• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Growing Up: New Information

Following the events on Alexandria, where the Enlightened were more than happy to side with the Empire and even had a plot of land in mind for them to set up their base on, Twilight found that she spent most of her time training with her family, to ensure she didn't have a repeat of her episode on another planet. After hearing what had happened she agreed with all of them, her actions, though successful in the end given the nature of her mission, could also be seen as a failure and meant that she needed to hone her skills further before worrying about taking to the field during a mission. Her rage had been so great that it caused her family to rush in and see if they needed to calm her down, by knowing her out no doubt, and she also suspected that if it had lasted for a longer period of time she would have turned on them, since her mind would have been clouded by all that rage. It was for that reason, and many others, that Twilight considered her first mission to be a failure, and she spent some time alone going over the fact that she had killed so many individuals while consumed by her rage, especially what it might mean for the future.

Despite her actions Twilight found that she was given opportunities to return to Alexandria, where she approved of her father keeping the name for once, allowing her to relax and just read more about history for some time, taking her mind off of everything that had happened when she lost herself to her rage.

What surprised Twilight was that the various libraries of the planet had lore about other planets they couldn't have even known about, where one of the Enlightened told her that part of their power was the ability to view other worlds, as in they could project their spirits to another level to observe other planets. The Burners, having turned against them and what had to be their purpose in the universe, had lost the right to use that power, which her new companion told her might have been a reason behind them fully supporting the Commander, in a misguided path to get their power back. In addition to that he did have many things to share with her, like the destruction of Planet Vegeta and the legend of the 'Super Saiyan', a warrior of immense power that the race believed could topple her father, a fact he wasn't too sure of now that most of their kind were extinct. There were other planets and lore to share with her and she found herself delving into each one, though while she did that the lizard informed her that they had no idea where she had come from, as that was one of the greatest, and likely unsolvable, mysteries of their universe, though she wasn't disappointed by it.

Twilight had already accepted that where she came from might not even exist anymore, as it's possible she came from the furthest fringes of the universe, from a planet none of them knew about, and might be the sole survivor of the planet's destruction, hence why she was able to move on so easily, even if it was sad that her home and people might be gone, and all that knowledge had been lost.

Other than that Twilight found that the rest of the Frieza Force did what they were told, usually tending to the planet while seeking more worlds for them to conquer, because the universe was vast and there were all sorts of planets that were out there, just waiting to be discovered. Towa joined her in her information runs, allowing her to see what Alexandria held for herself and even talk with her daughter about some of the items they read about, showing their new allies that they were both researchers at heart, which caused the Enlightened to nod their heads, and that this place was worth protecting with their lives. The best part was that there were seven libraries and none of them held exactly the same thing, as each one seemed to be observing another part of their universe, where Twilight realized that they had placed themselves right in the center of everything, which many would see as arrogance, before dividing the rest of the universe into the sections to watch over. Of course there was much that the Enlightened didn't know, especially when one took Twilight's existence into consideration and the fact that some of her powers were unlike what some of the other magic users had access to, even she found that to be interesting as she learned more about what others did with their magic.

Such a thing lead Twilight to the powers that the demons possessed, since her mother had powers that were different as well, at least in terms of what her father, uncle, and even grandfather used, and found that the libraries were scare on the information she was after, something that caused her to ask her mother.

"I had a feeling you'd ask me at some point, Twilight." Towa commented, because her daughter wanted to learn about all things in the universe, even though she had a feeling that such a quest might bring Twilight to ruin at one point, but for the time being she was willing to share some information with her, causing her to chuckle for a moment, "Well, first off we demons have our own measurement of energy, that being 'Kiri', though each demon has their own idea of what that very idea means, as some say that one Kiri is equal to fifty thousand power... for example, your rage form is staggering strong, about a hundred thousand at max, which to some demons would be two Kiri."

"Sounds worthless. Shouldn't it be more like one Kiri is twenty-five thousand?" Twilight inquired, as it seemed like a more reasonable way to go about mentioning the count in terms of demonic energy, instead of it being represented as a smaller number and making people seem weaker than they really were.

"Funny you should mention that, as that's how I've considered the measurement... more fair, wouldn't you say?" Towa said, though she knew there were demons who considered it in a different light than that, as she knew one demon who counted them in terms of 'one Kiri was ten thousand', where she found that Twilight did agree with her and allowed her to consider the next piece of information she figured she'd share, "Anyway, we demons usually gather the energy of others to do one thing and nothing else: to break the seals that are either imprisoning them or are binding something else... in fact, if I'm recalling my facts right, Demigra should be working to undo his own prison, even though he's in a very special one that should be quite hard to break."

"Who? Some sort of demonic god?" Twilight asked, because she had a feeling that she would be doing this a lot more often as they talked, asking questions so she could figure out everything her mother was talking about, especially since talking about her kind seemed to be something she greatly avoided, before she found that her mother laughed.

"Goodness no! Demigra is... well, a traitor to the true ruler of demon kind, a position currently held by my brother Dabura, who should be in the Demon Realm right now." Towa stated, though she knew that Demigra liked to think of himself as a being worthy of ruling over every single member of their kind as the Demon King, even though the reality was that he was just someone trying to move above their station and dethrone their rightful ruler, "However, Dabura is merely standing in as the Demon King right now... the one who truly rules over demons like myself is Mechikabura, known as the Dark King, Master of the Demon Realm, and the God of Evil... in essence, HE is the Demon God that almost all demons worship and serve with every fiber of their being. In fact, before he and the vast majority of the Demon Realm were sealed away by Chronoa, he used to bestow power on his followers in the form of the 'Demon God' form, a massive power boost to our own Dark Forms, and usually some additional power to our base forms so we'd become more useful to him... it has been years, countless millennia to be exact, since I've used such a form."

"So does that mean I'll be learning how to tap into this power as well?" Twilight inquired, as such a thing interested her as she considered the form she currently had access to, or didn't since she hadn't used it since her episode some time ago, so part of her was hoping for a new form she could actually control, "I mean, my father is the Emperor of the Cosmos, who many see as a demon in his own right... some people even call him and his family 'frost demons'... and you are a demon from the Demon Realm... people are going to be expecting a lot from me."

"Twilight, I..." Towa started to say, though before the rest of her statement left her mouth she considered something, the fact that her daughter had the power to absorb energy and add it to her own, a power that evolved after the activation of her rage form and one they really had no idea what the limits were, which could be good or bad, "Very well, I'll look into if it's possible to grant you a Dark Form... or if I can still use my own as a reference for you to work off of... and we'll go from there. That's all I can promise you right now."

As Twilight nodded, showing that she was fine with her mother doing some research before getting back to her, Towa did a bit of explaining about the factions that made up the Demon Realm, those who served Mechikabura and the few who were against him, of which she was on the former. Most of her allies were hanging out in the Demon Realm, which was all due to the power of the seal that had been placed on the entire realm, while her brother and herself were free to come and go whenever they pleased, though for right now she had put her own plans on hold to raise her. Demigra's faction, so named Demigra's Army, opposed the rule of Mechikabura and everything he stood for, especially whatever his plans were, though as far as Towa knew he only had one confirmed ally, a sorcerer by the name of Chamel, though there were rumors of another demon serving him and they were trying to figure out who it was. Twilight noticed that everyone who served Mechikabura happened to be some sort of sorcerer, in fact all of the named ones her mother mentioned seemed to be of that class, using magic to do whatever it was that they wanted, making her wonder just how strong the others were, given her other uncle was the stand-in king of the Demon Realm.

Towa also pointed out that those who used their Dark Form, called Dark Demon by some, usually experienced some form of wardrobe change as well, she still wasn't sure why such a thing happened but assumed that it was just due to the nature of the power in question. Things got more interesting when one took on their Demon God form, as it usually involved their hair becoming more like horns, and in some rare cases the user actually grew real horns when using the transformation, while also gaining markings near their eyes and their tool, like her staff, would change form as well. It, too, came with a change to one's clothing, which was a common theme among the transformations a demon could use, though she had heard rumors of there being a secondary state of the Demon God form, one stronger than the previous with a whole new look for the one using it. After that there was a more legendary form, or made up since the one who talked about it was Demigra, which he called the 'Final Dark Form' and explained that it was obtainable when a Demon God utilized all of their divine power, all to make a new terrifying visage, but Towa reminded Twilight that none of the existing members of her kind had the power to even achieve the Demon God form, so the 'Final Dark Form' was just a myth.

As they moved onto another subject Twilight was sure that if Demigra had been telling the truth it was in an attempt to gain a power to topple Mechikabura, before turning her attention to the rest of the tomes they had picked out as she wondered what the future held for them and the rest of her family.

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