• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: New Wishes

Following their return to their own world Twilight took the rest of the day off from what she normally did, because there was much to think about and much to do, especially with Goku taking Future Zeno to Zeno's palace, which was an event that had an interesting side effect on her, she actually grabbed some wine and a glass to pour it into.

"I didn't know you drank." Bulma commented, as this was the first time she had seen Twilight do anything that wasn't part of improving the world or doing everything in her power to prepare for whatever the future held in store for them, and it made her wonder if there was more to the powerful being than she first thought.

"I don't, it's just... with everything going on, and the stupidity I've seen, I need to relax a bit." Twilight replied, taking a few seconds to pour herself the first glass of white wine and sip from it, before leaning back in her seat as she stared up at the sky for a time, where she allowed herself to ignore everything that was going on right now.

Despite that fact she knew that Goku, Shin, and Whis returned from their trip in no time, as it was hard to miss their arrival since it became nosier after their return, where Beerus had to ask if everything went alright this time around, since there was no telling with the King of All, or Kings in this case. Goku, despite how Shin was feeling at the moment, claimed that his plan had worked like a charm, both versions of Zeno were pleased to have a friend, meaning Future Trunks' would be safe for the foreseeable future and they would be able to rebuild in peace. Of course he had to deal with the existence of his own foe, since Eventide was still alive, but that was his problem to deal with and Twilight wanted nothing to do with it, though it did leave a lingering thought in her mind as everyone else seemed to settle down as Bulma informed them that dinner would be ready in an hour and a half. The thought was about Eventide, about the wish part of her had made that allowed one Zamasu to take over her body and turn it into a tool of death, a tool of terror, and what needed to be done so she could prevent such a thing from happening in the future.

With that in mind Twilight downed the rest of her cup and got up, as there was someone she needed to talk to, before she got too busy, and found that Bulma was currently setting things up on the large balcony that overlooked this portion of her entire estate, even though it was the only balcony she had.

"I've got a question: do you have the Dragon Balls?" Twilight asked, because based on what she knew Bulma loved to head out and claim the seven spheres for whatever purpose she had in mind at the time, usually to undo the damage that might have been done to the Earth during a villain's attack, but lately it seemed like she was using them to prevent villains from gaining the advantage.

"The Dragon Balls? No, I don't have them... actually, I've been meaning to track them down, as it's been a year since the last time they were used." Bulma replied, where Twilight noticed what she had overlooked before this point, Bulma had used the various wishes she was able to make to reshape her body, making it more sexy looking and more like a goddess', similar to when she used a wish on Shenron to increase the size of Twilight's breasts, "Why do you ask?"

"I just realized that there's a few wishes that I need to make, before we face whatever the future has in store for us and the Earth itself." Twilight stated, which was the truth, she now knew what to do with her time before she returned to her work, and right now she needed the Dragon Balls to make sure part of what happened in Future Trunks' parallel world didn't happen in her world, "Do you might if I borrow the Dragon Radar?"

"May I join you?" a voice inquired, where they found Piccolo, of all people, standing nearby, meaning he must have heard Twilight's comment and something had come to mind that made him want to join her in her brief quest for the spheres, which was interesting since he didn't seem to care for wishes these days.

"Do whatever you want." Bulma said, to which she walked inside the building and headed for the room that she kept the radar in, where it took her no time at all to actually track down where she left the thing, since it was in a safe that only she knew the combination to, despite the fact that it was usually left on the table, a habit she needed to correct at some point in the future, "I expect it to be returned when your done with it."

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll be sure to bring it back." Twilight replied, where she waited for Bulma to pull it out of where it was hidden before taking it from the dragon Beastian, though while she knew that her powers would allow her to track them down easier, given her time abilities, sometimes she preferred to do things like this, causing her to activate it for a moment as it zeroed in on where the seven spheres were located, "Come along Piccolo, I wish to hear why you are interested in the Dragon Balls this time around."

Piccolo nodded as he followed her back outside and they took to the air without delay, where she locked onto the closest Dragon Ball and started to head for it, which gave Piccolo some time to tell her exactly why he happened to start his own search for the wish granting spheres. His reason, however, was even more interesting, as he knew there would come a day, either far in the future or too near for his liking, that she and her family would turn their focus to another portion of the universe and leave Earth to their own devices, and, knowing Goku and Vegeta, they would either follow for the sheer challenge Twilight offered or they would turn to Whis for training. With that in mind, and most of their defenders simply scattered to the winds, Piccolo understood that someone needed to be there to protect the world, which naturally might be Gohan or even Eschalot, given the young dragoness' power, but, in the off chance that everyone else was unavailable, he had an idea to fix that. He was going to ask Shenron to awaken his inner potential, just like what happened with Gohan all those years ago on Namek, so that way he could be ready for whatever the future held for them, especially after they had heard about what happened in Future Trunks' parallel world.

Twilight had to admit that it was an interesting wish, one that should be within Shenron's powers to grant since she was sure that Dende didn't have that power, and might not have it until he was far older than he currently was, before coming to the conclusion that she wouldn't stop him from making it. Her reasoning on the matter was due to the fact that she, like him, had no idea what the future held for them, especially after bringing Future Zeno to their world, so she knew that they needed to prepare as fast as they could, though that would come after everyone rested from their time in Future Trunks' parallel world. With two Zenos she was positive that it was only a matter of time until the present one made a mention of the tournament that Goku wanted to throw, in fact the only reason she thought such a thing might happen was due to the fact that one Zeno was friendly with the Saiyan and had asked him for a favor already. As such she knew that it was only a matter of time until he remembered what he told Goku, or someone reminded him of his interest in such a thing, and they would need to be ready for when that day came, so powering Piccolo up was in their best interests.

With that in mind she tracked down the first wish granting sphere, which had landed in the middle of a forest, in a fairly decent sized pond, though instead of heading inside it she used her magic to carefully move the water, without harming any of the fish inside it, before extracting the Seven Star Dragon Ball.

After that she and Piccolo spent their time moving all over the planet, tracking down the remaining Dragon Balls, where they found that the Four Star ended up on an island that was full of exotic animals that were endanger of being poached, which just so happened to be where 17 was working, and living at times. Despite not being able to actually feel his Ki with their abilities, since he, 18, and even 16 couldn't be detected by normal means, she knew that he and 16 were stronger than before, though the nature loving 16 was deeper in the forest, tending to any wounded animals. They were surprised to find the pair searching for one of the Dragon Balls, but allowed Twilight to take it without delay, because if word got out that it was there they would be suffering the existence of treasure hunters as well, so they were glad to see it go. Once it was in their possession Twilight studied the radar once more and set off without wasting time, tracking down where she thought the other spheres were located and plotting her course accordingly, where Piccolo did his best to follow since he knew she was faster than he was.

The One Star was located in a desert, oddly inside what appeared to be an abandoned pyramid that didn't have any traps to speak of, meaning it had been placed there for safe keeping, while the Two Star was in a mountain range, resting right in the middle of some rubble. She found that the Three and Five Stars had been gathered up by someone else after the last time Bulma made her wishes, by a group of thugs to be exact, but the moment the men spotted Twilight they gave up instantly, allowing her to turn them into the police, as they were planning on robbing a bank, as Piccolo claimed the orbs they had collected. The last one, the Six Star, ended up in what had to be the oddest location of them all, as it was the once flat area that Cell had built his arena in, which they had destroyed during his games, and it happened to be right in the center of the crater that had been left behind. With all seven wish granting orbs in their possession the pair paused as Twilight used her Instant Transmission to return them to Bulma's place, allowing them to see that only a few people were present, though she disappeared and quickly returned with Putine.

As Piccolo raised his eyebrow, however, Twilight ignored him as she turned her attention to the wish granting spheres and uttered the summon phrase that would allow them to summon Shenron, where the sky went dark as the long serpentine dragon emerged from the glowing orbs and glanced down at them without delay.

"I am the Eternal Dragon. State your wishes and I shall grant them." Shenron stated, though in that moment he quickly recognized who was in front of him, spotting Twilight, Bulma, and Piccolo without delay, where he knew that one of them was a common user of the Dragon Balls that summoned him into this world, "Oh? Hello Master Piccolo."

"Hey Shenron. Can you draw out my latent potential to the limit, like Guru, the previous Grand Elder, could?" Piccolo asked, something that surprised Bulma, and everyone else that was nearby since Future Trunks was hanging out with his past mother before returning to the future, though as the Eternal Dragon nodded Piccolo let out a sigh of relief, "Very well, make it so."

"As you wish, so it shall be." Shenron said, where his eyes glowed for a moment as Piccolo was surrounded by an area that looked like his latent potential was released in the manner he desired, even if he was stunned by how much power he had inside him, though once the deed was done the glows disappeared, "I threw in a little extra, just in case. Now, what might your second wish be?"

"It's from me, actually, and my first wish is to be completely immune to the various body changing methods that exist in the universe." Twilight stated, because Future Zamasu had wished to switch bodies with her and that was something she needed to correct without delay, to make sure such a thing never happened again, where Shenron enveloped her in light for a few seconds as she felt something change inside her.

In the next moment Twilight revealed why she had brought Putine with them, since she was originally Captain Ginyu and that meant she was after the body change ability she possessed, causing her subordinate to gulp as she performed the motions and command to use the power, only to be knocked to the ground by an invisible barrier.

"Good. Everything is in order. Now, for the last wish..." Twilight said, where she weaved her power into the area that she was in and formed a window into the future, namely Future Trunks' parallel world, something that surprised everyone as they wondered what she was doing, "I wish for those that have been slain since the arrival of 'Twilight Black' to be revived."

She was using Future Bulma's name for Eventide to make the wish, since it was what they called her before Twilight took a second to change it to a more reasonable name, and the window would actually allow the power of the wish to be sent to the future, where she smiled as Shenron did as she desired, much to the surprise of those in the parallel world, and once it was done the Eternal Dragon, and the Dragon Balls, vanished once more.

"Twilight... why?" Bulma asked, as she was expecting a number of other things from Twilight, possibly immortality after her fight with an immortal opponent since she would have studied the benefits of such a thing, not using a wish to bring back everything that Eventide had killed during her assault on the parallel world.

"Because there has been enough death lately." Twilight replied, though in that instant she was bombarded by someone she was trying to ignore, as Future Trunks thanked her repeatedly for this gift, to the point that she got what she had once deemed to be utterly impossible, he actually apologized for massively screwing up in the past, causing her to sigh as he departed to see if he could find the one person he wanted to see again.

Twilight turned her attention to everyone else as she focused on the meal that Bulma was preparing, though at the same time she found that Beerus, one of the few people not surprised by her immunity wish, wondered if they were ever going to learn about her past, thanks to the wish he made on Super Shenron. She, in turn, chuckled as she started to tap a few buttons, revealing a screen of her own creation that had a special disc inside it, one that she had transcribed her past into, in a hilarious form that would stun some of them when they realized what she had done. It reminded her of the package she had given to Korn the last time she had seen him and Liquiir, a surprise gift for another god who wanted to know of her past, and wondered what he would make of the discovery, something she would have to ask the next time he came to visit her. Fortunately she didn't have to wait very long for everyone else to show up for Bulma's dinner, though as Goku and the others started to collect their plates, none of which were loaded yet, Twilight turned the screen on and let the disc do it's thing as a tune started to play, one she was sure she heard at one point before coming to Universe 7, and had to chuckle as several people dropped their plates.

She knew that this afternoon was going to be an exciting one if this was how they reacted to the opener, especially since Vegeta's jaw had dropped the moment the event started, and it only made her interested in seeing how they reacted to the rest of what she wanted to show them as she wondered what might happen in the near future.

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