• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Survivor: Unyielding Convictions

"You are a fool to challenge me, for I am the strongest in the entire universe." Granolah remarked, though at the same time he found that Twilight groaned and just let go of him as she took a step back, where, in his delusional mind, he believed it was due to her potentially realizing the error of her ways as he picked himself up, "So, who are you? Why are you working with a group of monstrous Saiyans?"

"I am Twilight Sparkle, and I was interested in seeing the last Cerealian in action... and, to be frank, I'm very disappointed in what I've discovered so far." Twilight replied, where she already knew that the figure in front of her was going to be rather annoying if he constantly believed his own statement, instead of seeing the reality of the situation, and while she knew that the others were confused, about her not mentioning her position to Granolah, she believed that keeping him in the dark about certain things would be the key to victory, "I mean, you didn't even come into this power naturally... no, you went and made a wish on the Dragon Balls of this planet to get the power you have, at the cost of sacrificing the majority of your life no less. I mean, that was pretty idiotic... but then you upgraded it to 'plain stupid' by telling people how you got this power in the first place."

"Wait, you mean he cheated to get this power?" Caulifla inquired, as the pair were close enough that she and the others could listen in on the conversation, though she could tell that she wasn't the only one displeased with this information, as all four of them had worked themselves to the bone to get the power they possessed, "Man, talk about taking the fun out of everything... I'd rather fight Jiren for the rest of my life, and face his ever growing power, instead of cheating like that."

"And yet, despite somehow knowing that private information, you still came to face your death." Granolah stated, though while he was a little concerned by the fact that Twilight knew about the specifics of his wish, and that the Heeters knew that he made a wish on this planet's Dragon Balls, he was still confident in his power to take her down in no time and then move on to killing the Saiyans that were resting inside the strange dome, "That's 'stupid', wouldn't you say?"

"Not really. Like I said earlier, I've studied the Cerealians in great detail, and I know more about your powers than even you do, but your wish has altered things." Twilight said, where she walked over to where Granolah was standing and found that he was on the defensive, no doubt realizing that she could slam him into the ground at a moment's notice, but she didn't attack, rather she wanted him to make the first move, "I know for a fact that your race doesn't have the same innate growth abilities that the Saiyans have, the one that allows them to constantly grow as they face stronger and stronger foes... I mean, if you did I can guarantee you that your people would have actually killed some Saiyans during the invasion, instead of just blowing up the moon and harming one Saiyan's head. Your wish gave you powers and abilities that your race would never naturally obtain, granting you the insane growth abilities that the Saiyans possess... I mean, how else would you suddenly have the power to take down four Saiyans who are at the peak of their powers?"

"Your thoughts on the matter are irrelevant. My power exists to eradicate the remaining Saiyans and, eventually, Frieza, who you will tell me the location of." Granolah remarked, confirming something in Twilight's mind, he wanted to kill her father as soon as possible, something that caused him to shift his stance as he focused on her, showing her that he was serious about wanting to bring her down.

"The Saiyans responsible for the invasion of this planet are dead, yet you still seek justice against another race that is nearly extinct. Two of the Saiyans behind me have kids... would you seek their deaths as well?" Twilight inquired, though she was pleased to see that there was a flicker of some kind in Granolah's mind as he heard that remark, no doubt because he had been saved when he was just a kid, unable to defend himself against the dangers that were attacking his planet, but he still stood like he wanted to kill someone, "One even has a granddaughter... would you seek her death as well, despite the fact that she's innocent? There's even another universe that has a planet of righteous Saiyans, who are nothing like those that haunt your dreams... tell me, Granolah, would you seek their deaths as well, despite the fact that they are not involved in the events that happened here?"

"I... do not confuse the issue! All Saiayns are wicked monsters, bloodthirsty killers, and must be annihilated!" Granolah said, showing everyone that he was remaining true to his thoughts and convictions, that he saw the Saiyans as monsters, even if the ones nearby had nothing to do with the attack on this planet, along with the fact that he would likely invade another universe and wipe out everyone that Caulifla and Kale knew, "It does not matter where they are or who they are! All Saiyans must be exterminated!"

Twilight sighed for a moment as she realized that there was no getting through Granolah's thoughts on the matter, he was of the opinion that anyone who wronged him or his people needed to be exterminated, regardless if they were involved in the attack on the planet or not. Such a thing caused her to shift her stance accordingly as she focused on him, because it looked like she would need to do this the old fashioned way, beating the stuffing out of the person that was in front of her, and her doing that caused Granolah to finally do the same thing. The two warriors stared at each other for a moment, just waiting to see what the other was going to do, and it wasn't long before the Cerealian raised his hands like he was either going to snipe her, despite the short distance between them, or prepare his chest crippling attack again. Twilight quickly found that her mere presence seemed to intimidate Granolah as he flashed up into the air and rained down blasts on the area she was standing in, each coming down as fast as the ones that he had used against the Saiyans earlier, but she just dodged them and let the blasts hit the ground.

A few seconds later she flashed through the air and brought her knee down into his back, sending Granolah down into the ground without delay, though what was interesting was that he rushed out of the smoke and rushed at her, punching her in the chest with both of his fists, intending on dealing great damage to her. Twilight, on the other hand, grabbed onto his sides and rushed back down towards the ground, slamming him head first into the stone area he had been standing in a couple of moments ago, before their battle started, and while she hoped this would convince him to stand down she knew he'd get back up and continue the fight. Sure enough Granolah flashed behind her with his movement technique and just started to throw punches and kicks at her, where she found that his skills were lackluster, he had no real experience in the art of combat, which made sense due to the fact that he was a sniper, but it just showed how stupid he was, since having multiple talents was better than one. Twilight found a hole in his defenses and stuck him in the chest, sending him into the forest that rested nearby, though before he could recover she rushed up to where he landed and kicked him even harder, crushing the trees behind him while breaking the area around them in the process.

Granolah, despite seeing that she was far more than the Saiyans he had fought previously, gathered his power and fired a powerful blast that tore apart everything around him, not to mention everything that was in the path of his attack, but all Twilight did was raise her hand and let the attack hit it, absorbing it without her foe realizing his blunder.

Of course her foe continued to be a moron as he raised his hand towards her and released a number of Ki blasts at her, all designed to target her vitals so she could be brought down, though that was where Twilight grinned for a moment as she utilized the trick she used against Hit on Granolah. His blasts were powerful, she had to acknowledge that fact since it was confirmation that the Eternal Dragon had, in fact, raised the Cerealian's power to new heights, but it also served to boost her power as well, allowing whatever bridge he was feeling to shrink as time went by. When she rushed out to attack him, with a downwards punch, her foe raised his hands and created a shield around him, showing that he didn't want her to hit him again, where her attack was stalled as the barrier transferred the power of her punch into the ground, allowing her foe to sink into the ground without taking any damage. Twilight stared at him for a moment before shrugging and backing off for a moment, giving her foe some breathing room while she waited for another attack to come towards her, since she knew it was only a matter of time until he decided to get serious, all while she continued to scan for openings to use in her attempts to knock him down.

When he remained inside his barrier for a minute or two, no doubt coming up with a plan of attack, Twilight sighed as she rushed through the air, spun around, and kicked the barrier with her hooves, breaking it in seconds before hitting him in the face, where the force of her attack sent Granolah deeper into the forest.

"I don't know how much you know about the fact of Planet Vegeta, but it wasn't destroyed by a meteor... rather it, and the majority of the Saiyan race, was wiped out by the emperor you hate." Twilight commented, once more dodging around all of the fact that would cause Granolah to go crazy, as she wanted to try and get through to him without telling him that she was Frieza's daughter, since he'd just go totally insane if he learned that piece of information, "They were paid in death for their years of service, with the majority of the survivors perishing over the years... with only a few Saiyans and Cerealians left in the universe, both on the verge of extinction, you really should let go of your hatred and..."

"No! It matters little if what you say is the truth or just a lie: I will never forgive the Saiyans!" Granolah remarked, though as he said that he burst out of the area he had been resting in and struck Twilight in the chest, utilizing the attack that he had used to bring down the Saiyans before she put them in her healing dome, causing him to smirk for a moment, "You should mourn your own stupidity for challenging the strongest in the universe... along with denying me the information I desire, as I would have spared you if you gave me what I wanted."

"Gods... you are such an utter moron." Twilight said, where Granolah discovered that the punch aspect of his attack didn't do anything to her, rather it tore up the area around them while leaving her unscathed, causing her to grab his hand and pull it back as she brushed off the part of her armor he had touched, which was unharmed as well, "Such a title means nothing in this day and age, as there are mortals growing stronger and stronger every single day... you might have been the 'strongest' when you made the wish, but everyone here has grown far more stronger than you could possibly know, in such a short period of time. Besides, you need to learn when it's time to back down..."

Granolah growled as he expanded his power once more and the ground around Twilight rumbled, where he ignited a few boulders that he ripped out of the ground and tried to take her out with a massive detonation, though in the next instant surprise appeared on his face as he found that Twilight was unharmed. Following that he let his power move out to the rest of the forest they were fighting in and ripped a number of the trees out of the ground, and even boulders that must have been buried below the ground at some point in time, before sending them flying straight at her. She discovered that he was using them as explosives, as each one contained a decent amount of his own power inside their forms and each of them detonated upon either hitting her or the ground, blasting the entire forest into oblivion as Granolah tried to remove her from the field. Twilight, on the other hand, burst out of the smoke and punched him in the chest, where she grabbed onto one of his legs before spinning and hurling him straight into the ruined city, smashing one of the building apart with ease, and as she floated down to where he was resting she found that Granolah continued his assault.

This time, however, he actually used his powers to tear apart his own ruined city, a place he must have grown up in, and hurled the pieces into the air, targeting her once more, where she found that the pieces came to a stop around her before Granolah ignited them, setting the sky ablaze like when Piccolo used his Hellzone Grenade.

"Really? You'll even destroy your past to kill me and open the way to eradicate the Saiyans that came here with me? Gods, you are a sad individual." Twilight remarked, though this time she found that Granolah wasn't even surprised by her not being harmed by his attacks, rather he seemed to be expecting such a thing and was planning ways on how to actually do some damage to her, before she sighed as she shifted her stance, "Very well then, it's my turn."

Granolah barely noticed Twilight move as she flashed from where she had been positioned a few moments ago and just appeared behind him like her speed was far faster than his was, though as he turned around she punched him right in the side of the face with more power than he thought she had. The force of which sent him away from the ruin and propelled him back towards where the Saiyans were resting, now looking fully healed he noted, but before he could turn on them he found that his foe had caught up with him and was moving into another series of attacks. Her barrage of blows staggered her foe, each one striking him in places that would stun him for a time, before she grabbed onto the front of his head and hurled him down at the ground, demonstrating that his claims were false and, hopefully, that it was time for him to stop this madness before he died. In response to her attacks, however, Granolah got up and raised both of his hands, where he used the pointer and middle fingers of each one as he readied another sniper blast, which was worthless since she knew it was coming, she could see him rather easily, and she confirmed what she had spotted earlier, he had awakened his race's power in his left eye as well.

The blast he released ignited the sky as it barreled into Twilight's chest and filled the air with smoke, where the sheer force of his attack was enough to decimate an actual city back on Earth, given how it caused everything around them to shake under the pressure, causing Granolah to laugh as he stared at the sky.

"Do you see this, Saiyans? Your foolish ally is dead!" Granolah stated, showing that he clearly thought that he had won this fight and that there was no one else that could defend them from his terrifying wrath, but in that moment, as he turned to face them, he found that the barrier was still up, something that surprised him, "Impossible..."

"You know, you aren't the first one to think that you've killed me... and you won't be the last." Twilight remarked, though Goku and the others found that her power, what she was using to face Granolah, was far above the Cerealian's, as she had siphoned the power of his attack while letting the explosion happen to see how he would react, and she dusted off her armor once more as she faced her foe, "Are you done?"

"You want to die that badly?! Fine, I'll kill you first!" Granolah shouted, where he did something new, he brought his hands together in front of him and started to gather his energy into the pointer fingers as he aimed at Twilight, who realized that this was the strongest move in the Cerealian arsenal, one capable of wiping out an entire moon and leaving nothing left, as the planet's moon had been totally erased, "My revenge will have to wait until we're both in Hell."

"Gods, and I thought some of the people I work with are stupid... you, Granolah, certainly take the cake." Twilight said, as she understood that this technique actually transferred the power of one's very life force into fuel for the attack, meaning he was willing to burn away even more of his life to try and kill her, where she found that a large sphere of white energy had gathered in front of the Cerealian and also around the smaller red sphere that was around his hands, "But go ahead, fire your attack at me."

Granolah growled as he fired the beam of energy at her, where Twilight stalled the attack with her power, reeled it in with ease, condensed it all into a small sphere above her right hand, and then, as the Cerealian collapsed on the ground, she easily separated his life energy from his Ki, allowing her to devour the power of his attack before shoving his life energy back into his body.

"Stand down, Granolah. This isn't a fight you can win... be thankful I'm willing to spare your life." Twilight stated, because she could have easily devoured everything about her foe's attack and could have let him die, but something told her that it would be best if he still had access to his remaining life energy, before noticing that a ship, likely Granolah's, flew down to where they were positioned and she lowered the barrier around the others.

Sure enough she found that someone had come to talk some sense into Granolah, an elderly Namekian called Monaito who used a walking stick to move around, who informed the Cerealian that he was sorry for deceiving him for so long, as there was one Saiyan who hadn't earned his hatred, a Saiyan called Bardock. Monaito revealed that both he and Granolah survived thanks to Bardock saving them, who seemed to do so on a whim or because he saw something that caused him to act differently than the other warriors that had been attacking the planet, something that rocked Granolah's world as everyone gathered near Twilight. The Namekian also shared something interesting with them, Goku was nearly identical to Bardock and Vegeta confirmed that the Saiyan in question was, in fact, Goku's father and that it seemed that he shared his soft heart with his father, which only made Goku even more interested in knowing more about his parents. Granolah, on the other hand, wanted to know about his mother, who Monaito revealed had been slain by the Heeters when Elec and his family discovered that they were alive, with Bardock fighting Gas to ensure that the pair survived.

Twilight, on the other hand, fact checked the tale by peering into the past, allowing the others to observe the window she used to do this, and as she confirmed Monaito's statement they found that the sky went dark for a moment, just like when the Dragon Balls were used, and it became light again a few moments later, before she found Macki and Oil standing on a large rock near their position.

"Now Granolah, it's time for your information to bare terrible fruit." Twilight commented, where she beckoned for the pair of Heeters to get on with it, she didn't want them to waste too much time right now, and found an adult version of Gas appeared between them, brimming with power that made him far stronger than Granolah and the others.

This is what happened when an organization like the Heeters got their hands on the Dragon Balls, as Elec used them and the Eternal Dragon to give Gas the power to become the 'strongest in the universe', causing her to sigh as she wondered what in the world would happen next.

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