• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Prelude: Lessons

Following Twilight's acceptance of Towa as her mother, since she seemed more accepting of the idea than the other lady, Frieza did the first reasonable thing, at least in terms of his family due to their position, which was testing Towa's power out, to be sure she had the power that the Scouters claimed she had. Cooler had an idea on how to do that and that was by having her face a number of soldiers, though since her power was enough to break a Scouter that meant it had to be someone strong, and by that he meant either the Captain of the Ginyu Force or a member of his own unit, the Armored Squadron. In the end he and his brother actually agreed to call in both Captains for this test, where they were fortunate to discover that both Ginyu and Salza were available, as Cooler had his men nearby at all times while Frieza only called on the Ginyu Force when he either needed them or had a task for them. With that in mind they headed outside, to an area that had been designed to be a training ground for the royal soldiers, since Frieza didn't train and Cooler only did it to stay in peak physical condition, though it did give Twilight a chance to see all of the various races that worked for her family.

When they arrived at their destination she discovered a group of five individuals, ranging from a small green person to a rather fall blue person, with a pale skinned individual, a red skinned figure, and a purple skinned person who had a pair of black horns sticking out of his head, off on the left side of the circular building. On the right side she found three figures, a dark green figure, a brown reptilian figure, and a light blue humanoid figure, who Twilight had to assume were the force that followed her uncle's orders, the Armored Squadron. Based on what she was seeing the purple horned individual had to be Captain Ginyu, who held the respect of both his team and those tending to them, while she guessed that the light blue one off on the right had to be Salza, her uncle's captain, who also commanded respect. As they walked into the arena Twilight found that the soldiers of the two squads paused for a moment, bowing their heads towards her father and her family, and when her grandfather nodded his head the soldiers backed off immediately.

As everyone moved into position Towa stepped forward and jumped down into the arena, where she found that both of her opponents were ready for a fight, which was why they had been called here in the first place, hence why she held her left hand out as she focused on them.

"Now then, let's see how strong she really is." Cold commented, as while he trusted the Scouters, and breaking them was a good way to tell when someone was really strong, he wanted to be sure they weren't being tricked in some manner, due to his family's position as the leaders of the empire that Frieza ruled over, "Towa, Captains, you may start when ready."

For a few seconds nothing happened as Ginyu and Salza stared at Towa, giving Twilight a chance to study them and their stances, before the battle started in full force as the two Captains rushed towards their opponent, showing everyone that they were taking this seriously. Towa let her opponents get closer to her before she bothered to react, using both of her hands to block the incoming punches that were aimed at her face and chest, as if their attacks were slow to her, and in the next moment, before they had a chance to recover, she swung her right fist and knocked them both back. After that she called forth her energy, forming spheres of dark energy above her hands that she released not a few seconds later, where the observers found that the blasts rushed forward and separated into five smaller orbs that struck their targets, or tried to as Ginyu and Salza dodged her attacks. As that happened she noticed that the two Captains where splitting up while also not using their own energy abilities, like her own, no doubt out of fear that they might be punished if they wreck the place, where she could tell that they were planning on distracting her while the other attacked from another direction, a worthwhile strategy in her mind.

In the next few seconds Twilight watched as something interesting happened, her mother loosed a small energy blast that seemed to do nothing to Salza, without him knowing, while Ginyu swung at her, but in the following second she switched spots with Salza, causing him to take the punch to the face as his ally noticed that they had suddenly switched spots while he was distracted.

"I see... she used her energy to switch spots with Salza, giving her an advantage in this fight." Twilight commented, where Cooler could tell that she was far smarter than most children that were around her age, confirmation on what he and the others had learned so far, and yet she had figure it out a lot faster than anyone else, even those that were used to fighting or training, "Fascinating."

Cooler said nothing as he and the others watched Towa fight, as he could tell that she had experience fighting enemies, which he expected from a Demon, something he realized after her arrival and only knew that due to his own experience with a member of her kind, a shady male who disappeared shortly after seeing him. He didn't know much about the race in question, though he was interested in why one would suddenly come to their planet like this, other than for Twilight, a fact that he could see because she was possibly one of the smartest children in the universe. He knew that it would take some time to teach her everything, in fact they needed teachers for her since he knew his brother wouldn't do anything to help her, because Frieza was expecting to turn her into a weapon overnight, but he intended on showing her how to act, instead of how his brother wanted. For that he knew Twilight needed a mother to help stir her right and right now he felt that Towa was a perfect fit, especially since she was doing quite well for herself against both Ginyu and Salza, which even his father could tell by watching the fight, but he knew his brother was smitten, he was likely feeling love for the first time and it made him smirk a little.

It seemed like Twilight's arrival was a good thing, maybe she would teach Frieza a lesson at some point in time, and they had gained an ally from the Demon Realm, who overcame both of the Captains, much to Twilight's joy, where he found himself looking forward to whatever challenges the future might throw at them.

Following Towa's victory over Ginyu and Salza, surprising the soldiers that had witnessed it since they hadn't thought such a thing would happen, Frieza officially announced that Twilight was his daughter and Towa was his wife, though as the rest of the empire soaked in that information Cooler got to work teaching Twilight what she needed to know. He knew she had no idea how the universe worked, other than what his brother had showed her after her arrival, so he did his best to teach her what he knew and make sure that she knew there were two figures their family preferred to stay away from or stay on the good side of. Those two beings were known as Majin Buu, who hadn't been seen for a long time and people who knew of him preferred it that way, least multiple planets or even galaxies perish in his thirst for violence, and Beerus, a powerful being known as the 'Destroyer', both because of his habit of destroying planets and because he happened to be the God of Destruction for the entire universe. Cooler informed her that, under no circumstances, was she to engage either being or anger them in some way, least the empire be caught in a path of destruction, though he was pleased to see that, while it was wrong to tell someone of her age this, Twilight understood her grandfather's wishes, as Cold was the one who put that rule in motion a number of years ago.

In addition to his teachings on how the empire operated there were lessons on the hierarchy of the Frieza Force, starting with the lowest ranking soldiers and ending with his most trusted warriors, split between special bodyguards and his own special force that solved his problems, finding that she devoured his information with ease.

He also started to teach her how to use her energy like Towa had done in her match, only to find that Towa was a better teacher than he was expecting, she had a grasp on the power that she and certain others could fire off, much like how his brother could fire beams of red energy at those who annoyed him. Twilight was, of course, interested in what her mother had to teach her and when Towa started to delve into how to tap into the power that was inside her, the energy that she saw during the match, and draw it out of her so she could use abilities like everyone else. Towa found that Twilight was a fast learner, she soaked in the information she was given, thought about it and the examples she was being given or had seen, and was able to replicate, to a degree, whatever was asked of her, starting off with tapping into her power to use it as small little energy blasts. She also knew that Twilight had another source of power, magic, something she was familiar with, far more than Ki, as it was called by some races, and informed her that when she had mastered her energy control, as in to an acceptable level so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by the rest of their training, she would teach Twilight how to use her magical powers.

Frieza, as Cooler expected, showed little interest in actually training Twilight and showing her how to use her powers. in fact he knew it would happen since his brother was an entitled brat who always got what he wanted, but Towa seemed fine with the idea of teaching Twilight on her own or with him, though as the first week ended and the second began he found that his niece had a question for him.

"Uncle, why does father never come to my lessons?" Twilight asked, as while she understood that her father was busy, due to his position, she had to wonder if she had done something wrong or had displeased him in some manner, as he never bothered to come and see how she was doing with her lessons.

In that moment Cooler found that he disliked his brother a little more than usual after he noticed the worry that was on his niece's face, where it was clear to him that Twilight had to be wondering if her father thought she wasn't worthy of his time, which someone her age really shouldn't have to worry about.

"Because he's..." Cooler started to say, where he stopped himself for a moment as he remembered that he was standing near a three year old who was only finding her footing, so to speak, and wasn't used to all the various vulgar talk that the races of the universe used to show they were displeased with someone, all while Towa paused the next lesson, most likely out of sheer curiosity, before he sighed for a moment, "Because he's a busy man, and while he should come and see how you're doing, as you are progressing at a wonderful rate, his position as the ruler of our empire makes it hard for him to spend time with his family."

"Okay... maybe I should enlist in the Frieza Force, so I can work with him and the others." Twilight said, even though the last part of her response seemed to be more like a comment to herself, something Cooler and Towa noticed since she wasn't even attempting to keep her ideas to herself.

"While I adore the idea of you working with your father, perhaps we should wait until you're older?" Towa inquired, which caused Cooler to raise an eyebrow for a moment as Twilight smiled, showing that she liked having someone agree with her idea, even though it would be somewhat odd for the empire's heiress to work under the current leader, "Now go get ready, as we'll be testing your Ki control today... maybe we'll get you to levitate a little."

Twilight smiled and walked over to where she kept her study materials, for her history lessons and whatnot, storing her stuff away so she could head into the training area her mother had made for them, a protective ring that would stop any stray Ki blasts from hitting the rest of her father's city.

"Twilight adores you, Towa... probably a combination of being turned down by the other lady and the fact that both of you are researchers." Cooler commented, as he had seen Twilight's eyes widen when he took her to the library one time, just to get her out of the palace for a couple of hours, since she seemed to enjoy learning about her powers, allowing him to see that there was more to his niece than he originally believed, "Though working in the Frieza Force might not be a good idea, given how my brother intimidates his soldiers."

"That's only if they fail, and trust me, I did my research just in case Twilight asked about it." Towa replied, though as she said that she stared at the area that Twilight was in with a smile on her face, because she was enjoying her time with both Cooler and her new daughter, and even Frieza for that matter, even if he preferred to remain busy with finding planets to attack so Elec could sell them, "Twilight isn't the type to allow failure, rather she's of the type that overcomes and even improves her abilities as she meets the challenges set for her."

Cooler said nothing to that, as he agreed with her assessment of his niece, so far she had met the challenges that both of them had set for her and impressed both of them, though in the next few seconds he stood back as Towa walked down to where Twilight was sitting. Since she was still new to wielding her inner energy, which he personally felt was magic and Ki combined, she preferred to start her lessons my meditating for a short period of time, allowing her to draw out her inner energy or strengthen her ability to access it. At the same time, however, Towa knew she was making surprising progress in using her powers, so much so that she was sure that within a year she would have taught Twilight everything she might need to know about Ki and what she could do with it, which would be when they started developing skills to help in on the battlefield. What she was referring to were Ki attacks like her father's beam, which she only knew of thanks to the stories her uncle told her about, the powers that the Captains used against Towa in their battle, and the skills she used as well, because if Twilight wanted to help her father in the further this was necessary to keep herself safe.

As they did that, however, Towa stopped as she noticed something and raised her hand, where Cooler came to a stop not a few seconds after her motion and glanced at the area, wondering what was up, before his Scouter activated and zeroed in on Twilight, who seemed to be gathering her Ki. He noticed that Twilight was floating a little above the ground, showing that she must have completed that part of her lessons, or at least the basics anyway, but it was what was around both of her hands that caught his eye, purple energy that had to be her Ki. It appeared that she was a natural at this, tapping into the power inside her with only a week's worth of training, though Towa made sure they just observed her, because this would tell them if they needed to step up her lessons or pull back to prevent her from burning through everything in just a year or two. As such they silently watched Twilight as she worked, where she raised her hands for a moment and formed a triangle with her hands, while keeping the palms from touching each other, though it wasn't long before a sphere formed in the space she had created, causing her to quickly pull her hands apart as she formed a lance in front of her.

Towa stared at the purple lance, which crackled like it was made of lightning or something, and realized that she and the others might have misjudged how strong Twilight might be, though as she grasped the Ki weapon for a moment, spinning it like an actual weapon, Towa knew what was coming and reacted accordingly. As Twilight turned, to hurl the weapon at the wall behind her, a dark swirling mass appeared in the air in front of her and it swallowed the lance before it could hit her destination, before Cooler found that she had opened what he assumed was a gate to one of the planet's moons, as there were two. Based on what he could tell it was the furthest of the two, which happened to have white stone while the closest was more of a purple color, like Frieza's gem sections, though his attention was on Twilight's weapon as it sailed off into the distance, meaning it had to be propelled by her power or something. A few moments later it collided with one of the hills of the second moon's surface, as it had rough terrain, before detonating with enough force to blast a crater into part of the moon, about three Raditzs' wide by his reckoning, causing them to look at Twilight.

Cooler understood that they needed to teach Twilight better control, least she do something that might wipe out part of the palace or the surrounding area, though he was also eager to see what his niece might do in the future, once she was in control of her innate powers.

Author's Note:

For anyone curious, Twilight landed in Age 752, ten years before the events of Namek.

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