• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Prelude: Discoveries

Frieza sat there for a short period of time, as his mind was reeling from the fact that this little girl asked him if he was her father, allowing him to see that she had no idea where they were and that she was surprised by the form of her body, so she was in the same position he was in, about her species, before he regained himself.

"I... cannot say right now." Frieza said, referring to the question she had asked him, even though he wanted to say no and just take her elsewhere so he could figure out what to do with her, but for now a glimmer of hope seemed to be the best course of action, where he turned his hover chair around, "but, if we return to my ship, we might be able to figure out the truth of the matter."

The young girl seemed happy with his words and started to follow after him, where Frieza found that walking was a bit of a problem for her, as if her hooves were uncomfortable for her, though instead of helping her he simply floated nearby and watched as she fell and picked herself up again and again. He had assumed that this body was natural to her and that she would be able to walk without problems, though after seeing this his new thought was that what he was seeing was due to her age, as she would grow into this in time, like most species that were capable of walking. She proved him right not even a few minutes later, as she seemed to get the hang of walking with her legs and hooves, instead of falling down every now and then as they moved, meaning the girl was smarter than he initially thought, though it remained to be seen if she could access the power he had seen. Since it looked like she couldn't use her power, in the art of flying anyway, Frieza made the decision to slow down his hover chair so she could catch up with him, giving him time to think about things as he kept an eye out for Elec and his family, just in case they took an interest in her.

He knew that if the Heeters found out about her, and the power she contained, it would only be a matter of time until Elec tried to take her for his own purposes, either as a sister to his family or a soldier that didn't question his commands, so he kept her nearby as he moved back in the direction of his ship, just to keep her from them.

Frieza was able to return to his ship after some time, since he had to stop every now and then, though he was pleased to find that the girl knew that now wasn't the time to talk or discuss things, as she was curious about things and glanced at the ship when they reached it. Given that he had a guest he tapped a button on his hover chair and caused the main door to open up, a section that had stairs leading inside and was positioned below where his quarters rested, though while it looked like his ship had a single floor it actually had three. The uppermost floor, where his quarters were located, was all his, the middle floor held the sleeping quarters for the soldiers that worked aboard his ship, with both of his top soldiers having their own room on that floor, which were slightly larger than the quarters of the soldiers. That rest of his staff lived on the bottom floor, which also happened to be where the components that let the ship fly, the healing tanks in case the soldiers got injured, lockers containing armor, Scouters, blasters, and the kitchen rested, though he also had a small area for relaxation, for any off duty soldiers.

As he thought about that he found that several of his soldiers were waiting for him to return, forming a line on either side of the entrance as they saluted him, with Zarbon on the left and Dodoria on the right, though as his chair floated up the steps he could tell that some of them were taking a moment to glance behind him, where the girl seemed frightened by all of his soldiers.

"Don't worry, my ship is the most secure place on this planet," Frieza said, which was the truth, because with Vegeta and the other two Saiyans dealing with the inhabitants that were on the run he didn't have to worry about anyone coming to avenge those who had fallen since his assault started.

The little girl paused for a few moments, staring at the imposing figures that were around her, before rushing up to the area that Frieza was moving through, entering the ship without delay, though as he considered what to do with her, even if his plans were to make her a soldier, Zarbon caught up with him.

"Lord Frieza, you have a visitor, who is waiting in the third floor," Zarbon quietly said, as if this information wasn't for the rest of the soldiers that were around them, and he could tell that his right hand seemed a little worried about who was in the ship, meaning it required his immediate attention, "I'm not sure who she is, but she's not one of the residents of this planet, that much we can tell at a glance... even if she was wearing some odd clothing."

"Must be one of Elec's dogs. Oh very well, I'll deal with our guest," Frieza stated, as based on Zarbon's brief description of the figure in question he had to assume it was Macki, Elec's sister based on what he recalled, but then quickly dismissed it, as she was generally accompanied by her brother, Oil as he recalled, so it had to be a servant, before he lowered his voice for a moment, "While I do that, however, I want you to run a couple of tests on this little girl... she suddenly crashed near our ship, like she was inside a Attack Ball, with no damage being done to her. According to the Scouter her power level is rather high for someone of her age, far more than a Saiyan brat would have anyway, and that, alone, is why I brought her back to the ship. I want you to verify this information and learn whatever you can about her, though I'll deal with her once I'm done with whoever boarded my ship."

Zarbon bowed his head as he held back, allowing Frieza to access the upper levels of his ship as he left the girl behind, all while noting that she seemed interested in the components of his vessel, before he focused on figuring out who dared to board his ship while he was away. What he discovered was a short and petite looking lady when he reached the third floor, who had short pinkish-red colored hair and pink skin, or maybe it was a mix of pink and purple, though she wore earrings that reminded him of what Zarbon wore. She was wearing a purple robe that had a golden outline, a golden yellow sash, blue pants with blue leggings, and white boots and gloves, before noticing that she had a black sleeveless shirt under the robe, even if she wore the robe in a strange way, the shoulder sections had been pulled down to her elbows. He had no idea who the lady was, as this was the first time he had seen her, and his Scouter didn't pick up anything, which meant she either had no power inside her, which was unlikely since he wasn't getting anything on her, or a god had decided to come, as it was said that mortals couldn't detect godly power.

"Frieza, it seems you've been busy... dominating another planet I see." the lady commented, glancing out the window for a moment as she looked at the planet they were on, no doubt knowing exactly where the Saiyans were located, though at the same time he made no move to emerge from his hover chair.

"I am only doing what my family has done for ages," Frieza replied, as his ancestor, Chilled, had started their family down this path and everyone following him followed in his footsteps, especially when he considered his father and his brother for a few seconds, before focusing on the lady once more, "Tell me, what sort of business do you have with me? I'm very busy right now and my attention is needed elsewhere."

"You mean figuring out who landed near your ship and why she has the power that she has?" the lady asked, which told him that she already knew about the girl that was two floors below them, in fact he was sure that she knew exactly where the girl was, and he remained silent as he considered what to say to that, causing the lady to speak again, "Lord Beerus sent me with a message: keep her safe, otherwise he'll come and bring an end to your existence."

Frieza froze for another moment, as hearing that the God of Destruction knew about the girl, and had an interest in her, to the point of threatening him if something happened to her, was something he wasn't expecting to hear, though before he had a chance to say anything the lady headed down the stairs and departed from his ship. Part of him was tempted to just take care of the stranger before she did anything, but another side of him prevailed, because if she had a message from Beerus that meant she was either connected to him or even served under the imposing god. Frieza knew that angering the deity in question was a bad move, as he could easily wipe him and his empire out, in a matter of moments, and it wasn't worth drawing his ire by taking out his messenger, to which he simply moved his hover chair after her and watched as she left the ship. Once the stranger was standing outside the ship she leapt into the air and seemed to be flying towards the atmosphere, before she shuddered and disappeared, vanishing in the blink of an eye, though he had a feeling that she or Lord Beerus would be watching over him and the girl.

A few seconds later he made his way over to the section of the ship that the girl was currently resting in, finding Zarbon, Dodoria, and several of the technical members of his team, basically fighters that doubled as medics, were tending to the odd girl, who was sitting on a table.

"Dad, why did mom leave?" the girl asked, causing the soldiers to freeze for a moment, as this was the first time they had heard her say something like that, while Frieza noted that she must have seen the lady leave the ship, most likely due to one of the soldiers having a video field to the outside, before a worried look appeared on her face, "D... Did I do something wrong and cause her to leave?"

"Oh, she and I aren't married... in fact, she only came to deliver a message." Frieza replied, wondering why the girl's first opinion of someone like him and the lady were that they were her parents, especially since she was smarter than most of the children that were her age, that much he could tell from listening to her speak and watching her glance around the chamber they were in, "However, it would seem that, for the time being, I will be your father."

While Zarbon, Dodoria, and the others were surprised by this information, especially since they were sure he had said 'no' to her at some point, though he decided to see the others had learned during his brief conversation with the lady, where it was hard for them to do anything since she was so interested in everything around them. He was interested in figuring out what the girl ate and if there was a way to draw out her power, to show it off to everyone that happened to be aboard the ship, before discovering that the girl knew her name, it was 'Twilight Sparkle'. With that done Frieza made his way over to the cafeteria and Twilight joined him, looking like she wanted to hug him and seemed unsure of what to do when she saw his hover chair, but at least she understood not to rush into things as everyone followed them. Once they were inside the part of the ship he wanted to be in he had the chef prepare a sample platter, just to find out what Twilight could eat and what had to be avoided, and as that happened he emerged from his hover chair and sat in a seat, find that Zarbon stood near him, just to be sure the newcomer did nothing.

As much as he appreciated the gesture Frieza knew that there was no way Twilight could harm him, her power was far too low for it to do anything to his body, allowing him and the others to see that not only did she have no problems with the food that was prepared, but she also ate in a polite manner, causing him to smile as he wondered what the future held for him and Twilight.

While that was going on a group was watching Frieza and everything that happened to Twilight, as the lady hadn't been joking about Beerus sending a message, because the god in question, a purple anthropomorphic cat with no hair, just so happened to be sitting on a chair, watching a crystalline screen that showed him what Frieza was up to.

"This is amusing, seeing Frieza react to everything Twilight does towards him." Beerus said, letting out a chuckle as he and his companions watched what was going on, as his teacher was standing behind the couch and his counterpart god was off to his left, before he glanced at the opening as the lady rejoined them, "Chronoa, you should have seen how Twilight reacted when she was told you weren't her mother... she looked so heartbroken."

"Not to mention that she seemed surprised to learn that her 'father' wasn't married," Beerus' teacher added, as he had caught that part of the scene and knew that it would bother Twilight for a number of years, that her new father didn't have a wife and meant that she didn't have a mother.

"Please, I'd rather marry Lord Beerus, rather than the likes of the tyrant known as Frieza," the lady, Chronoa, replied, as she really didn't like Frieza and would have been tempted to sic Beerus on him, if he wasn't important to the future of the universe, before she sighed as she sat down on the couch and stared at Twilight as she ate her food, "Why couldn't she have landed on your planet, Beerus? We could have had some fun, teaching her to master her powers and then sending her out into the universe to aid the mortal warriors in some way... instead, we have to watch the emperor darken such a brilliant light."

"Why are we watching her as she goes about her new life?" another figure asked, which happened to be Shin, the God who stood as Beerus' counterpart, as in a God of Creation to spread new life, though he was currently staring at the screen he had hastily created after Twilight's unexpected arrival.

"Because Zeno's rules are clear: if anything or anyone arrives from the strange universe, such as Twilight, the Gods that watch over the universe it lands in have to watch over them," Beerus replied, in fact he had been woken up early because of this, as Whis, his mentor and Guide, had reminded him of the rule before heading out to make this viewing area so he and the others could observe what happened to Twilight, causing him to sit back as he stared at her, "in Chronoa's version of these events I would have likely become a parent... pretty sure I'd be driven mad by such a thing... but Twilight ended up near Frieza, so there's no much we can do about it. All we can do now is watch and observe, and if someone from the other universe comes looking for her, well, we can dump her on them and I can get back to sleep."

As Shin thought about that information, and what it meant for them, Beerus turned his attention to Twilight, wondering if his words were right and that he would have been driven mad by the concept of being a father, or would she have broken him in some manner. He noted that Chronoa was saddened by everything they were seeing right now, making him take a moment to wonder if she might have been looking forward to being a mother to someone like the strange arrival, but he decided not to think about it too much. One other thing he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, was that Chronoa found a figure floating outside Frieza's space ship, a feminine figure with light blue skin and long white hair, who wore a red suit with black markings on the chest and a black cape of sorts attached to it, while also carrying a staff of some kind. He had no idea who she was, and Chronoa seemed surprised to see her, but right now it seemed like she was watching Twilight as well, so he figured that there was no reason for him to worry as he focused on the scene in front of him.

Beerus had to admit that he was interested in seeing if Chronoa was right, that such a bright star would go out while living under Frieza's iron rule, especially given his desire to conquer all of the planets in the universe, hence why he relaxed as he readied himself for something special.

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