• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Equus: Heading Back Home

Twilight and Spike stood there for a minute or two, embracing each other, though the tapping of Beerus' foot caused them to pull apart, as he was likely getting annoyed with the portal that Spike, Rivet, and Kit had used to enter his universe, a fact that was of great interest to Twilight, even if it wasn't her main focus.

"I'll be honest Spike, it'll take some getting used to your new form." Twilight said, as her memories told her that Spike was a dragon who was nowhere near the height that some of the others of his kind, around his age no less, had, but now he was a fully matured dragon who was definitely in his teenage years, likely fifteen by her reckoning.

"Understandable. Spyro, Ember, and I spent fourteen years on all fours, and then, when we turned fifteen, we matured... still glad we had that potion, as the days leading to it were painful." Spike replied, showing that he understood what Twilight meant, as he had taken some time getting used to his new body, while at the same time he discovered that his old friend, who was almost like a sister to him in some cases, had tilted her head for a moment, "Ember and I were displaced as well, and we ended up becoming Spyro's siblings... trust me, it was one wild ride, having to face down villains and save the lands, plus face the Dark Master."

"Who is this 'Dark Master' that you speak of? Is he a villain of incredible strength?" Vegeta asked, because if so it seemed like a perfect candidate to drive the dragon to seek out allies that could actually bring him down, even if it meant tracking down Twilight and asking for her help, or the help of her own allies.

"Honestly, that's an understatement... he was the personification of evil, and Malefor destroyed him, body and soul." Spike answered, something that caused Vegeta and several of the others to raise an eyebrow as they focused on him, since they were expecting a villain to be causing chaos in his home world, one he and the others needed help with, before he sighed for a moment as he thought of something, "Listen, as much as I want to go over that ancient history, and I could speak for hours on end about the Dark Master... especially after reading everything that's in the libraries of Warfang and the tomes that are located in the Archives... I'd rather focus on the here and now."

"Look, I know this is a touching reunion and all, but we should close the portal soon... while the dimensional barriers have been fixed, father said he'd rather not take chances." Rivet spoke up, gesturing to the portal that had been opened, which told Twilight that it must have been opened in a different manner than what she was used to, while at the same time also revealing that something must have happened recently that was causing her to be nervous.

Twilight nodded her head and quickly selected a few individuals to come with her, as Goku and Vegeta were interested in seeing her home world with their own eyes, plus she also brought along Gohan, Piccolo, and Gulus, allowing everyone else to relax and get to know the rest of the Digimon while she visited her home world at long last. With her group chosen, as she didn't want to head home with an army with how many people she knew, she turned towards Spike for a moment as he turned to face the portal, where she found that he actually had magic of his own, not coming from the staff, and that he weaved it into the magical gate to make sure it was stable. Once he was done the group followed Spike, Rivet and Kit through the gateway, though Twilight found that the process was just as instant as all of the portals she had used in the past, meaning in the span of just a few seconds she and everyone else stepped into her old world. Twilight discovered that they were in the plains between Ponyville and the mountain that Canterlot was built on, though off in the distance there were a number of magical arches that seemed to be connected to different worlds, likely the ones that Spike was sent to and the one Rivet was from.

As they came to a stop, and Rivet turned to a group of people that were standing nearby, Twilight closed her eyes for just a moment and focused her mind, where she started to feel the Ki signatures that were all around her, though while most of them were unknown, since she wasn't used to those from her home world, some she knew from her bonds.

"Spike... where are Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining, and Flurry?" Twilight asked, as she could tell that there were a fair amount of missing individuals from the world, in fact it reminded her of what happened to her, ending up somewhere with no memories of who you were or what you were, and in a body that wasn't familiar at all, before she noticed that there were other missing signatures, "Not to mention that most of the villains seem to be missing, save for Discord... then again, he redeemed himself, so you can't really call him a villain anymore."

"So you can sense them, or some sort of energy that you learned to sense during your adventure and new life... I must say that this is an interesting development." Spike remarked, where Twilight turned to look at him again, because now that she was listening to him talk more she had determined something, he was definitely different from the dragon she knew, while the same at the same time, and she honestly liked what she was hearing right now, "However, the answer to your question is simple: they've been displaced, just like us. You see, we learned that there is a massive demonic empire in our universe, somewhere in the vastness of space, and they've been slowly conquering planets and slaughtering those who were trying to protect their homes... and our world, or rather the being slumbering in the depths, discovered that we're going to be attacked soon. We don't know when the assault is going to happen, but what we do know is that Equus has been busy, picking what she believes to be the best of the best, those who will gain both incredible power and forces that will turn the tide against the demons."

"Yeah, with mixed results. Apparently the one called 'Tirek' is the king of his world and doesn't want to come home, while another, Grogar I think, is living in a world that has all sorts of powerful monsters." Rivet added, showing that she must have gotten used to talking to people like Spike and knew when it was time to add in additional information, while at the same time a few creatures like her closed the portal behind them, who looked pleased by the progress they had made in such a short period of time, "Spitfire and Rainbow have been focused on taking care of some last minute business on the world they were sent to, Azeroth they called it, while Pinkamena has been training our forces at the academy... the others are either with her, tending to their own worlds, or occasionally looking for the other displaced."

"Pinkamena? Don't you mean Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked, though at the same time Spike beckoned for them to follow him and they did so without delay, where her small group followed after him and looked at the town that was in front of them, as it was fascinating, especially the crystal castle on the outskirts, which had an angry looking pink cloud above it, "Also, why is one of Discord's rain clouds above my castle?"

Vegeta and the others in his group paused for a moment, though they realized that it made sense, she had shown them all her memories, allowing them to witness her life in this world before she was sent to the world that Frieza found her on, to which he glanced around and found that some of the ponies waved at Twilight, showing that they still recognized her, and she waved at them as they followed Spike.

"That's the thing, Pinkie was displaced as well, but something different happened to her and she was separated from her other half, so Pinkamena's her own person." Spike answered, which Twilight found to be rather interesting, that the other side of her friend, the so called 'depressed' side that was her before the Rainboom happened, had been brought to life, given her own body, and sent out to live her life before coming back home, "As for the cloud, well, let's just say Discord isn't too happy right now... Fluttershy's gone missing."

"No. Truly?" Twilight inquired, though in that moment she understood why Discord would be upset, as Fluttershy was his first friend, especially when she and the others took some convincing to believe he had changed for the better, which was somewhat debatable given what she had seen so far, so losing someone precious to him like this had to be hard for the Spirit of Disharmony, "Do we know where she went?"

"Yes, Princess, and I'm afraid it isn't very good." a new voice said, where Twilight found the chimera noodle shaped being known as Discord standing outside the castle, with an irritated look on his face, meaning he must have truly found the one he was looking for, though the place Fluttershy had been sent must have annoyed him greatly, before he beckoned for all of them to follow him, "Come, I'll show you what I mean."

Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other for a moment, as it was one thing to see Discord as part of Twilight's memories and another seeing him in the flesh, but followed after everyone as they entered the structure, finding that it was nothing like what they had seen of all of Twilight's various buildings. The castle seemed to be void of any real decoration, save for items that were likely created when it was created, though Twilight told them that she had made some modifications over the years, especially since she had to redo her entire library due to Tirek blasting her old one to pieces. She also told them that she had been planning on getting guards at some point in time, since all of the other princesses had them and they expected her to be no different, especially with such dangerous items she was studying, spells that could be dangerous or even disastrous in the wrong hooves, but she never did that. In fact all Twilight did was make her room, Spike's portion, the library, and a few other rooms that were important to her, though while she always had the intention of finishing the castle when she had the time to do so, but there was always something distracting her, and now, after all this time, she had no real intentions on finishing the structure.

Before anyone could ask what she meant Discord brought them to the ballroom, which had been converted into an area that one could use to peer at other worlds, based on what Twilight was seeing, as one seemed to be looking at a gothic city full of monsters, though it had no displaced inside it. At the same time another sphere showed a pair of warriors that were in the middle of fighting a large armored minotaur, one wearing nothing over his chest as he used two blades with chains that were linked to his wrists and another warrior that looked like Flurry who joined him in the fight. Twilight found another one that had a figure that looked a lot like Luna, fighting off a pack of demons on an unknown planet, while the next scene was of her having fun with a short brown haired lady, as part of it started in the bedroom before shifting again. After that she found one that seemed to be following Celestia as she attended what appeared to be a school for heroes, arguing with a boy who could make explosions with his hands, or maybe his sweat, while a weaker looking boy with green hair struggled to keep pace with them.

It was easy to tell that these were the displaced, the other missing Equestrians who had been sent to other worlds, to gain all sorts of power and allies before their eventual return to their home world, though with all of the other empty spheres she knew it was only a matter of time before Discord tracked everyone else down.

"This is what I meant." Discord stated, where they found that he was staring at one sphere in particular, allowing Twilight to see that it showed an odd town of some kind that had a figure like her, only she had Fluttershy's characteristics, and she wasn't alone, as there was another transformed mare next to her, which appeared to be Radiant Hope, though that was when she noticed what had Discord worried.

"Sombra, the King of Darkness... he's with Fluttershy and Radiant Hope." Twilight remarked, as there was a shadowy figure near the two that had a curved horn like Sombra's, the misty eyes that the tyrant had, and the shadows that only came from using this world's version of dark magic far too much, though what was interesting was that there were three more individuals near them, a young boy with a key shaped weapon, an anthropomorphic duck, and an odd tall dog.

"Yes, now go get her, before something happens!" Discord said, almost as if he had been expecting her to go get his first friend before Sombra corrupted her or did something to torment her, though as he said that a door opened and Twilight found that a small orange furred critter with her hair style and color walked in, wearing an interesting white robe.

"We told you, once someone's displaced we can't just go and extract them. Doing so would disrupt the balance of the world or universe that they were sent to." Spike replied, where he let out a sigh as he said that, as it must have been something that he had said several times since he returned home with Ember, who Twilight suspected was hanging out in the Dragon Lands, all while the odd otter weasel critter walked up to the device.

"If we could extract them, well, we'd do so for some of them... but we can't, so we wont." the creature added, speaking in Twilight's voice, allowing her to figure out that this had to be Sci Twi, her alternate from the world on the other side of the mirror that had brought her to the world Sunset Shimmer had teleported herself to a long time ago, a nice memory in her mind since it had expanded their knowledge of the universe quite a bit, before the creature tapped the device that Discord was using, "And remember, be gentle with this device! If you break it we won't be able to repair it that easily!"

"Sci Twi? What happened to you?" Twilight asked, as this was getting more and more interesting as time went on, which only made her that much more interested in what else she might discover about all of the other displaced and the worlds they had been sent to, something that would no doubt take her a long time to figure out.

"I'm an ottsel, if that's what your asking... as for how, well, let's just say 'evolution'. If you want the full tale, and it's a long one, though not as long as Spike's, maybe I'll tell you later." the creature, an ottsel apparently, replied, though it was very interesting to see that it was definitely Sci Twi and not someone else, while at the same time it was surprising to see that the other version of her wasn't even surprised by the arrival of the one who came from this world.

"I'll take you up on that later. For now, I'm more interested in hearing about your adventures, Spike." Twilight said, as she had all sorts of new information to learn from the rest of the displaced that were currently on the planet, though as soon as the words left her mouth Spike reached into a pouch he carried on his belt and withdrew a book that had an interesting cover on it, what appeared to be three young quadrupedal dragons, Spike, Ember, and Spyro she guessed, "What's this?"

"The first adventure that me and my siblings went on, edited with pictures of the enemies we fought, which I wrote after we saved the day." Spike replied, where he smiled as a wide grin appeared on Twilight's face, as not only had Spike taken an interest in reading he had developed his skills to the point where he was able to write his own books, and there was no telling what else he might have done in the time he had been gone.

"I'm so proud of you, Spike." Twilight stated, and she meant it, as it was interesting to see how Spike had grown over the years that he had spent living in another world, making her even more eager to see what else she could learn about him and what he might have learned over the years.

"Thanks Twilight, it means a lot coming from you... though that's only the first of our many adventures. I have more back home, in the libraries of Dark Hollow." Spike said, where he could see that the desire to learn more was still alive in her eyes, in fact he was sure it had never gone away in the time she had been gone, and the idea of traveling to the world that he had been sent to with Ember had really added some heat to the fire.

Twilight had no idea what was waiting on the world that Spike and Ember had been sent to, but she was eager to see what sort of libraries and information awaited her, especially when she thought about the fact that Spike had written multiple books about his adventures, which only made her that much more interested in what she might soon discover.

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