• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Godly Tour

After cleaning up the mess from Eschalot's rampage, putting West City back together while repairing Capsule Corp and just saying that it was a random monster that had been dealt with, Twilight found that the first thing Bulma did was change the location of her daughter's bedroom, to prevent this from happening again. The news reported it as a monster that came through and disappeared after a short period of time, though no one in their group bothered to confirm anything, other than the fact that it attacked the side of Bulma's building as well. Fortunately it appeared that no one connected the fact that the beast had gray scales to Eschalot's scale color, otherwise things would have gone south for her and Vegeta, but the rest of the city just assumed the beast had flown down into the city, crashed into the side of their building, went on a rampage, and then left. Vegeta also considered blowing up the moon to make sure such a thing didn't happen again, though both she and Aria stopped him, as the moon was connected to the tides and there was no telling what sort of devastation doing such a thing would bring to the planet.

Once everything was said and done, and Twilight was sure of that, she focused on her own tasks, the first of which just so happened to be the creation of beauty products for the growing number of Beastians that were appearing all over the world, to care for their scales and fur, since they were becoming more common across the world.

While doing that she and Aria explored the world, or rather she took the revived Kaioshin to some of the sights that were of interest to her, because after some time getting used to the fact that she was actually alive, and this wasn't some odd sort of afterlife for someone of her stature, she wanted to see what the Earth had to offer. There were cities to check out, places to see, events to observe from afar without being seen, and everything else that might interest Aria, since she was intrigued by a planet so full of life, not that Twilight could blame her since Buu had killed her. After spending so long dead it was clear that she valued the new life she had been given, in fact that was one of the things she thanked Twilight for, the second chance that not many were given, even though she knew those slain by the villains of this world were brought back whenever the heroes were done with their fights. It was something Twilight had shown her, since she was interested in the Dragon Balls and the power they possessed, even though they also knew the spheres did more than that, especially after Twilight's experience when she revived Aria on New Namek.

Of course Aria had been interested in Twilight's children, the fact that she'd rather make them than go through things like someone normally would, especially when she learned about all the technology that she had improved upon to make all three of her super powerful children. The fact that Twilight had samples of the world's greatest warriors, collected from her family members, the Saiyans, and even Piccolo, not to mention one that seemed to be a sample of Buu himself, made her interested in what they might do in the future. Aria was, of course, surprised by the fact that their future counterparts had come back in time to help save Twilight from the assassination attempt that the Dark Imperial Army attempted with the Cell Games, but that told her that they loved her and valued her safety above their own. The oddest thing about that was that she Gods of Time had likely helped them come back to do such a thing, given that Twilight had seen no machine when the trio returned to their own timeline, though it made Aria wonder why they would have sent them back in time in the first place.

Such a thing made Twilight wonder if one of her future selves, or maybe even her mother from another time period, had done the deed, to ensure that she either survived or that she had the inspiration to make her children, but decided that, for the time being, it wasn't too important as she focused on their travels.

Twilight had plans to take Aria out into the universe, to show her the planets she had been to and the various races she had come into contact with, just to show her how things differed from her era, but, for the time being, she preferred to be on the Earth. Instead she found that the revived Kaioshin wanted to fight, she wanted to train, because her time with Towa and the Gods of Time, figuring out what had happened after her demise at the hands of Majin Buu, she was curious as to when Buu would be unsealed from his prison, due to Future Kouko's transformed state. If there was a chance that Buu would break out of his prison, and she was convinced that such a thing might happen in the future, Aria wanted to be as ready as she could be, so training with Twilight, who was trying to master her own Demon Goddess state, was the best for her to grow her strength. Such a thing actually caused Twilight to pull in her family for some training as well, because she knew that they had to be growing annoyed of there being so many people that were stronger than them, none gods to be exact, and while her uncle and grandfather didn't have her father's potential she knew they could benefit from building their strength and strengthening their defenses.

Frieza, of course, said nothing about the idea and remained behind to govern the empire while everyone else trained on Earth with Twilight, though she wasn't bothered by the idea, as her father disliked the idea of training entirely, but she did know that he'd come around eventually, they just had to be patient.

To aid them in their training Twilight did something that only Piccolo found out about, in addition to Dende and Mr. Popo since they lived on the Lookout, she studied the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and used her powers to modify the power of the chamber, erasing the foolish restriction on how much one could use it. The reason she considered it foolish was due to the fact that it was supposed to help Earth's defenders, so they could stand against the dangers that threatened their world, so forcing them to have only two days inside it was just foolish. She was keeping it mostly the same, as in the fact that one day outside was the same as a year inside the chamber, though there was no restriction on how much one could utilize the chamber, meaning they could spend a lifetime inside it and grow their power to new heights. With how much a Saiyan grew it was now the perfect area for someone like Vegeta to train, or herself and Aria as she considered what she had done, making her wonder if her changes to the chamber might be the key to dealing with the problem that Aria was sure was coming their way in the future.

During their training Aria revealed the existence of Bibidi, the one who either created Buu or summoned him, a monster who manipulated Buu into doing his wishes and held magic that could dominate his targets, or so she heard anyway, so it was important for them to ready themselves against such a power. Twilight found that there were people to aid them in doing such a thing, her mother and their demonic allies were more than willing to help them understand the power that was manipulation sorcery, as in the ins and outs so they could be prepared. The training for that allowed Twilight to build both of their resistances to the potential sorcery that might be used against them in the future, in case Aria was right and Buu's awakening was just around the corner, something none of their allies could confirm anymore. Still, she was fine with whatever training they did, as it allowed them to build their strengths and master their abilities so they wouldn't be beaten by anything that was thrown at them, even if Towa suspected that her daughter would be more than capable of facing the rest of the future's dangers.

During all of that Aria took Twilight up on her offer to see more of the universe, though she had a rather odd request that she wanted to start with, she wanted to go to the Other World and see how things were going with the Kais, because she recalled them working hard during the time before her death.

"Out of curiosity, why start in the Other World?" Twilight asked, because she expected Aria to pick a world full of warriors, to see how they fought, or a world that had scholars, much like Alexandria, though she was willing to take Aria there if that was her desire, as she had used the Room of Time to observe and master Goku's Instant Transmission technique, which she used from time to time these days.

"All Kaioshin are chosen from the Kai, and I'm interested in seeing if there are any candidates who might be able to be raised to a new position in the future." Aria replied, though while she knew that one of the Kais, this 'King' Kai that most of the Z Warriors had mentioned when she hung out with them, was a slacker she was hoping that the others were skilled in some manner, mostly to see if a new Kaioshin could be picked out to join the one who survived Buu's rampage, "Once we're done we can see the rest of the universe and the planets that you told me about... it would be nice to see what was able to survive the rampage and grow after Buu was sealed away."

Twilight nodded her head for a moment as Aria laid her hand on her shoulder and allowed her to focus, where she used her power to teleport them to the Other World, as she had locked onto a familiar energy signature and caused them to appear in an area that seemed to be a private training area, with Goku training in the air, with a halo above his head and what looked like massive weights on his limbs.

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" Goku asked, stopping his training the moment he felt someone new arrive, where he landed the moment he spotted the pair standing nearby, even though he was surprised the moment he discovered Aria standing near her, since this was his first time meeting her, "And who are you?"

"I am Aria, the recently revived West Kaioshin, as Twilight went to New Namek to use their Dragon Balls." Aria replied, as both she and Towa had vowed to not tell a soul about the immortality wish that Twilight had made before moving her soul and reviving her, especially since she was eternally grateful for the second chance she had been given, "I've been living with her and her family since then, taking my time learning about all of the changes in the universe since I was killed by a destructive beast that killed for fun. They've also told me a lot about you, the first Saiyan to unlock the Super Saiyan form in a long time... along with several of the bad choices you made before Cell killed you... but I'm more interested in the fact that there are good heroes in the universe these days."

"Thanks... I guess." Goku said, though he could tell see something that the pair were keeping to themselves, Twilight must have used the Room of Time to head into the past to see some great foe, one she wasn't going to share with him no less, and found Aria during that point in history, hence why she went to New Namek, and he was sure that there might be a bit of a romance between the two.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something else, since there was more to talk about and things that had to be clarified before the Saiyan misunderstood what they were telling him, but before she could say anything they heard the sound of someone being terrorized and she found King Kai on the ground with three other Kais near him. Based on what she was seeing right now it looked like the West, South, and East Kais were tormenting him over the fact that he had died, as if that made him inferior to them or lesser than them in some odd manner, though she stopped in her tracks as she noticed the look on Aria's face. The revived Kaioshin was absolutely furious over what they were witnessing right now, meaning that she wasn't too pleased with the current Kais of their universe, making Twilight wonder what in the world her Kais were like when they were alive, since it seemed like she was focused on preserving life as best as she could. Sure enough Aria took it upon herself to lecture the annoying Kais, as she formed a lasso with her Ki and wrapped it around them to bring them to her, something that caused Twilight to chuckle as she walked over to a shaded area under a tree so she could watch all of this without unfold, especially since the Kaioshin slapped the others when they questioned her opinions.

She had a feeling that Aria was going to rip the four Kais a new one, and their boss when Twilight considered it, and she was going to enjoy watching her go to town on the figures in front of her, making her far more interested in what might happen in the near future than she had been before coming to the Other World.

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