• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Dawn of the Infinites

Twilight found that she ended up spending seven days going from her universe and traveling to Universe 9, helping Sidra fix the glaring and obvious problems that were in his universe, as there were simply far more than she was expecting to find when she first agreed to help him fix his crumpling domain. Every new item she found and added to the list of insanity told her that Sidra wasn't worthy of being a God of Destruction, in fact he was likely the best of the worst candidates when his predecessor decided that it was time to move on, sort of like how Belmod was training Toppo to replace him. She quickly understood why Mohito had been so sad or depressed in the past, his universe was falling apart and his Destroyer was just terrible at his job, as if his predecessor had been slain during the middle of their training, hence why she ended up spending a lot more time over there than she originally intended. After her seventh visit, however, Twilight told Sidra that it would be some time before she bothered to visit again, as there was more work to be done with her own universe, but she did leave him with copies of tomes that would teach him proper math and everything else that would help him figure out how to be a God of Destruction.

Once she was back in her universe, however, Twilight took a few days off and told everyone to only bother her when it was absolutely necessary, as there were a great deal of warriors that could tackle the problems of the universe without having to call her in, though it didn't last for long, as when the afternoon of the third day arrived she went back to work.

This time around she focused her attention into the past of Universe 7, studying the planets that her father had blown up over the years, the races he had exterminated, whatever information she could gleam from them, and simply expanded or confirmed her information on everything she had learned so far. One of the things she was able to claim was a couple of DNA samples from another extinct race, the Heraians, who preferred to be called the 'Hera Clan', which were a race of tall warriors, having a height similar to the Saiyans, who used their power to destroy whatever they desired. Of course such a thing mattered little to her, because of the fact that those who utilized the power in this day and age, by utilizing her very special products, learned how to control their powers without destroying everything around them, so she figured this new power would be the same. With that in mind she added it to the list of items once she found a way to make a product for the extinct race of orange haired and teal skinned warriors to be brought back, just like the Cerealians, Heterians, and the rest of the various races that were now thriving in her universe.

Everything was going well, despite her brief descent into madness upon seeing the sheer ruin that was Universe 9, but all of her success didn't stop her from pushing forward, doing anything and everything in her power to make life in her vast universe even better for everyone. One thing she ended up doing was helping Sorrel, Hop, and both of their families for a day, because while both liked the improvements in Universe 9, the first in a long series of changes that needed to be done to fix everything, neither of them wanted to deal with Sidra's madness anymore, especially not after Sorrel nearly lost her family during her visit. Sidra was totally different from Champa when it came to people from his universe deciding to move to another one, he was actually rather supportive in their endeavors and even pitched in to help them out, where it was hard to tell if this was something he did in the past or if he was doing this to get in Twilight's good graces. It was nicer than having someone ranting and asking for the warriors back, hence why she decided to ignore his idiocy for a time, just to see if he could change her opinion of him or if she was giving him too much credit, though she did find that the three wolf brothers remained in Universe 9, choosing to help everyone else out.

Twilight did feel that Sidra should count himself lucky to have such loyal people in his universe, despite the destruction he had caused in the past, but she decided to keep the thought to herself as she focused on the rest of her work and what it meant for the rest of her domain.

Of course it wasn't just them, the beast warriors of Universe 2, Jiren, and the pair of Saiyans from Universe 6 that came to call Universe 7 home, as she found that there were individuals from every universe in the multiverse that came to see her work in making this universe better. Twilight found a number of humanoid races, beast races, and even monstrous types visiting her domain, all eager to see just what she had done since she started to influence the planets and organizations of the vast universe that Beerus was supposed to be watching over. It wasn't just normal citizens who came to visit either, as she found scholars, warriors, scientists, and people from all walks of life, though this just surprised the gods, as none of them were expecting to see such a thing unfold, even with Twilight being the herald of such unity. Twilight couldn't help but chuckle as she heard that, as it was nice to surprise even the gods themselves with her work, and she could only hope that they approved of everything else that would be revealed at some point in the future, once she was ready to do so.

There was also a very interesting side effect of Sorrel bringing her family to Earth, as it caused Goku to seek out Shenron to call forth his father, his mother, and his brother back from the dead, something that surprised them, even though the biggest shocker for the trio came when he and Vegeta explained things to them. Twilight knew how he had gotten all of his wishes granted, as the first involved moving the souls of Bardock and Gine, the latter being his mother, to Earth, while the second and third revolved around bringing them and Raditz back to life, due to them dying in two separate conflicts, in two different parts of space. Naturally all three of them had no real idea what was going on, save for what happened back during the time that Super Buu and Kid Buu made a mess of things, but Twilight had her ways of showing them what they needed to know, even though it would take some time for them to get used to the idea of living on Earth, under the full protection of her empire.

Vegeta, on the other hand, didn't care enough to bring back his father, though it was more in the sense that his father would no doubt make an attempt to conquer the planet and that would only end with his death, so he wasn't about to make such a wish, which Twilight was fine with as she focused on the newcomers.

"You know, based on everything I've seen and heard, it sure sounds like you've touched every corner of our universe, and have taken care of all the problems we had." Bulma remarked, speaking to Twilight as she and the others gathered outside Capsule Corp for one of her little parties, though she was simply amazed by everything they had learned over the course of her time exploring the vast reaches of their ever expanding universe.

"Indeed. With all of Universe 7 explored, well, it's time I turned my focus on the other universes and even the other parallel worlds." Twilight replied, because she was still fascinated by the fact that her landing in different areas or doing all sorts of different things could result in the creation of so many different timelines, often resulting in her other selves gaining all sorts of unique forms and powers, hence why she wanted to study them a bit more, before she paused as she, her mother, and the rest of the space-time users felt time shudder.

As they felt that happen a portal in space-time appeared in the air above them and Future Trunks, dressed up in warmer clothing than last they saw him, came rushing out of the portal with his back to everyone, his stance suggesting that he was in the middle of a fight given his Super Saiyan 3 transformation. In the next moment someone else burst out of the portal, a humanoid figure with a lizard tail, in fact Twilight was sure that the invader looked like a Grieaian, the lizard like race that she and her family had encountered on Griea V all those years ago, and it was wearing a set of light brown leather armor with dark purple runes on it. What was interesting was that it lashed out at Future Trunks with it's right hand and Twilight found that ice formed around both his hand and his arm, though it looked far more primal than anything she had seen before, as when Future Trunks raised a staff made out of Ki to defend himself, no doubt due to realizing something during his training after they left him to his business, the claws made contact with it and froze part of it. In the following moment he forced his foe backwards before both of them realized that they were in a totally new location, as if neither of them had been expecting such a thing to happen in the first place, but when the invader noticed Twilight he jumped into the air, causing her to chain him to the ground with his hand locked in the air.

"Lady Twilight, I am glad that you are doing well." Future Trunks said, though at the same time he dismissed his weapon as he relaxed a little, keeping his transformation up in the off chance that more enemies followed them through the portal, the very one that the Demons froze with their powers, before he sighed for a moment, "I wish we didn't keep meeting when the fate of a world was in jeopardy, but fate seems to enjoy having us interact like this. Allow me to explain what's been going on lately."

Future Trunks revealed that things had been going well after the whole Darkstar incident, to the point where everyone just forgot about the invasion from another parallel world and it's ruler's plot to bring about the destruction of their Zeno, but that changed when the remnants of her army, the true fanatics and believers, came calling to bring down those they had deemed responsible for Darkstar's defeat. Twilight asked about Eventide, since the powerful being should have been there to help him and the defenders repel the invasion, only for Future Trunks to reveal that the invaders had figured out how to power up the dark machine that the insane version of herself had created, the one that would trap someone inside a holding cell and constantly drain them of their Ki. Such a thing meant that Darkstar's followers had captured Eventide and were, even now, utilizing her power to fuel everything they did, such as declaring war on literally every parallel world that was out there with the intent of freezing and destroying them, as if they were hoping that the magnitude of death would grant them even more power to bring down their Zeno or revive Darkstar. Future Trunks also revealed that the Twilights of the other parallel worlds didn't want to involve this world, the prime timeline, in their war since it was possible that they were after Twilight, given that her power seemed to be the strongest of them all, but, at the same time, Future Trunks had come to the conclusion to ask for aid from the one person that could provide it.

All he knew was that there was someone new leading the Cultists, for that was what they were, who had the power to take Eventide down, and with how they were being pushed back, as Future Trunks knew it was only a matter of time until they were forced back into his world, the other Twilights realized that they needed their star player once more.

"Very well... once more, into the breach." Twilight stated, though as she stepped towards the space-time portal she found that she wasn't alone, as Goku and the Saiyans were ready, the godly apprentices were standing nearby, her family and their demonic allies had their weapons prepared, and even her kids and Eschalot, all young adults at this point with her kids being nearly identical to their future selves, were prepared for a fight, "Let's do this."

With that said Twilight latched onto the invader that was being held nearby and hurled him through the space-time portal, to which everyone followed her through it as they stepped into Future Trunks' world once more, only this time it was off in one of the wastelands, no doubt to protect everyone in the cities from the ongoing dimensional war. As the other versions of her realized that she was there, and that their ally had succeeded in his mission, Twilight stepped forward and held her hands out, repelling the invaders from Darkstar's parallel world back to their home world without delay, before opening a new portal to her destination. Sure enough she found that the world on the other side was nearly frozen over, there was ice everywhere, forming walls and spikes all over the place, spires in other spots, and face in the distance, with an army of mad Cultists, rested a dark castle that was pulsing with energy that was empowering their enemies. Now she understood why this world had caused Future Trunks to wear warm clothing, though at the same time she didn't care too much as she expanded her power and gave her forces the power to fight without the cold cutting into their strength, causing many of them to smile in the process.

As she did that Twilight felt the dark power that was in the air, coming from the castle, and recognized it, as she had felt it a few times in the past, before she glanced at Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else who had followed her from her world, as all of them were waiting for her to make the first move.

"Use whatever power you deem necessary, but keep them alive." Twilight stated, because if the figure responsible for all of this had been someone else, and had empowered their forces more than what she was currently feeling, she would have ordered something different, but with the current set up she knew that full power was totally overkill.

Such a thing was followed by Goku and Vegeta going Super Saiyan Blue, mostly to feel things out, Caulifla turned into her Super Saiyan 4 form, Kale remained in her base form, Piccolo and Gohan pulled all of their base power out without using their new transformations, and Eschalot took on her version of Super Saiyan 4, a deep red coloration gracing her scales as she stood near her father. At the same time Twilight found that her children also took on their unique forms, as Mira let the silver fur appear on his arms as his hair spiked up, Calas took on his more Cell-like form, and Houko transformed into her Majin state, showing her that they were ready for anything. With everyone done with their transformations, and they found that the Cultists were surprised by this turn of events, Twilight gestured at their foes and her forces rushed out not a second later, blasts rushing into the enemy army without delay as some of the warriors dropped down to fight a number of their foes. In addition to that Towa and the other Demons joined the battle, each taking on their Demon God or Demon Goddess forms as they joined the battle, attacking the Cultists, deflecting or dodging the incoming attacks, and did as she commanded, knocking their foes out without taking any of their lives.

Twilight, on the other hand, surrounded herself with her power as she flew through the air and smashed into the side of the castle's wall, piercing it without delay as she entered what appeared to be a twisted throne room that had a number of dark purple tendrils around the chamber, which had spikes on them, along with a massive mass on the throne.

"Just as I suspected: an Old God has taken root in this world." Twilight stated, though at the same time she started to let out her power, going all the way to her final form, because off in the corner she found Eventide trapped in a machine that held her in a cylinder, one that was connected to the creature's large hidden body, "I know you in my world, creature, and you were content to not be a monster... who would have known that removing all of the gods, both those of creation and those of destruction, and all of the Angels would have prompted you to make a move on the multiverse."

All you know is lies and falsehoods. Those that follow you will be your end. the creature replied, where some of the tentacles emerged and positioned themselves around her, showing Twilight that this version of the Old God was definitely evil and wanted to take over the rest of the universe, before moving it's attention to the rest of the multiverse, Your own friends will betray you.

"Now, see, that's where your wrong. My friends... my TRUE friends... are the best I could ever ask for, and I know that none of them would do such a thing." Twilight stated, though she was referring to those from Equus, because while it was true there had been some rough times between them in the past, and there had been some arguments and even fights, those very incidents helped forge the greatest power that her planet called home, one that could defeat even the greatest evils in the world, maybe even beyond if there were others like her, "Come, Old God, and taste the power of Harmony!"

Just as she expected the tentacles came rushing at her, with the creature trying to smash her into the walls, though due to the power of Ultra Instinct that was part of this form Twilight avoided the attacks with ease, swinging her hands as she just pinned them to the ground with a bit of magic before spinning and creating blades of Ki that cut through them. The foul creature howled in pain before the entire castle shuddered, breaking apart as it revealed it's true massive form to the rest of the people in this timeline, though it lashed out at her as she flew through the air, slashing and blasting her way right through it's tentacles. While that happened Twilight also gripped the container that Eventide was in and yanked it free, a fact that was followed by her quickly figuring out how to undo it's binding and free the godly being from her prison, which allowed them to double team the creature as Eventide gained the ability to use her powers again. The two barely had to look at each other as Eventide realized what needed to be done, where Twilight struck the creature as Eventide got under it and pushed it into the air, ripping it's massive tentacles out of the ground before it could do anything to stop her.

When all of it was high up in the air, and none of it was attached to the ground, Twilight called upon her power, generating six colors around her that her allies knew the significance of, before she loosed a beam of energy into the air that tore into the creature before it could do anything to defend itself. In the next moment she discovered that she really didn't have to use her full power against it, as she was able to disintegrate all of it in the span of a few moments, barely giving it time to let out a scream as her power erased it from existence, much to the surprise of everyone that was watching the sky. Once that was done Eventide floated down to her position and did something interesting, she transferred all of the power that was inside her into Twilight, allowing her to grow her power even further than before, though in the next moment, before anyone could react, the future warrior moved out of the way as Twilight landed. She then expanded her power and let out a wave of energy that not only washed over this version of Earth and fixed it, getting rid of the ice and restoring it to it's pristine form, but the rest of the universe, erasing the madness of the Old God while freeing everyone from it's grasp, all to free the Cultists and allow them to live their own lives without someone dark ruling over them.

Once her influence was felt all over the entirety of the timeline, and she was sure of that, Twilight let out a sigh for a few seconds before finding that her other selves, each and every one of them, gathered around her with the two armies also mixed in, before the unthinkable happened as everyone, no counting those from her timeline, knelt towards her and bowed their heads.

"All hail Twilight Sparkle, Queen of the Infinites." Eventide remarked, though she had a smile on her face, because now all of the parallel worlds, essentially all of time itself for Universe 7, was acknowledging the prime Twilight as their master, the one who ruled over everything, and after having witnessed her newest form she had to admit that it made sense, Twilight was on a level that would one day rival Zeno himself.

Twilight, on the other hand, said nothing to that as she dismissed everyone for the time being, mostly because she was in the middle of wondering what this meant for her and her timeline, though at the same time it made her even more eager to see what the future held for her and her universe.

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