• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Survivor: Newcomers and Discoveries

Following Twilight dealing with the Alternate Moro, before he could bring about more harm to the universe, Twilight spent the next few months keeping tabs on the planets of her universe, watching the barrier between her domain and the other parallel worlds, and just doing her best to make sure she was ready for the next villain. Twilight informed them that there was always another villain, she had learned that fact after watching over this universe for a long time, so with Moro taken out it was only a matter of time until someone else got the nerve to step up and do something. She found that both Goku and Caulifla seemed to be following the same path, pushing towards Ultra Instinct, while Vegeta and Kale seemed to be in the middle of searching for their own answer, the latter even going to Yardrat, like she suggested, to study under them for a time. It was time well spent, as they were able to master a part of themselves that only the Yardrats could help them with, as they were a unique people and Twilight enjoyed learning from them when she had the time, and she wondered if they might be able to help Broly at some point, with the other Saiyans helping him to the best of their ability.

Twilight was quite pleased with the pair of Saiyans who originally came from Universe 6, as by this point in time there was nothing else to teach them, no new forms for them to master, as they had used their time effectively and had reached the pinnacle transformation that their teachers had reached.

They weren't the only warriors from the other universes she kept an eye on, as Kakunsa and the Beast Warriors, or those who came with her from Universe 2, had settled on a planet in the system near to Earth's system, one that had no people living on it, and called it 'Beastia'. The untamed nature of the world in question was the perfect place for them to live, due to the fact that the forests, jungles, and other environments allowed them to push themselves to their limits, though instead of rushing to their deaths they made sure to back off when they were overwhelmed. They were able to clear out an area for all of them to live in, a base of operations that would become the capital of their world, and, as Twilight expected, they joined up with the rest of the empire without wasting time, where Kakunsa was able to point out a good area for the force to set up a base in. Such a thing would allow Twilight, or the explorers who worked under her, to head out into the world and see all it had to offer, though it did bring a smile to her face seeing the newcomers living their lives to the fullest with their new forms, all while fulfilling their dreams at the same time, and it allowed her to witness history in action from time to time.

At the same time Twilight found that Jiren eventually emerged from his seclusion and offered his services to her as well, in the sense of taking point for the group tasked with exploring the outermost regions of the universe, a region of space that held the most dangerous planets, ones that made Vampa look like a picnic. Those planets, primordial ones that were far too different from the ones she was used to visiting, were off limits to the lower echelons of the empire, in fact only the likes of Jiren, Hit, or the Saiyans were allowed on the planets in question, they were just that tough as she discovered. There was the planet Elementantia, where the elements themselves took on humanoid forms and existed in a tenuous harmony with each other, often times going to war with each other when another did something that upset that balance, and Twilight found that she could spend days just watching over them. In addition to that there was Ambrosa, a planet ruled over by some of the most intelligent humanoid bug creatures Twilight had ever seen, as they were far more advanced than Arlia, another planet of bugs that Vegeta destroyed during his time with Nappa, though these ones worked with amber and seemed to make all sorts of things with the malleable material.

The real surprise came with the discovery of something in the deepest remote region of space, something Jiren found on his own, while the team he was with investigated Ambrosa, as it was a being of immense power that not even the gods of Universe 7 knew about, a dark monstrous being of tendrils that had merged with the planet it landed on.

Twilight found that the creature was as tall as six Capsule Corps on top of each other, or rather that was the projection it created when she went to investigate and found that 'Voidica', the planet to be exact, had some elvish people living on the surface, complete with a whole civilization no less. The creature called herself 'Vel'Shagoth', or Vel for short since she really didn't care about her full name, and actually seemed to appreciate having new visitors for a change, since no one dared to travel this far, though to avoid talking down to her the creature materialized as a twenty year old elf girl with black hair and eerie orange eyes. Vel explained that she wasn't actually from this universe, in fact she had been created by a group of terrifying beings she called the 'Lords of the Void' and had been cast out to find a planet to corrupt, or at least she was positive that was what they had tasked her with, but her fate had been changed when a breach in the barriers between universes opened and she found herself here. With that one fateful event she discovered that she was free to do whatever she wanted, though since her speed had been impacted by the breach Vel decided to call this part of the universe home, free from the influence of the universal gods and those who made her.

In the end Twilight found that she had a new friend, as the Old God, that was what her kind were called, found that she was good company, just swapping stories and information without imposing any rules on her home, and it only made her that much more interested in what the future held for them.

Two months after the arrival of Alternate Moro, and his timely demise, Twilight found that someone dared to do what she deemed to be completely unthinkable, as she had arranged for the transfer of the prisoner known as OG73-I, or Seven-Three as he was known as, to an area where Beerus could erase him from existence, and he never arrived. He happened to be the one that she deemed to be a dangerous existence, especially since he didn't listen to anything she had to say to him, meaning he couldn't be rehabilitated at all, and his power allowed him to copy anyone he grabbed by the neck, hence why his cell remained closed when she talked to him. With how dangerous he was, especially given the powers that all of the races of Universe 7 had to offer, erasing him was the only option available to her right now, so she went through the legal paperwork to have him removed from the prison and escorted to a planet for Beerus to do the deed on, before both he and Whis headed to Earth for some food. Unfortunately Seven-Three never arrived, as the escort was attacked by what seemed to be a mercenary, of which there weren't too many of in the universe since nearly everyone worked for her and the empire, a rather skilled one who sniped her soldiers in the chest, missing their vitals while knocking them out, before leaving with the cryo pod Seven-Three had been stored in.

It was both infuriating and somewhat interesting, because it took guts to attack the empire that ruled the near majority of the universe, who had eyes and ears everywhere thanks to all of the soldiers and operatives, not to mention steal a cryo pod that a criminal was contained in, causing Twilight to chuckle while she was in her office.

"I knew it... there's still a living Cerealian, somewhere in the universe." Twilight commented, though as she did that she just looked at the information that was on the screen in front of her, detailing the attack on her empire and what she had seen during her time in the Room of Time all those years ago, when she used the assault on Planet Cereal to train herself for what the future had for her, "A lone sniper, taking out skilled warriors without killing them, while damaging equipment to make sure no one can see him... why would he want Seven-Three? That's the part I'm not seeing..."

As she said that, however, she spotted something in one of her ongoing search engines and discovered that it was about the Heeters, the very organization that her father had worked with once upon a time, back when they were conquering and selling planets, and that they had a bounty on Seven-Three's head.

"Of course, mercenaries will tackle any job or bounty that is offered to them, or ones they feel that they are ready for, a fact that usually ends in them failing... but not a Cerealian." Twilight remarked, as now it made sense, the Heeters, or Elec as she recalled, claimed that information was the greatest power in the entire universe, something she could confirm to a degree since her knowledge of things had helped her gain vast amounts of power and allies, "What are you looking for, Elec? What could Seven-Three possibly know that you'd risk angering me for?"

One of the reports she had on the strange android, for that was what Seven-Three was, claimed that his gang had done a lot of bad things over their many years, including locating Zuno's place, and that all that information was stored inside his head, meaning anyone who tapped into his mind would know everything he knew, causing her to realize exactly what the man was after.

"Zuno... the ultimate broker of knowledge. Get to him, convince him to answer your questions, and you could become the smartest thing in existence." Twilight said, though that complicated things, because with every discovery she made both the libraries of Alexandria and Zuno got updates on everything she found out, adding new planets and races to what they knew about the universe, which now included an Old God, a powerful being that rivaled her father, mother, and uncles, before the pieces snapped into place, "Oh, still barking up that tree, eh Elec? You want the empire... no, you want to rule the whole universe, don't you... and we're in the way. Seven-Three knows about Zuno, who knows about the Dragon Balls and all the wishes that can be granted, not to mention which ones are more powerful than the others... deliver that juicy information to someone who hates both the former Frieza Force and the Saiyans and you'll start a war, with you to pick up the pieces."

With that in mind Twilight spent the next couple of days conversing with her father, uncle, and grandfather, because they were the ones that would be affected by whatever was going on, given what happened to Planet Cereal in the past and the race that had once called it home, and they formed a plan of attack. For the time being they would be hunting down the one who took Seven-Three, that was the official story since everyone, naturally, assumed Twilight was busy with universal affairs, so her family would be keeping an eye on the Heeters and anyone who was associated with them. If she was right, and Twilight was sure that she was, it was only a matter of time until someone from the Heeters approached Zuno about the Saiyans of Earth, which would bring them to Goku, Vegeta, Caulifla, and Kale, who would no doubt be interested in the prospect of fighting someone they deemed to be a villain. It was a classic trick in her mind, so much so that she didn't see anyone really falling for it and actually suspected that the Saiyans would notice what was going on if she joined them, so they would lure the Heeters into a false sense of security and then surprise them when the time came.

Of course she wasn't the only one preparing, as her family had found a Hyperbolic Time Chamber on another planet and were planning on using it in the near future, so they could boost their power to a new level since the Saiyans were getting too much of a lead on them, and she wished them well with their venture, though she insisted on being told when they were going to start, to aid with her planning.

Sure enough she was proven right, as two turquoise skinned individuals appeared outside Capsule Corp one day, where Twilight remained in hiding as she observed them, finding that one was large and fat, sort of like Buu she guessed, though he wore nothing but a red open vest over his bare chest and had a strange bone necklace around his neck. Standing next to him was a skinny and short female of the same species, with magenta colored hair, a white shirt with a red suit of sorts over it, blue boots, and an identical necklace around her neck, though she also had a collar with the Heeter logo on it. She wasn't even surprised that the pair were blatantly revealing who they were to anyone who happened to be in the area, as these were none other than Oil and Macki, members of the Heeter Force, Elec's siblings, though the one she had more interest in was their brother Gas. That one was said to be the strongest of them all, his power far beyond what his siblings had, even though none seemed to think that he was stronger than Elec, which meant they were fools, but even if she had no idea who they were Twilight recognized the logo on the side of the ship.

It's like they had ignored the fact that the universe was ruled by her empire and that she basically lived on Earth, and, just to prove her point, she found that Macki noticed her and waved, causing her to wave back without the lady even realizing who was standing nearby, proving that the Heeters were idiots.

"Twilight, we've got some guests looking for Goku and Vegeta... said there's someone claiming to be the 'strongest in the universe' whose making a mess of a planet." Bulma said, appearing at the doorway of the room that Twilight was in, which gave her a good view of the Heeters, though she also had the communicator that allowed her to talk to Whis, since she had a feeling she knew what the pony girl was going to say, "What do you make of this?"

"Sounds like someone figured out that there are living Saiyans and wants them dead, and probably my father as well since he ordered the attack on the planet in question," Twilight replied, though Bulma's words confirmed her suspicions, that the last living Cerealian must have done something to piss off the Heeters and now they wanted him dead, hopefully while Elec figured out how to utilize the Dragon Balls for his own sick gain, "If they mentioned payment, don't believe it... they're of the mind to not pay people that are going to their deaths, even if one said that they'll do so once the deed is done. Just call Goku and the others back and we'll deal with whatever happens next."

Bulma, knowing that Twilight had a plan in mind before even knowing that the pair had arrived, decided to go along with the plan and called Whis so she could tell the Saiyans what she knew, without revealing Twilight's thoughts on the matter, causing them to be interested in the figure that the two Heeters were talking about. As such the group arrived outside the Capsule Corp building in no time, surprising both Oil and Macki when they realized that there were four Saiyans, not two like they were likely waiting for, but Twilight knew that they had distracted Bulma for one other reason. Zuno must have told them about the Dragon Radar, as she could sense the device on the alien lady's body, meaning she had stolen it while Bulma was coming to talk to her, something she would have to retrieve once the deed was done, even though it did easily confirm that the Dragon Balls, a set of them anyway, were involved. Of course both Heeters were surprised when she came out to join the group that was coming with them, but they seemed fine with it after some time, maybe deciding that removing all of them at once would be best, before ushering them onto the ship.

Twilight smiled for a moment as they departed from the Earth and started to make their way to Planet Cereal, as she was eager to see the last Cerealian with her own eyes and see what Elec had planned for the Dragon Balls that had just been found, before bringing an end to this part of her father's legacy so they could face whatever the future held in store for all of them.

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