• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Nuisance From Another Timeline

Twilight found that, despite the arrival of Broly and his father, life remained the same for a whole month, as in nothing new happened to her, the Saiyans that called Universe 7 home, or any of the planets that existed across the span of the entire universe, which was good for her. Paragus, as she discovered, spent a week in the Room of Time, finding new and even some disturbing ways to bring about the end of King Vegeta in the distant past, and when he was finally done she found that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. With him done with his revenge, something he even claimed when talking with her after his last session, he was free to retire from most operations and do whatever he wanted with his life, which, as she found out, was watching over his son and providing some true support for Broly. It was a nice change of pace from what everyone had seen when he was first discovered, using a shock collar to enforce his will on his son, and while it was clear that Broly was worried that something might happen he was able to relax and focus on his training as he discovered that his father just wanted to cheer him on.

Of course Broly had a hard time controlling his own immense power, in fact when he trained for too long he tended to start transforming into his own berserk state, causing any of the Saiyans that he was training with to calm him down before having him sit on the sidelines until he cooled off.

Twilight joined them from time to time, utilizing her highest form as she trained with the only one who could stand up to the power of her Queen of Harmony form, that being Whis and his own Ultra Instinct, allowing her to more fine tune her form while also giving her a chance to see the others for a short time. Caulifla and Kale, for example, were able to obtain Super Saiyan God by training with Goku and Vegeta, while also pushing their power to the first Blue form as well, showing that they had great potential, even if some thought they were cheating getting multiple forms so quickly. Twilight wasn't at all phased by this interesting discovery, rather she assumed that, since they were about the same age as the main Saiyans from her universe, minus the years that both Goku and Vegeta had spent inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they had been in a lot of fights and that meant their bodies were fine tuned as well. Their power was literally catching up with their experience, hence the explosive growth each faced when a new form was obtained, prompting the other Saiyans to help train them until they were familiar with the new form, fueling more growth for everyone.

To prove her point Goku managed to do something not even Vegeta could do, he actually tapped into a lesser version of Ultra Instinct called 'Omen' and 'Sign', a starting stage according to Whis as he explained that each Angel had their own pet name of sorts for the base form. Such a thing caused Vegeta to ask why Twilight had skipped this stage and Whis told him that it was his personal belief that she had, in some manner, tapped into the power of the Omen Form after obtaining the Dark Queen transformation, while her fight with Jiren allowed her to fully access the true power of Ultra Instinct. Despite all of that Whis told Goku that it would take some time for him to actually learn and unlock it's power, as it wasn't an easy form to master, which only motivated him to do better in his training, where he split his time between training with the rest of the group and training with Whis to develop his new power. Vegeta, on the other hand, realized that the power of Ultra Instinct wouldn't suit him and focused his mind towards finding a form that would equal Goku's, prompting Twilight to suggest that he train with the Yardrats for a time, as developing himself as a person, under their eyes, might be the best thing for him.

The reasoning was sound, Goku was focused on his martial arts while Vegeta was focused on himself, just like always, so she knew that their own fighting styles would evolve into different forms, unique forms that were beyond the power that a Super Saiyan Blue 4 held, which only excited Caulifla and Kale as well, since they weren't too far behind.

Other than that nothing else really happened, save for more planets being discovered on the outskirts of the universe and more races being found, but there were no universe ending threats and nothing for her to get involved with, allowing her to explore some of the new planets or show the other Destroyers around. In addition to that she started to learn about all of the other universes, as the Gods of Destruction knew she was interested in learning more about the multiverse, even if the information came from another universe, and after everything she had done they were eager to settle the score, least she poach their warriors for Universe 7. Her acquisition of Caulifla and Kale, in addition to Hit before them, had frightened several Destroyers, causing them to fear that she would come and steal more warriors from the rest of the multiverse, but she made it clear that she welcomed everyone and anyone. Such a thing prompted a few groups of Heles' beast warriors to move universes, followed by Jiren, of all warriors, leaving Universe 11 and Belmod, with his only request being that he be left alone until he was ready to mingle with people, and even some from Universe 9 ditched Sidra.

Of course several of the gods who lost warriors came to try and get them back, only for the individuals in question to turn them down, allowing her to focus on her own plans and efforts for a time... at least until the day that she felt a sudden and powerful shift in space-time itself.

"Great, whose messing with the fabric of space-time this time?" Twilight commented, where she paused for a moment, all while everyone who was training around her stopped when they heard her speak, as she utilized her power to track down the source of the new disturbance, only to be surprised when she determined where it was coming from, "New Namek... an interesting decision."

"Is something happening to the planet?" Goku asked, as the last time they had seen the Namekians was when the group used their version of the Dragon Balls to find a new planet to call home, while Twilight had clearly found them and likely declared the planet a sanctuary to keep the race, and their wish granting spheres, safe from harm.

"I have no idea... at least, not yet." Twilight replied, where she summoned her power and opened a portal in space-time, as she was curious as to what was going on and wanted to be on New Namek before whatever happened went down, even though she knew that she would be needed to set things right.

Of course she wasn't too surprised to find that Goku, Vegeta, and Caulifla were interested in seeing whatever she might have discovered, while Kale was coming along mostly so she didn't get left behind, though Broly decided to remain behind so he could catch up on his own personal training. With everyone assembled, and Whis confirming that he would keep an eye on the planet just in case an invasion force from another parallel world was coming into her domain, Twilight ushered them to New Namek, which was an identical replica to Old Namek. She knew that the Namekians had done a wonderful job in recreating their home planet, in fact she had come by a few times over the years to give them items that would help them out, especially salvaging various planets from the past to make everything better, and they had done wonders with what they had available. The portal brought them to one of the settlements that dotted the new planet, the very one that Moori watched over since Twilight found him standing nearby, though as everyone else stepped out of the portal, giving them a chance to look out at the planet, she glanced at the air above them and found that the space-time anomaly was in the process of forming.

As the Namekians came out to see what was going on Goku ushered for them to get away, because this might be far too dangerous for them, to which Moori nodded as he evacuated the settlement, complete with the Dragon Ball since it was a precious artifact to his race.

In the next moment Twilight watched as the space-time anomaly opened into a portal into one of the other parallel worlds she had restored, where a tall humanoid figure with blue skin stepped out of it and stood on the air in front of the portal, which ended up closing not a few moments later. She also found that the figure had a brace of sorts over his chest, that formed an X over his upper body, and it had short silver fur growing on top of it, before she noticed the belt he wore, as it had the galactic symbol for A on it, why she had no idea. His pants were a shade of purple that was only slightly darker than it's base coloration, while he had more of the fur on both of his legs, just below the knees since his pants didn't cover all of his legs, and he had black shoes on. The interesting thing was that the figure had two curved horns on his head and a trio of blue gems in the center of his forehead, the middle one larger than the ones to the left and right of it, before she realized what she and the others were currently looking at.

There was only one creature, in the entire universe, who had the three gems on his forehead, someone she needed to go deal with at some point since his power was somewhat broken and, in the wrong hands, even universe ending, before she stepped forward and gestured for the others to stand back.

"Planet-Eater Moro, what an interesting surprise." Twilight stated, as the figure in front of her was a combination of that dangerous creature and a version of the goat that Zamasu had killed some time ago, a rather dangerous fusion that she needed to put down, instead of allowing him to return to his own parallel world.

"How curious, someone knows of my existence." the figure, Moro, replied, though at the same time he found that Twilight floated up to where he was positioned, where he took a few moments to glance at everything that was around them right now, noticing that he had been brought to New Namek, of all places, "So this is one of those 'parallel worlds' that Darkstar harped on about... going on and on about how she was going to devour all of their energy to eliminate 'Zeno'... oh well, now that pleasure belongs to me!"

"Sorry, but this universe is under my protection. I am Twilight Sparkle, Dark Queen of the Demon Realm and Ruler of Most of the known Universe." Twilight stated, where Goku and the others found that, instead of sticking to her base form, until she determined the power of her foe or was pushed to use a greater level of power, she took on her Dark Queen form as Moro stared at her, meaning she was taking him somewhat seriously, "And you are as good as dead."

Moro grinned for a moment as Twilight rushed through the air and crossed the gap between them in an instant, where he raised his hand towards the sky in a sweeping motion, as if he was calling forth some sort of power to deal with her, but at the same time Twilight swung her right hand downward. To Goku and the others nothing seemed to happen as the two warriors clashed, or rather tried to as they found that Moro had the power to dodge Twilight's attacks, confirming that he had his own version of Ultra Instinct and that he was using it to avoid her attempts to harm him. Moro raised his hands as Twilight landed behind him and swung both towards her, no doubt intending on impaling her or something, though when nothing happened he found that everything his power had been linked to had remained where they were positioned, as if he had done nothing at all. Following that he raised a hand in the direction of the fleeing Namekians, he knew they were here since they had fled in his world when he came to collect all of their Dragon Balls to get his power back, only to quickly discover that nothing happened as he stood there.

He glanced at his hands for a moment, as he knew that his powers worked with the sheer power of the 'Angel' that Goku said he had taken the powers of, in fact he had found a way to preserve that height while utilizing his own powers, so, with the suddenness of his abilities not working, Moro had to wonder what was going on.

With that in mind Moro focused his mind and could tell that all of the warriors that were around him were strong, as the four who were standing off on the sidelines were far stronger than those in his world, in fact two of them were beyond his versions of them, and yet, when he tried to siphon their power, he got nothing. He knew his powers were working, since he could feel their energies from where he was standing, but his siphon power wasn't responding at the moment, either due to the fact that they were moving at speeds faster than he was capable of, or someone was blocking him. The latter of the two didn't make sense, he was the only being that had this sort of power in the entire universe, and based on what he could tell it seemed like this world's version of him was already dead, which was good for him since it told him that he no longer had to share the energy of this universe with anyone. In addition to that he should have been able to feast on the vast power of New Namek and increase his power even more, quickly draining it, it's people, and it's animals of their life energy, but he found that he couldn't do that at all, in fact the area he could affect with his power was now limited to the immediate area around him.

"You know, for having some form of Ultra Instinct, I expected you to fight more." Twilight remarked, though she was happy to see that Moro was driving himself mad with the fact that he was unable to use his siphon powers right now, which was due to her influence and experience, because with the extra time she had figured out how to beat him on her terms, but she was disappointed in his lack of fighting skill, "You've never trained a day in your life, have you?"

"Why would I need to, when I have the power to do this?!" Moro replied, raising a hand towards his foe so he could yank her towards him and grant him access to her vast power, only to find that nothing happened, none of his powers seemed to be working at the moment, "What is going on? Why can't I use any of my vast powers?"

"Because someone more experienced than you is cancelling you out." Twilight stated, because she was disappointed in the Planet-Eater right now, as she had been expecting some brilliant mastermind whose power and skills were far beyond what anyone else was capable of, a true monster like the tales had said, only to discover that she honestly didn't need to worry about Moro at all, he was beneath her at this point.

As Moro heard that, however, he realized what had happened over the last few moments as a dark aura washed over his foe, every motion he had made previously, to steal the power of something or use an object to his benefit, had a counter of sorts used after he made the first move. His opponent knew his techniques, that much he understood after taking a few moments to think about everything, but now he truly understood what was going on, Twilight, as she called herself, knew how to use his own powers and had figured out how to counter him. Of course it was more than countering him, she had the power to cancel out his attempts to drain the area or move the objects that were around them, and she even stopped him from taking the molten material of the planet itself and using it as a weapon. It came as a surprise to him that there was someone out there that could use his powers to a degree that was far beyond what he was capable of, even after all of the plans he had put into motion to grow his own strength to such a shocking degree, forcing him to come to terms with the fact that this was likely the end.

In the following seconds Twilight shifted into her new final form and grabbed Moro by the head before he, or his stolen version of Ultra Instinct, could react, slamming him into the ground, much to the surprise of the watchers since they had thought she would go about this in a slow manner, not cut to the chase in no time at all.

"What... are you?" Moro asked, as this was unthinkable for someone like him, that someone like Twilight existed and that his power was, quite literally, useless against her, along with the fact that he was about to suffer another defeat, this time one that would be far more permanent than the one he suffered when the Great Kaioshin sealed his magic away.

"The bane of your existence." Twilight replied, though in that moment she activated her power and latched onto every bit of power that was inside Moro's body, as she was going to take it all from him, devour it in front of him, and then end his existence so she could get back to preparing for the future.

Goku and the others watched as Twilight placed her hand over Moro's chest for a moment before slowly pulling it back, a fact that was followed by an orb of energy slowly emerging from her opponent's body, which contained nearly every bit of energy Moro had stolen for himself in the world he came from. Such a thing meant that his body started to age while she did that, as he started to turn into an anthropomorphic goat, like Twilight had told them once upon a time, while his body started to get older and older, becoming decrepit and old, as if he was over a hundred years old or something. Once she was done Twilight stood up for a moment and showed Moro that she wasn't kidding, she could do everything he did as she shrunk the orb down to the size of a marble and ate it, before using some of her magic to lift him into the air, as it was time to end this. In the next moment she called upon the power of darkness and trapped Moro inside a Black Coffin, just like she had used against Vegeta once upon a time, but this time she just shrunk it down until it was the size of a marble, crushing Moro in the process, before banishing it and leaving no trace of the nuisance that had entered her world.

With the potential threat taken care of, and she was sure that there were no more space-time portals forming anywhere in her universe, Twilight turned her focus towards whatever the future might have in store for them and hoped it was better than another problem from another parallel world.

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