• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: Fateful Battle

As the energy around Kid Buu started to condense into his smaller form, signifying that they were about to see the rebirth of a creature that was better left sealed away, Twilight planted the base of her staff against the ground and focused her mind, as she was going to use her strongest transformation and not play around. While she did that, however, she noticed that Goku was still on the Sacred World of the Kai, while at the same time Gohan was sitting across from what looked like an old Kaioshin whose hands were raised with the palms pointing at him. She suspected that someone had broken the Z Sword, as someone must have come up with the idea to test the edge of the blade and Shin went too far with it, because there was a large black cube off in the distance, Katchin she realized, which was the hardest material in the known universe and it must have snapped the sword like it was a twig. The existence of the old Kaioshin was proof of her thoughts, someone had been trapped inside that ancient blade and now that person was free to roam the universe once more, though after seeing that, and seeing how everyone was shocked by her bringing Buu to this planet, she focused on her foe.

As she did that, however, Goku rushed over to where they were standing and helped Innocent Buu out of the area, where she focused on Kid Buu as he finished reforming at long last, as she recognized the child-like form of the being that had almost killed her, though as he looked around Kid Buu frowned the moment he spotted her.

"That's right Kid Buu, I'm still alive. You didn't kill me!" Twilight stated, where she could see the anger and hatred in his eyes as he stared at her, no doubt assuming that she was prey that had gotten away in the past, just like how he saw Aria as well, but in that moment she released her full power, allowing the darkness to wash over her as she transformed into her Demon Goddess form, "Care to try again?"

Kid Buu stood there for a moment, making her wonder if he was debating what to do or if he was just the nearly mindless monster she had encountered in the past, before he raised his hand and hurled a sphere of energy, twice as tall as a human by her reckoning, right at Twilight. She, on the other hand, caught the attack before it even hit the ground and devoured all of it in the span of a few seconds, surprising Kid Buu in the process, no doubt because he hadn't see this the last time they fought, before she rushed through the air and zeroed in on where he was standing. In the next instant she loosed a blast at her foe's legs, even though she made it look like she was actually aiming at his chest, and the explosion tore off Kid Buu's legs with far too much ease, as this was just her way to confirm that he still had the regeneration power that made him one of the most feared monsters in the universe. Sure enough he reformed them without delay and rushed at her, swinging his fists at her and struck her right in her face, knocking Twilight back a little, though it did confirm something else in her mind, his combat skills were definitely intact, as nothing was lost during his absorption of two Kaioshin and his diffusion brought about by her own hand.

Of course she wasn't the only one who wanted to be part of his battle, as Aria, having released her own power in the form of a silvery white aura, punched Kid Buu in the side of his face, right in his jaw no less, and sent him flying down towards the ground, causing a circular crater to form around him.

"Remember me, Kid Buu?" Aria asked, though at the same time she and Twilight stood side by side as they faced the small crater that the creature had been forced into by her attack, as this was what they had prepared for after her revival and she was itching to get some payback for her death, hence their training for this day.

Sure enough the creature frowned as he noticed Aria standing there as well, another figure he no doubt assumed had fled for her life after their previous battle, though in that moment he slammed his legs into the ground with a grin on his face, causing the pair to realize what he was doing as they jumped into the air. Kid Buu's attack was an unseen one, as it went under the ground and emerged with a kick as he tried to hit them, meaning if they had dodged backwards he would have chased after them, or at least that was Twilight's guess on the matter, but it did leave him vulnerable for a time. Of course that was when they found that the creature retained some of the intelligence they were used to seeing, from those who came from him absorbing two Kaioshin, as he fired a beam of energy right at Aria while she was in the middle of dodging his previous attack. In that moment she turned and struck the attack with the side of her right hand, sending it flying off to where Twilight was positioned so she could absorb it, though after doing that Twilight shifted her stance as she got ready to use the Kamehameha, something both she and Aria had learned in preparation for this fight.

Of course she had a way to make the attack even stronger, as in one hand she held the power of darkness and the other had the power of light, and when she fired her Eclipse Kamehameha Aria discovered that it was a bluish-purple beam with a purple outline, which smashed into Kid Buu and tore him apart... though as the smoke cleared his bits gathered once more and reformed him, showing off his insane regeneration ability.

While he reformed Aria went on the assault, transforming the energy around her hand into an actual construct, a blade that she could actually hold in her hand, and slashed at Kid Buu as he maintained a worm shape, as if he was dancing and taunting them at the same time. Such a thing allowed her to hack him to pieces, as if her weapon were a hot knife cutting through butter, though once she was done dividing him up into small chunks Aria blasted them without delay, hoping that it would be the end of Kid Buu, because while others would prolong the fight for the joy of it she just wanted him gone so the universe would be safer. A foot formed out of the smoke and kicked her in the chest, pushing her straight down into the ground before tearing through the rest of the region as he smashed Aria into one of the rock mountains, before he backed off and released a blast that would not only tear the entire area apart, but also kill her again. Twilight flashed into the space between them and caught the blast before it could go off, where it disappeared into nothingness as she took a second to drain it, though all of this reconfirmed that Kid Buu wanted them dead and meant that, while he might taunt her and Aria, he was serious with all of his attacks.

Twilight sighed for a moment as she shifted her stance and gestured for Kid Buu to come at them again, though this time around she punched him square in the face as he rushed at her, causing him to stagger backwards for a moment as she stood there, a silent taunt for him to continue the assault. As she predicted he fell for it and used the sides of her arms to block his attacks as she moved her legs, making it look like she was on the defensive while predicting his every move, but it was just her reacting to Kid Buu's Ki as she struck him multiple times as well, slipping through his own defenses. Such a thing only seemed to excite him even more, as if he realized that she was a foe who could push him to his limits, to which he ignored Aria entirely and focused on her as he rushed at her, intending on doing more damage to her before focusing on the other opponents. Twilight was fine with that, because with her immortality there was no way for Kid Buu to kill her, not unless he decided to absorb her anyway, since she had no idea what would happen if that went down, though for the time being she focused on Kid Buu as he came at her.

This time she ducked below his incoming punch and struck him hard in the chest, causing the creature to cough a little as he pulled back and went on the offensive again, only to find that Twilight was ready for him as she twisted around each of his attacks, allowing her to kick him several times before knocking him backwards. He stayed down for a moment, likely shocked by how the tables had turned on him for a moment, before bursting up into the air and raining down small blasts of energy on where she was standing, though she set up a quick barrier to snag them before teleporting into the space right behind him and kicked him down into a lake that was nearby. As Kid Buu tried to recover from the attack, and go on the offensive once more, Twilight appeared above him and swung her leg downward, forcing him to raise his arm to block her attack, finding that it caused waves in the water as his defenses were pushed back a little, before she spun around and kicked him in the side, sending him flying once more. After that the two of them rushed around the surface of the lake, all while ripples showed the observers where they were at any given moment, though while Kid Buu was angry, attacking like he had something to prove, Twilight was calm and collected, moving her body with purpose as she struck her foe without him scoring a hit on her.

One of Kid Buu's punches was directed down at the lake and it sent a bunch of water up into the air, though Twilight used that as a cover as she charged some of her power into the space above her right hand, creating a sphere of swirling wind energy, though as her foe realized that she was coming for him he fired a blast of energy towards her. She ate the attack like it was nothing as her sphere expanded into a more massive form, being three times the size of King Kai's planet, and sent it down at her foe while he couldn't see it coming, causing him to freeze as he laid eyes on it. Her attack, the Spiraling Wind Sphere, tore into Kid Buu and the ground before he could do anything to stop it, though it didn't get too far before it exploded on top of her foe, blasting a large crater into the ground as she found Kid Buu flying out of it, only he hit the side of a rock wall and coughed as he repaired his missing lower body again. While many would be devastated by the fact that Kid Buu was tanking all of her attacks and was coming back for more, she was still calm, because she could see that her foe's mood was getting worse as time went on, as his rage would blind him and cause him to make a mistake, or at least that would be true if he were a normal warrior.

Since he was different from everyone else she needed a plan to utterly eradicate him, his body, and every atom, similar to what happened with Cell, and she had an idea of which power of hers might be able to do just that, but before that she had another trick up her sleeve that she wanted to try out first. Aria landed nearby as Twilight expanded her power, which was followed by a veil of magic washing over her as an illusion was placed, making it look like there were two of her right now, something that caused Kid Buu to raise an eyebrow as he turned his head a few times. This illusion spell made it so that her allies, if any were aiding her in a fight, would seem like identical copies to herself, right down to their Ki, so all Kid Buu could tell was that Aria was no longer there and that, somehow, Twilight had duplicated herself. In addition to that she even placed an enchantment on Aria so that she matched her level of power, just to complete the illusion, causing her to rush forward as Aria followed after her, where Kid Buu raised his arms to defend himself from what was coming.

This was a lot like the Multiform technique that the Z Warriors had used in the past, only she had removed the weakness of cutting one's Ki to pieces, depending on how many copies were made, so to Kid Buu it felt like two of her were fighting him at the exact same time.

As such one of them was able to punch and knock Kid Buu up into the air so the other could land a couple of kicks, only to find that their foe, even with the battle becoming a two on one, was excited by what was going on and rushed into battle, targeting whichever warrior happened to be near him. Due to how much time the pair had spent training for this day, just in the off chance that Kid Buu actually showed up in their lives, it was near impossible to tell which one was Twilight and which one was Aria, especially since the enchantment on Aria also allowed Twilight to siphon the Ki attacks that were sent her way. The only thing that might reveal who was the real Twilight to their foe was the usage of the light and dark powers that she had spent years learning how to master, hence why she focused on normal skills, such as the Kamehameha, just to keep the illusion going and keep their foe in the dark. Of course, even with that thought in mind, she was sure that Kid Buu, who had to be a fast learner like Innocent Buu, would figure out the smallest changes between them and attack Aria when he was sure that he had found her, hence why she was focused on making sure that never happened.

With that thought in mind she and Aria knocked Kid Buu back with a dual kick to the chest before gathering their energies into spheres on their left and right sides, allowing them to combine their blue Kamehamehas into a single mass that they sent at their foe, tearing through him with ease, but before they celebrated Twilight found that his feet were left and that he regenerated in no time once more.

"Annoying bastard... I know he's supposed to be tough, but this is annoying." Aria commented, because even with her new power she found herself wondering if it was even possible to beat the raw power of Kid Buu in a fight, especially since she was convinced that during the diffusion he had stolen some of the God Ki from Innocent Buu, who only had it thanks to the Grand and South Kaioshins who had been absorbed previously.

"I know. That's why we trained for this." Twilight replied, as they had plans for when this fight happened and it was time to put them into action, though as she said that Kid Buu fully reformed and beat his chest as his Ki suddenly increased, which was when she spotted a familiar dark sphere in the center of his chest, "Of course... the Demon Gods and Goddesses from the future want to charge Buu's Dark Dragon Ball while we're fighting him, since it seems that they soak in all damage that is done to the host... and they also boost their already considerable power to new heights. I would recommend abandoning this fight, Aria, since his power and violence will be far stronger than what we had planned for, but if you want to fight him as well I won't stop you."

Twilight rushed forward without delay and raised her right hand as she channeled her power, forming lightning that let out a crackle as it formed around her fingers, which she brought together like they were a blade, and stabbed Kid Buu right in his chest, just under the Dark Dragon Ball because he moved it to avoid losing it's power so soon after getting it. Her attack went right through his body and caused him to stagger for a moment, though before he could react she altered her energy and the lightning branched outward from the area that her hand had pierced, sending a lethal shockwave through the creature in the process. Of course lethal for a human was nothing to Kid Buu's terrible might, even though she found that there were a small number of smoky holes in his chest, which had to be from her attack, before she summoned more lightning to her aid in the form of a bolt that followed her hand's movements, as she swung downward and shocked him again. Kid Buu, of course, recovered in no time as he kicked her backwards and mended his body, causing her to realize that the majority of the skills she had learned for this day might not work, but that still left her with two skills that should work.

In the next moment something interesting happened as Goku, channeling the power of his Super Saiyan 3 form, and Vegeta, in Super Saiyan 2, struck Kid Buu at the same instant that Aria appeared above him and punched him into the ground, and as he recovered all three returned to Twilight's side, looking to her for guidance.

Twilight let out a light chuckle, as Saiyans would be Saiyans and Aria wanted her revenge for her death, before realizing that this was a good thing, considering the spells she wanted to use against Kid Buu, where she thought about her plans and, in the span of a few seconds, changed them accordingly. In that instant she extended her illusions to the Saiyans, to really confuse Kid Buu, though this time it was just a means to an end, for Twilight needed the creature distracted while she set up the first of her spells, so while this did ruin part of her and Aria's plans it also benefited them in the long run, as long as their foe didn't catch on. Of course Kid Buu would focus on the Saiyans, since they didn't fight like her or Aria, but that was okay since she could come in and attack him in return, where the moment Twilight was done with her set up she sent them out to do battle with their foe, allowing her to land on a boulder as she prepared herself. The spell in question was much like her Black Coffin attack, focusing on the gravitational power of darkness and magnifying it to an absurd level of power, so it needed a few moments of charging for her to make sure it was ready, hence her willingness to let the pair of Saiyans join the fight.

Of course she had no idea where Vegeta had come from and had to guess that the old lady who took Goku back when his time was up had brought the other Saiyan here, given that a halo rested above his head, but she knew they could figure that out later and focused on charging her attack so it would be ready when the time was right.

She found that, while his power was far greater than it had been at the start of the fight, Kid Buu was surprised by there being four of her now, where he glanced at all of them and seemed to debate who he should go after first, because while logic would dictate the one not fighting was planning something he didn't care to follow it. As such Goku and Vegeta were able to join Aria in lashing out at Kid Buu, striking him while dodging the attacks they had see so far, something that was due to her enhancing their abilities so they would be of use to her, so she hoped the pair appreciated what she was doing right now, since it might be the only time she'd do it. For a moment it seemed like Kid Buu understood who was who, or at least was able to see through the illusion she had cast, but that hardly helped as the trio wailed on him, doing everything in their power to make sure he was unaware of what Twilight was doing right now. They weren't the only ones fighting him right now, as Twilight found that Gohan, now dressed in a gi similar to his father's while his hair was spiked despite him not using his Super Saiyans forms, joined the battle as well, clashing with Kid Buu as he made sure his focus was on them and not on her.

Twilight was curious as to what sort of form he had unlocked, especially since it looked like his potential had been brought out by whatever the Old Kai had done, though for now she was pleased with the results as Gohan knocked Kid Buu away from the others, allowing Goku and Vegeta to land side by side for a moment. What surprised her was the fact that both of them seemed to have some idea as to what to do to distract Kid Buu and that involved calling forth all of their power for a short period of time, with the intention of firing off large blasts of energy to keep their foe busy. Vegeta seemed to be in the middle of charging his Final Flash, due to the lightning arcing off of where he was standing, while Goku seemed to be preparing a full power Kamehameha to fire alongside it, where she was sure they would merge into a single attack, likely the 'Final Kamehameha'. Once he noticed that they were ready Gohan kicked Kid Buu up into the air and let them fire their attack, generating a blue beam with a swirl of yellow mixed into it, two attacks merged into a single entity, which rushed through the air with enough force that made Twilight wonder if she might miss her chance at using her attack, only for Kid Buu to punch it in the side and send it towards her.

Of course she wasn't too worried about the attack as she shifted her left hand and devoured it, though once it was gone she hurled a dark ball of energy at Kid Buu with her right hand, where it rushed by him and ascended into the sky, where it stopped when it reached the clouds and expanded into a massive sphere of darkness.

"Twilight... what is that?" Gohan asked, because the sphere was larger than the Earth's own moon and seemed to fill the sky with an unnatural darkness, almost as if it were a sun in some manner, though at he thought about that he was sure that gravity had been altered in some way, as while they were being forced towards the ground it looked like Kid Buu was being pulled towards the object.

"Abyssal Moon, a skill that pushes the gravitational power of darkness to the highest point... in this case, those far away from it are pushed down into the ground, while those close are pulled in." Twilight replied, which was the entire point of this attack, as it was a gravity trap that could be altered however she wanted, though in that instant she readied her power once more as she raised her left hand again, where Gohan watched as she created a ball of fire that was a miniature sun in no time at all, "Sol Invictus."

Gohan and the others watched as Twilight released the sphere and it expanded before their eyes, matching the size of the dark moon in no time at all, though he was grateful that she had launched it when she had, as he was sure that the heat would have ruined them in a matter of seconds. Kid Buu, on the other hand, was trapped behind a rock and a hard place as he tried to resist the pull of the Abyssal Moon with all of his might, though that might was divided in half as he realized that the second attack was coming at his backside, forcing him to turn towards it. The sun slammed into his hands, as he raised them to stop it from crushing him into the moon, though Twilight knew it was futile, as she focused her energy once more and kept the sun moving, eventually pushing her foe right into the surface of the Abyssal Moon. Such a thing meant that it was the end for Kid Buu, as there was no escaping the power of her moon attack, not with the sun bearing down on him, and as she stood there Aria joined her, where they thrust their hands towards the sky and pushed the sun right into the moon.

The resulting explosion ignited the sky for a moment, causing everyone else to cover their eyes as Twilight watched as Kid Buu was fully incinerated by her attacks, his Ki disappearing entirely, and as she breathed a sigh of relief that the creature was gone she noticed that his Dark Dragon Ball had vanished, something she would worry about in the future, after they dealt with the cleanup and Innocent Buu anyway.

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