• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: The Party

Trunks found that Gulus Gamma was true to his word, he was more of a training partner than an actual foe, which was a good thing to discover since he happened to be stronger than some of their enemies and there was no telling how much power was lurking in his body. Such a thing meant that they could focus on school and occasionally clash with Gulus, or at least that was the plan if more ghouls didn't bother them, allowing the pair to realize that the rest of the day after meeting Beta 07 went by without anything serious happening. Both he and Goten did notice a spy drone, in the form of a ladybug, following them at one point, so they acted like normal students when it was around and even found that Mai knew about it as well, before discovering that she even had a plan in mind already. They knew that Hedo only revealed himself when he thought it was absolutely necessary, or in the event that Cleangod would be present for certain events, so the party that was going to be thrown in the near future presented the perfect opportunity to catch him, since the flyers claimed that the hero in question would be there.

The plan was rather simple, they were going to let him come to them, ambush him at some point during the party, and the moment he fled they would be able to track down his hideout, so they could put an end to the ghouls, once and for all, a fact that meant none of them would actually be partying during the event. Mai fully expected Trunks to be upset by this, but he was actually all for it, as it meant they could deal with a villain at long last and take out his minions, though to prepare for the trap he needed to swap out his official school bag for a decoy that only had the container inside it. His reasoning was due to the fact that it was what Hedo wanted as well, the sole reason he kept bugging him and Goten, or maybe the main reason since the ghouls seemed to think there was another reason behind the attacks, so this would present him with a chance to get his hands on it. Mai and Goten decided not to bother bringing their bags to the event, since Hedo might just steal them all to cover his bases, before they discovered that Mai was already getting a set of attire from Twilight, a dress that could double as armor if Hedo decided to try and take a hostage when he fled.

Trunks and Goten also discovered two other facts, the first being that Krillin was in the know and that he would be waiting for Mai's signal when the dance happened, as they were convinced she was right about Hedo, while the other was that there was another transfer student later in the day, a girl who had a skinny body and was slightly shorter than some of the other students, though she had short white hair and had an 8 on her shirt, revealing that Beta 08 was ready to go.

As it turned out Beta 08 didn't seem too interested in Hedo's schemes, rather she went about her day like a normal girl, in fact it was hard to tell if she was a ghoul or not, since the obvious signs weren't easily seen, and instead of giving everyone a name like 'Baytah', like Beta 01 had, she used the name 'Monet'. Trunks and Goten found that she was smart, though not as smart was the first in her line, she had her own power that allowed her to play some sports, while again not being on the level of her predecessors, and nothing strange happened over the course of the day. Beta 08 was, for all purposes, just an ordinary school student that had no other purpose than to go to school and do her best in her classes, confirming that Hedo had likely designed her to get access to the dance, which was just a sad reason for existing, to only do one thing and then likely be shelved for the rest of her life. Trunks actually felt sorry for her, as Monet had been created simply to get Hedo into the dance, while the rest of the line she belonged to had been designed to do battle, making him wonder if she actually knew that fact and, if she did, how she was coping with that information.

Shockingly enough she didn't want to talk to him or Goten, unlike the other Betas who wanted to bother them all day long, rather Monet went about her day avoiding them like the plague, though it did seem like she had made some friends with a few other girls, so everything wasn't all bad for her.

When the night of the party arrived Trunks and Goten found that the party was in full swing, students were dancing and a band was even playing, skilled students from their school no less, though with a single glance it was clear that everyone was having fun. Trunks and Mai were partnered together, mostly since there was no one else to invite, while Goten came with one of the students who rode his bus, someone he was familiar with, though she was mostly interested in Trunks and seemed to hold a grudge of sorts against Mai, but why they had no idea. In truth the three were more interested in their target, since it was only a matter of time until Hedo showed up, though they intended on mingling with the other students as they kept an eye out for the one that was giving them so much trouble recently, not counting Devi Dimon's forces that were hard to predict the arrival of. Trunks made sure that his decoy bag was added to what everyone else brought, while Mai and Goten didn't bring anything at all, and it really wasn't long before they found Monet in the crowd, though it sure looked like Hedo might have left her to avoid being seen, leaving her at the side of the stage.

"I can only imagine how angry she is... imagine being brought back to life, but instead of being sent into battle, like those that came before you, you're regulated to being a ticket to a dance." Mai commented, making sure that Trunks was the only one that could hear her right now, since they were getting some punch as the band continued to play, though she kept glancing at the poor girl every now and then.

"Not only to the dance, but also to meet Cleangod again." Trunks said, as he knew what she was getting at, that Monet was just a means to an end, a disposable ghoul that had no purpose other than to give her creator a way to meet one of the few people he idolized, enough to want their autograph, and once this dance was done she'd likely be abandoned or just tossed aside when Hedo thought the time was right.

"Hopefully we can catch him tonight and put an end to his schemes." Mai remarked, because that would make things far easier for them, allowing Trunks and Goten to focus on the Digimon and their schooling, instead of splitting it three ways, plus it would help ease the suffering of those who were bothered by this turn of events.

As it turned out their plan was going to be put into action a lot sooner than anyone intended, as the student who set up the whole party had everyone give the band a round of applause, where the band members bowed and waved for a few moments before walking off stage, causing the speaker to announce that Cleangod would be coming out soon. That was when Trunks, Goten, and Mai noticed someone who looked like the pictures of Hedo lingering at the front of the crowd that was gathering to see the super hero, looking like he was just an excited fanboy and nothing else, causing Trunks to walk up to him to engage him in conversation. He was able to confirm that this was, in fact, the person they were waiting for, as he was a massive fan of Cleangod, to the point that he even had the exclusive tee from the signing session, which Trunks and Goten had missed due to their training. Hedo didn't seem to realize who he was talking to, rather he seemed happy to have another fan he could talk to while they waited for the super hero to appear on stage, though while that happened Goten noticed that Beta 01 was present as well, either because he snuck in or because someone had invited him despite his crimes against the school.

With this turn of events Mai knew it would be best if they stayed their hand and tapped a button on her attire that sent the signal to Krillin, where he and his officers entered the building through the main door and surprised everyone, save for all those who were aware that they had been positioned outside for a while now.

"Dr. Hedo, you are under arrest for stealing bodies from the morgue and cemeteries." Krillin stated, as the Alpha ghouls were more corroded than the Beta series, at least they were able to tell that much from what they could see of both types of ghouls, though he had a feeling that Twilight would be able to reveal more once they arrested some of Hedo's forces and let her study them for a time.

Hedo, while caught out in the open, revealed that he must have done something to either his suit or his skin as he readied a device that filled the area with smoke for a time, allowing him, Beta 01, and Monet to leave the building, though based on what Trunks could see the latter looked sad at the idea of leaving her friends behind. The pair joined Krillin as he flew through the air, following the vehicle that Hedo was using to reach his hideout, though interestingly enough he had Alpha 12 as his driver as Beta 01 shifted through the stolen bags for a time, eventually pulling out the container from Trunks' decoy bag. With that done Hedo had them stop for a moment, all to deposit the rest of the bags on the side of the road, but before they left he made sure each one was picked clean of any cash or valuable items, no doubt to help fund his next project no doubt, though Monet moved away from them, showing that she must not have been programmed like the rest, as Hedo likely didn't have enough time before the dance started. Since Hedo was leading them to his hideout, which had to be the pair of shipping containers that were oddly placed in the forest, Trunks and Goten slipped into their hero attire and readied themselves for battle, breaking down the door a few moments after their target reached his base.

Sure enough they found the entire Alpha Series and Beta Series, the latter wearing normal clothing since they worked jobs to fund Hedo's operations, along with a massive bipedal dino ghoul that looked like it was made up of two different dinos of the same species, as some were orange and some were green colored.

"Behold, Dino-Droid 01!" Hedo stated, which really made them wonder why he was so eager to dig up the dead and use his genius mind to revive whatever he wanted, though the dinosaur's size revealed why the containers were positioned near a mountain, since the ghouls had hollowed it out for Dino-Droid 01 to move around in, "Crush them!"

In that moment they were able to confirm something else, that being the fact that Hedo hadn't paid attention to any of the fights they had with the various Digimon, as Goten stood still and tanked the incoming swing from Dino-Droid 01, causing it to struggle against his resistance for a time. Trunks did the same when it tried to attack him, he just raised his arm for a moment and blocked the attack with his hand, causing the mindless beast to fire a beam of energy at him, tearing through the wall of the mountain and revealing a path outside. With that in mind the pair pulled Dino-Droid 01 out of the lab and dragged it into the air, releasing the beast when they were a fair distance away, only to lay into it with a move they had perfected thanks to Piccolo's training, the 'Cyclone Style: Tornado Double Hurricane' move. It was a move that allowed the pair to utilize their Ki like it was actually wind, so by channeling it around them they were able to form a larger vortex than if they did this on their own, hence the 'double' in the name, and it's power allowed them to tear through the dino ghoul in no time.

Such a thing caused the pieces to detonate, likely because there was far too much machinery inside the dino to make the creature move, which might be why Hedo called it a 'droid', but with it done the pair posed as Krillin, joined by his team, arrested Hedo and the various ghouls, save for one in particular.

"So, what next?" Goten asked, though he was sad to see Monet escorted out of the lab, as some of the police realized she was a ghoul and were being careful, even though she was complying with their small requests, just in case there was more to her than what they had seen so far.

"We charge Hedo for his crimes and see what happens next... though Twilight might show up to speak with him." Krillin replied, keeping his voice low so only the pair could hear him, since there was no reason for Hedo to know that particular piece of information just yet, though at the same time he couldn't help but look at the various ghouls and wondered if they could ever have a normal life again.

Trunks and Goten nodded their heads as they thanked the police for their hard work, some even snapping pictures of the pair to post later since some happened to be fans of theirs, before taking off to return to the party and face whatever the coming days might have in store for them, Hedo, and the various ghouls.

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