• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Gaining Fame

Following the thrashing they gave the eagle Digimon, saving the city in the process, Trunks and Goten found that their new member was called 'Garu' and that, unlike Rena, he actually wore blue pants while exposing his chest, something he didn't seem to mind all that much, which had to be common for their kind. Rena revealed that there was one more member of the team, who had been late due to the fact that there was another creature that needed taking down, which the pair found to be quite impressive given the power some Digimon possessed, given what they had seen of Rena and the others. Their final member, as it turned out, was a rather short individual, probably around three feet tall, sort of like gnomes when Trunks really thought about it, who happened to be another animal type Digimon, a white cat-like creature with clawed gloves over her hands, as Rena said it was a girl as well, with a golden ring floating around the end of her tail. She introduced herself as 'Gato', causing the pair to wonder why her name was literally 'cat', though Goten was more interested in the fact that all of their allies had four letters in their names, and that she was in possession of the pink uniform.

When Trunks stepped forward, however, Gato proved her strength by easily grabbing onto his face and slammed him into the ground, showing the pair that she was definitely around Rena in terms of power, stronger than the pair was anyway, to which he and Goten welcomed her into the team.

With the team fully complete, as all three Digimon confirmed that there were no more coming to join them, Goten offered an idea that Trunks was all for when he heard it, something Rena frowned at, since she was the more serious member of their group, and that happened to be a visit to the Ginyu Force. Trunks had to remind himself that the leader of the force was no longer called 'Ginyu', since he had taken over a Demon's body and took on her name at one point, but he had kept the squad name the same since it was so popular with the rest of the universe. The reason for him wanting to visit the studio of the imposing force was because they needed to practice their forms, not transformations, as one might assume based due to him and Goten being Saiyans, but rather their super hero poses, because if they were a team they needed to show the public their united front. Rena seriously thought that it was a waste of time, none of them really needed to learn how to pose, though both Garu and Gato joined the pair in their vote, making it four to one as she sighed and joined them in their visitation to the studio that the Ginyu Force used to hone their own poses.

Sure enough the force was more than willing to assist them in learning how to create their own poses, where Putine did what she did best, she showed them all of the poses that she had come up with over her vast career with the Empire, as King Cold had fired her team first and they were still employed by his granddaughter. Such a thing included being shown the trademark poses of the Ginyu Force, the one that they enjoyed pulling off, starting in a line up with all five standing shoulder to shoulder, in a sense, before ending with all five doing the united pose that they were known for doing. After getting a front row seat for the series of poses that the force had to offer, which the group had practiced to perfection over a vast number of years, Putine understood why Trunks brought his team here and pulled the group into one of the rooms that people used when they came to his place of work while he was on Earth. With that in mind she and her team helped the unlikely team in learning how to properly pose, showing them some simple ones first, since they didn't want to overload them on the first day, while offering ideas on how they could progress or even create their own poses.

Putine even smiled at one point, as if she knew something that Trunks and Goten didn't know, where she told them that an idea had come to mind and wanted them to pose with their uniforms on, as it would help them get used to moving in their super hero attires, and she told the pair that she knew because she kept an eye on the news.

"You guys are already all over the news, as all sorts of sites are talking about you." Putine stated, where she pulled out a screen and showed them what she was talking about, as there were all sorts of places talking about the new heroes, all in a good light to be exact, meaning the feedback from their existence as a team was far more than what they gained during their time as X-1 and X-2, "Hard not to put the pieces together. What you need now, however, is a name for the people to call you by, much like the 'Ginyu Force' is how people know my team these days."

"I said the same thing after Garu joined us... with Gato giving us five members, well, we really need a team name." Goten said, not that he was surprised by Trunks' lack of ideas, as he usually took his time coming up with things like this and he could tell it would be some time before a team name sprung to mind, or at least that was what was on his mind when he saw the smile on his friend's face, meaning he must have come up with something good.

Trunks was pleased with this turn of events, as it meant that they could finally set themselves apart from the Cleangod and become the heroes that the people thought they were, they just needed some additional practice before they could reveal their existence to the rest of the vast world.

Devi Dimon waited for a time after Eagle was brought down by Rena and the rest of her team, as he considered them her responsibility given everything that was going on right now, giving the heroes a bit of time to rest and train before he sent his next ally at them, following the schedule that Lady Twilight had suggested. Since they were going the route of super heroes, as the others didn't seem to be very successful right now, there were periods of rest involved to give the pair the time needed to recover their strength and grow their power, as well as do everything else that his creator wanted them to learn before the end of her plan. It still amazed him that the pair were unaware of what was going on, which explained why she had gone down this route in the first place, and he was more than willing to do whatever she wanted to make the pair realize their potential, or at least as much as they wanted to unlock. With that in mind he thought about the next part of the plan, that of releasing yet another type of Digimon into the world to force the pair to react, and based on just how strong this one was he knew it would do well in giving the team a challenge.

When the time was right he tapped a button and a tall green skinned Digimon, looking like an oni according to what their creator had said on the matter, that wore a black leather chest piece that only covered his chest and upper legs, with his bracers on his shoulders, plus he carried a club made of solid bone, a rather powerful tool for him.

"You called for me, Master Devi Dimon?" the green skinned Digimon asked, though it was clear that he didn't like the fact that he had to pretend that another of his kind was his master, since Lady Twilight was their creator, but for right now he was willing to do anything necessary to get the pair back on track.

"Yes, Ogre, it is time for you to confront the team. Do what you must." Devi Dimon stated, because he knew that it would only take a few moments of destruction, or even walking and being threatening, to provoke the pair into making the first move against them, so by doing this they could bring the team out and see how things were progressing.

Ogre bowed his head before departing from the private dimension they had been granted, to keep the 'evil' Digimon in an area that they could prepare in, without giving away anything to Trunks and Goten, where he dropped out of the sky and landed on one of the streets, somehow avoiding everyone and everything that was in the area. As he landed he found that all sorts of people were staring at him, clearly studying him while wondering what he was going to do, before he let out a roar that shook everything that was around him, causing many to flee as they realized that he was here to cause a bit of chaos before his targets arrived. At least that was the plan, as he found that there were some Namekians hanging out in a nearby building, all wearing the attire of Stellaris, meaning Ogre might have picked out the wrong place to assault first, a fact that was confirmed as he swung his mace and one of them caught it with their hands, pushing him back before he had a chance to do anything else. As he readied himself for another attack, however, he and the people found that there was someone else in the area, as five figures landed in between him and the Namekians that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, for his plans anyway, each one wearing a different colored uniform.

He wasn't expecting his targets to arrive so soon, much less a few moments after he landed in his destination, which told him that one must have been in the area and called in the others as soon as they felt his power, though for the time being he shifted his stance as he focused on the group.

"Who in the world are you people?" Ogre inquired, as part of the scheme was to make sure that the pair had no idea that he, as well as the rest of the group that was assigned to work under Devi Dimon for the duration of this ploy, knew about them and who they were, save for their 'master' anyway.

"Data Red." Trunks stated, taking a moment to shift his arms, as if he was assuming a battle stance, only for those that were around them to find that he was posing in the face of their latest foe, ending with one fist in front of his heart as his left fist was diagonally to his left.

"Data Blue." Goten said, where he did the traditional bow that he used to do, back when he was first learning how to fight and take part in the various tournaments that his mother allowed him to partake in, before raising his palms to show the observers that he was ready for a fight.

"Data Yellow." Rena continued, performing a few jabs with her fists and feet for a few seconds, which was nothing for her since she was used to these movements, before ending with one hand held out and the other resting at her side, meaning her defenses were high despite the stance she had ended in.

"Data White." Garu said, raising his arm for a moment, pointing it at the sky for no real reason, before swinging it like he was wiping the slate clean or something, where he found that the people were very interested in them and that meant this serious of events were good for the pair they were helping.

"Data Pink." Gato stated, where she lashed out at the air like a cat would, two quick jabs to be exact, before raising a knee into the air as she turned to the side a little, showing off that she had good reflexes and that any foe would be mindful to keep an eye on her movements.

"Behold, we are Data Sentai Digiman!" the five warriors stated, shifting their stances once more as she focused on Ogre, all while a number of people snapped pictures of them and started posting what was going on to the internet, showing them that the public did approve of what they were seeing right now.

Ogre wasted no time in attacking them, where he found that the wolf warrior raised his hands and caught the club like it was nothing, directing it into the air so he could lash out at his chest before he had a chance to do anything, before lashing out with a kick that knocked him higher into the air. As that happened both Rena and Gato, the latter having changed her size and body shape to match Rena's, struck him at the same time, one displaying the power of a martial artist while the other seemed as whimsical as a feline, even jumping onto his club and kicked him right in his chin. Such a thing told him that they might need to skip a step or two, especially when he found the pair two rushing through the air, laying into his body with some powerful kicks and punches, and when he tried to grab onto one of them the other attacked his hand and stopped him in his tracks. They were strong, that much wasn't being questioned, but it was possible that they might have found a way to exceed expectations, meaning Devi Dimon might have to accelerate the plan at some point, and that very thought was confirmed as one caught his club and turned it on him, hitting him higher into the air.

Such a thing allowed him to understand their plan, as the five warriors joined their beam attacks into a single entity, which they called the 'Data Beam', and blasted him into oblivion while he was in the air, though as he emerged from the smoke, his body blackened a little, a portal opened as his 'master' brought him home, allowing the team to pose for the people for a few moments before rushing deeper into the city.

"That was perfect... plus my suit's power to change my form is awesome." Gato said, taking a moment to undo her helmet as they landed, in a safe spot that was away from everyone else that was in the city, even though it wouldn't be very long before someone spotted them.

"And we're already famous!" Trunks remarked, as he was tracking the comments about their team as he undid his own helmet, while the others did the same as they relaxed a little, though he spotted something that made him grin, as there was someone who already adored them and what they stood for, "Check this out: someone called 'Dr. Hedo' is claiming that he's our 'number one fan'! AND we've got a huge following already... four thousand in West City, with ten thousand worldwide... there's no telling how far our name will go now!"

In that moment Rena couldn't help but wonder if this was going to bring about Trunks and Goten's fall, to make them fully abandon their super hero personas, which only made her wonder what else Lady Twilight had planned and how the pair was going to react to what the future held for them.

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