• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: To The Lookout

Once everyone was ready to go, and Trunks also got a haircut since Bulma said his current style was too long, Twilight flew out of West City with the group of fighters that were planning on regrouping with Piccolo and Tien, who Trunks had said had been left up there for some time. While they did that Twilight found that people were panicking, which was to be expected when she thought about Cell's message and the people he had killed to make sure the rest of the world knew that he wasn't playing around, and by that she meant riots were going on. The people of the planet were running around like chickens who had lost their heads, looting stores, crashing cars and other vehicles, actually fighting the police, and doing whatever else they wanted, since they seemed sure that the world was going to end in nine days. Society was committing suicide below them, where she found that the Z Warriors, excluding Vegeta, wanted to stop and help, but ultimately held back since they might make things even worse than they already were, causing them to fly without many a single stop.

None of her acquaintances wanted to talk right now, allowing her to focus on the area they were flying towards, which had an ivory tower that reached high into the sky and above it rested a bowl shaped structure, floating above everything, and on top of it rested a flat floor with a single large building.

"Cell's done nothing but return to his ring after making his announcement." Piccolo stated, speaking as the group landed in front of him and Tien, where Twilight was more focused on the pitch black skinned individual who seemed far more than what his simple appearance suggested, to the point where no one else focused on him, "We still have some time before Goku and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so you should relax or get some sleep, if you couldn't sleep after what happened yesterday."

"How long until they emerge?" Twilight asked, because while she understood that this chamber allowed one to get a year's worth of training in a single day, an amazing feat when compared to the information that was in Alexandria, she had no idea when the pair had entered and had no idea when their training was supposed to end.

"They have three hours left before their day is up." the mysterious figure replied, where Twilight noticed that he wore a white turban with a sapphire set in the center above his forehead, a maroon sleeveless vest that exposed his chest, a red sash, white trousers, and red shoes that were more like slippers, though she had to wonder if he was some sort of shadow god lurking in Kami's shadow.

"They don't have to take the entire day... that's just being greedy." Vegeta remarked, where he crossed his arms as he and the others spread out, even though it was only him, his son, Piccolo, Tien, the mysterious figure, and Twilight, though the others didn't seem to care about his attitude, figuring it was better than him turning on them, "Don't even bother with the chamber, Piccolo, as only a Saiyan like myself and Kakarot can truly benefit from training inside it... or Twilight, since she's different from everyone else... but, if you must train, and be a colossal waste of time, I can let you have a day in exchange for the other eight."

"Nice try, but you can only spend up to forty-eight hours inside the chamber." Piccolo replied, showing that he didn't care for the Saiyan's words, in fact he had more information on this matter than Vegeta did and he could see everyone, save for Twilight, was surprised by what he had to say.

"Such a strange restriction... during my studies in Alexandria I found references to chambers like this that have no strange limits like this." Twilight said, where she found that the Earth had strange restrictions on the various things she learned about before she was poisoned and her parents took her to Namek to be healed, such as the Dragon Balls and now the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, before finding that the others were staring at her, "You could train in one for ten days and get ten years of training out of it... I was planning on exploring the universe to track them down, to see what each one had to offer someone who decided to use them, but I'll have to wait for another day."

Twilight would have said more, but before she could do so she felt a surge of Ki that came from two individuals leaving a realm that was sealed off from the rest of the world, another dimension basically, and she could tell that Goku and Gohan were already stronger than Vegeta and Trunks. A few moments later the others noticed that the pair had returned, in fact some of them were shocked since they weren't expecting them to come out for another three hours, which happened to confuse Vegeta despite his desire to head back inside the chamber for some additional training. Twilight turned her head as soon as she heard the pair approaching, as they were talking about Cell and his explosive power growth, where she found that they were wearing some of the armor that Vegeta and Trunks were wearing, only their attire was damaged in a few areas, no doubt due to all the training they must have done. The shocking part was that they happened to be in their Super Saiyan forms, only it felt nothing like what she had felt before, as if they were far calmer than she expected from them, almost as if this was now their base state and their true power was suppressed for the time being.

Goku, rightly confused by what was going on, asked the group what they had missed and Twilight filled them in, with both Trunks and Piccolo cutting in to add their two cents on what Cell was doing, to the point where the mysterious figure, who was called 'Mr. Popo', brought out some food for everyone so they could eat while they chatted.

"A tournament... this will be exciting." Goku said, speaking once he was done eating and the tale was over, while Gohan finished off his own meal and seemed to be going over everything that had been said, though in that moment Mr. Popo brought out his gi, which had been left when he switched to his armor, causing him to head into the building to change in private before returning with his original attire on, "I'm planning on fighting in my original clothing... the armor's nice, but I like my gi a lot more."

Gohan seemed to follow suit, only he asked Piccolo to make him something like his, where Twilight watched as he used a move to materialize an identical set of attire on the young fighter, minus the turban anyway, something that made him look like a miniature version of his mentor.

"Kakarot, can you defeat Cell or Twilight?" Vegeta asked, because he knew the other Saiyan longed for a real fight with the devilish pony girl who was standing near them, instead of the training they had done to prepare for the androids, and now he might have the power to defeat their foe and topple Twilight.

"Let me go check real quick." Goku stated, as the only one who seemed to use his Saiyan name was Vegeta and he was fine with that, though in that moment he raised his fingers to his head and disappeared after tracking down Cell's Ki, all while he knew that the others would wait for him to return before they did anything else.

Twilight said nothing as she studied the structure that was in front of them, where Mr. Popo informed her that there were several rooms inside it, special rooms that needed a guide for someone to reach in order to use them, meaning either he or Kami must have helped the Z Warriors to prepare for the Saiyans. In addition to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber there was the Pendulum Room, or the Room of Time, which allowed one to send their spirits back in time to train, or to a point in the present or even the future, causing an idea to form in her mind as he explained it to her. There was also a room that held a teleport device that Kami had used a few times in the past, so she guessed that it was like a Room of Space, though now it went unused since Piccolo had merged with his other half to combat the androids, and Cell when she took a few seconds to think about it. There were several planets and species, all of which she learned about due to her time carefully exploring the libraries of Alexandria, that she wanted to clash with and learn from, so discovering these rooms meant she would be able to keep her mother's abilities a secret from the Z Warriors for some time.

A few moments later Goku returned and informed everyone that Cell was stronger than he had assumed and suspected that, as he was now, there was no way he could beat their foe, though Twilight was another manner, one he wanted to fight at some point in the near future. Despite that fact, however, he was sure that they could make due with nine days of training outside the chamber, in fact he was sure everything would work out in the end, especially since Twilight was still here, who he suspected was hiding another level of power from them. Twilight informed him of the fact that she was only doing this because she wanted to, not because she had forgiven him and his friends for their past deeds, where he gave her a nod, showing that he understood what he was hearing right now. He also asked about Cell's new form, due to the fact that he wasn't expecting all of the dragon aspects that the bio-android had, where Twilight explained it to him, like she had done for the others, while his friends kept quiet as she talked.

She said nothing else after that, as while she had several ideas on what to do she figured this was something he could worry about before the tournament started, though at the same time Goku informed the others that they could use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, as in all of them had room for improvement, and then departed with Gohan, as it was time for the pair to head home.

As the others discussed what might have happened inside the chamber, since Goku was so calm, Twilight felt the entirety of the Lookout shudder as the Saiyan unleashed half of his total Ki, she could tell that much from here, while everyone else seemed shaken and disturbed by his power. She found that the energy disappeared as quickly as it appeared, likely due to the fact that Goku was done with whatever he was doing right now, and as she tracked his Ki she found that both he and Gohan departed, no doubt heading back to their home for a time. Vegeta, true to form, demanded that Piccolo either get inside the chamber or he would be taking his turn now, so he could utilize all of his time and grow even more powerful, even though his son planned on heading in with him to maximize their growth. Other than that it seemed like Tien and Krillin decided not to bother with the chamber, at this point everyone else was growing too fast for them to keep up with, so Twilight ignored them as she focused on her own training, she simply sat down some distance from where the building was positioned.

Her focus was on image training, allowing her to envision foes that might be worth fighting and clashing with them as she came up with new strategies and techniques, a change of pace from actually beating up someone with her fists or some of her moves, though one of her foes was Vegeta, causing her to chuckle as she focused on her training.

When her mother arrived sometime later she and Mr. Popo kicked her training into high gear, and by that she meant that the pair brought her to the Room of Time to allow her to head back in time to a planet of her desire, during an event of her choosing, and she had a perfect target. She had read about a race of snipers called the Cerealians in the past, who had lived on the planet of Cereal and had been exterminated by the Saiyans, as per her father's orders so the planet could be taken and sold to an easily fooled race called the Sugarians, all handled by the Heeters of course. While she knew the race was no longer around, and their power no longer existed in this era, she could utilize the power of this room and her mother's own power to head back to when the Cerealians were exterminated and fight them, plus with her magic she could easily create an illusion to make herself look like a Saiyan if she wanted to. Towa had suggested such a thing in the off chance that their combined skills somehow influenced the past and made some slight alterations to the present, given that Chronoa would likely interfere, but Twilight was sure no harm would come of this and made sure her armor was prepared for what she was about to do.

With her mind made up they sent her back to when the Saiyan invasion happened, during the point where night was coming and the moon was out, hence why she could see several Great Apes ravaging the planet, before she spotted the Cerealians, pale skinned individuals who wore some odd attire, had green hair, and, if memory served, their right eyes were a deep red color. Sure enough the Cerealians were fighting back against the Saiyans, in vain it looked like since the latter had the upper hand and she could see that the snipers were making sure each one had some distance from their attackers, though such a thing didn't matter as a Saiyan caught one and crushed the poor fool to death. She chuckled for a moment before bursting into the air, finding a lone sniper on one of the buildings and kicked him in the chest, hard enough to cause him to stop his attack and cough in pain, before bringing down her elbow on the top of his spine and drove him down through the building he had been standing on. After that Twilight turned her attention to the rest of the ongoing invasion, situated right in the city that all of the Cerealians happened to live in, an odd fact considering there was a whole planet available, though it was currently falling apart as they fought the rest of the Saiyan forces, who seemed to be too much for the snipers to handle on their own.

Part of her wondered if she should change tactics and engage the Saiyans instead, since their invasions might be better in terms of training, but before Twilight could make up her mind a blast of finely honed energy struck her in the chest, likely from a Cerealian who saw her take down their friend. Normally such a thing would have done her in, as she knew that the snipers of this planet were incredibly strong when backed into a corner, but since she now had a passive drain going at all times the Ki attack that struck her was weak by the time it struck her. Still, it stung a little and caused her to switch things up, instead of focusing on just one side of the conflict, and aiding the other race, Twilight turned on both of them, since it would push herself to improve her skills against multiple opponents, even if they were still weaker than what she fought in the past. She found that the Cerealians she got close to could, in fact, fight her with their fists and feet, like a normal foe would, though while each had some level of strength she knew they weren't as strong as the Saiyans and that they were far weaker than she was, meaning it didn't take her long to take her foes down before moving forward.

Eventually Twilight returned to the present, as Mr. Popo explained that one could see this like a game, they would return to the present either by a time limit expiring or by sustaining serious damage to their 'avatar', meaning it was impossible for someone to take real harm during a training session like this.

With that in mind Twilight found that she wasn't too exhausted and went back to the same period, this time testing out a few of her other skills against the Cerealians, calling forth the elements as she shocked dome with lightning, slashing at a couple with the wind, using water to pierce others while shielding herself from snipers, and even creating flaming bats that struck down her foes. It gave her a chance to see if her image training paid off or if her attacks were worthless in the grand scheme of things, though she didn't stop at the base four elements, as her mother had told her countless tales of the power of darkness and the power of light. Thanks to her mother's training and how she wielded the other elements it was easy for her to manipulate the shadows to some degree, which she used to berate the fighters that were around her right now, since they weren't used to enemies springing out of the shadows to fight them. Since she knew about darkness it was easy for her to figure out how to call upon the other one as well, channeling a light based power to strike down her foes, giving her a chance to see if the tales were true or if it had been blown out of the water, made to be some far more powerful force.

In addition to all of that she struck out with her Dark Form, just to see how it actually held up in actual battle so she could work out any kinks, though Twilight made sure to take breaks every now and then to be sure she didn't exhaust herself or fall at the wrong time... to the point where two days went by without incident, causing her to take a break for a day or two to recharge her batteries.

"Oh, hey Twilight, I didn't realize you had stayed here for the last few days." a voice said, where Twilight found that Goku, in his civilian attire and not his gi, had come to the Lookout and was currently talking with Piccolo about something, as she and her mother had emerged from the structure at long last.

"I tried out the Room of Time... quite an interesting room." Twilight replied, which was the truth, she had been interested in testing it out and found that it had given her plenty of time to do whatever she wanted, testing out her skills and most of her abilities without revealing anything to the people of Earth or the Z Warriors, "So, what did I miss?"

"The army tried to kill Cell, and failed, so I came to ask Piccolo if he and Kami could become two people again... I'm afraid that such an idea won't work." Goku answered, something that was quite refreshing, he was truthful and never lied, but it was interesting that King Furry would authorize such a thing in the first place, though it did give Goku the drive he needed to bring back the Dragon Balls, given the grin on his face, "However, what Gohan told me about the other Namekians has lead me to a new idea: I'm going to track them down and see if I can't convince one of them to come back, to become our new Kami and restore the Dragon Balls."

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she considered it and let him get on with his plan, where he tried to focus on the Namekians for a few seconds and found that it wouldn't work, causing him to focus on another person, King Kai, where he vanished with his Instant Transmission. While they waited for him to come back with his news, either good or bad, Twilight quickly found that Piccolo's power had definitely increased, meaning he must have been successful in the chamber, though he was still weaker than both herself and Goku, while Vegeta was likely in the chamber, training without his son since Trunks was standing near Piccolo. At the same time she had a feeling that Goku might find some resistance when he met the rest of the Namekians, since it was because his son and Krillin annoyed her father, by siding with Vegeta, though she also knew they were forgiving and that he'd likely be back in no time at all. Other than that there was nothing else for them to do but wait for Goku to return, so she simply sat back and relaxed for a time, where her mother sat nearby and stared at the sky, simply because they were curious what might happen when the Saiyan returned.

It took a few minutes before anything happened, where they found that Goku returned with Dende, of all Namekians, but before anything else happened he told them he'd be right back and disappeared on his own, only to reappear with both Gohan and Krillin, all of whom were happy to see each other, even though she had to interrupt them to sake her curiosity on the matter.

"So, can you really create a new set of Dragon Balls?" Twilight asked, because she was curious to see if Goku's plan would work or not, not that she cared about those who had been slain by Cell so far, and while she knew that Dende wanted to catch up with everyone, since they were friends, this was far more important.

"Yes, and it'll take about one hundred days to make a whole new set," Dende answered, though at the same time he did want to see what was going on with Twilight, as she and her parents had peaceful during her time on Namek, but at least Goku had good intentions this time around, "however, after having learned about the events going on with Cell, I can use the existing set of Dragon Balls and empower them instantly, instead of having to make a new set. Now, before we get started, I need to know if you just want me to awaken the Dragon Balls or enhance their powers before awakening them, just so I know what needs to be done."

As Twilight expected Gohan and Piccolo inquired if they could up the number of wishes from one to three, to make their spheres more like New Namek's set, while ensuring that the wish to revive multiple people remained intact, something he was able to confirm, even though a mass resurrection wish would cost them two wishes. She considered it to be a good trade off, the amount of power needed to do what they wanted made sense when she thought about it, though she did have to ask about reviving someone who died more than a year ago. Dende informed her that it depended on the one who made the set of Dragon Balls in question, so if he went about changing that rule it would take him years to do such a thing, though she didn't have him make that change, she was simply sating her curiosity. It also meant it was a good thing that she went behind the Z Warriors' backs to get the spheres and bring her slain family back to life, though once she had her question answered Mr. Popo brought out a small statue of a serpent dragon for Dende to work on.

He stood off to the side for a time, focusing his mind as he worked his magic on the statue of Shenron, before chanting in the Namekian language and caused the statue to glow, something that was followed by a burst of light heading up into the air before splitting apart into seven orbs that went their separate ways.

"There, the Dragon Balls should be reactivated." Dende said, where he was pleased with his actions, in fact Goku and a few of the others were surprised by what he had done, though at the same time this confirmed what Twilight heard during her time on Namek, that he was incredibly talented and it made her wonder what he'd do in the future.

Goku informed the others that he was going to go collect the Dragon Balls, so that way they could be ready for when Cell was taken care of, though before doing anything else he paused for a moment, as if he had a thought about something and was going over the details in his head.

"Hey Twilight, do you mind using the Time Chamber with Gohan for his last day?" Goku asked, because he had a feeling that, out of all of them, Gohan might be the only one who could befriend Twilight and get around the anger that she had for everyone, maybe not all of it given what happened, plus she had to be interested in Gohan's new power.

"I'll consider it, on one condition: I want you to take me to King Kai." Twilight said, as she wanted to give that jerk a piece of her mind, namely beating the stuffing out of him for a few minutes as payment for what happened back on Namek, and this was her best chance to get what she wanted without asking her mother for assistance.

Goku considered it for a few moments, as he knew she was annoyed with King Kai, before he agreed, because there was a chance she just wanted to talk to him about what happened on Namek, plus getting on her good side was a good thing, so he had her place her hand on his back as he teleported them to King Kai's planet.

"King Kai, you have a guest." Goku said, because he wanted to get this over with so they could get back to Earth and ready themselves for the Cell Games, though he was hoping that this would help rebuild Twilight's trust in him and the others, even if total forgiveness happened far in the future.

"You came back to train, didn't... you?" a voice asked, where Twilight found that the speaker was a short individual that had blue skin, sunglasses over his eyes, odd antenna on his head, and a symbol of some kind on the front of his black robe, who instantly paled as he noticed who was on his rather small planet, "Wh... What are you doing here?!"

"I asked Goku to bring me here." Twilight replied, taking a few seconds to walk up to the shorter figure, who was scared of what might happen next, where she stopped in front of him and delivered a few slaps to his face, shocking Goku since he thought she'd talk to King Kai, but a glare from her stopped him in his tracks, allowing her to grab King Kai by the face and slam him right into the ground, "Did you seriously think that I would forget about you, the person who influenced all of the madness that happened on Namek and ended up getting me killed? I ought to just kill you right now and be done with it."

"You... can't treat... me... like this! I'm a... god!" King Kai struggled to say, showing Goku that Twilight was serious, she might kill him for everything that happened to her and her forces of Namek, but even when the Saiyan tried to move he found that her powerful aura seemed to stop him in his tracks, allowing her to focus on him.

"You're no god... you are a lackluster deity who watches over the dead and who does a poor job of maintaining peace in the part of the universe that's your domain." Twilight remarked, where she applied some additional pressure and the ground below King Kai cracked around him, showing everyone, Goku and a few animals who lived with the short fat figure, that she wasn't to be messed with, "Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, could do a better job than you and I'm sure that the rest of the universe would thank me if I blew you away right here... but that would be too easy. I want you to cower here, day after day, in fear as you wonder when I'll be back to kill you for everything that happened on Namek... trust me, I have a couple of ideas on what to do."

Goku had no idea what to say to this, in fact he was totally surprised by how much Twilight ruffed King Kai up before she let go of him, but she was more than willing to leave after that point and he teleported them back to Earth, causing him to wonder what the future held for them.

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