• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: End of the Games

Cell couldn't believe what was going on right now, as he had thought his victory was assured after taking on the power of a Dark Dragon Ball and the offerings of the Demon Gods and Goddesses who sought to kill Twilight, and yet here he was, now missing the corrupted sphere, most of his formidable power, and one of the androids he had absorbed.

"So, um... can I absorb 18 again?" Cell inquired, because he didn't like being stuck in his semi-perfect form, especially after finally obtaining his perfect form and getting a feel for it's great power, and he knew that if he was stuck in this state for too long Twilight would bring an end to his existence with ease.

"No." Twilight replied, though at the same time she raised her right hand a little and summoned a small bit of her power, to which everyone watched as the slumbering android was surrounded by her energy before being moved over Krillin's area, a sign that she wanted the area cleared, before she turned towards Cell again, "Don't get me wrong, that was the greatest fight of my life and it was worth waiting for so long... but let's face it, when a single powerful attack is enough to force you to lose part of your power boost, much less even a core aspect of your perfect form, the battle's over. As much as I want to continue the fight, there's little reason to at this point... especially since it looks like the Future Demon Gods took the Dark Dragon Ball with them to their timeline."

Cell stood there for a moment as he realized that he was no match for Twilight, not with the power she commanded and the massive gap that now rested between them, and while he knew that he might be able to beat everyone else, save for the trio from the future and Twilight's own demonic allies, there wasn't much he could do right now. It actually infuriated him when he thought about it, that he had finally obtained his perfect form, pushed it to it's limits by fighting Twilight and being given power from multiple outside sources, only to give his foe a new form that overpowered him instantly. Such a thing made him wonder what she was going to do with him now that he was no longer a threat or even a valuable warrior to fight against, though it only lasted a second, because he instantly knew his fate without having to say anything. He was going to die here, that much he knew for certain, and he found that the future version of himself, he had figured that out as soon as he found out what his perfect form sounded like, was doing nothing, not even his future siblings dared to step out and stop Twilight.

In that instant, with death literally staring him in the face, he decided to go out with a bang, taking this world with him and, maybe, taking out the one who took his perfect form from him at the same time, to which he called forth all of his power as his body started to expand and contort.

"Really? That's your plan? Planetary destruction?" Twilight remarked, as while it was a worthwhile one, since it seemed to be the only path available to Cell at the moment, it was disappointing when she considered that, instead of trying to fight and die like a warrior, he was taking what might be considered the easy way out.

"That's right. In one minute I'll have enough power to blow this world into nothingness!" Cell stated, though at the same time he noticed something interesting, 16 was standing near a broken camera, meaning the battle with Twilight must have ended with it being broken, while also preventing the people of Earth from despairing over this news, "However, if you, or anyone else, hits me it will cause me to instantly explode and make the end of this world come that much quicker..."

"You do realize that my family, on my father's side, can breath in space and my mother's side has powerful magic, right?" Twilight inquired, something that caused Cell to pause for a few seconds as he took in that information, especially when he considered the other Demon Gods who had sided with her before his games had started, before she waved her hand in a dismissing manner, "Go ahead, blow up the Earth... my family and allies will just escape to the stars in the seconds just before you do so. However, I don't think you're going to get the chance to blow the world up."

In that moment Goku appeared in front of him, using his odd move to do so, and rested a hand on his chest, causing him to understand that his plan was about to be foiled again, where he noticed that Twilight grinned for a second as he and Goku disappeared, never to be seen again.

"I hope King Kai feared my retribution, since that likely killed him and his planet." Twilight commented, though instead of dropping out of her new form, like others did when they were sure of their victory, she kept it up for the time being, just to be sure everything was fine and the battle was finally over.

The reason she mentioned the death of King Kai was because she had attached a small bit of magic onto Goku, so when he moved himself and Cell she quickly zeroed in on where they went, allowing her to know that the Saiyan and King Kai were no longer among the living. As everyone else started to half celebrate their victory and half mourn Goku's passing, she felt a surge of Ki and turned towards the area that Cell had been in just a few seconds ago, which was now kicking up a bunch of wind and dust. In the next moment Twilight moved to her right as she avoided a Ki blast that struck Trunks in the chest, right in his heart interestingly enough, though while it wasn't her intention to kill him she decided not to bother acknowledging it as she turned to face the center of the twisting wind. Sure enough her thoughts were right as she found Cell, in his altered perfect form once more, standing directly in the center of everything, though this time his golden aura had blue lightning arcing around it every now and then, just like a Super Saiyan 2.

Twilight understood what she was seeing as everyone else came to terms with the fact that Trunks was dying before their very eyes, in fact her studies of Gero's work allowed her to understand this quicker than anyone else, especially since it was an interesting thing to discover.

"So, I hit Trunks? That's acceptable." Cell remarked, where his confidence had returned in full force, something Twilight was able to figure out due to the fact that it seemed like his empowered altered perfect form, or 'Super' perfect form she guessed, even contained his power from when he had the Dark Dragon Ball in his chest, meaning she was the only one that could deal with him, "Tell me, Twilight, do you know how I survived?"

"You have a small core, a nucleus to be exact, inside your body that activates your healing power whenever you take any sort of damage," Twilight said, though at the same time she started to move away from the others, not because she was worried about their safety, as she didn't care about anyone other than her family, but because it would allow them to get back to the fight without any interruptions, "as long as that's around you'll continue to regenerate, since it moves around your body to ensure it survives to fulfill it's purpose... frankly, with a self destruction type of attack, you got lucky that it wasn't destroyed in the process. Due to your Saiyan DNA you received the same boost that Goku or Vegeta would, though it's not supposed to work with self inflicted wounds or death... I would guess that, since you aren't a Saiyan, that aspect of their DNA doesn't work as intended and you could repeatedly do this to grow stronger. I wouldn't recommend it, since it seems to be a roll of the dice... as for how you got back, it would seem that you also have the Saiyan ability to learn new techniques after seeing it a couple of times, so you learned the Instant Transmission skill and came back."

"Wow... I knew you were familiar with my body, since you knew about me needing to absorb the androids, but you know far more about me than I realized." Cell stated, though at the same time it was a good thing that Twilight had kept all of this to herself, otherwise he was sure the Z Warriors would have done something to ensure his core was unable to regenerate, but even as he thought about that he focused on Twilight, "So tell me, are you ready to continue our battle?"

"Honestly? As much as I want to, your power is still inferior to mine." Twilight answered, as while Cell's empowered perfect form was definitely stronger than before, to the point where she was sure that he would have pushed her greatly had she been stuck in her Dark Form, it was still nothing compared to the power of her Demon Goddess form, "Your best bet is to surrender now, before one of us ends up killing the other... and I think you know who will die here if you keep fighting me and my new power."

"It seems that your new form has given rise to a new level of arrogance... allow me to correct that." Cell said, though in that moment he raised his hands and placed them together in the space in front of him, before shifting his stance as he moved them to his right side, causing the people that were familiar with the attack to realize what his plan was, "You know, with the death of Trunks, I expected his father to try something... he's known for his stupid decisions, after all."

"While you'll get no argument from me, as he can be stupid at times, he knows not to interfere with my battles... not unless he has a death wish." Twilight stated, as she could tell that Vegeta was enraged by Trunk's death and that he knew better than to get involved with Cell right now, though as she considered that information she shifted her stance, showing Cell that she was willing to play ball with him for a time, "Let me ask you this: are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, yes I do. I'm going to rend you from existence and destroy this world, so I can move on to the rest of the galaxy and whatever rests beyond it!" Cell answered, because at this point Twilight's arrogance was annoying him, since it reminded him of the start of their battle where she wouldn't take him seriously, not until he provoked a response, hence why he was no longer playing around as he called upon every drop of power inside his body, "With this power I can destroy the entirety of the solar system whenever I want... but I think I'll settle for wiping that look off your face first!"

In that moment Cell fired his Kamehameha straight at her, where Twilight stood her ground before thrusting her right hand forward as she countered with the exact same attack, one she had charged with just a single hand to be exact, allowing the two beams to strike each other directly in the center of the area they were in. As that happened the ground around them started to break apart, due to the sheer intensity of two great powers clashing with each other, as she found that some of the remaining hills and even a faraway mountain were cracking and collapsing as they clashed. Twilight also knew that she could overpower him in an instant, as her power was still greater than his, but she matched his strength before firing her attack, mostly to give the illusion that they were closer in strength and that her arrogance would be the death of her, a fact Cell hadn't caught onto yet. At the same time there was a reason she had used a single hand for her attack, as her left hand was currently open and she was drawing in the power of Cell's attack, weakening it little by little as the seconds ticked by, so the longer Cell dragged this out the more of his Ki she took from him.

Cell, for the most part, seemed to chuckle as their attacks clashed with each other, no doubt believing that he was going to be the victor of this battle, though Twilight also found that none of the idiots, like Vegeta, bothered to rush to aid her, as they understood that she didn't need help.

After a few moments of nothing interesting happening, save for Cell pouring more of his power into his attack, Twilight came to the decision to bring an end to the battle as she took a step forward, pushing her foe's attack backwards a little, not enough for him to understand that he was screwed. Such a thing confirmed that she was stronger than Cell, not that she really needed that confirmation, and once she was ready Twilight pulled her left hand back and sent a shock wave of sort that shook Cell to his core, allowing her to steal the entirety of his attack. As he started to come to terms with what had just happened, however, she changed to her right hand and released a full burst of power, doubling the size of her attack in seconds as it barreled into Cell before he had a chance to move out of the way. Cell started to scream in agony as her Kamehameha tore into his body and started to break him apart, where Twilight heard him shouting out that he was 'perfection', and some other parts about how his body was perfect, before both he and his nucleus were destroyed, as she made sure to take the latter out so he didn't return again.

Once everything was said and done, and she was sure that Cell was dead for real, Twilight let out a sigh as she reverted to her base form, allowing her staff to reappear after a few seconds, before nodding to her family, allowing them to tell the others that the games were over, even though there was more work to be done before anyone could relax, causing her to look forward to what might happen next.

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