City and that this was just a diversion, no doubt collecting the Dragon Radar.

In the next instant Goku rushed at Buu with speeds faster than what he was capable of in his previous forms, where he grabbed onto the creature's antenna and started beating him with his other fist, like he was an exercise punching sphere, something that came as a surprise to both Buu and Babidi. Twilight found that Goku's new strength was definitely above Buu's current level, since she could tell that the creature wasn't angry right now, and he was able to knock him around a few times before sending him flying down into the water below them. From there Buu burst out, with no markings to show that he had been wounded, before releasing a volley of Ki blasts that was similar to what Vegeta used in battle, despite the fact that the now dead Saiyan hadn't used it against the creature, but that didn't stop Goku from knocking the blasts away from him while Twilight devoured them before they hit the ground. Buu also showed that he was capable of extending his arms, like they were made of rubber or some other stretchy material, since he used it to punch Goku in the face, causing the two to go at it some more while Twilight just watched them duke it out.

She also had confirmation that he was rapidly running out of Ki, as it seemed like Goku was trying to put an end to this as fast as he could, though even the Kamehameha that he fired at Buu, which tore through the creature's chest, did nothing to slow his foe down, though she did devour it before it blew something up... including the one that Buu fired and the pair hit around like it was a pin pong ball, showing that Buu was capable of mimicking one's attacks with ease.

"I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to be able to copy my technique with ease." Goku commented, which was actually kind of funny when he thought about it, since he had done the same thing when he was younger, copying the various techniques of his foes to improve his chances of beating other foes, before he huffed for a moment and dropped out of his new transformation, causing Buu to huff, "Sorry, I'd love to play more with you some more Buu, as you are truly an amazing person to fight against, but my new form really eats into my Ki and I'm unable to maintain it for long periods of time... maybe the next time we see each other we'll be able to play for more than a few minutes. Now that you've felt my power, let me tell you that you'll have more fun if you wait for the chosen heroes to train for two days, three max... just don't kill anyone else and wait patiently for them to arrive, as I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Babidi, as Twilight expected, cursed at Goku as he teleported away with his Instant Transmission and switched to Buu for allowing their foe to get away before he could be killed, though the barrage of insults caused Buu to play nice for a couple of seconds before crushing Babidi's head and wiped out his body.

"Pony, was he telling the truth?" Buu asked, showing that, while he might be a monster that could wipe out the world with ease now that there was no one to boss him around, he was more interested in the fight Goku had promised him, both the one in a few days and the one that he intended to have at some point in the future.

"Yes. Son Goku, while being many things, is a man of his word. He's likely preparing your foes right now." Twilight said, as she had grown to know the ins and outs of the various warriors of this world, learning from the stories that others told or using visions of the past to learn certain things, and she had come to know everyone better, before she considered what to do with Buu, "I know of an area where you can set up a small residence of sorts, to rest and wait for their training to be done, without having to bother the rest of the world."

Buu, despite being a monster of destruction, was willing to follow her over to a wasteland that could be used to form his residence, where she commented on the fact that he had the power to turn one thing into another and that he could use it on the surrounding area. What she meant was using a small portion of his Ki to break some of the walls and transform the rubble into usable material, clay or whatever his version of it was, where Buu nodded and did as she suggested, which allowed her to see that he was definitely smarter than his Kid form was. Once he had enough rubble Buu used his power to transform them into a whitish material that he started to work with, though what interested her was the fact that he wanted to be alone while he did this, causing her to nod as she backed away from the creature. Twilight, of course, stuck around for a few moments, just to make sure that Buu didn't wander off to attack any of the nearby cities, and once she was sure he was focused on his task she teleported to the Lookout without delay, to see how things were going.

Goku, as she suspected, noticed her arrival first and beckoned her over to where he and the others were working, where Twilight found that Goten and Trunks were standing some distance apart from each other, focused on whatever lesson he was giving them before he returned to the Other World.

"Before I teleported to Buu's location I was telling Goten and Trunks about the Fusion Dance." Goku explained, though in that instant he paused for a moment, no doubt remembering that Twilight was smarter than most of the people that he knew, which meant he had to be thinking about what she might know about the topic in question, "You've heard about it in your travels, right?"

"Hm... you're referring to the Metamoran Fusion Dance, correct?" Twilight inquired, because she remembered reading a book about the people in question during one of her visits to the libraries of Alexandria in the past, which was one of the more interesting tomes when she considered what she had discovered inside it, all while Goku nodded his head to show her that he was talking about that technique, "I read about it a number of years ago, a technique that allows two warriors of equal height and power to merge into an incredible entity... mind you I only know about it and it's requirements, as I've actually never seen it in action."

The Saiyan nodded before telling the two youngsters the poses they needed to be in for the technique to work, where he actually showed them exactly how both of them were supposed to move, performing the oddest dance she had ever seen while the participants had to go 'fu', 'sion', and 'ha' during the three stages of the fusion dance. Twilight had to admit that the dance wasn't what she was expecting it to be, in fact she wasn't sure what she had thought it might be, and could see that everyone else seemed surprised by the technique they were relying on, before Goku reminded them that they would be fused for thirty minutes and that they would have to wait an hour before using it again. Piccolo quietly mentioned that this was something Vegeta would never do, meaning Goku must have mentioned wanting to use it with him, though while he said that Twilight made a note of the entire dance and wondered if it could be altered in some manner while doing the same thing, like make the dance better. As she did that Goku told Piccolo that it was up to him and the others to make sure Goten and Trunks were ready to face Buu when the time came, as his guide between worlds came to collect him and take him back to the realm of the dead.

While everyone else said their goodbyes, since this seemed to be the last time they would see Goku while they were alive, Twilight glanced at the sky and knew exactly where Gohan was, he was definitely on the Sacred World of the Kai, which only made her more interested for what the future held.

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