• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: Majin's Fun

"Twilight... you saw that, right?" Piccolo asked, because if that was the case it explained why she had called for everyone else to leave the planet entirely, leaving only those who wanted to fight Buu behind, though at the same time he couldn't help but look at the new Buu, a slim figure that shared Evil Buu's form and the pink from Innocent Buu's body, just without the cape that the latter wore.

"Yeah, I did... and the events leading up to it." Twilight replied, though at the same time she made a mental decision to not do what Shin usually did, because whatever happened next was going to be her fault and that meant it was her mess to clean up, or at least prevent if she was able to do so, all while Super Buu, as she was going to call him, let out a roar that shook the area around him.

It was all the confirmation Twilight needed, Super Buu had all the power that rested inside Buu, now fully situated in a body that had been designed for battle, though his anger towards humanity seemed to be the least of his concerns, as if the anger Innocent Buu had felt was no longer relevant. She found that the bodyguard of the man who was killed, or whatever he was, forced himself up the hill that was behind him so he could get a machine gun that he then used to open fire on Super Buu, though it ended up doing nothing as each bullet went through with no damage done to him. Once the man was done with his attack Super Buu did something weird, he extended his body, like it was made of slippery goo or something, and just stuffed himself down the man's throat in no time, causing the man to gag as his body started to inflate. The moment every drop of the new Buu was inside the man's body he staggered for a moment, surprised by what was going on, before he exploded from the inside out, killing him instantly as Super Buu reformed with a smile on his face.

What surprised her, and gave her hope for the future, was that Super Buu remembered Mr. Satan and the dog, since he stayed his hand from killing them, before he burst through the air and zeroed in on where the Lookout was located, to the point where his speed allowed him to reach the ledge in no time at all.

"I wasn't expecting that. He can sense our Ki with ease." Twilight commented, to which she stepped forward and walked up to where the creature was landing, who seemed surprised to see her in a place like this, while at the same time Piccolo made his exit to ensure that the kids moved into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, "Super Buu, what brings you to this place, at this point in time?"

"Twilight... bring them out!" Super Buu stated, where he released a burst of energy to intimidate those watching him, a fact that she ignored since it was far less intimidating than what she felt when she and Aria fought Kid Buu, though it was nice to see that part of him still remembered her, since she had a new plan in mind already, "Bring me the ones who will fight me... I was promised a fight, and I want to kill them right now. That is why I have come to this place of power."

"You are correct. The warriors are here, busy training to fight you, but neither of them are ready... you are, after all, a day early, as Goku told you they'd be ready in two." Twilight replied, because she knew that Super Buu had problems killing those who were high up in Innocent Buu's mind, like how he avoided Mr. Satan and the dog earlier, and she was one of those people as well, due to his use of calling her 'pony' most of the time, not that it mattered due to her immortality, "However, there are plenty of things for you to do while you wait for them to finish their training and get ready for your fight..."

Twilight paused for a moment as Super Buu grinned and started to walk around the edge of the Lookout, looking down at the world that was below them, though in that moment she understood what he was up to, he was tracking down each and every person that happened to be alive right now. Now this was the creature of death and destruction she and Aria knew about, had prepared for, so while she walked behind him, simply keeping an eye on him while making sure Piccolo got the kids to the chamber for their training, Twilight silently worked her magic. In the off chance that she was right she made a massive invisible barrier around the Lookout, one that was wider and taller than the structure they were standing on right now, so if he tried to exterminate everyone on the planet, save for those on the Lookout, she was going to catch it before it happened. While part of her was always going to be an observer, to watch certain things happen, she realized that it made her too much like Shin and it disgusted her, to the point where she was going to start taking a more active role in what was going on, though she kept everything to herself as she followed Super Buu.

When he came to a stop, back near the area he had landed in when he first arrived on the Lookout, Super Buu grinned for a moment as he raised his hand high into the air before firing off a massive burst of energy blasts that would, if allowed to rain down on the planet, kill every person that was below the Lookout. Twilight was glad she had decided to prepare for such a thing, since her barrier, fueled by her drain ability, sucked in all of the blasts as they struck it, where she could see that Piccolo, who had returned after moving the kids, was glad that she was on their side. She stood there as Super Buu tried to wipe out all of humanity with a single attack, where the grin turned into a frown as he realized that his attack had failed, though it only made him more determined to end everyone as he fired another volley, only this time he doubled it, as if that would make a difference. What it did, however, was reveal the barrier to Super Buu as it shimmered, likely due to all of the attacks that were going on in the space around the Lookout, where he paused for a moment as he found each of his blasts being drained by the barrier, as if he remembered it.

In that instant Twilight thought of something, if Kid Buu had absorbed both the South and Grand Kaioshins, adding them to his body, was it possible that he held their memories inside his body, as she recalled that the prison records for Moro indicated that he had been brought down by two Kaioshin at great cost, and that one had surfaced when he recognized the power she was using.

"Impossible... Moro...?" Super Buu commented, where he turned his head for a moment and glanced at Twilight, as if he knew more than a simple beast of destruction should know, in fact it seemed like he was staring through her and saw someone else, all while ignoring the fact that Piccolo was approaching them.

"No, he's still imprisoned... should die any day now, if we're lucky." Twilight replied, something that caused the memory in Super Buu to pull back and let him take the reins again, though it interested her that he held the memories of those he had absorbed, even those from a long time ago, making her form a plan as he came back to himself, "Listen, I can't have you go about destroying the entire world, nor can I let you kill every human on the planet... that's bad, you know... but, if you want to burn some of your excess energy and get ready for your fight, I have an area in mind that you can use to have some great fun."

"Killing... is bad..." Super Buu said, where it sounded like Innocent Buu was still in there, she could practically hear him in the creature's voice, before his current incarnation shook his head and seemed to take control of his body again, though it gave her all the information she needed right now, "What is this 'area' you speak of?"

"Follow me. I'll explain on the way." Twilight stated, though as she turned towards the main structure she extended a hand and her staff appeared once more, something Super Buu ignored since it wasn't important to him, allowing her to focus on the plan in her mind as she felt Piccolo following them, "I'm taking you to the Room of Time, where you can go back to any point in the past and fight to your hearts content. Want to fight the Saiyans in their prime? Want to fight in a war that decided the fact of an entire galaxy? Do you just want to kill people and blow stuff up? I know dozens upon dozens of events that can let you have some fun while you wait for the warriors to finish their training... all you have to do is step in the center of the chamber and I'll send you to another world."

"But... how will I return to face the warriors?" Super Buu asked, showing that part of his mind was focused on the foe he had been promised, while the other part, the one Twilight was interested in, seemed to hang on certain words without making itself known to the creature.

"You remember the game Mr. Satan showed you? It's similar to that." Twilight said, where she admitted that it wasn't the best description of what the room did and how he'd know it was time to come back to this point in time, hence why she was going to explain it more so he understood her, "Basically you'll be sent to the point in time as an avatar of yourself... like a character, only your in full control of yourself... and you have two ways to be brought back to this point: either you suffer what would pass as death, like being blown to pieces or being beaten to within an inch of your life, or you can complete whatever task you're supposed to accomplish, such as killing everyone or blowing up the planet. Knowing you the latter is likely what will happen, but you never know what might happen... I did it several times and suffered the near death defeat a few times. I just want you to remember your intent while you're doing this."

Super Buu said nothing to that as Twilight reached their destination and ushered him into the space that would allow her to send him to another point in history, where she accessed the transfer device and sent him back in time, to a battle that had two armies and plenty of people for him to attack. As he slipped into the state that came with using this room, unless one used far too much time magic like she had discovered years ago, Piccolo asked what she was up to and she simply chuckled for a moment as she explained that this gave the kids more time to train for their big battle. He understood that part of things, since he had ideas to do the same thing after discovering that Super Buu was coming to the Lookout, rather he was asking why she was messing with the creature's mind by repeating things that Mr. Satan had said before those two men shot him and the dog. Twilight explained that the memory of Innocent Buu was what she was currently targeting, part of him was still inside Super Buu since he refrained from killing Mr. Satan and actually listened, to a degree, to what she was saying, so her thought was that if she pried at that part of him she might be able to cause something big to happen.

"Honestly, I'm just glad you're actually helping now, instead of watching events happen." Piccolo remarked, though as he said that he found that Twilight tapped something and an image appeared on the left wall of the Room of Time, revealing the battle she had picked out for Super Buu's first destination, something he had never seen before.

"I realized that I was starting to walk down the same path that King Kai and Shin have been walking, that of simply standing off to the side and observing what was going on." Twilight stated, something that made her growl for a moment as she took a few seconds to consider that she had been starting to follow the path of the foolish Kai and the foolish Kaioshin who knew nothing about anything that was going on, before she sighed and shook her head, "I will not walk their path of inaction, not when I have the power to do so... I should have killed those men before they got close to Buu, but I didn't and now we're paying for my mistake. I will not make the same mistake again."

Piccolo gulped as he remembered who he was talking to, a demon of great power who put even the gods in their place, so, instead of making her mad at him again, he decided to focus on the screen that allowed them to observe Super Buu, which was a function he was only now discovering, meaning Kami might not have known about it. The creature seemed to be in the middle of having the time of his life, slaughtering everyone and anyone who dared to get in the way, though even as he did that Piccolo could already see that Twilight's earlier words held some weight, as Super Buu held a hand to his head every now and then. To him it didn't seem like the creature knew what was going on with him, either he was blacking out when it happened or he was trying to forget what was happening to him, but her plan was already starting to bear fruit and made him realize what she was trying to do. Super Buu was the combination of Majin Buu, or Innocent Buu he guessed, and Evil Buu, so by going after the memory of the former Piccolo was sure that Twilight was trying to force the two apart again, just like what happened with those two men earlier, and if Innocent Buu regained his power they might be able to save the rest of the world without having to fight him.

He realized that if that happened, and the two Buus were separate entities again, Twilight could erase Evil Buu with all of her great and terrible power, then they could gather the Dragon Balls, revive everyone that's been slain while leaving out all of the villains, and probably erase Buu from the population's memories so he could go on and become a member of society, like he had been trying before the event happened.

"Twilight... that was fun. Another!" Super Buu stated, as the scene they had been watching came to an end as the creature wiped out the planet he had been sent to, while at the same time showing them that he was excited by the rush of killing people, or at least part of him based on what Piccolo was seeing, meaning Twilight's plan had to be working.

"As you wish." Twilight replied, where she wasted no time in setting the next destination and sending him back in time, a fact that confirmed her statement about knowing multiple points in history as Piccolo thought about it, though before he had a chance to open his mouth she spoke first, "Don't worry, as long as I don't use my own temporal magic, or overload any of the room's systems, you don't have to worry about him altering the existing history of the universe... not that such a thing matters, since the planets I'm sending him to have all been destroyed at one point or another."

"I just thought of something: can't you teleport him into a more dangerous section of the universe?" Piccolo asked, as he had thought of another way that they could be rid of Super Buu, a way that might end with him getting himself wiped out by a natural force so the Earth could survive whatever happened next.

"You mean like a black hole? I mean, I guess I could do that, but would that be fair to Innocent Buu?" Twilight inquired, as while she understood where Piccolo was coming from, since he just wanted to keep this world safe from the danger that had been unleashed, she refused to do such a thing while the other Buu was still inside Super Buu, where her statement caused Piccolo to sigh for a moment, "Tell you what, if my plan works we won't need such a thing... if it fails, and Super Buu proves to be far too much for everyone to deal with, I'll try teleporting him into a black hole. I mean, I doubt that it'll come to that, as I have some new moves that I've been itching to try out in battle, but it's nice to have options just in case things go south."

Piccolo stood there in silence as he observed Super Buu wiping out the population of the planet Twilight had sent him to, this time using the same attack that Twilight had stopped him from using earlier, and while it was easy to see that he was enjoying himself he could also see some conflict starting to form in his mind. Because Innocent Buu had been absorbed so recently it was possible that the memories that Twilight was targeting were causing him to fight against Super Buu, hence the mental battle that seemed to be happening right now, and that meant her plan had a greater chance of success than he thought it did. She was trying to create a division of sorts in Super Buu's mind, force the two versions of the creature to have a tug of war or something while Super Buu was slaughtering everyone in the past, or at the very least sow the seeds that would tear his mind apart, and right now the little slip ups he was displaying showed that she might be on the right path to saving Innocent Buu. Part of him was thinking about what Twilight had said, an echo of what Mr. Satan had said in the minutes before the event happened, while the evil part of him loved to decimate the people that were around him, as if he was blowing off steam while he waited for the warriors to get ready for their fight.

In that moment he realized that they might not even need Gotenks to deal with Buu, as Twilight was taking her own words seriously and wanted to show everyone that she was done walking the path of King Kai and Shin, meaning that she might fight him when the time was right.

When Super Buu returned from his journey Twilight had a question for him, which was did he want to take a break and get something to eat, though he turned her down after about ten seconds, meaning Innocent Buu must have been pushing for a break, before demanding to continue with his fun. She obliged him without delay, sending him back while also taking a moment to repeat the comment she made earlier, quieter than normal as if she was trying to speak to Innocent Buu or freak out Super Buu without saying much, though Piccolo understood her plan. Her words sunk into the creature's head, resonating with everything that had been side before, and the more she repeated herself to him the more Piccolo could see the mental war going on as he moved from planet to planet, acting differently as time went on. In the beginning Super Buu just annihilated everything and everyone in his path, though as time passed he started doing things differently, as on one planet he only wiped out the evil forces, another he started to prime an attack that would everything before coming to a stop for some reason, and on another he acted against his new destructive personality, as he went and healed those who were injured in battle.

That last one caused Super Buu to grip his left arm for a few seconds, where Piccolo was sure that it vibrated while he did do, as if Innocent Buu was actually fighting back, before he annihilated the entire planet with a single attack, returning him to the Room of Time in the process.

"We've been at this for a while now, Super Buu. Do you want something to eat before the next round?" Twilight asked, as if she was taking no note of how the creature was acting, telling Piccolo that only they could see the screen she had set up earlier and that she didn't want to tip her hand before it was time to do so, causing him to remain silent as well.

"I... I... I want Mr. Satan's cooking." Super Buu stated, though as he said it Twilight got all the confirmation she needed, his voice had distorted as Innocent Buu spoke at the exact same time, showing that he was struggling to contain his other half right now, despite the fact that he forced him down to maintain his hold, "And I want candies!"

"As you wish." Twilight said, where she mentally smiled for a moment, as everything was going as planned and now, with his own desires coming to light before their eyes, she could deliver the crippling blow that would crack the creature wide open, causing her to glance at Piccolo, who nodded his head, before she headed outside and departed.

With the plan in motion Twilight teleported down to the Earth's surface and appeared before Mr. Satan, where she quickly informed him that Super Buu wanted him to prepare a meal for him, something he agreed with rather fast in her eyes, but the light in his eyes told her all she needed to know. He was hoping to do anything to bring his friend back, despite the fact that they had only known each other for a day, even if it meant cooking for the creature he had become after those men hurt Beelzebub and himself, only for Twilight to shorten the dog's name to Bee. She really didn't see the reason of giving a dog a demon's name, as there were references to such a demon in this world's history and even others, all different based on her research, but it was close to Buu's name and suspected that the dog might help break the creature. She returned him and the dog to the Lookout before teleporting to a few places to get the ingredients Mr. Satan needed, as he wanted to make a familiar dish, the same he had been prepared for Buu, the one he fully enjoyed, and while he got to work she went out and got a bag of Earth candies for Super Buu to enjoy.

Upon her return to the Lookout she found that the creature was struggling to hold back his other half, as she found that his left side bubbled every now and then, and he accepted the candies without delay, anything to take his mind off of what was happening, before Mr. Satan served a well cooked stake, a bowl of rice, eggs, and several other items, showing that while he had no idea what Buu liked he had prepared a feast.

"I recreated the first meal I made for you... I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I decided not to disappoint." Mr. Satan said, all while Bee sat in one of the chairs so he could see what was going on right now, though Super Buu was looking down at the food that had been presented to him, no doubt surprised that Twilight had convinced the man to come up here and cook for him.

Super Buu sat there for a moment as he stared at the feast, though when he dug in it wasn't like a beast eating, rather he actually used the utensils and seemed to savor every bite as he dug into Mr. Satan's feast, though Twilight smiled a little as his left eye started to shift without him realizing.

"...Sa... Satan...?" Super Buu said, though to their surprise it was actually Innocent Buu that had spoken up, especially since his left eye was closed like the fat one did most of the time, but as soon as that happened more of the old Buu surged to the surface, his left hand being covered in a yellow glove, the cape halfway returning, and the left half of his vest came back as well.

It was the moment Twilight had been waiting for, Innocent Buu was literally trying to tear himself free from Evil Buu, which would destroy Super Buu in the process, and as the creature growled and gripped his head, a sign of the mental war that was going on in full force, she made her move. She escorted him outside, finding that his left side started to get fatter as the seconds ticked by, another sign that Evil Buu was losing ground, and once they were outside the main building, in the area Super Buu had landed in earlier that day, she focused her mind. In that instant she locked onto the Sacred World of the Kai, to Aria's signature since she was far away from everyone else, and teleported both herself and Buu off the planet, because if things went south at least the Earth and it's people wouldn't be in danger. As they appeared on Shin's world, a fact that surprised everyone, Aria made her move, where she used a Ki blade and slashed Buu vertically in half, splitting the two Buus from each other with ease, as the left half filled out into Innocent Buu while the right stayed in their slim form as pink energy surrounded him.

In that moment she felt a storm of Ki that was far greater than most of the people Twilight had faced in the past, though there was one figure that this power matched, causing her to chuckle as she realized that her gamble had both succeeded and failed at the same time.

"I saved Good Buu... and in doing so freed Kid Buu." Twilight remarked, where she and Aria watched the rebirth of the first Buu, the one who went about destroying everything without a care in the world, though at the same time she noticed a dark look of anger and hate coming from the creature, causing her to summon her staff once more.

She wasn't sure how her plan had brought about the rebirth of Kid Buu, something she had hoped to avoid, but now that the beast was back in the universe she was going to use her full power this time around and bring him down before he had a chance to destroy anything else.

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