• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: The Ginyu Force

Frieza had been content to remain inside his ship, either discussing things with his father and brother via video call, like he did when making his report, or just watching over Twilight while she was in the healing tank, silently hoping that her body would be healed in due time. Without Scouters there was no way for him to track down Vegeta or the Earthlings, not without wasting vast amounts of his precious time and possibly opening the ship up to attack once more, in the off chance Vegeta was silently watching them, waiting to do more damage to cripple them. Towa had yet to return as well, meaning she had run into her own problems while she was searching for an herb or antidote that wasn't important to the timeline of the planet that their daughter had been poisoned on, but he suspected that she'd be back in no time at all. Other than that he found that there wasn't much he could do besides wait for something to happen, though this did mean that Vegeta had failed to get his wish granted as well, informing him that the Dragon Balls were still out there, waiting to be used.

On the fifth day, after calling for the Ginyu Force to come to Namek, his remaining soldiers informed him that the squad was about to land and he headed outside as soon as he saw five Attack Balls hit the ground right in front of where his ship was resting, to which Frieza emerged from the center of his ship and waited.

Sure enough Ginyu and his soldiers had arrived, emerging from their pods and landing on the edge of his ship, which was usually when they performed some sort of 'show' for him, a series of poses since Ginyu loved them, though it was sad that Twilight was unable to watch this time. Ginyu, of course, stood at the front of the line and stood in the middle, while Jeice, a red skinned figure with long white hair who served as his right hand, stood to his left, followed by Burter, a tall blue alien who claimed to be the 'fastest in the universe', even if he wasn't. On Ginyu's right stood the short green alien Guldo, who had four eyes, preventing him from wearing a Scouter, and the power to stop time, and a giant muscular figure who was the muscle of the force, the warrior known as Recoome. Once upon a time there was a sixth member of the force, Bonyu was her name, but she couldn't agree with Ginyu's odd habit of striking poses, in fact she found it detestable, so she had asked to be transferred to Cooler's forces, which was the last Frieza had heard of her.

Speaking of poses each member ended up striking one in front of him, the outer two pointed towards the middle while the two closest to Ginyu raised their hands in the air, and the captain himself bent down so he could look at Frieza from between his legs, the oddest position he had seen so far.

"Together we are... the Ginyu Force!" the elite soldiers declared, with Ginyu kneeling on the ground and pointing down at the floor, Guldo standing with a fist raised to his chin, Jeice striking an action pose with his fist raised in the air, Recoome showing off his back and pointing diagonally off in the distance, and Burter standing on one leg as he held his arms out to his right and left.

Frieza really had no idea what had prompted Ginyu to start doing all these poses in the first place, though he wasn't about to argue since his men seemed to enjoy it, in fact it was almost like a morale booster for them, so he waited for just a few seconds before speaking as he found Burter getting tired.

"My, you guys certainly put on a show this time." Frieza remarked, which was true, each pose show seemed to be odder than the last, making him wonder how in the world Ginyu could keep this up for so long, but, once again, he decided not to focus on that as the elite soldiers relaxed and stood at attention.

"Thank you, Lord Frieza." Ginyu replied, though at the same time he and the others noticed something odd, Zarbon and Dodoria were nowhere to be found, in fact both Lady Towa and Twilight weren't present either, making him wonder if the mission had failed in some manner, "What will our mission be, this time?"

"As you know, Vegeta has turned traitor and has made off with the Dragon Balls we've collected, not to mention that he's killed Dodoria and likely Zarbon," Frieza said, something that the soldiers confirmed, as they had been briefed on part of what had happened on Namek so far, but based on what they were seeing right now it looked like things had gotten even worse since their last transmission from their boss, "we've also lost all of the soldiers capable of fighting, he's wrecked part of the ship, he killed Alirinn, and he... he beat up Twilight while she was unable to fight back, who is currently resting in a healing tank."

"The coward!" Ginyu stated, while at the same time his soldiers voiced their outrage, as they adored Twilight and wanted nothing more than to serve her in some manner, though he raised his hand and the others stopped as soon as he did it, so he could focus on what their mission was going to be, "Shall we kill him?"

"For now, no... subdue him and bring him to me. If you find the Dragon Balls, bring them back as well." Frieza replied, as he wanted to be the one to actually kill Vegeta, after everything he had done to Twilight and his forces since defecting not that long ago, before he realized something important, "Oh, the items in question are orange spheres that are as big as one's head and have stars, ranging from one to seven according to one of the Elders, inside them."

"Sounds easy enough, as my Scouter has already locked onto his position." Ginyu said, as he had tapped it as soon as his boss informed him that he wanted to track down Vegeta, though it was interesting that the Saiyan was close by, not all that far from where the ship was located, and that there were others near him, "It looks like there are three other sizeable power levels near him, though it is hard to tell if they're being chased or if they're working with him."

"Three? Must be Dende, Gohan, and Krillin." Frieza commented, in fact this was good news, even if the two Earthlings had disappeared after Dodoria's clash with Vegeta, because it meant there might be a chance of them using the Dragon Balls to cure Twilight, whose restoration would bring Towa running no doubt, "I do not know whose side the two Earthlings are on right now, so I want you five to figure it out and either bring them in as allies or knock them out so I can execute them as enemies... Dende, on the other hand, holds the power of healing and was able to weaken the Warrior's Bane that had been wreaking havoc on Twilight's body."

"Capture Vegeta, determine if Earthlings are friend or foe, save Dende, and find the Dragon Balls." Ginyu said, counting the items that were involved in their mission right now, though some of them seemed far easier than he thought they'd be, to which Jeice delivered the new Scouters before they departed with their usual cheer.

Frieza said nothing to that as he headed back down into the ship, because with the Ginyu Force here his problems should be solved in no time at all and they should be able to heal Twilight in no time, he just had to be patient and wait for them to return with news of their success.

After locating and recovering the stolen Four Star ball, which Vegeta found was resting with the lady from Earth, he took over and forced the trio to follow him as he zeroed in on the area that he hid the other Dragon Balls in, fearing that the Ginyu Force would catch them, even though he failed since all five warriors landed right in front of his hideout before he and his allies could use the spheres.

"Hello Vegeta. I'm guessing you three must be Gohan, Krillin, and Dende," Ginyu said, though at the same time he eyed the two spheres that were in front of them right now, one being held by Vegeta while the other seemed to be in Krillin's hands right now, if he was getting their names correct, since Dende was the Namekian standing near them, "I don't suppose the spheres in your hands are Dragon Balls?"

"Looks like we beat them to where the other five are resting, since they're right behind us." Recoome commented, as he turned his head for a moment and spotted the very spheres that Frieza was looking for, meaning all seven were finally in one spot and should be easy for them to retrieve the wish granting orbs.

"And that means the two they're holding are the last two." Ginyu stated, though he was pleased to discover that his earlier thoughts were right, this mission was going to be the easiest of the assignments their Lord had given them over the many years they had served him, before he focused on Vegeta for a few seconds, "You know, Vegeta, you're lucky that Frieza still wants you brought to him alive, especially after your stunt... beating up Twilight and leaving her in a healing pod for the last couple of days, while she was sick no less, was really cowardly of you."

"Oh, she survived? Maybe I ought to go back and finish the job." Vegeta said, though this was bad for him, as it meant that Frieza was only sparing him so he could kill him with his own hands, hence why he had been hoping for immortality before encountering the Ginyu Force or even Frieza himself.

Upon seeing that Ginyu was displeased with him, and that his soldiers were the same way, Vegeta did two things that he felt might cripple Frieza's chances of obtaining immortality, he hurled his Dragon Ball as hard as he could and ordered the bald Earthling to crush his, where Burter caught his and Guldo was suddenly holding Krillin's.

"Damn, so the rumors about him being able to stop time were true." Vegeta remarked, where he noticed that Ginyu was pleased with this turn of events, since it meant that they were now full of fear due to the fact that Frieza was about to have all seven Dragon Balls, but, at the very least, he had no idea that the spheres granted multiple wishes, before finding that Dende walked over to the five warriors.

"I'm not a fighter, but I can mend wounds... I might be able to help Twilight." Dende said, though at the same time he and Vegeta found that Gohan and Krillin joined him, but, instead of saying anything, Vegeta found that both fighters seemed to have an idea on how to survive this encounter.

Ginyu nodded and found that his soldiers wanted to fight Vegeta until he was down for the count, causing him to sigh as he claimed the seven Dragon Balls and informed them that they could decide how to do this amongst themselves, as he flew off while using his telekinesis to lift the spheres. With him gone Dende moved off to the side, allowing him to be safe and untouched when the fighting started, though while the four remaining soldiers played a game of rock paper scissors to determine who would get the honor of fighting Vegeta. They did, however, allow him some time to come up with a way to fight his opponents, a bit of a personal strategy session he guessed, so while they determined who might fight him he realized what was going to happen next and prepared himself accordingly, silently building his power without allowing the Scouters to pick up his intent. Once both of the Earthlings were ready, as they were still on his side, the three of them burst into the air, surprising the elite soldiers for a moment while remaining on the ground, before he, Gohan, and Krillin fired blasts of energy straight down on the ground, targeting the Ginyu Force before they could react.

Of course, as Vegeta expected, Guldo seemed to pause time and get out of the way as the others tanked the attack, but it proved to push him from the rest of the group, hence why Vegeta beckoned to him and his allies continued to lay on their assault, forcing Guldo to use some sort of paralysis to stop them, opening himself up to an attack from behind as Vegeta removed his head with a swing of his left hand.

"One down, three to go." Vegeta remarked, though he tuned out Guldo's last words as he obliterated his body and then his head, just to make sure there was nothing left of the soldier, allowing him to turn towards Gohan and Krillin, who had landed nearby as they focused on their remaining enemies, "That was a clever move... too bad they're going to report this to their boss, whose going to tell Frieza you've betrayed his top warriors."

"Depends on whether or not they want to tell their boss that one of them is dead already." Krillin remarked, because he had a feeling that the remaining warriors were too prideful to admit when something like this happened, so they had time before Ginyu was told of their betrayal, maybe enough time to deal with their remaining enemies, who had minor damage from their attack.

"Still, I don't know how long we'll last... dad should be here soon and he might turn the tables on them." Gohan added, as they knew his father was nearly there, in fact he was sure that his father's energy was drawing closer to Namek, meaning if he and the others survived for some time they would be able to deal with the remaining three enemies.

In the next moment Recoome stepped forward and started to pose, doing some sort of t-shaped pose with one foot on the ground, another pointed away from him, and his body was positioned as if he was planking, which had to be one of the dumbest things any of them had seen. Vegeta, on the other hand, summoned his inner power and surprised the rest of Ginyu's soldiers as his energy pushed dust away from him, where he burst forward and struck Recoome in the side of his face, knocking his Scouter off before he assaulted his foe's body. He knocked the warrior into the ground a couple of times, just to be sure he wasn't moving, before picking him up by a leg and hurled him off into the distance, though after that happened Vegeta raised his arms and pointed his hands outwards, energy building up all around him for a couple of seconds. Once he was sure that enough energy had been built up he moved his arms until the edges were almost on top of each other, while his palms were touching and his energy danced between them and his fingers, before he released a powerful burst of yellow energy that tore the surrounding area to shreds as it smashed into Recoome and blew up the area he had crashed into.

For a moment it seemed like Vegeta had taken out Recoome in a violent display of power, but the warrior emerged with the chest piece of his armor destroyed and his under attire had pieces taken out, where he posed to assert his dominance over all of them, even if he was a little hurt right now. Following that Recoome went on the offensive, delivering a rather powerful kick to Vegeta and knocked him backwards in the process, before the two clashed with each other in the air, but Gohan and Krillin knew that their ally was losing, as his foe was much stronger than him. At the same time, however, they found that Vegeta was putting up quite a fight against Recoome, who just tanked his attacks without a care in the world, which was alarming since it made them wonder if their attacks would even tickle the warrior. Krillin was sure that he could do some damage with one of his attacks, but it required their foe to stand still and part of him didn't want to use it since they still had two more foes once he was taken care of, though Gohan, despite his inexperience, rushed into battle as well, as Vegeta needed to survive so everyone survived.

As Recoome planted Vegeta in the ground, a devastating attack, the pair got ready with their own attacks, finding that this might be the moment they had been waiting for, and when their ally was pulled out he blasted Recoome's head, which just wrecked some of his hair and his face. Recoome decided to just go full into the battle as he prepared his own attack, a Ki blast from his mouth that would decimate the surrounding area, though as it happened Krillin slammed down on top of his head, trapping the energy inside his mouth, while Gohan flew over to save Vegeta, as a bit of energy managed to get out and this saved their ally from harm. After that the three of them blasted Recoome before he could recover, since this might be the only chance they might have to take him down, and even if he fell they had two more foes to deal with, who may or may not allow Dende to heal them so they could continue to fight. Shockingly enough Recoome was still alive and he seemed to be enjoying the fight, even though Gohan and Krillin were running out of ideas on how to take him down, not to mention the fact that Vegeta was running on fumes right now.

Krillin had no idea if they were going to survive this battle, as Recoome was going to kill them, but even as he thought of that he also hoped that Frieza was unable to use the Dragon Balls, mostly because if they survived this it would give them a fighting chance to fulfill their mission.

After Ginyu and his force left, tracking down Vegeta and, hopefully, the stolen Dragon Balls, Frieza remained outside the ship, because there was a chance that his special force would return in no time and deliver to him the items that would let him cure Twilight at long last. Once she was healed they could head home and continue with their lives, without having to worry about her dying due to some deadly poison, as his brother and his father likely had some plans for her once she was safe, and Towa would be happy to see Twilight return to her former self. Frieza considered how to fix the problems of Namek, as in reviving those who perished during Vegeta's search for the other Dragon Balls, but that all depended on if the wish granting spheres could grant more than one wish, which only Dende and the Grand Elder could confirm or deny, so it was good that Dende was nearby. Other than that there wasn't much for him to do but wait for Ginyu and his force to find Vegeta, no doubt beating him into submission as much as possible before getting the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls from him, though he realized that he was going to have to replace Zarbon and Dodoria, which was going to be very annoying when they got home.

As he checked the new Scouter, finding that it matched Twilight's specifications perfectly, he found that someone was on their way back and turned to face the direction in question, only to find that Ginyu was landing with all seven Dragon Balls, a feat he considered impressive since he sent the force out not that long ago.

"Excellent work, Ginyu." Frieza said, as he was impressed that the Captain and his soldiers had been able to find the seven spheres so quickly, meaning either Vegeta had been willing to share or they had gotten lucky, where the latter was likely the most accurate given that the other members of the force weren't here, "Not only did you find the seven spheres, but you and your team were able to find them so quickly... did Vegeta give them up willingly or did you have to get rough with him to track them down?"

"We got lucky and beat him to where five of them were resting, before Burter and Guldo claimed the others before any harm came to them." Ginyu replied, though as he said that he lowered the spheres onto the floor and released them, so they rolled over to where his Lord was standing, something he and his team were still surprised by since he had stopped using his hoverchair not that long ago.

"At last, we have all seven Dragon Balls, meaning we can finally cure Twilight of the poison!" Frieza remarked, though he was pleased with this development, as it also meant that they could finally head home and resume their lives at long last, to which he braced himself for what he was about to do as Ginyu stood off on the side, watching him as he waited to see the power of the wish granting spheres, "Dragon Balls, grant my wish: I wish to heal my daughter, Twilight Sparkle, of the poison that courses through her veins!"

The Dragon Balls remained lifeless after he said those words, though it was hard to tell if this was supposed to happen or if there was something that needed to be done before they could grant someone their wish, causing Frieza to realize he might have jumped the gun in some manner. To make sure he contacted the soldiers that were watching over Twilight's healing tank, where he and Ginyu found that she was still unconscious and that there was no change to her vitals, in fact Alarinn's machine indicated the poison was still lingering inside her body. Normally this would cause Frieza to simply blow up the planet and keep going on a search to heal Twilight, but he knew that the Namekians likely had some sort of code or phrase to ensure no one else used their Dragon Balls, in case invaders tried to steal them. As such he tapped his Scouter and found that there were two more Namekians far away from where they were located, meaning it had to be where the Grand Elder resided, given the Power Level he was reading, with likely the last of the warrior Namekians, based on what the other had.

"Ginyu, stay here and keep Twilight, and the Dragon Balls, safe... I don't expect Vegeta to return, but it never hurts to be safe given our time constraints." Frieza stated, where his Captain saluted and confirmed his orders, which he had come to expect from him after their many years of working together, before he floated into the air and focused on the location he needed to visit, "I'll return once I know how to use the Dragon Balls properly."

As he did that, however, Frieza could only hope that they made it in time, because without Alirinn there was no way to tell just how much time Twilight had left, given his experience with the foul poison, and prayed that the Grand Elder held the information he was after.

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