• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Negotiations and Assassins

Since they didn't have a lot of time before the Tournament of Power started, as the Grand Priest informed the gods that it would take forty hours to build the stage that it would take place on, Twilight focused on tracking down everyone who she felt should be part of the team. Naturally three of the positions were taken immediately, those being herself, Goku, and Vegeta, and three more were taken by Piccolo, Gohan, and her father, Frieza, which left four more positions that needed to be filled at some point in time, before they were brought to the arena. There were a large amount of skilled and powerful warriors for them to pick from, thanks to her tampering with how the universe worked, something every god knew about thanks to the Grand Priest telling them about her work, and she had some thoughts on who to pick. The only question was if the individuals in question were available to make time to come fight for their universe, where she counted herself lucky that Hit was currently on the planet, since she had a feeling that he might be involved in this event as well, especially since she knew that a certain God of Destruction was missing his key player.

As such she focused on arranging for the individuals on her list to meet at Bulma's place in the near future, in the next few hours to be exact, when she got a notice alarm that someone was here to see her, to which she turned off the screen that she had been watching, undid the bindings on the room, and allowed the door to be opened, where she found Champa, his Kaioshin, and Vados standing outside.

"Twilight Sparkle, I came... as fast as I could." Champa huffed, meaning he must have had Vados speed them to Universe 7 as soon as the meeting was over and had literally exhausted himself to get here before Beerus even came home, though at the same time Vados handed him a drink as Twilight waved them inside, as she had expected this meeting as soon as she heard of the Tournament of Power, "Beerus hasn't arrived yet, so you have no way of knowing, but..."

"The Present and Future Lord Zenos have declared that a 'Tournament of Power' is taking place, and you've come seeking your old key player." Twilight commented, surprising the trio for a moment as she frowned, mostly out of annoyance for the whole series of events she and Goku had set in motion, though she was only blaming herself due to the fact that she could have stopped this and didn't, so now they had to deal with the consequences.

"I had a feeling you would know about this." Vados remarked, because one fact she had determined after the tournament between their universe and Universe 7, and seeing the warriors from Beerus' universe, was the fact that Twilight was one of the smartest individuals in the entire multiverse and this simply confirmed it.

"Great, we don't have to waste time explaining things that she already knows." Champa said, taking a moment to drink the majority of the drink he had been given, because he really needed it right now, before he set the large cup down as he faced Twilight, who was simply waiting for them to speak before she bothered to say anything else, "I'll cut to the chase: I want Hit back, and you're going to give him to me."

"Champa, you know that's not how this works. Hit's a member of Universe 7 now, meaning you don't have the power to make such a demand," Twilight replied, where she found that Champa hadn't changed since the last time she saw him, he was still annoying and thought that he owned everything in his universe, not to mention everyone, and it even applied to the people and planets of the other universes, "I can, however, arrange for him to come by for a visit and see if he'll agree to help his home universe out... if he does, well, we'll cross that bridge if it happens."

Vados raised an eyebrow for a moment as another figure knocked on the door, where she and the others found that Hit was standing outside, though he didn't seem surprised to see them standing and sitting on the opposite side of Twilight's desk, as if he expected them to come for him at some point, before he was ushered inside and he came to a stop to the right of where Twilight was sitting. In the following moments Twilight revealed her extensive knowledge of the upcoming tournament to Hit, allowing him to know the stakes while shocking Champa and his Kaioshin, since no one else, outside all of the gods, should know about this information, and yet here she was, fully aware of the danger that the multiverse was currently in. Hit, for the most part, was silent as he listened to everything she had to share with him, allowing him to think about things while not revealing anything to his former God of Destruction, Angel, and Kaioshin, leaving them in the dark until he was ready to speak his mind on the matter. Twilight knew they wanted to be done with this conversation as fast as possible, since they still had a team to put together so they could participate in the tournament, as she was sure that not meeting the team requirement would disqualify the offending universe, but with the Kings of All there was no telling what sort of rules they would follow.

"So let me get this straight: instead of searching for more qualified warriors, you've come seeking me for aid." Hit said, as he assumed that there were more warriors like Frost, in terms of power, out there in his home universe and that it would take Vados no time in tracking them down, given how fast they had tracked him down for the previous tournament.

"Hit, there's no one else with your powers in our universe... I would know, we've tried to find them and failed." Champa replied, something that interested Twilight, that he was willing to say anything to get Hit on his side so he could get on with forming the rest of the team he needed to put together, all while Hit remained silent as the Destroyer talked, "What do you two want from me so I can get my best warrior back? I need you so we can win!"

"Sounds like you just want to hire me to fill the roster." Hit remarked, where Twilight found that, thanks to someone taking a stand against Champa, he was more willing to stand up to his old Destroyer God than he was the last time they faced each other, before he sighed as he turned to face the door, something that worried Champa instantly, "Lady Twilight, what sort of payment would this job grant me?"

"Tell me what you want, Hit, and if it's in my power I'll grant it." Twilight answered, though this interested her since she knew Hit didn't care too much about wealth, in fact he had once said their original deal was quite generous for someone like him, so it made her wonder what he had in mind for a job that was basically keeping his home universe safe, where he walked over to her and whispered it to her, causing her to nod her understanding, "Well Champa, Hit is willing to work for you during the Tournament of Power, on lend I might add, but it will come at a cost... a favor, which I will collect once the tournament is over."

Vados raised an eyebrow at that, as if she realized that Twilight had plans for the Super Dragon Balls, but said nothing as Champa swallowed his pride and agreed to owe her a favor, no doubt assuming that Vados would be the one to pay it in the end, if Universe 7 survived until the end. With the deed done, and Twilight ensured that she had documentation that confirmed that Champa owed her a favor when everything was said and done, Hit joined his formed deities as they left for Universe 6, as they had to track down nine more warriors to form their team. Such a thing caused her to turn her focus to the work she had been doing, putting the finishing touches on her list of warriors that would save Universe 7 from the fate that many would seek to deliver onto Beerus for whatever happened in the past, she had seen many gods frown towards her universe after discovering that Goku set the Tournament of Power in motion. As the group departed, however, she had another god show up at her doorstep, Liquiir to be exact, who simply glanced at Champa for a moment as the gods of Universe 6 finally departed from the building and left for their universe, causing him to enter the room.

"First the gods of Universe 6, and now the Destroyer God of Universe 8." Twilight said, where she smiled for a moment, as it was interesting to see that several gods were interested in meeting with her now, which only made her wonder if all of the others would come by in the future, to speak to her before the tournament started, "So, Liquiir, what can I do for you on this fine day?"

"I know you know about the Tournament of Power, as you likely found out before Champa arrived, and I want to offer you a place in my universe." Liquiir replied, though this wasn't about stealing Beerus' pride and joy, in terms of someone who could drastically change the Mortal Level of a universe in such a short period of time, rather this was because in the short time he knew her he had grown to care for her and Aria, in fact they had dated a few times when she wasn't busy, and he wanted to get her out of danger before something terrible happened.

"Liquiir, you're cute when your concerned... but I'm not about to abandon my universe in their time of need. Besides, I'm too special for Zeno to destroy." Twilight stated, because she had come to understand that her existence in this universe was something that the King of All seemed to care about greatly, to the point that she was willing to gamble that he would keep her alive, even in the event that Beerus' universe fell in the tournament, before she kissed Liquiir for a moment and pulled back with a smile on her face, "Trust me, I have no intentions of failing at such a critical moment."

"You do realize that Universe 11 is rumored to be the resting place of the mortal who stands above the gods, whose even stronger than Belmod, right?" Liquiir inquired, because he had no idea if Whis or Beerus had shared this information with Twilight, especially after everything she had done for their universe over the years, and it looked like he might be right on the money since she tilted her head for a moment.

"A mortal that's stronger than the gods... interesting." Twilight said, as it only made her that much more interested in what the tournament might have in store for her and the others, because Belmod's universe was participating and that meant there was a chance for her to see the warrior in question.

"This reminds me of you chasing Pinkie Pie, trying to figure out her abilities." Liquiir remarked, as he had watched nearly everything that was on the disc that Twilight had given him, allowing him to understand the person that was catching the attention of the other universes and their gods, and how the figure was acting right now reminded him of that fact, before he sighed for a moment, "I can't talk you out of this, can I?"

Twilight told him that there was no talking her out of fighting for her universe, regardless of whatever the other universes threw at them, causing Liquiir to sigh once more before he hugged her and then departed for his universe, leaving her to finish her work before closing the office as she headed to Bulma's place. She wanted to see if anyone had arrived yet, and if they understood the situation they were in, and, sure enough, Vegeta was the only one present right now, though it was only for a short period of time as Shandy, Saria, and Caser landed outside and walked over to their position. Beerus and the others who went to Zeno's palace arrived not too long after that, even though Piccolo and many others showed up as well, showing her that everyone she had sent the information to was taking this seriously. Even her family arrived not too long after that, because they knew that when she sent out a message like that it had to be incredibly serious, and the rest of their greatest warriors arrived over the course of the next hour, allowing everyone else to mingle before she told them all of the information she had learned.

When everyone was present, and she was sure of that, Twilight revealed that she knew of the Tournament of Power and that they needed ten warriors to face off against the other seven universes who were taking part in it as well, though she did surprise Beerus' group by producing a list of names.

"I've already come up with those who will fight for our universe, while everyone else will remain alert in case any of the other universes try anything funny." Twilight stated, because she wouldn't put it passed some of the more despicable gods to try and eliminate a number of warriors from a universe they felt had wronged them, and with their win over Universe 9, besting their greatest warriors in no time at all, there was a chance that such a thing could happen, "Our ten warriors, if all of you are okay with participating, are as follows: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Frieza, Cooler, Shandy, Saria, Caser, and myself."

"You sure assembled the best team possible, in such a short period of time." Whis commented, though while he knew that some of the others, like 17 and 18 or the various Demons that served Twilight, were strong enough to be real threats on the battlefield, depending on who they were up against, he trusted her judgement on the matter, especially after having seen Goku fight Toppo in a fourth surprise match, a figure who was supposedly Belmod's replacement once he was done with his training.

As Twilight opened her mouth, however, they were interrupted by the sudden arrival of a number of figures who weren't dressed in familiar clothing, rather each one was wearing black clothes with purple lines and masks over their faces, but as the anthropomorphic bulldog that was their leader started to talk Twilight found that the Demons trapped them in an orb of energy that would serve as their prison.

"And, as I expected, assassins... who suck at their job no less." Twilight remarked, though as she said that she glanced at the others for a moment and left them to prepare for the tournament, as she was calling in Merus to imprison these fools until the tournament was over.

She could only hope that the other universes decided to play fair and didn't come after their foes, otherwise she was sure that everyone was going to be busy repelling idiots before the tournament started, and could only hope that the next forty hours passed without incident.

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