• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Equus: Other Discoveries

Twilight found herself incredibly interested in the world that Spike and Ember ended up on, as there were sets of islands that the dragons called Homeworlds scattered throughout the world, each of them having their own name to separate them from the others, like how the one that the Artisans were part of were the Dragon Realms. She learned that the lands that Spike called home had five other islands, for a total of six Homeworlds, with the other five being the Peace Keepers, Magic Crafters, Beast Makers, Dream Weavers, and the newest one, the Machinists, which used to be where their first villain lived before they took him down. Spike also explained that Avalar, where their second adventure took place, had three, which were Summer Forest, Autumn Plains, and the Winter Tundra, and the lands of Avilion, formerly known as the Forgotten Realms, had four Homeworlds, those being Sunrise Spring, Midday Gardens, Evening Lake, and Midnight Mountain. There were other areas spread out across the world that they had discovered, like the continent of Doxantha, where Warfang, the city Malefor and the other Guardians watched over, resided, and many others, which was why Spike added another book to the pile he was giving Twilight.

There were six tomes detailing the adventures that he, Ember, and Spyro, plus their three dragonflies, went on, another detailing the various groups of islands they had been talking about, plus a few magical tomes that would allow Twilight to see what sort of magic Spike had to learn before this point, and even a copy of what he and his friends found on the moons that orbited this planet.

"You guys found an alien structure on the moons? What did you learn from it?" Twilight asked, though at the same time she opened the tome that detailed the visit that granted them newfound knowledge about their universe, since it told them that they weren't alone, as this happened before Discord came to show Spike and Ember the way home.

"Hard to say, really, as the facility on Adrano was wrecked and the one on Zella only had the plans for the Ion Generator we just recently started using," Spike said, where he found that Twilight, as per usual, was quickly reading everything that was in the book that detailed their visits to the moons, and had to smile as he noticed the interest in her eyes as she went over exactly what he and the others discovered, "What we do know is that the Alien Makers, for lack of a better term, bore witness to Korma's destruction and revival a lifetime ago... basically, the world you see now is a reborn version of the planet that came before it, as the Dark Master set out to destroy Korma and both Spyro and Cynder rushed to save it from the fate he wanted to give it."

"I mean, we did have to destroy the Destroyer, but the Dark Master cheated and controlled it so it would bring about the end of the world." Cynder remarked, though at the same time she was impressed by the fact that Twilight and Spike could have conversations at a level that were beyond what she and the others were capable of, especially given everything she had learned before Spyro showed up in her life again, "Spyro and I beat the Dark Master, after tearing through his army and losing a precious ally, and the spirits of the Ancestors imprisoned him in the crystalline heart of the planet, though after that we gave up ourselves to save the planet. According to both Spike and my father, the rebirth of Korma caused it to undergo some changes, which you'll find out in your reading of the tomes that you've been given, and both Spyro and I ended up in two different locations... even though destiny brought us back together."

"Just in the nick of time, actually, since we brought in an army to deal with the Apes." a new voice said, where Twilight took a moment to look up and found a creature that looked like a cross between a dragon and a doe, or maybe a fawn, which was interesting to see since this was the first time she had seen someone like her, as the creature was female based on the body, who wore what appeared to be casual guard armor.

"Hey Elora, what's Hunter up to?" Spyro inquired, showing that they knew the figure, though at the same time Elora just walked over to the chair that Spike was sitting in and took the seat next to him, only for Twilight to discover that Spike had changed in more ways than one, as she kissed him on the cheek and Spike blushed.

The reason there were chairs nearby was because they had stopped in the house that belonged to Spike and his siblings, which was almost like a castle in it's own right, and there was an eating area they usually shared breakfast in, when they weren't busy elsewhere in Korma or even Equus.

"He, his sister, and his parents are speaking with the cheetah clans, something about learning more of their skills for the day that the big war finally starts." Elora replied, though she had to chuckle as she noticed how Twilight was looking at her and Spike, no doubt because she had been expecting such a reaction after hearing about her from those who knew about her, all while the others just focused on the conversations that had been happening so far, "I'll answer the question that you are likely thinking about: yes, Spike and I are dating... and no, he didn't do this to me, in case you were wondering. One of the villains we fought used some unstable magic and my body was altered into it's new form, putting an end to an already weird adventure, since we weren't expecting anything from Ripto after our first encounter with him."

"Well, it is nice to see that Spike found himself someone special to share his life with." Twilight said, which was the truth, it was an interesting thing to see after remembering that the former little dragon had been chasing Rarity for a time, but she was happy for him, as it seemed like Spike was incredibly happy with how his life had turned out.

"Yes, it is good to see that all of you are doing well." another new voice said, though at the same time Twilight and the rest of the group found that a shadowy portal, in the form of an oval, appeared nearby and immediately caused her group to get up for a moment, because it seemed like there was an intruder, especially since there was an annoyed look on the faces of Spike and everyone from Korma.

A few seconds later a humanoid figure stepped out of the portal, wearing a full-length black coat that had a zipped going from the neck and stopped all the way at the bottom, where the zipper seemed to be resting at the waist and that let them see the figure's legs, or black pants, though his face was hidden by a hood.

"Not you again! What do you want this time?" Spike asked, as he and some of the other displaced had seen figures like this before, either because they wanted to talk to the heroes of the worlds that interested them or they just wanted to watch whatever adventures were going on, like how Sci Twi mentioned that there were two figures like that in the world that she, Starlight, and Cozy Glow had been sent to.

"Wait, you've seen this guy before?" Goku inquired, though at the same time he and the others from Universe 7 remained at the ready, because if he was a threat to Korma or the other worlds of this universe everyone needed to be ready to take him down before he got away.

"Not personally. He and some of his friends like to spy on the displaced." Ember remarked, where she and the others just stood there for a moment as they focused on the figure that was in front of them, as she was curious as to which one of the robed figures this was, because one of them had even introduced himself to them, to Spitfire and Rainbow when she thought about it again, "So which one are you? Xahvalan, the so called 'Seeker of Darkness', or are you one of his pals?"

"That hardly matters right now. Just know that I have information for you." the figure replied, where he quickly snapped his fingers and called forth an orb that allowed them to see another world, like it was a recording of some kind, though the scene quickly became clear to them as they watched a tide of demons descend upon the world, "This is the fate that your world will suffer in the future, if you are not prepared for what is to come... Dymalis' empire has consumed another world in their quest to rule over the entire universe, slaying the guardians of the world in a matter of hours and conquering the citizens with ease. The demonic empire is slowly making it's way to your planet, but you are running out of time... will you gather your displaced before the Demon King and his Generals locates your world, or will you fail and fall beneath the endless tide that threatens this oddly wonderful world? Or will the Great Evil that slumbers in the Void devour your whole universe before the demons arrive... it has been an amusing tale to witness, the way you scurry about the worlds, killing those who oppose you and gathering allies to your various causes. I cannot wait to see how it all ends."

"What do you mean by 'Great Evil'?" Twilight asked, because it sounded like something that needed to be dealt with in the near future, if it was threatening the entire universe in some manner, though the immediate threat was the demons that were closing in on their world.

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out." the figure stated, though at the same time the portal opened right behind him, showing that he was going to escape, where Twilight held a hand out to stop the others from moving to take him, all while her other was already in motion as her magic reached for the mysterious figure.

Before her magic could reach him, however, another portal opened up nearby and a lance flew through it, which spun in a circle and knocked her power away from the first figure, allowing him to escape before Twilight could catch him, though as Twilight turned towards the portal the weapon flew through it and the way closed before anyone could react.

"Interesting... a weapon designed to repel magical power." Twilight commented, as that was the only way her power could have been repelled, even though she wasn't expecting the second portal to open like that and that could explain why her power had been knocked away like that, but this just made things far more interesting.

"Great, there are more dangers out there, waiting to devour us whole. Twilight, can we count on you and your forces to join us in the upcoming war?" Spike asked, though he had a feeling that she would say 'yes', because this seemed like the sort of thing that she and her friends would want to take part in, especially since it was a threat to her home planet.

"You don't even have to ask: of course we'll be there when the fateful day finally arrives... I won't be moving back into the castle, nor will I be moving back to Equus, but mark my words: no one threatens my home!" Twilight said, because she had too much going on in Universe 7 to even justify moving back home, though at the same time she wasn't about to leave all of her friends, family, and the citizens of this world in jeopardy, so when the time came she and her armies would be there to wage war on the demonic empire, it's Generals, and the Demon King who dared to target her home world.

Spike and Ember smiled as they heard that, because this meant that the combined forces of Equus had grown by quite a lot, especially if Twilight was able to call forth allies from the other universes she had visited or knew about, which only made them wonder what the future held for them and their world.

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