• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Android: Pieces Moving

It took Krillin some time to actually use the four Senzu Beans on his wounded friends, meaning he didn't need the two that Twilight had flown off with, which he was sure they wouldn't be seeing again, but in the end everyone was healed and were able to listen to what he had to say about after all of them had been taken down.

"So, those things knew about the Senzu as well... it means that they were letting us know that we weren't worth killing, as they were just toying with us." Piccolo commented, which just annoyed him when he thought about it, because he and the others had used their full power and it wasn't enough to do anything to the pair of androids, even though his focus was on who was missing right now, "Plus we just lost the only one who might be able to defeat them on her own... I was hoping she'd do something to them, in spite of the mistakes that we made in the past, but I guess I was putting too much faith on her changing her mind at such a critical moment."

"I understand why you tried to make a deal with her, but you should have known she would have figured it out and turn on us." Tien remarked, though he had no idea how they were going to convince Twilight to change her mind and join the fight against the androids, because he agreed with Piccolo, she was the only one who could do anything to them right now, before he glanced at Krillin, "Also, did you really have to eat before we found Gero's hidden lab?"

"What? I thought it was going to help me get stronger... turns out Twilight was right, I'd need to become a full Beastian to get any worthwhile benefits." Krillin stated, where his tail flicked for a moment, something he was still getting used to since this was the first time such a thing had happened to him, before he considered what he had done back in North City before he regrouped with the others in this area, "Though I have to say that the dragon soup that did this actually tasted great..."

In that moment, before he could finish his statement, Vegeta burst into the air and left them to their own devices, though as Trunks started to move Piccolo stopped him, which caused the future warrior to stop for a moment before sighing as he admitted defeat once more.

"Trunks, you have to realize that Vegeta had finally gotten his pride back, and now it's been shattered by someone that's stronger than him, by a woman no less." Piccolo stated, though what was impressive was that the same couldn't be said for Twilight, as Vegeta seemed to see her as more of an obstacle that had to be overcome, an insurmountable wall due to how strong she was, and didn't seem annoyed that she was stronger than he was, "Honestly, it must be eating him up, hence why he left so he could vent in peace... also, Krillin, don't let your emotions get the better of you. I know you must be blaming yourself for not jumping in... I mean, you even went through the effort to use something of Twilight's to gain a potential power boost and it failed to do anything... but there was nothing you could have done, not when they took Tien and I down in a matter of seconds and Trunks was beaten with one hit."

"I know, we're talking about the man who killed most of Frieza's family... and now I'm glad Twilight is gone." Tien said, as he realized that even mentioning that would be enough to get on the demon pony's bad side, or even earn them a ticket to the Other World if she was in an annoyed or angry mood, causing him to turn to the future warrior, "Oh, by the way, Twilight's already revived her family, who no doubt hate you with every fiber of their beings... just be careful if you ever go near her after this.

"Just perfect... also, I hate to say this, but the androids are different than the ones in my time... the ones in my time don't have the monstrous strength that these ones had." Trunks added, though that just worried him more than he was willing to admit, because he had no idea how such a thing could have happened, especially when he considered the fact that the androids had spared them, a fact that his androids wouldn't have done if given the chance to do so, "So, what do we do now?"

"You three should head over to Goku's and move him before the androids find him... once's he's over his illness, we'll need some sort of strategy to take them down." Piccolo said, though at the same time he was considering all the options he and the others had right now, because with Twilight doing her thing, and no doubt ignoring them, they had limited methods to take down the androids and restore peace to the world.

"Piccolo... you've got some sort of plan, don't you? Care to share with your friends?" Krillin inquired, because out of the rest of the team, not counting Gohan and the missing Twilight, Piccolo was the smartest of them all and he could tell that he had an idea in mind, maybe even the very one he was thinking of right now.

"Friend!? Don't get the wrong idea, I was never your 'friend'!" Piccolo replied, something that caused Krillin and Tien to recall something while Trunks just stood there with a blank look on his already confused face, while at the same time he let his aura surround him for a time, "Remember, I am of the Mazoku! If we ever had a truce, it was so that I could further my goal of conquering the world!"

As Piccolo burst into the air, and Tien remembered that he was the reincarnation of Piccolo Daimao, Krillin realized that he had been right, the Namekian had a plan in mind, where Piccolo was likely heading to God's Palace to fuse with his other half, recalling what the previous Grand Elder of Namek had said on the matter. Krillin also determined that his statement to 'conquer the world' no longer held the sway that it used to have over everyone in their group, as Piccolo desired to be the strongest warrior in the entire world, even though he'd have to settle for second best. He was like Vegeta, in an odd way, and right now he was feeling that without Twilight there was no way they were going to be able to win against 16, 17, and 18, so he was cashing in his 'last resort', the God and the Devil becoming a 'super' Namekian that held the power to do what Piccolo couldn't do on his own. In that moment he was glad that Twilight had revived her family before this point, as it would have pissed her off to no end if she had actually waited to use the Dragon Balls, and after everything that had happened in the past he didn't want to see her pissed off side again.

With that in mind, however, he, Trunks, and Tien started to make their way over to Goku's, where the pair informed their future friend that they knew about his parents and that he didn't have to hide it from them anymore, though they knew Vegeta would return at some point and aid them, they just had to pray the androids didn't destroy everything on their way to Goku's place.

Kami stood on the Lookout, the place where he was able to watch over the entire world, to the best of his ability anyway, and observed Piccolo and his allies as they seemed to split into multiple groups, a few one man teams while some were in groups of two or three. When Future Trunks arrived he had observed him and learned about the threat he came back to warn them about, while frowning as the young man killed Twilight's family, but after that he kept his watch over the planet as he tried to figure certain things out. Such as something that happened four years ago, something he was still struggling to understand since there were no answers to it, though even he had to admit that his observation powers weren't as great as everyone claimed they were, as even he missed things when he wasn't looking down at the planet. He knew where most of the Z Warriors were going right now, in fact waiting for Goku and utilizing his battle trained mind seemed like the best course, he'd come up with something in no time at all, likely the time chamber he had used once in the past, hence why Mr. Popo had made it ready, just in case his intuition was correct.

On the issue of Twilight, however, he was displeased with Piccolo, as he could have done things differently when she lost her family, though he didn't have much time to think about it as Piccolo reached the Lookout and landed nearby, using one of his skills to recreate his usual attire, the shoulder pads, turban, and cape, in a few seconds.

"Kami, I assume you know why I'm here?" Piccolo inquired, speaking to the older Namekian who was in front of him, while at the same time maintaining some level of respect towards the figure that was behind him, a being known as a genie to some and to others a monster, or at least among the Z Warriors, as he bowed his head a little towards the figure.

"Yes, I can sort of perceive what you're thinking, since your father and I used to be one." Kami replied, as the pieces of his past had been pulled together thanks to the arrival of the Saiyans, not to mention everything that had been gleamed due to Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan going to Namek, though he refocused on the current issue, since Piccolo wasn't here to talk about the past, "To be honest, I never imagined that this day would come... that you and I would merge together and go back to being a single person."

"No, you are nothing more than a catalyst, allowing me to acquire the power boost I need to take care of the enemies that stand in my way." Piccolo stated, as that was the truth of the matter, he was far stronger than Kami was and this wasn't about becoming who they once were, rather he was focused on his own goals and what needed to be done, especially due to the fact that the world was at risk again, "Your only purpose right now is to keep the Dragon Balls active, so the heroes can revive anyone who dies during these troubling times."

"Indeed, I am well aware of the gap in our respective powers... as you faced terrifying foe after terrifying foe you grew far stronger than I." Kami said, showing that he understood what Piccolo was saying, in fact he had harbored such thoughts for some time now, that this day might come sooner than he was expecting, before he sighed as a weak smile graced his face, one that was mostly because of what was happening, "Both Vegeta and Future Trunks, who have gained impressive strength to face the androids, were beaten by those very foes... I fear that even Goku, once he's over his illness, won't be able to stand before them either... it seems that the time has come for the God and the Devil to become one. It's a shame that all of you wronged Twilight so much in the past, as we could have used her aid against the threats this planet is facing and will face in the future."

"Please, she's the daughter of Frieza himself! I might be evil, but she's the daughter of two vile demons... she's pure evil, we just haven't seen her true colors yet." Piccolo remarked, because King Kai had told him and the other slain warriors about how evil the tyrant was and, while neither he or his family had shown their true colors, he was worried that it was only a matter of time until they did so, "We're all just toys to her!"

"She may be Frieza and Towa's daughter, but it's hard to say how evil she really is... or if she's even evil at all, like you like to think she is." Kami remarked, where he stole a quick glance at the lower realm for a few moments, finding Twilight in the middle of what appeared to be a sea of dark flames in the far north, likely some form of training that Towa was in the middle of helping her with, as her mother was off to the side, before he focused on Piccolo again, "You seem to think that she'll dominate the world at some point, that she'll turn against all of you and crush you beneath her heel, or that all of you will be enslaved by her will... I can tell you that you're wrong. While she may not like you, Goku, or the others, she was looking forward to fighting the androids, in fact she's almost like a Saiyan in that regard... she even returned to her own training, likely to vent her frustration at 17 and 18 not being like Future Trunks told all of you... but I don't think you have to worry about her turning against all of you or the Earth."

Piccolo stood there for a moment, surprised by the fact that Kami was siding with Twilight, of all people, but said nothing in regards to that, in fact he seemed to understand that he might be wrong about the demonic pony girl and lowered his head, almost as if he was ashamed by his actions.

"I know that you are impatient, and are awaiting my answer, but I must observe the lower realm for a time." Kami said, as while there was so much more he wanted to say about Twilight and her treatment at the hands of the Z Warriors, in fact he was sure he could talk Piccolo's ears off, he decided to focus on the matter he had been observing for some time now, along with the androids, "I know you and the others were told that the androids would destroy the world, but so far they have shown nothing of the evil that Future Trunks described and I wish to see if us merging is even necessary. I know it's possible that irreparable damage might be caused in the meantime, but I want to make sure of a few things before I willingly give you what you are seeking."

Piccolo stared at Kami for a few moments, who reminded him that the Z Warriors were the ones to start the fight with the androids and that they had been spared by their foes, before he sighed and went off to meditate as he waited for Kami to verify whatever was on his mind, all while wondering what the androids were currently up to.

While that was going on 16 followed 17 and 18 as they flew through the air, heading into the cold north for some reason, as the nice environment eventually turned into a snow covered area with nothing to really see, hence why they were able to focus on their flying. 18 was more interested in helping 17 get over his car fascination, since he seemed dead set on getting one so he could drive all the way to Goku's place, a waste of time if someone asked her about her opinion, though he had agreed to stop in whatever town or city they discovered so she could replace her ruined attire. Basically she'd get some new clothing, something that didn't have the insignia of the Red Ribbon Army on it, and he'd get a vehicle to ride until it was out of gas or until it broke down, as there was no way of knowing if the first one they saw would be a more modern vehicle that floated or one of the older gas ones. Of course the siblings knew that 16 didn't care at all, he just wanted to kill Goku before worrying about what might come later, so neither asked his opinion on the matter as they kept their eyes open, since there was no telling when one might show up on their radar.

Eventually 17 tracked one down, an old delivery vehicle that had four wheels, a gas powered car by the looks of it, that was well maintained, though while he could care less about the pink color that was on it he planned on remaining true to his word, to which they headed down and found that it was part of the Lucky Foods company.

"Oh no way... you guys have some of Twilight's products in here?!" 17 remarked, as once they landed he opened the back door and found a fair number of boxes, each one containing a number of different food containers, while some contained the very products he was interested in after seeing what happened to Krillin, while the owners of the car were currently off on the side, getting coffee from a vending machine, "16, empty the vehicle."

His statement was so that they would have a place for the larger android to sit and he complied without wasting time, just picking it up with ease and opening the end so they could place the boxes on the ground, though once that was done 17 did a bit of snooping, picking out two boxes, containing a container of each product Twilight had made, before he and 18 took their places in the front of the vehicle and drove off.

"I can't believe you actually took them." 18 stated, as the boxes were back with 16, even though most of the boxes were back with the pair that actually owned the vehicle they had stolen, carefully placed so that they could be picked up and moved to a new location when another car came this way, since the men were likely calling in the robbery.

"What? I couldn't pass up the chance to actually try out her infamous products." 17 replied, because before they were taken by Gero, and turned into their current forms, he had been slightly interested in the TF Food line that Twilight had created, as some of the people they knew had expressed their interest in the food items, "Besides, did you see how Krillin looked with his new additions? I've got to try one of them at least once... I have to know how it feels."

"...Fine. Have it your way." 18 said, because in the end it didn't matter to her all that much, as they had agreed on the terms of their agreement before reaching this part of the world and her brother had already gotten his end, meaning his first stop should be to track down some clothing for her to replace what Vegeta had wrecked earlier, "Anyway, do you have any idea where Goku's place is located?"

"Nope. Figured that would be part of the fun, getting directions and just sticking it to Gero." 17 admitted, as such a thing really didn't matter to him, he just wanted to have a fit of fun before worrying about the Saiyan warrior that Gero had made them to kill, because all of the data pointed to Goku being the strongest of him and Vegeta.

"I do. Goku's home is located in a mountainous village in Section 439 East." 16 commented, where he found that both of his companions turned to glance at him for a moment, no doubt surprised by the fact that he was talking again, since they were used to his silence whenever they talked, especially since there were times where he didn't talk at all, even with one or both of them addressing him, "According to the map that Gero installed in me there is a picnic area just up the road, on the top of a hill, so if you wish to experience Twilight's food it's a good place to stop... there is also a town an hour away where one can find clothing."

17 chuckled as he followed 16's instructions, finding the area in question in no time at all, which would allow them to see if the cops were coming and react before they had a chance to reach them, before stopping at the picnic area, which had no one for them to worry about, due to the fact that there was no one on the road. Once they reached their first destination he came to a stop and allowed the others to climb out, while he went around to the boxes and opened each one so he could see what sort of options he had to choose from, as his earlier thoughts were right, they had one of each product Twilight had made over the years. While he looked at his options for a few moments, since there were so many to pick from, one of them was taken by 18, as she grabbed the container of Pleasure Island Brew before walking to the nearby table, simply because she felt nothing would happen and this would help her kill some time as she and 16 waited for him to finish up his desire to waste more time. As 17 narrowed down his choices, however, 18 pulled out a bottle, removed the cap, and drank some of the alcohol as 16 informed her that it would do no harm to her body, meaning she didn't have to worry about getting drunk from this, a perk of being an android she guessed.

She had assumed that nothing would happen to her because she was an android, hence why she assumed 17 was simply wasting his time, though that was before her ears pulled back and arched up into brown donkey ears, while a donkey tail emerged from her spine, poking through a small hole in the back of her pants, with had a blond tuft at the end.

"Oh my god... you have got to be kidding me!" 18 remarked, where she tugged on one of her ears and found that it was real, it was really her old ear, and she did the same to the tail and found that it was a little painful, meaning the products worked on androids as well, as much as it surprised her.

"You are a biotechnological type, as your organic matter was reconstructed to it's new state," 16 replied, which, according to his limited knowledge that Gero had installed inside him, meant that they still had DNA and could reproduce if either of them wanted to, though the main part was that the Animorph X, which affected one's own DNA, could change the pair of androids he was traveling with, "I, however, am a mechanical type... purely metal. You two can be changed with these odd products, even to the point of becoming Beastians if you so desired, because Twilight's food items modify the DNA of the one who eats or drinks them, while I, having no DNA to speak of, will remain in my current state."

"A warning would have been nice!" 18 stated, because if she had known about this, that she and 17 could be altered with Twilight's odd products, she wouldn't have bothered grabbing the case or even drinking any of the alcohol, and now she was stuck with these ears and a tail for twelve whole hours, if what she heard in the past was true.

"Come on sis, learn to live a little." 17 said, in fact he was fine with this discovery, as it meant he had nothing to fear, due to part of him wondering if such a thing would actually work for him since he was an android now, before he pulled out a fiery red colored cake that looked like it had flames on it, "Dragon Chili Trifle... perfect."

18 discovered that it was a cake of some kind, one that her brother pulled out and cut into it without delay, as there was a knife inside the box, before removing it and placing it on a plate he had also found inside another box they had missed earlier, before he started to eat his treat. His sister and 16 watched as the effects took hold rather quickly, a pair of ivory horns grew out of his forehead and arched backwards, almost looking like spikes in some manner, before his balance shifted as a thick tail grew out of his spine, one that had blue scales on it. 18 studied it for a few moments and realized that while it looked like Krillin's, who had gone out of his way to do something for the strength to stand up to them, it was also different, since this looked like it belonged to a fierce warrior and not some deity. 16 explained that there were two types of dragons that had likely been the inspiration for Twilight's creations, the eastern serpent-like dragons and the western winged beasts who were said to have four limbs and a pair of wings, but he had no idea how she had recreated both to use them in making her strange food.

17, on the other hand, was perfectly fine with this discovery, in fact he said that this felt amazing and that he really didn't understand his sister's opinion on the matter, since she hated her additions, especially since this van had no purple pills for some reason, meaning they just had to be patient and see what the future held.

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