• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: A Strange Encounter

By the time that the Namekians left the Earth, heading to their new planet, Twilight found that enough time had passed to the point that Age 762 had finished, which meant that her fourteenth birthday had come and gone as well, something she had decided not to celebrate since it was only her and her mother. Instead she spent her time practicing her skills, those she had started to learn in the past and what she was currently developing, and reading the various books that she could get her hands on, just to see what the people of the Earth thought about everything in the universe. Part of her desire to learn was so the people of this planet didn't see her as ignorant, though Bulma informed her that many people happened to think of her as one of the smartest people on the planet, since no one else was able to do such a thing to the animal drug that she had taken over. Her mother, of course, continued to stand as the head of their company, since she legally couldn't take control until she was at least eighteen, but that just allowed her to keep up with her training as she tried to figure out her new moves and continued to improve her existing abilities.

One thing she had to do during that time was help the Ginyus, Zarbon, and Dodoria get used to living on Earth, despite the fact that they weren't planning on being here for too long, and, true to form, she found that Ginyu's squad had ideas on what to do while they waited for her to order them around. Recoome decided to become a martial artist, even though it meant he had to do away with his armor since it was illegal and he had to wear a gi of his own, Jeice, upon playing a game of baseball with some of the Z Warriors, who were surprisingly welcoming to them, went with it and figured he could play it for a time. Burter, shocking no one, went on to become a track runner, as even with his power brought down to the level of a Human he was still faster, even though everyone was shocked to find that Guldo decided to follow Tien and Chiaotzu so he could learn more about their powers and maybe train himself to use his own powers better. Ginyu picked being a dance instructor, as there was a surprisingly large amount of people, Human and Beastian alike, who wanted to learn such a thing and he was more than willing to help them during his time on the planet, especially since they weren't shocked by his horns or appearance.

Zarbon and Dodoria went on to help Towa, more as enforcers and even business people, as they had observed Twilight's father during his meetings and they knew how to help out, causing her to chuckle as everyone settled into their new roles for the time being.

One thing she discovered was that most of the Z Warriors decided not to challenge her, as they knew by this point that she was Frieza's daughter and, more importantly, she was likely near his level of power, something that Gohan, Krillin, and even Piccolo weren't willing to deal with, so she trained by herself most of the time. Despite that fact, however, they did spend a lot of time split between doing things on their own, living their lives without having to worry about fighting for the sake of the world, and hanging with her or Bulma every now and then, since the Human likely to hold large parties on her birthday. Twilight knew that they were trying to befriend both her and her mother, since they were dangerous figures and the Z Warriors wanted to be sure neither of them tried to destroy the world, though she had no plans to do that, given that she still wanted to use the Dragon Balls at some point. She found that their company wasn't too bad, in fact it was a nice change of pace from what she was used to, since she was used to more people being around her, though she also refused to let Bulma throw parties for her, due to the fact that both she and her mother were waiting for the rest of their family to arrive.

In addition to all of that they kept Towa's time powers a secret from the Z Warriors, even though they knew that she was strong in her own right, since she was Frieza's wife, where fortunately that seemed to be enough for Piccolo and the others, allowing them to go about their days in peace.

While hanging out with her new acquaintances, since she wasn't about to call them friends, Twilight completed her work on several things, such as a new set of battle gear for herself, for whenever she got into a real fight, and new products for her company, like the Pleasure Island Brew. In fact, as a gift to repay Bulma for allowing her and her mother to stay until they were ready to move into a new place, Twilight brought her a case that had six bottles, where Bulma humored her, as she knew about them and what they did after reading what others said about it. Sure enough she opened one and drank a bit of it, where Twilight watched as her ears pulled back and morphed into brown furred donkey ears, which she touched for a second to verify that they were real, before a brown furred donkey tail with a blue tuft grew out of her spine. Bulma was weirded out by the change, in fact everyone else was surprised when she showed them off to them, since some of her friends happened to show up that day, where Twilight reminded her that the changes would go away on their own after twelve hours had passed.

Of course if she drank a second bottle the next stage of the transformation, her feet and legs, would occur and she'd be in that state for sixteen hours, but Twilight left that up to her as she placed a small pill container on the counter, the purple ones that would cancel the changes sooner.

Other than that nothing much happened, other than the fact that Twilight was sure that something happened on what all of the Earthlings called the Lookout, where the god of this world resided, where someone powerful took care of someone else in no time at all. She also found that life on Earth was far more boring than what she was used to, as their events were few and far between, as nothing really happened since the arrival of Nappa and Vegeta, so they were able to move into Age 764 with no villains or troublemakers showing up. It was in that moment that she almost wished that she and her mother had returned to space with the ship that Vegeta stole, since they would've eventually run into one of her father's ships or find a planet they recognized, since traveling with the rest of their forces had been more exciting than this. Other than those events Twilight also found that Vegeta returned to Earth sometime after her fifteenth birthday, where Towa remarked that she was growing into a fine young lady, though all Twilight cared about was that Vegeta had grown stronger during all the time he had spent in space, unable to find Goku.

As Twilight sighed she really had to wonder if she made a mistake by remaining on this planet and not making an attempt to leave with her mother, by making a ship of her own and blasting off, before returning to her work as she hoped that the future would change and something exciting would happen to this boring planet.

Vegeta, after having returned from his time searching for Kakarot, had been enjoying the free food and board that Bulma offered to him, either because she was attracted to him or she wanted to keep him from rampaging, only to discover that things had changed since the last time he had been on the planet. Apparently Twilight had actually done what she said she would, Zarbon and Dodoria were alive and working for Towa in the company she operated, while all five members of the Ginyu Force were out there as well, living their own lives while waiting for something important to happen. It came as a shock for him, since he wasn't expecting any of the seven individuals to simply stop fighting and do something like this, as it seemed out of character, but Bulma informed him that the Ginyus trained with the right and left hands of Frieza when they had time to do so. Despite that fact he was able to relax a little, his training in space had allowed him to bypass all of them, meaning if they tried to take him down he wouldn't have to worry about them, even though he was worried that it was part of some elaborate plan of Twilight's that he hadn't figured out yet.

When he thought about the figure in question, however, he noticed that Twilight and Towa weren't present and it quickly worried him, since there was no telling what the demonic pair might have in mind, causing him to turn towards Bulma as walked outside to join him and the others, Krillin and Yamcha to be exact.

"Bulma... where are Twilight and Towa?" Vegeta asked, as he had noticed the woman coming out of the main house after spending some time inside it, though while his ability to sense Ki, as the Earthlings called it, told him that they were inside the house he just wanted to be sure before something happened.

"Relax, they're in their lab, sound asleep... I slipped them some heavy duty sleep medication, since they've gone about two to three days without any sleep." Bulma replied, which was actually kind of impressive that the mother and daughter were able to go so long without their bodies shutting down from the lack of sleep, though since both of them weren't like her, as one was a pony and another was a demon, she guessed it might be possible due to their unique bodies, "I don't know what they're working on, but it seems like the pair have been putting in some long hours to get it done... I might go back to see if I can figure out what their little project is."

As Vegeta opened his mouth to say something his senses went crazy as he glanced up at the sky, which he suspected that the rest of the group that could detect Ki were doing right now, because Frieza's Ki was closing in on the planet, and he wasn't alone, causing him to realize that King Cold and Cooler were coming as well... causing him to take to the air so he could figure out where they were going to land.

While he was doing that, however, Frieza stood in the main chamber of the ship that was approaching the Earth, which he discovered had been further away from Namek than he originally thought, meaning the Earthlings must have figured out how to get from planet to planet quicker. Such a thing made him realize that Twilight might have already discovered how to make the same thing in no time, given her habit of studying and tinkering with all sorts of mechanical objects, though it also meant it took them far longer to reach their final destination. Both his father and his brother were anxious to reach the planet, since both longed to see Twilight and Towa again, the lights of their lives that had been stolen after the wish to move everyone on Namek to Earth, but he was focused on something else. He had updated their scanners with bits of information that contained Goku's energy, captured from one of the stations that had been keeping an eye on what was going on on Namek, and he could see that the Saiyan in question was traveling back home as well, though they were going to reach Earth first.

"So, this is Earth." Frieza remarked, turning his head back to the planet that they were descending on, the pilot picking an area that seemed to be like a desert or wasteland, not too far from a city based on their readings, but he found that none of them had found the reading he was looking for just yet, "Not a bad little planet."

"We have three hours until this Son Goku returns. Shall we wait for him?" King Cold inquired, where the ship landed and all of them disembarked immediately, the soldiers standing at the ready since they were waiting for their next command, all while Cooler seemed to be scanning parts of the surrounding area.

"I know you'd rather choke the life out of him, father, but I just want to find Twilight and Towa and go home." Frieza said, because he had considered their options on the way here and had decided, after a lot of time weighing each idea that came to him during the flight, that he just wanted to put their family together and focus on raising Twilight so she could take over as the empire's next leader.

"Also, we don't have to worry about our clan being the strongest in the universe... knowing Twilight, she's likely been doing all the training she can," Cooler stated, as he knew that their father cared about that sort of thing and would continue to do so, though at the same time he knew that Twilight was far more important to all of them, more than their standing in the universe, before he glanced at his brother for a moment, "in fact, by now I would assume that she's roughly as strong as your Second Form, brother... maybe even that monstrous Third Form of yours."

"No, knowing Twilight, she's likely found a way to overcome the need of her Rage Form and integrated it, and the absolute power of her siphon ability, into her base form." Frieza remarked, though he wasn't arguing with his brother's point on the matter, rather he suspected that his daughter might have grown far stronger than any of them were even thinking about, and he knew that both his father and his brother were surprised by his thoughts, "I suspect she's already caught up with my base form... as in the level of power I had before I clashed with Son Goku on Namek... and it's due to her training, her power to absorb energy, and the energy sphere that Goku tried to use against me."

As Cooler listened to his brother he spotted a newcomer landing nearby, a tall boy who had lavender colored hair, short to be exact, an indigo jacket cut to show one's midriff that rested over a black shirt, dark gray pants, golden yellow boots, and he had a broadsword on his back, judging by the scabbard he was currently wearing.

"Can we help you, Earthling?" Cooler asked, because while he was armed, even if a sword meant little to the likes of them, he doubted that the figure in question meant them harm and would be on his way after he sated his curiosity, since this had to be uncommon for the people of this world, unless Twilight advanced things further than they thought.

"I'm here to kill you... three?!" the figure replied, though at the same time he stared at them, recognizing Frieza and King Cold based on everything he had been told before he came to this location, in fact it wasn't long before he was able to recognize the ship that was behind them and a number of the soldiers that were waiting for their next important command, but he didn't recognize the figure standing next to his targets, "Who are you?"

"I am Cooler, firstborn son of King Cold, former heir to the empire's throne," Cooler stated, where Frieza noted something he was somewhat shocked by, his brother wasn't annoyed about that anymore, rather he had fully embraced the idea of them preparing Twilight to take over at some point in the future, "I can tell that you are aware of who two of us are, since I see that you're staring at my brother, Frieza, and my father, King Cold, while you have no idea who I am... but you're arrogant in thinking that you have the power to actually take all three of us down."

"Indeed, plus we aren't here to do any harm... we're just here to pick up my daughter and my wife, who have been living on this planet for some time, before going home." Frieza added, figuring that he might as well throw in his own thoughts before something happened, something that caught the figure's attention with ease, meaning that while the stranger knew about two of them he was surprised by Cooler's presence and the fact that he had other family matters, "I'm not here to kill anyone, since that's what you seem to think we're here to do... just leave us to find Twilight and Towa and we'll be out of your hair."

"Let's say I believe you... you will just destroy the planet once you finally retrieve them." the figure said, showing that while he had no idea who they were talking about, since this was the first time he had heard of Frieza having a daughter or even a wife, he wasn't about to let them do whatever they wanted with the Earth, before he smirked for a moment, "Besides, I know that you and your army are waiting on the Super Saiyan, Son Goku, to arrive so you can kill him, before moving onto the rest of the planet... however, that is an error in your logic, as there's another Super Saiyan... me... and I'm here to stop you before you kill anyone."

"Oh by our ancestors... get lost before you push us past our limits." King Cold remarked, because the figure was annoying him and his sons, due to the fact that they were here, peacefully no less, and he was trying to stir up trouble by provoking them into attacking him so he could have the moral high ground no doubt, but he was hoping the odd Earthling would get lost before one of them snapped.

Cooler agreed with his father, that the more the figure annoyed them the greater the chance that one of them would likely snap at him, though before he or his family could do anything that decided the fate of their visit to this planet, or give an order, one of the soldiers stepped forward and asked the Earthling to leave. In response to that remark the figure struck him in the chest with a punch, causing the Armored Squadron and the others to burst into action, where he quickly drew his sword and slashed through them with precision, as in no wasted movements and no hesitation. It was quite the shock for them that Salza and his men were annihilated in no time at all, given that they were the best of the best, but even as he moved their men down Cooler noticed that he obliterated their bodies for some reason. Following that the Stranger returned his sword to it's scabbard and quickly changed his stance, where they found that he was gathering his power as his aura changed into a familiar gold that Frieza instantly recognized, before his hair became spiked and became a familiar yellow while his eyes turned as well, taking on a green color.

Of course he and his father were surprised that this was the legendary form that the Saiyans talked about, though Frieza's response to it confirmed that it was, in fact, the form that had allowed him to be beaten on Namek, though despite the pain he was likely remembering he was smart enough to beckon them into action.

Together the three of them gathered their own energy, without wasting even a single second, before loosing three energy blasts that swirled around each other, merging into a single attack that rushed at the Stranger that dared to challenge all of them and state that they'd die by his hand. With the resulting explosion it was hard for them to tell whether or not they had actually done him in, even though they were hoping that Twilight would have caught their energy signatures flaring to life, since she and Towa would come running in no time. In the next moment they found that he must have dodged their attack, since the rocks behind him suffered the damage of their combined attack, where Frieza quickly charged and threw an energy sphere down at him, something that he actually caught and pushed up as he walked out of the new crater that had formed in the area around his position. Cooler and King Cold loosed a pair of energy blasts as that happened, where they slammed into the sphere and caused it to explode, just above his head and meant that he should have been taken out, but as the smoke cleared they discovered that they were wrong, the Stranger had moved over to a nearly rock pillar called out to them as he loosed a blast of energy down at the ground.

As they leapt into the air, however, the family realized his true intentions as he dropped down on them and quickly swung his sword downwards, cutting through Frieza's body, from head to toe, like a hot knife cutting through butter, before he slashed him to pieces and wiped his body out with another blast, leaving nothing but ash behind.

"You killed my brother! I'm going to kill you, you bastard!" Cooler shouted, where he quickly raised his own energy as he shifted into his Fifth Form, his own transformation beyond his base form that he used all the time, where he grew taller in the process as four horns grew out of his head to form a crown, while spikes appeared on his forearm covers and parts of his shoulder armor grew larger, with a mask covering his face as well.

King Cold had felt the ground shake in response to Cooler's transformation, something he had said he obtained during his visit to the planet he had been working on while Frieza was on Namek, but, as it turned out, not even that was enough to overcome the mysterious Stranger. It wasn't that he didn't have confidence in Cooler's power, in fact he knew that this new form already surpassed Frieza's full power before the cybernetics were added, but if the figure was able to take down Frieza, and his new power, he knew his eldest son wouldn't last long either. It was for that reason he charged into battle as well as Cooler attacked the Stranger, because while he was the weakest of the three he could still do something to avenge his son's death, especially since Twilight would be here any second and would likely inform them how to use the Dragon Balls so they could revive Frieza. Sadly it wasn't meant to be as King Cold found a hole being blasted into his chest, tearing through both his armor and his heart in an instant, causing the already enraged Cooler to go berserk as his father fell onto the roof of their ship, who didn't last much longer as the Stranger hacked him apart.

The Stranger wasted no time in using a couple of attacks to blast Cooler's remains to ash, before turning and wiping out all that remained of King Cold, plus his ship for that matter, leaving nothing behind for someone to stumble upon, causing him to power down before heading off to meet the heroes of this world... all while having a feeling that something bad was about to happen in the very near future.

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