• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Saiyan Influence

Trunks and Goten found that their team's fame grew over the course of a week, as many people were talking about them, the three Digimon who were with them, and the team as a whole, something that caused them to smile since it was what they had been hoping for. It appeared that the same thing happened to them as when Rena told those kids about the name of her kind, how the term 'Digimon' became a household name so quickly, because it seemed that the same was true for the name of their team, that 'Data Sentai Digiman' was gaining more popularity than they could ask for. Based on what Trunks could see it looked like their team was going to become far more popular than even Cleangod himself, which would be amazing since his and Goten's idol had quickly reached the level of the original Saiyaman in no time at all. He was also glad to have allies like Rena, Garu, and Gato on their side, as a five man team was far more special than just two warriors, and it sure seemed like the public agreed with his thoughts, especially since the new team had sailed right on by what he and Goten had gained during their time as X-1 and X-2.

Of course their hero time was interrupted by Eschalot wanting to make sure their grades were good, given their goals, but there were new training partners for them to content with, in the form of Goten's revived family members, as in Bardock, his grandfather, and Raditz, his uncle, both brought back by his father's desire to bring his Saiyan family back. Based on what the pair had learned Goku had learned something important during the last adventure he, Vegeta, Caulifla, and Kale had been part of, causing him to make a wish on the Dragon Balls to bring his mother, his father, and his brother back, before having to inform them of what had happened since their various deaths. Of course it had taken some time for them to get used to everything that was going on, especially everything that involved the empire that ruled over the entire universe, but it looked like they had adjusted quite well, as Raditz usually wore casual attire while he was exploring the planet, wearing a white shirt with a blue pair of pants. Bardock, of course, had changed his old model armor for some of Twilight's latest, as he was a warrior and would continue to show others that he was ready for combat, while his wife, Gine, had taken a more staff member type of attire, which still gave her protection while allowing her to relax without the fear of being drawn into battle.

Trunks had to shelve that thought as he was slammed into the ground once more, though this time it wasn't Eschalot or even Piccolo that had done such a thing to him, rather it was Bardock himself, a warrior that originally he thought he had the ability to defeat, only to discover that Goku's father had grown his power rapidly in such a short period of time. The same was true for Raditz, as the unarmored Saiyan, with the longest hair imaginable, tanked Goten's attacks without even bothering to block any of them, dusted off his attire to show that even his clothes were unscathed, before kicking Goten into the nearby rock wall. Trunks thought it was simply absurd, the pair had been dead for a very long time and had only started training not that long ago, and yet here they were, fighting as if he and Goten were nothing before their might, as if they had been constantly training since the day both of them had died. The reason he even considered that was due to the fact that Goten had once said something about his father training even in the Other World, after Cell killed him, and he had gained all sorts of power that rivaled his rival's, even a new form that he and Goten could use in their Gotenks form.

Even with that in mind Trunks refused to acknowledge what was going on, where Bardock sighed as he revealed that he, and likely Raditz, were holding back their true power, as he shifted through the first three forms that a Saiyan could use, all the way to Super Saiyan 3, mostly to crash Trunks into the ground.

"Trunks, Goten... you two need to find what you're fighting for. It is clear that you don't follow what most Saiyans strive for, that being victory, no matter what your foe is like." Bardock stated, where Trunks and Goten found something interesting, he seemed to be similar to both of their fathers, as in he could maintain the Super Saiyan 3 form without the significant drain on his Ki, causing Goten to realize that he must have trained himself to master it, like the Graded Forms that his older brother had mentioned at one point, "Once you figure out what drives you, or what you want to strive for, you'll be able to tap into the Graded Forms of the base Saiyan transformations and, eventually, Super Saiyan 2 and 3... you'd have to ask Lady Twilight about regrowing your tails if you want Super Saiyan 4."

"Not that they have much time for that, given her plans." Raditz remarked, though as he said that Goten, sending that his defenses were lowered, rushed at him and started to throw a couple of punches and kicks at him, only to discover an odd sight, his uncle dodged out of the way like it was nothing at all, avoiding the attacks before knocking him backwards with a quick jab to the chest.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Trunks inquired, because the only person who knew Twilight's plans, in their entirety no less, was Twilight herself, so Raditz's statement caught him off guard, where he found that Bardock kept his eyes on him as Raditz did the same with Goten.

"Once Eschalot's generation of students finishes their schooling, they're joining the empire and taking to the stars, just like Kakarot and Vegeta have." Raditz stated, as if it was common knowledge among everyone who called this world home, all while Goten and Trunks just stared at him like their world had been rocked, before they glanced over at Eschalot, who was smiling at them, as if there was more to this than what Raditz had said so far, "Father, mother, and I will be joining them and everyone else whose answering Lady Twilight's call to action... we're going to be divided into fleets, to use a term that you are more familiar with, and each one will be assigned to one of the other seven universes that were forced to take part in the Tournament of Power. This isn't a hostile takeover, rather we are going to take the fight to the villains of each universe, document everything new, and basically do everything that we're already doing in our own universe... and each fleet will be commanded by an Admiral, all chosen by Lady Twilight herself, who report to her and her alone."

"And you're looking at one: the best student in Stellaris, with the intellect to rival some of those who have been with Lady Twilight for years." Eschalot remarked, though unlike her father she wasn't really bragging about it, rather she had taken the time to realize that some pride was good, but too much could bring about total ruin, where she had to chuckle as she noticed the shocked and confused look on her brother's face, "I was going to tell you when the date of my departure was set in stone, even though everyone in my school knows what's going on... makes sense when you think about it, since we are learning how to work with the empire, but once the time comes a lot of people will be heading for the stars. It could be weeks, even months, between visits... it really depends on which universe we get assigned to, though to be honest I have no preference as to which one I get, since I'll do everything in my power to fulfill Lady Twilight's wishes."

"Wait, if your school year is leaving, and many of the powerful warriors are leaving as well... does that mean we won't have the peace we've come to enjoy?" Goten inquired, though it was far more than that as he thought about it, that if the vast majority of the empire pulled out of the Earth, and returned to space, there was a chance that someone might try to take it over while Twilight and everyone else, save for Piccolo since he'd be helping with Pan, were gone.

"I mean, it would be foolish for someone to attack this planet, but there's always a chance it could happen." Bardock said, as this planet seemed to be a magnet for trouble, based on what he had learned from his son, his son's family, and from Lady Twilight herself, so his statement was true, despite his doubts that such a thing would happen while they were gone, a fact that caused him to raise an eyebrow as he noticed the dark looks on Trunks and Goten's faces.

In that moment he, Raditz, Eschalot, Piccolo, and the trio of Digimon realized what they were seeing as the air pulsed with energy, the pair had realized that, with the majority of the strongest people on the planet leaving for all of the other vast universes, there was a chance their loved ones and friends would be in danger. Such a thing meant that their current level of power was insignificant, because if a villain was preparing to attack the planet, with the intent of taking the likes of their fathers or even the next generation down, they would be unable to actually do anything to save the day. That meant there was a chance that people could die, those who were unable to actually defend themselves against whatever darkness was no doubt gathering to take over the world, and it caused something inside them to stir, something that both warriors had forgotten about after realizing that there was no reason for them to train or improve their power. Twilight had once said that had she done nothing during the time period of Super Buu's attack on the planet they would have lost everyone that they cared about, causing them to realize that if they didn't get better the same thing could happen here, that their friends and family could be taken from both of them in a moment's notice.

Such a thing caused their power to explode out of them as the watchers found that they took on the second Saiyan form at long last, noticing the blue bits of lightning that danced around their auras while part of their bangs fell into place, just like what happened whenever a Saiyan took on the Super Saiyan 2 form.

"Rage at your potential powerlessness and the consequences such a thing might bring about, mixed with the drive to keep those important to you safe... perhaps you do have potential." Bardock remarked, because it sure looked like the pair had found a way to access their own latent power, imagining what would happen to their friends, family, and loved ones if they didn't have the power to stand up to whatever darkness might surface while everyone powerful was off planet, or even in another universe, causing him to shift his stance, "For now, let's calm your anger and help you regain control... after that we'll focus on the Graded Forms for Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2, and maybe, just maybe, squeeze in some time for you two to actually learn how to tap into the form beyond your new ceiling."

As Trunks and Goten rushed into battle again, focusing on Bardock and Raditz for a time, Eschalot could only smile at the scene in front of her, as they had finally, at long last, cracked through the walls that her brother and Goten had put up in the past, as they were fully embracing the idea of training and gaining power to protect what was important to them, and it only made her that much more interested in what the future held for the pair.

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