• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Prelude: Meeting the Saiyans

Frieza found that Twilight was eager to sample everything that had been prepared for her, and that she stopped for a slip of water every now and then, showing him that she wasn't like the Saiyans, who devoured a lot of food and would be doing so once they returned to the ship. While she did that he made sure some of the soldiers checked her out, making sure her vitals were fine, that she had no allergies or reactions to anything, and whatever else they had to do in their attempts to research her odd species, as none of them had seen anything like her before. He had seen a lot of odd races over the years, on the planets his forces had conquered, but she was definitely new, plus there was the fact that her power was far stronger than most of the races Vegeta and the others had taken out, especially since she was only three years old. That fact, along, was enough for him to consider taking her in and raising her to be a soldier for his army, because he was sure she was going to get stronger as she aged and had to wonder if she was like him, as he was far stronger than his own brother and his father, so she had to be stronger than the rest of her odd species.

For a moment he felt that this was both fortunate and unfortunate at the same time, as the latter was due to the fact that if there were more like Twilight out there it would have been nice to have more in his employ, while the former was more due to the fact that they might have rebelled against him, so with only one member left he didn't have to worry about such a thing happening.

As he sat there, watching Twilight and wondering what, exactly, he was going to do with her, one of the soldiers informed him that Vegeta and his companions were returning, which was far sooner than what he initially planned and he tapped his Scouter for a moment, finding the local power levels had disappeared. Not a moment later the Saiyans entered the chamber they were in, where he found Vegeta, a slim man who was well-built and stood at around five feet four inches, with his hair colored black, the natural coloration of a Saiyan's hair, and spiked upward, in a prominent widow's peak, but why it was like that Frieza would never understand. Standing near Vegeta was a taller Saiyan who was far more muscular than he was, though unlike all of the other Saiyans Nappa didn't have any hair, it having been burned off in an attack on one of the other planets, though he did have a small black mustache. Rounding out the group of Saiyans was Raditz, who was also taller than Vegeta and he had extremely long spiky black hair that reached the back of his knees, though he was also the weakest of the three Saiyans, much to his annoyance, and all three Saiyans still had their brown furred tails, which were wrapped around their waists.

From what Frieza knew Vegeta was once the Prince of the Saiyan race, Nappa was a general in the late King's army, and Raditz was, well, the runt of the litter, a weak warrior who got lucky by escaping the destruction of his home planet, but for right now he was interested in hearing their report.

"Lord Frieza, another planet is yours." Vegeta stated, where he and the other Saiyans bowed their heads towards him, as everyone knew to show respect towards him, otherwise he might blow one or more of them away to send a message to the rest of the crew, "The worthless maggots lead us right to the last stronghold, where everyone had gathered, and the three of us were more than enough to take care of the mess."

"That would explain why you are here, and why the local readings have disappeared," Frieza said, though as he said that he could see Twilight's ears perk up as she glanced over to them, tilted her head for a moment as she noticed Vegeta and the Saiyans standing there, even if she had no idea who in the world they were, "Excellent. Now go and rest, we'll be sure to find another planet to send you to."

Praise was something he tried not to give out, as while it was impressive that the Saiyans had been able to clear this planet out so quickly, even if they had gotten lucky, he knew that giving Vegeta some words of praise would make him arrogant or even more dangerous than he previously was, hence why he gave them nothing, where they remained neutral as they bowed their heads.

"Dad, who are they?" Twilight asked, her curiosity getting the better of her, as she was in a strange place and had all sorts of odd people to stare at, including the three newcomers that seemed to be eager for something, though that was when everyone paused for a moment.

"Wait, did she just say 'dad'? Does that mean...?" Raditz inquired, though it didn't take long for all three Saiyans to figure out what was going on, despite the fact that Vegeta seemed unable to accept what he was hearing, where Frieza had to wonder what they would do when they learned of the power that was slumbering inside her body.

"Yes, this is my daughter, Twilight Sparkle," Frieza stated, silently enjoying the looks that appeared on the faces of Vegeta and his fellow Saiyans, as while they knew she had to be adopted, since they looked nothing like each other, they also had to understand that she was special, before he considered the last piece he had to share with them, "and, according to the Scouter reading when I found her, her power level is at least ten thousand."

"T... Ten thousand?!" Vegeta nearly exclaimed, barely managing to keep his surprise and shock in check, though he knew that most Saiyan children were born with low levels of power, while some were born even stronger than others, with the rumor of there being one even stronger than everyone else, but hearing that a three year old was this strong shocked him quite a bit, which Nappa and Raditz echoed a few seconds later.

Twilight tilted her head for a moment, as she wasn't sure what was going on or what her father was talking about, but at the moment she figured that it would be best to say nothing as she listened to them talk, because it would allow her to learn more about the situation that was happening.

"Indeed, and I'm convinced this is the tip of the iceberg... who knows, she might be as strong as I am," Frieza added, which would really put the nail in the coffin for Vegeta, as the Saiyan Prince knew of his power, understood that Cooler, his own brother, was powerful in his own right, and suspected that his father, King Cold, was strong as well, but hearing that this girl, a stranger, might end up stronger than him really caused Vegeta to pause.

"Lord Frieza, does this mean you want her to join the Frieza Force?" Zarbon asked, because while he suspected that such a thing was the case, given that their boss was always looking for new soldiers to add to his forces, he wanted to be sure of what his boss was saying, especially since Twilight was much younger than Vegeta was when they recruited him into the Frieza Force.

"In time. For now, I want to teach her what it means to be a member of my family," Frieza replied, his tone showing them that he wasn't annoyed by the remark, as he had been expecting someone to ask such a thing before they left this part of the ship, before he considered something about the planet they were on, and who would be coming once he learned that all of the natives had been cleared out, "but, if you want to test her power for yourselves, we can arrange for a brawl in the morning, giving everyone some time to rest from their ordeals."

Based on his many years of experience he knew that some fighters didn't have the heart or desire for battle, so they just stayed in a weakened state and only awakened their powers when something forced them into action, so if Twilight was similar to some of those fighters, and he was sure of it, this would awaken her power. Of course his words also told them that he knew the Saiyans were winded and that they wouldn't appreciate fighting while they were exhausted, or maybe they would, he could never figure the warrior race out, though none of them said anything and simply bowed their heads as everyone else did the same thing. Twilight, on the other hand, was still confused by what was going on and didn't know if it was appropriate of her to bow her head or not, since she was his daughter now, though he intended to let this slide for the time being, at least until he and his family figured out a couple of things. His current plan was to let her see what he was expecting of her, hence why he had one of his soldiers hand her a tablet that had training videos, so she could get an idea of what he was looking for, and it was even linked to the Galactic Patrol database, holding information on how all of their inmates fought before being captured.

As Frieza had Twilight shown to his section of the ship, where a new room would be made in due time, Twilight scanned the articles and took in the information, figuring out exactly what her father wanted from her, though at the same time she found mentions of someone called 'Moro' and his odd powers, causing her to smile as she read what she could, all to be prepared for tomorrow morning.

When morning arrived Twilight let out a yawn, as she had fallen asleep while reading the tablet that had been offered to her the previous day, before discovering that some of the soldiers had been hard at work making a room for her, as based on what she could see her father's level could be modified at a moment's notice. His section had been sealed off and they had added some walls to give her some privacy, though her room had a bed, what appeared to be a dresser, a desk, and a few other things that she would have to look into once this morning's events were over. She found that one of the soldiers must have moved her to the bed after she fell asleep the previous night, exhausted from her studies, and that a blue suit had been made ready for her, to replace her old robes, which she wasn't sure how she had acquired in the first place, but it was nice since the old stuff was currently falling apart. In addition to that she found a white pair of gloves, like those that the Saiyans and all of the other members of her father's force wore, though no boots were among the provided armor, as her hooves likely made it hard for the current boots, though it appeared that no armor was ready for her, which she was okay with, as it appeared that she suddenly showed up with no warning and it meant they had nothing to fit her body, but would have something in due time.

After changing into her new attire, and wondering what else would be given to her in time, she grabbed her tablet before heading down the stairs that lead to the lower levels of her father's ship, as it appeared that her father was busy talking to someone, meaning she could roam a little before worrying about something to eat. She discovered all sorts of machines in the rooms she walked by, where she had no idea what each of them did since this was her first time seeing them, though a few of them she was able to guess at, because one room seemed to be a healing area, based on the pod shaped devices inside it. Twilight could see that the ship was fascinating, even though this was the first time she was laying eyes on such a vessel, meaning she was going to have to figure out if there were other ones and what the differences were, before she paused at what appeared to be a window and stared outside. The three Saiyans were outside, where two of them were off on the sidelines as they watched the other one, though if she recalled what her father had said the one with the pointed hair was Vegeta and next to him was the bald one, Nappa, meaning they were watching the long haired Saiyan, Raditz, as he swung his arms and legs at an imaginary foe, like he was training.

It reminded her of what had been said the previous day, that the Sayians might fight her and see how strong she was, as her 'power level', whatever that was, seemed to be far stronger than what they were expecting when they stared at her small body, causing her to tilt her head for a moment before shrugging as she headed for the eating area.

What she discovered was that her father's staff, both those who stayed on the ship and those who went out to fight, were expecting her arrival and offered her a seat before bringing some juice to her, as they were getting breakfast ready and it would be out in a few moments. Twilight was fine with that and sipped on the drink as she continued to study the tablet that had been given to her, watching scenes from the various fights that her father's soldiers had been in, which made her wonder who had filmed the fights in the first place. One thing she became very aware of was her love of knowledge, as in reading, studying, and possibly experimenting with what she had learned, to either confirm or deny something, and using the tablet gave her access to more than just fighting techniques and the Galactic Patrol database, it gave her access to all sorts of things. Even when the food arrived she only half paid attention to it, as while she ate most of her attention was on everything that the tablet had to offer her, though she consumed the knowledge at a slow pace, as she knew that part of this morning would be taken up by the fight that had been set up.

One thing she noted was that many of the other soldiers claimed that Raditz was the weakest of the Saiyans and that this wouldn't be a fair fight, causing her to wonder what they meant since he was more experienced than she was, but decided to focus on her meal and studies before being dragged into a fight with a Saiyan.

"Is everything to your liking?" a voice asked, where Twilight raised her head for a moment, as she was engrossed in what she was reading about, and found that her father must have finished his meeting, as he took a seat near her, finding that the plates were cleaned of everything that had been on them, as while she might have been preoccupied with her reading he could see that she had the appetite of a Saiyan.

"Yes father, very much so." Twilight replied, taking a moment to set down the tablet before finding that she had eaten four plates of food, even though they had been small portions since she was only three years old, but decided not to let that fact bother her in the slightest, "Guess I was too focused on my studies to notice how much I had eaten."

"You don't have to worry about that, as we have more than enough food for three Saiyans... one more won't deplete our stores in the slightest." Frieza said, which was the truth of the matter, whenever he had Vegeta and his fellow Saiyans with his group he always made sure that enough food was stored on the ship before reaching their destination, so adding one more who ate like a Saiyan didn't worry him at all, as he had been told they had enough food for at least five members of the warrior race, "Are you ready for your little sparring match with the Saiyans?"

Twilight nodded her head, as while she had no experience in fighting, save for reading everything on her tablet, she was also interested in seeing what might happen when they engaged each other, since fighting seemed to be a big part of her father's life, or those of his soldiers. Of course she suspected that her father knew that she was going to lose and might be using this as a chance to teach her some important life lessons, though she was eager to put her recent studies to the test by seeing how well she did against the Sayians, or at least Raditz. The only reason she thought of such a thing was because he was the only one who was doing any training earlier, given what she had seen during her earlier observation of Vegeta and Nappa, and due to her age she doubted the others might desire a fight with her, so they were pushing him to face her and see what she was capable of. Other than that there wasn't much else for her to do, as her father seemed focused on something else right now, so she picked up the tablet once more and picked up from where she left off, figuring that she could get some of her studies done before it was time to face her opponent.

Once it was time to go her father got up and beckoned for her to follow, where she found that he liked that hover chair of his and didn't like to walk, if he could help it, before they headed outside and found that the Saiyans were waiting for her to arrive, causing her to hand the tablet to Zarbon as she stepped forward.

"You may begin when ready." Frieza stated, where he and his forces stood some distance away from the ship, as he knew that two of the three Saiyans could be destructive in a fight, given that Vegeta and Nappa were far stronger than Raditz was, so he didn't want any damage to befall his ship.

Twilight said nothing as Raditz shifted into his battle stance, which was the first position someone started in when they partook in a fight, though his was rather relaxed, as he hadn't raised his hands or did much, making it look like he had let himself open to attack. She instantly knew what he was doing, he knew that she didn't have any existence in fighting and this was his way of showing her that nothing she did would do any damage to him, though she didn't let that bother her at all as she stood there, as she didn't have her own battle stance and could only stand there. A few moments later Raditz made the first move and approached her, where he swung his fist at her and Twilight found that he was testing the waters with a lame attack, which she was able to dodge rather easily, though as she expected he picked up the pace and loosed a series of punches at her as he forced her backwards. Given her lack of experience, despite her studies, all Twilight could do was dodge to the best of her ability, as she had no real idea on how to use her body to fight someone and this seemed to be the best option that was available to her right now, though she suspected that her father would have someone train her after this battle ended.

What Twilight wasn't expecting, however, was for Raditz to use his tail against her, as in it was capable of moving around and doing things, besides being a belt, and the sneak attack knocked her backwards for a few seconds, which gave her foe the time he needed to gather his energy above his right hand, forming a sphere that he fired at her, causing her to raise her hand as smoke and dust filled the area around her.

Frieza knew what Raditz's attack was, as he called it 'Saturday Crush', though he had no idea why he called it that and, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't care as much as his soldiers did, but based on what they had seen it looked like the Saiyan was trying to prove himself in some manner. As he thought about that his Scouter reacted to Twilight's power, though instead of what he had seen earlier it was now larger than before, by a bit since it was resting at eleven thousand five hundred, as if she had eaten Raditz's attack and added his power to her own. When the smoke cleared he found that she was just fine and that she was eager to resume the battle, to which she and Raditz went back at it, though this time he found that she was baiting the Saiyan into using more of his energy attacks, making him wonder what her plan was, since this was her first true battle. The second Saturday Crush seemed to hit this time around and knocked Twilight away from the ship, meaning whatever she did wasn't complete, though that didn't stop her from trying to make the move work as she engaged Ratitz some more, even if it was currently in a defensive manner.

He suspected that the Saiyan was going to win, due to his experience anyway, but Twilight's sudden power boost, which seemed to be permanent, made him realize that if he whipped her into shape with some training she might become one of the best soldiers in his army, especially when Twilight's next hit knocked Raditz out and earned her her first victory, to which he nodded as Vegeta looked on in disbelief, as the future was looking bright for him.

As all of that happened another force observed the young pony girl with interest in his eyes, where the figure floated in a dimension where it was him and only him, forcing him to observe history to make sure he didn't go insane, and during one of his viewings he discovered the arrival of Twilight Sparkle. The figure observing her right now was a well-built male who wore a heavenly blue colored overcoat that had golden details on the chest area, while wearing dark blue pants and blue shoes that had a curl at the end, and his belt bared the letter 'D' on it, which was the first initial of his name. In addition to that his red hair was spiked, where a pair of them were styled to look like demonic horns, he had red colored eyes and red markings below them, he had what looked like a golden tiara with a ruby at the center of it, and he had a white bone staff with a crimson orb at the top, which he was currently staring at. The crimson orb was designed to do multiple things, like aid him in casting his magic and whatnot, though right now he was using it to observe a specific moment in history, which was already causing all sorts of disruptions to the timelines, which he knew had to be freaking out Chronoa, given her post as the Supreme Kai of Time.

The crystalline realm he was trapped in was boring most of the time, given that he could interact with no one, though right now he observed Twilight as she fought Raditz, her body learning from the experience at an alarming rate that she made sure her foe didn't discover. She was a cunning individual, even though she was only three years old, which told him that she must have been incredibly smart before whatever happened to her brought her to Frieza, especially since it left such an imprint on her motions, and her current foe allowed her to grow a little without most realizing it. He suspected that her 'father', Frieza, knew about her ploys and what was happening to her right now, though he didn't seem to care that much and had to be thinking of using her as a soldier, just like what happened when he found Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Raditz, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice what Twilight was doing, not that he was expecting anything different, while the other Saiyans were watching and trying to figure out what in the world the little girl was planning right now, meaning they would be in for a surprise later on.

The figure chuckled for a time as he continued to observe Twilight, as it seemed like things were going to be interesting and she would be the cause, or something that set events in motion, and he was eager to see what else happened to the young girl and the people she interacted with.

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