• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Battle: Encounter

After unlocking the power of the Super Saiyan 4 within both Goku and Vegeta, and making sure they didn't go crazy from all the rage they had been feeling previously, Twilight focused on making sure they got used to their new level of power while making sure her own goals were achieved. One thing she was able to confirm was that both Saiyans were now stronger than they had been previously, as training with them required her Demon Goddess form, at the very least, and if they proved to be at a certain point of power she rewarded her opponents with a glimpse of her true power. Training with Goku and Vegeta was the best way for her to master the power of the Dark Queen form, as Towa informed her that only male figures would be called Dark 'Kings', but even then she had to drastically reduce her power to a mere fraction of her true terrifying might to even get any worthwhile training from clashing with them. Even with the might of Saria, Caser, and Shandy joining them the Saiyans had a hard time actually matching her power, confirming just how terrifying Mechikabura could have been, which only made her wonder if she even stood a chance against the actual gods of the universe, the Destroyer and his Angel to be exact.

One thing she discovered, about a week after awakening the new form in the Saiyans, was that she got a call to speak with the King of Earth, King Furry, though she was pleasantly surprised by what he wanted to talk about, he wanted to ally the planet with her growing empire. He had seen the ships her family used when they were traveling to this planet, knew of her special security force, likely referring to the Ginyus or even the Demons who served her, and realized that, with everything she had done for the planet, it only made sense to submit to her rule. Twilight informed him that there wouldn't be too much changing with him joining the Empire, though now it made the people of his planet eligible to join the force that went out to help secure the other planets of the universe from those who sought to do them harm. Such a thing meant spending a lot of time explaining the ins and outs of her father's forces, the Frieza Force, because technically he was still the head of the entire empire, despite him giving her permission to speak with King Furry about this topic.

As such it wasn't long before she was able to add Earth, officially, to the list of planets that were part of the Empire, where she found that a good chunk of the universe was now under their watchful eye and protection, though at the same time it meant the Galactic Patrol would either turn a blind eye to this or come and investigate.

Other than that nothing important happened to the planet, allowing everyone to focus on their own goals once again, but to be sure everyone had access to their full power she made sure to hold her weekly training sessions with everyone, which all of them were fine with since it was only one day each week. Gohan and Videl, for the most part, went back to school and started dating, which Mr. Satan happened to be fine with, while Buu continued to do what he did best, healing the various wounds that were presented to him and mending the aliments that would normally cripple someone. Chi-Chi, at first, wanted Goku to get to work and provide for the family, though while he took on farming, in an area that Twilight confirmed would yield some highly desirable crops, she also convinced Chi-Chi to do something more than sit at home all day and clean the house. What happened was that the lady returned to her roots and started to perform her own fighting style once more, the same she had used once upon a time before she married Goku, which was great since some martial artists found out about her 'Ox Style' and wanted to learn it.

By the end of the second month, since Goku and Vegeta's full moon event to be exact, Chi-Chi had her own school located in part of the area that her house was located in, claiming that it was better this way since it encouraged her pupils to do their best, since she forbid the use of Ki on her new property, and everyone made sure to have a dojo ready for her so she could make her own money.

Shortly following that event Twilight had to adjust her assessment of 'nothing important happening', as she got a visit from the remainder of the Demon Gods and Goddesses, as in those from her era and not the future, which freaked Putine out as she found another version of herself standing near Twilight. Of course Goku, Vegeta, and the others wondered if they were here to do battle with them, to avenge their future counterparts or something, but everyone learned the truth rather quickly, they were here to serve the new Dark Queen with all their might. Such a thing made her head to this timeline's version of the Demon Realm, where she found that her Mechikabura was still contained inside a decent sized orb that was a prison designed to keep him contained, at least until someone like her mother found a way to break the seal. With that in mind Twilight, Towa, and Demigra wasted no time in sealing the prison with extra layers of magic, before Dabura spat on it and turned it to stone before the eyes of the present Demon Gods, where Twilight crushed it with a quick punch and terminated the threat of Mechikabura once and for all.

That also meant that the Dark Imperial Army was hers as well, which she was fine with since she could direct them at the dangers of the universe as well, along with keeping an eye out for any tampering from the other timelines, to make sure a repeat of Buulight didn't happen.

Two years after the reawakening of Kid Buu, however, came with an unexpected arrival, in the form of Vegeta's younger brother, Tarble, who was fairly short for a Saiyan and had hair similar to his brother's, save for the bang hanging in front of his face, all while wearing a navy blue jumpsuit over his battle armor. While Vegeta was surprised to find that his brother was still alive, because he wasn't a fighter and didn't have the spirit that most Saiyans had, something that lead the King, their father, to banish him to a remote planet, he wasn't actually annoyed by that fact. He was accompanied by his wife, a short humanoid alien with a round head, who wore a purple tank top, called Gure, not to mention two of Frieza's soldiers who were their escorts, those being the brothers Abo and Kado, who were also here to give Twilight an update on the size of the Empire, as her father and his family were hard at work continuing with her objectives. As the others caught up with Tarble, who was learning more about Earth, Saiyans, and everything else related to the Empire, Twilight found that fifty percent of the known universe was allied with the Empire, forty percent wasn't allied with anyone, and the last ten percent was purely unexplored, something she would correct in due time.

The interesting thing about Tarble's visit was that Vegeta was oddly respectful to his brother's wife, despite her kind and sincere nature, but other than that there wasn't too much else for Twilight to worry about as they went back to their lives, causing her to wonder what the future might have in store for them.

By the time four years had passed, since the downfall of Kid Buu, Twilight was beginning to wonder if it might be time for her and her family to head back out into space, permanently, and just get back to their lives while keeping an eye on what was going on with the Earth from afar. Despite her thoughts on the matter she had to admit that the Earth was thriving like never before, especially after joining the Empire and some people even joined the Frieza Force to travel the stars, not to mention deal with the various threats that were targeting the other planets. She found that some of the other races in the Empire actually came to visit the planet during their breaks, as she believed in making sure people took breaks so they could recharge their batteries and prepare for the future, and even the commanders of the Frieza Force did the same, not all at once since someone had to be present to issue her father's orders. As such it was interesting for her to see the likes of Sorbet, Tagoma, and Shisami, a commander and his highest ranking officers, walking around in casual clothing while taking in the sights of the planet she had called home for a while, all while enjoying the food that was offered.

Earth, despite there being far more food places in the universe, was quickly becoming the epicurean center of the entire universe, known far and wide for all of the dishes that the chefs made, and she even discovered some of her father's own chefs checking out the scene, taking recipes back to serve for her family. It wasn't just those chefs either, as there were all sorts of cooks, from across the entire Empire, who wanted to see what made Earth's food so special and most practically melted when they tasted what had been ordered for their first critical dish, just like what happened when the three young Destroyers-in-training took on the planet as their new home. There were even beings from the neutral planets who came to the Earth so they could see what the fuss was, only to be surprised by the excellent food that was presented, showing her that this place was becoming more popular than she expected it to be. The only thing she found to be a shock was the fact that none of the Galactic Patrol showed up, though while she understood why that was, since this was now part of her father's empire, she really expected someone to come and investigate, but this was best for everyone, as she didn't want her peace interrupted.

Eventually Gohan and Videl got married, something that was yet another cause for celebration for everyone, though that was a minor party compared to what happened in August, as that was when Bulma threw a massive birthday party in her own backyard and even invited everyone she could think of.

To be honest Twilight wasn't even surprised when Bulma approached her to get her help with a few things, such as her creating a space to store all of the bingo prizes in, such as a large Japanese style castle, a really expensive airplane, one of the best race cars that money could buy, to the point that there were only five of that model in existence, a large twenty carat diamond the size of a head, and many others. She was planning on revealing the prizes to everyone during the party, so they knew what they were playing for, but when it came to the grand prize she was entrusting the secret to Twilight, as she was the only one Bulma trusted, especially since she asked her to go out and claim the Dragon Balls. It was easy for her to understand why the lady wanted all of this protection, because the prizes themselves were worth a fortune, while the wish granting spheres were worth all of the treasures in the world, as one could literally wish for anything, which was even more possible than before since Dende had expanded Shenron's powers. It explained why Xeno Towa went after the Dende from her timeline, as his Eternal Dragon, as dark as it was, held the power to do far more than even their Shenron, hence why she understood Bulma's desires to keep the spheres safe until it was time for the winner to claim them.

With that in mind she gathered the seven spheres, formed the holding sphere that only she could access, and stored all of the prizes inside it, so that they would be safe until it was time to reveal them, so when the day of the party arrived she and the others were ready for it.

"It seems like everyone's here: Vegeta, our kids, Chi-Chi and her family, Mr. Satan and Buu, and even the godly trainees." Bulma remarked, as she could see that their entire group was present for this event, even those who were new to their group, and while it was easy for her to see Vegeta off to the side, keeping an eye on the children while enjoying himself, at least to the food, before she sighed as she noticed something, "Of course Goku's not here. Twilight, can you..."

"Find him? I've already done so: he's currently on King Kai's new planet." Twilight replied, as her detection power was far more powerful and accurate than it had been in the distant past, no doubt because of what she gained when she took in the power of Mechikabura and became the Dark Queen, before she sighed as she prepared herself, "Don't worry, I'll go get him and come right back... just don't expect us to be back instantly, since he's probably training right now. I might have to pull him by his tail to get him to come here."

Twilight wasted no time in teleporting off the planet and appeared on her destination, a planet the same size as the one that King Kai had lived on before Cell's detonation was brought to it, though sure enough she found that Goku was in the middle of training, running around with a rope harness that was linked to a large cube that he was hauling.

"Ah, there you are. Come on, let's go." Twilight stated, where she found that Goku stopped as soon as he saw her, while at the same time King Kai seemed to be freaking out, something that caused her to open her senses to see if she could see whatever it was that was causing his private panic, "The party just started and Bulma's annoyed that you aren't there to enjoy it... I know you want to train, but you really should take a break."

"No, I have to be ready for our next match... I'll head back in an hour, once I've done a bit more training." Goku replied, as while he knew that Bulma would forgive him, if he spent an hour or two before heading back to the Earth for the massive party, he wanted to gain more power so he could clash with Twilight, before hearing that King Kai was freaking out, where he stopped for a moment, "Huh, I wonder who this 'Beerus' person is."

"He's not a person, Goku, he's a god... a God of Destruction, to be exact, which means he's the most powerful individual in the entire universe." Twilight said, though this peeked her interest more than she was willing to admit, as the god hadn't been seen for quite a long time now and many had wondered if he had gone back to sleep, because he was known to the people of Alexandria for taking long naps, making her ponder why he was coming here, unless he wanted to speak with her about something important.

"It would seem that the tales of your intelligence aren't mere fables." a new voice commented, where Twilight glanced off to the side for a moment and found that they had two newcomers to King Kai's planet, Beerus and Whis, though judging by a bit of smoke and dust around them it looked like they had just arrived, in time to hear her mention him at least, a fact that seemed to make him happy since it cut out unnecessary talking, "I have something I would like to ask you, but first I must complete my business with your Saiyan friend, for he is the one behind my visit here: I have come seeking the one known as the 'Super Saiyan God', and the one who bested Frieza is a good place to start."

Goku grinned as he quickly introduced himself, so Beerus knew who he was dealing with, as Twilight backed off to where King Kai was standing, where she used her staff and power to make a barrier around the house, including the car, which served as the starting point of the battle as she nodded her head. Instead of transforming immediately Goku rushed at his foe and swung his fists a few times, finding that the Destroyer's lowered speed was more than enough to evade him, but it was just the warmup so he could understand who was in front of him, as once he learned his lesson he transformed into his Super Saiyan form. Sure enough it was next to nothing in comparison to Beerus' speed, as he dodged everything that Goku sent his way with a smirk on his face, where the Destroyer asked about the blond hair and Twilight informed both him and Whis that this was the first form that a Saiyan could take, causing Goku to move onto Super Saiyan 2 before going on the offensive again. While it was faster and stronger than the first form, and performed far better in the face of Beerus' great power, it was nothing as well, forcing him to go into Super Saiyan 3 without wasting too much time, which was also a massive failure in the grand scheme of things, even if one of his punches blasted a hole through through the planet, much to King Kai's dismay.

In that moment Twilight understood why Beerus was looking for a Super Saiyan God, he was looking for a challenge and another god seemed to be the best course of action, causing her to think about the tales she had read about in the past as she observed the battle that was taking place.

"Is this the best you can do, Saiyan?" Beerus asked, because while it was interesting to see a Saiyan use transformations, a fact that told him what he was looking for might be someone who can use a unique form, even among the rest of their now deceased kind, he was growing increasingly bored.

"No, I have one more form." Goku replied, though that was when he focused once more and took on his final form, much to the surprise of the two gods that had arrived on King's Kai's planet, where he had to thank Twilight for training him and Vegeta in how to use this form, since he could utilize it's power far better than when he first started, "This is what we call Super Saiyan 4!"

In that moment Twilight discovered something interesting as Goku make the next move, he was able to hit Beerus, but it was only due to the fact that the Destroyer was arrogant in believing that this form was nothing like the ones that came before it, but that was further from the truth. The Super Saiyan 4 form was far beyond the other three in terms of power and speed, to the point where it was almost on another dimension of power, sort of how her own Dark Queen form was on another level than her Demon Goddess form, and while it wasn't a godly form it could, potentially, give the Destroyer a run for his money. Goku's strike, for example, struck his foe in the side of his face, much to Whis and King Kai's surprise, to which he rushed into a series of blows that struck the stunned god in the chest, showing that he was taking this seriously, but even then Twilight knew it wasn't meant to be. She knew the tales of Beerus the Destroyer, a God of Destruction who enjoyed his job and fought like a Saiyan, in the sense that he liked to restrict himself to the lower depths of his power, so he can actually enjoy a fight, and when a foe proved themselves he would boost his power accordingly.

With that in mind he quickly moved out of the way and avoided a punch that wiped out the rest of the planet, which to the grief of King Kai, even though Twilight had saved his house and car, before he struck Goku on the back of his neck with a simple yet powerful strike, causing him to faint and revert to his base form.

"I will admit, that caught me by surprise... Super Saiyan 4 has potential." Beerus remarked, where he briefly rubbed the side of his face for a moment, as that first attack, despite not being a god empowered one, stung more than he was willing to admit, causing him to glance at Twilight for a moment, "Tell me: you know of the Super Saiyan God, don't you?"

"Yes, but I need to return to the Earth for a moment, so I can recall the information you desire." Twilight replied, though as she said that she used her temporal magic to restore the small planet, surprising Whis in the process, before sensing that Goku had a Senzu Bean on him, which she fit into his mouth with a bit of her magic.

With that done Twilight focused on returning to the Earth so she could distract Beerus for a time, all so she could make sure the information she gave him was accurate and not totally wrong, though she had a feeling that things were about to get far more interesting than she originally thought they'd be.

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