• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Teamwork

Rena sighed as she landed outside the structure that served as her base of operations, an ordinary building that was on the outskirts of the city and that no one really paid attention to, which was thanks to the enchantments that her creator had put on the building, and entered it. To anyone who stepped into the building it looked like an ordinary home, even though the exterior was more like a two story building, meaning there were furniture all over the place, all designed and added in by Lady Twilight when she was putting this plan into motion, but her destination was up on the second floor. With that in mind she closed the door behind her, locked it, and headed up the stairs after ensuring that the security system was active, just in the off chance that someone dared to break in, an extra feature to protect what was here. On the second floor she made her way to the last door on the right, heading into a room that seemed to be more like an office of some kind, before turning her attention to the closet and opened it, revealing a swirling circular portal that was contained in a special structure that made sure it wasn't discovered or went out of control.

Upon stepping through it, however, Rena appeared in an entirely different world, a strange multicolored realm that Lady Twilight called the 'Digital World', a private continent of sorts that allowed her to work on the other Digians, or Digimon as the public had come to call her while she was chasing Trunks and Goten earlier.

She, Devi Dimon, Grey, and Parrot were only the first ones released into the world to help the pair regain their power and actually push them towards Lady Twilight's end goal, as Rena glanced out at the wide open area in front of her and found all sorts of Digimon doing whatever they wanted. There were plant Digimon tending to nature, ones of water that lived in the oceans and seas, creatures of the sky that were far more than Parrot could ever be, ones like her who could actually fit in with Humans, all sorts of elementals given form, and who knew what else. From what she knew Lady Twilight had been at this for years, working in secret without telling anyone what she was doing, which was why there were hundreds of her kind in this private world, working in perfect harmony with each other, and even the 'evil' ones were simply acting to help sell the illusion to the dense pair they were trying to help. The center of the Digital World was her destination, because it was where Lady Twilight worked whenever she was here, a massive core that housed devices that allowed her to make Digimon of all sizes, in fact it was where Grey and Parrot were created, and she knew that more were likely being made as she approached the area as well.

In fact she wasn't even surprised to see Devi Dimon off to the side, flanked by both of his 'minions', who had shrunk down to a smaller form so they could hear whatever was being said, though with all four of them assembled they walked up to where their creator was standing, working on one of the larger containers that were in the area.

"Lady Twilight, the two Saiyans have started their training... with mixed results." Devi Dimon said, where he and the rest of the team knelt and bowed their heads towards their creator, showing respect for the one who gave them, and every other member of their kind, life, all while noticing that the new one she was working on was a large one, who would likely stand as tall as Capsule Corp once it was finally finished, "They are getting stronger, thanks to training with Piccolo, Eschalot, and Rena, but..."

"They prefer to go out and use their super hero personas while taking down crime?" Twilight remarked, showing the four of them that she was more in tune with what the pair were currently doing, which allowed them to understand why she had tasked them, and many of the others who would be heading out when the time was right, to help the pair get back in shape, "I'm not surprised, really, since they seem to be stuck in that mindset. Oh well, it's no big deal, as there are more than enough ways to help those two learn the lessons we're trying to teach them... a few setbacks aren't going to change much of anything. Rena, you have something else to say?"

"Only that the citizens of the city have taken to calling our kind 'Digimon'." Rena said, something that caused the rest of her group to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they took in what she was telling them, while at the same time Twilight turned to face her, not angry over the people using a different name than what she gave them, rather she seemed curious as to why such a name had been decided on, "While I was following Trunks and Goten, tracking them as they dealt with a couple of crimes, some of the kids at the bank asked me what I was and I gave them a basic idea of what I was... they, in a matter of seconds, latched onto a brand new name, which has apparently become the main name we're known as."

Twilight stood there for a moment, thinking about the fact that the name of her creations had been changed by a bunch of kids and seemed to be accepted by the parents and everyone else, before she sighed as she tapped on a screen for just a few seconds and edited the official terminology for her new kind, not erasing the official name to be exact, rather adding in what the public was calling them.

"As annoying as that is, I'm not about to question the people of this planet... if they want to call you guys 'Digimon', then that's what we'll call you." Twilight stated, where Rena and the others could tell that she was slightly annoyed by this, since she had given them their original race name, but decided to say nothing on the matter as she finished what she was doing and focused on all of them for a few more seconds, "However, this might work in our favor: the people have embraced the idea that Digimon exist, with three having been revealed to them... as no one has seen you yet, Devi Dimon, which we'll have to change at some point to really drive our point home... and it seems that some have started to talk about Rena and other potential new team members. This gives me an idea."

Rena nearly paled upon hearing that, as she really couldn't believe her creator was even thinking about allowing some of them to join the pair and become members of their 'team', like the Ginyu Force, and yet, based on what she was hearing, it seemed like everyone was going to need to change their tactics to get the pair to make some real progress.

Trunks and Goten found that an entire day went by without Rena showing up to help them with their intense training, in fact Eschalot went out to hang with her own friends, showing that she had her own life and that she didn't want to spend all of her time helping them out, which was good for them since they could focus on Piccolo's training. Both realized that he was a harsh teacher, especially when he happened to fight them as part of their lessons, though they were trying their hardest to figure out everything that he wanted them to learn, finding that he changed their training to match what each of them were skilled at. Trunks found out something as they trained, Goten seemed to be tapping into the style that Goku had learned, dodging things by either letting his body to all of the thinking or he was learning Piccolo's movements and was doing everything in his power to avoid the incoming attacks. Trunks, on the other hand, forced himself to calm down as he tanked the more powerful attacks that were sent his way, as Piccolo had sealed away most of his power to make sure he didn't kill either of them, or hurt them too much since they didn't have any healing materials on hand, since they found that he really didn't want to bother Dende with their training right now.

When their phones beeped with the latest news posting, however, Piccolo allowed them to take a break, only to discover that another massive creature had been spotted, a giant metallic bird that was similar to the parrot, whose body seemed to be made of some sort of gold, though it looked more like an eagle and seemed to be more suited for battle

"How odd, another massive monster... and we're not the only ones interested in it." Goten commented, as there were a few bits of information about a bipedal wolf creature, much like Rena, clashing with the beast with a white uniform on that had an impressive visor with it, far more than their own gear, who was joined by a familiar fox creature in a yellow version of the attire, who had to be Rena.

"More Digimon... where are they even coming from?" Trunks inquired, though in that moment he noticed something, the pair seemed to be looking for someone to join them, or a pair of someones when he considered what Rena had done for the last couple of days, something that caused him to get up and ready himself, "Goten, we're going... I have the feeling that we have some allies and that they're waiting for us to take to the field."

Goten, instead of questioning his friend's comment, figured out what Trunks had seen and nodded his head, to which the both of them burst into the air as they locked onto the city that they called home, where it was far too easy for them to see that Rena and her ally were fighting the eagle. Sure enough Rena turned towards the pair as they moved into the area and she tossed two items to them, capsules that she silently instructed them to connect to their watches, where both of them did so without delay and found that they expanded into their own suits. The material, as Trunks discovered, was the same material that Twilight used in all of her clothing, morphing to match their bodies, where he assumed that if one or both of them transformed into their Super Saiyan forms the clothing would follow suit, likely opening a hole or slot for their hair to slip through without ruining everything. His version was a red coloration of the attire that the others wore, an interesting fact as he realized that it was far stronger than the hero attire he had been wearing previously, while Goten's was blue, though with all of the benefits that this attire seemed to have, plus a visor that was far more impressive than the ones they wore previously, he knew they were going to enjoy this.

After their transformation into their new armored forms, which had to be a combination of Twilight's clothing material and the armor of the Empire, as in what the Ginyus' wore, Trunks and Goten found that there were people snapping pictures of them and their allies, meaning their new appearances would be all over the internet in no time.

"Red, Blue, focus up and help us." Rena snapped, where she pulled back and avoided the wing that was coming at her, as the eagle was trying to take them down so it could do whatever it was that it was trying to do, maybe wreck the city due to how big it happened to be, causing Trunks and Goten to rush at the creature.

Interestingly enough they found that the beast changed course and came at them while they were coming at it, just like the two that had come before it, though this time both warriors were ready for it as they separated from each other and struck it in the chest, finding that it did have a good bit of power since it withstood their punches. That did make Trunks wonder for a moment, like why Rena had found another of her kind to ally with, but for the time being he focused on the battle as both he and Goten found that both of their allies had rejoined the battle, lashing out at the beast with their power. As the four of them floated near each other, however, it became clear what was going on, none of them could actually defeat the beast on their own, as Goten revealed that one of them should attack it at a time and another should slip an attack through whatever defenses the creature had. It had a great bit of success as he drew the creature's attention and Rena slipped in an attack on the beast's attention, showing that maybe it could only defend itself from one attacker, so four at a time might be hard for it to beat, at least four warriors like them anyway.

Trunks realized the same thing after a few moments, this seemed to be designed to test their ability to work with a team, like the Tournament of Power he guessed, with each member contributing to the downfall of whatever foe they were currently fighting, causing him to release a flash of light in the eagle's face so the others could launch a combination beam attack right into it's face, sending it flying off into the distance.

"See? When you put your minds to it, there is nothing you can't accomplish." the wolf remarked, though at the same time all four of them landed on a roof and the pair that liked being super heroes found that the people were already snapping a few pictures of everyone, no doubt overjoyed by the fact that the city was safe once more, "The suits did nothing to bring out the power that is inside you, they're just there to help you two stand out as heroes... a team of heroes, here to protect the city from the more dangerous creatures that want to take it down."

"Well, if we're a team we're going to need a name, since the people adore that sort of thing." Goten stated, as the people had latched onto the idea of Cleangod rather quickly, while both their new Saiyaman personas had gotten little attention, so he could see these newer hero forms working far better than anything that came before.

Trunks nodded as he glanced down and waved at the people, finding that they were pleased with their work and that some were already posting information to the internet, meaning they would be on the news in no time, causing him to smile as he realized that working with a team might not be so bad, all while making him that much more interested in what the future might hold for him, Goten, and the rest of the city.

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