• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Time Passes

Piccolo found that Trunks and Goten, despite bringing Hedo in and stopping his ghoul scheme, continued to come to him for more training, almost as if they had finally realized that not everything was going to be fun and games for them, since their true target, Devi Dimon, remained at large. Their renewed vigor towards training was good to see, since it meant he could show them more and more of his own methods while pushing them to their limits, just as Twilight no doubt wanted since this was all part of her plan for the pair, a plan he knew not to get in the way of. To aid in their training Piccolo even made the pair their own weighted clothing, much like what he had used before Twilight's gravity sessions became the norm, and he made sure both were styled after their fathers, Goten going with orange and Trunks getting blue. Neither Saiyan seemed to mind the change of pace, in fact they tackled his new training with renewed purpose, causing him and Eschalot, when she was available, to nod their heads in approval every now and then while he pushed the pair as much as he could.

That wasn't the only thing that had changed in Piccolo's life, because in the days leading up to Hedo being captured he had gained a new student, as Gohan started to let Pan come to his private home, in fact it was more like babysitting when he thought about it, but it gave them time to bond. What Piccolo discovered, however, was that Pan was a fan of heroes and was more like Goku than anyone knew at first, in fact she wanted to train the moment the words left his mouth, showing him that she had inherited her grandfather's genetics and part of his personality. He remembered when she was just a baby, causing a bit of chaos for Gohan and Videl, something that only made him wonder what Pan might be capable of when she was older, though all of this fueled his decision to take her on as one of his students as well, especially since it seemed like her parents were fine with that. If Pan was a Human child this wouldn't be happening, as most Human kids were still in the beginning stages of growing and weren't walking around like she was, but since she was part Saiyan her growth was totally different, even though she'd remain the same once she turned six and wouldn't change until she was a teen.

After three months of teaching Pan the basics, which happened to be when Hedo got out of prison and was likely swept up in whatever scheme Twilight had for him, since he assumed the powerful pony girl had plans for the scientist, Piccolo took her on as his apprentice, fully to be exact, and slowly taught her what she needed to know.

Piccolo had to admit that Pan's potential was staggering, because her slumbering power was on par with what Gohan's had been when he was her age, even if she couldn't tap into it right now, meaning that if he taught her how to draw it out, and control it without it hurting her, she would do well for herself in the future. To aid in her training Piccolo also had her clash with Goten and Trunks, which served as a lesson in control for both of his main students, where he was pleased to find that all three of them seemed to be enjoying themselves, while doing their best to complete his training. This was good news, as it meant he could teach both groups of students and impart lessons to both of them, while giving him a chance to study the three warriors in case there was something they needed to work on, even though he had to grin as Pan fought the older and more experienced warriors. They weren't used to clashing with someone that had Pan's speed, as that seemed to be one of her main strengths right now, though it was hard to tell if it was due to her size, since she was far smaller than the others, or if it was an innate power that had been awakened through training.

Of course Goten and Trunks usually won their bouts with Pan, which was to be expected since they had far more combat experience than she did, but she did score a win when the pair decided to lower their power to the lowest point, as in zero percent, and found that even thinking about looking down on someone ended in their defeat, another lesson to add to what Piccolo was teaching them.

Piccolo didn't pay too much attention to the various Digimon that Goten and Trunks ended up fighting, though he did learn that both of them actually focused on what sort of foes they were facing, what sort of powers they had this time, and what they could do to bring them down. From their stories it was easy for him to determine that both warriors were growing with every battle, refining their knowledge and polishing their power, and it was his assumption that they might be able to breach the barrier between what they could currently do and what else a Saiyan could tap into. His reasoning was that if Eschalot was able to reach Super Saiyan Blue, and was still pushing herself to master her versions of the other forms, it was possible for these two to do the same, something they seemed to be pushing towards on their own, something that would please Twilight when she checked up on them. It also made him wonder what Pan would be capable of when she was Gohan's age, his current age anyway, especially since he had that Beast form of his, something that caused his smirk to remain on his face as he continued to push everyone so they could be ready for whatever the future had in store for them.

Six months after Hedo was released from prison, something Piccolo kept track of since Goten and Trunks talked about it and them expecting the scientist to do something at some point in time, he found that Pan's power was definitely getting stronger as time went on. Her speed was nothing to sniff at, as she linked to bounce around the area that they trained in, like she was a rabbit or something, which proved to be a worthwhile maneuver since one couldn't rely on their senses all the time, and her small size made it that much harder to hit her. Her strength needed more work, but Piccolo was sure that she would be able to surpass her father at some point in time, as she was fully dedicated to training, unlike how they had to force Gohan to train until Twilight got him to do it once a week, so he had to assume that, if Pan kept up her good work, she'd be the Eschalot of her generation. Of course Piccolo also held back when he had to train her, since he didn't want to hurt her, but he was impressed by her ability to withstand some of his blows, even in his powered down state, a fact that confirmed his thoughts on the matter.

Pan also brought water for him, usually some of the best since he didn't need to eat food like the rest of the people that called this planet home, and when they rested he had her focus on building her Ki control, the baby steps since she wasn't even remotely ready to learn how to fly.

When he wasn't training Pan, or dealing with Goten and Trunks, Piccolo returned to the mountain that he usually spent his time meditating on, utilizing his Ki to actually lift a portion of the peak up into the air and caused it to remain that way, a fact that depended on his mental state. If he was calm this would be easy to do without any difficulty, but if something or someone where to upset him, to anger or annoy him in some manner, his concentration would waver and he would force himself to return to the ground for a short period of time. Videl called him every now and then, just to make sure he was sticking to the schedule they had set up for Pan's training, in fact it seemed like Videl had resumed her own martial arts, so it meant that she trusted him with her daughter, since he was better for the partial Saiyan's growth than the training she usually did. He usually left the phone, which Gohan and Videl had provided once they realized he was going to teach her how to control her power, on a short pedestal outside his door, that way he could hear it no matter where he was in the surrounding area, even when it ran it was usually due to Pan.

Piccolo as he let out a sigh and focused on his meditation, as today was one of the rare days where he wasn't training with Pan or pushing Trunks and Goten to their limits, though his time alone was interrupted as he felt something coming at him and found that it was a volley of energy bursts that tore into the area around him.

"Who dares to bother me on my day off?" Piccolo asked, though the attack had done nothing to him, his attire was fine and his body was untouched, allowing him to focus on the intruder, who was a humanoid creature that looked more like an android, which made sense after he thought of Hedo again, who had two fins on his head, as it was a male body, and wore a yellow-orange suit with a blue 2 on it, a blue cape, and black boots.

"So, you must be King Piccolo." the android stated, totally ignoring the fact that Piccolo had asked a question, though as he said that he spun his little ray gun around and slipped it into the holder on his belt, before letting a smile appear on his face for a few moments, like he thought he had hit the jackpot or something.

"Man, your information is out of date. King Piccolo's dead... I'm just Piccolo." Piccolo replied, as he was technically 'junior', the son of the original, though such a thing made him keep his guard up, since there was no telling how much the figure knew about him, before he considered something as he remembered what Twilight had done in the past, "You know, it's unwise to attack any old Namekian you see, since there are more of my kind in the cities... wouldn't want you to be seen as a villain, even though most would likely see you as some sort of old tacky hero."

"What do you mean 'tacky'? I prefer retro, if you don't mind." the android stated, showing that he didn't appreciate what Piccolo was saying, though at the same time he quickly made a few movements with his arms and legs, showing that he thought of himself as a super hero, since they looked like poses that Goten and Trunks would pull off, "And before you ask about my identity, just know that it's top secret!"

Piccolo chuckled for a moment as he rushed through the air and punched the android right in the chest, surprising him as he sent his foe flying into one of the rock pillars that surrounded his domain, which confirmed that his foe had no idea just how strong he was, if this was enough to send him flying. As the android came at him again Piccolo dodged the incoming punch, kicked his opponent in the chest, and then grabbed onto his fins as he sent him down into the ground, where he understood that Hedo likely had no idea that he was this strong and that his new warrior would be overpowered so much in a short period of time. At the same time he realized that this might be part of Twilight's plans, since she was no doubt keeping an eye on what the Red Ribbon Army was doing, something he came to understand as he noticed the insignia on the android's left shoulder, before he turned his attention back to the android. He found that his foe was trying hard to do any sort of damage to him, throwing powerful punches, delivering grand kicks, and everything else that happened to be in his arsenal, causing Piccolo to lower his defenses a little more to make whoever was watching think he had gotten lucky in the beginning, since it would help him figure out where their enemies were located.

Sure enough the android loosed a massive blast from his ray gun and he let it slam down into the ground in front of him, creating a smoke cloud that shrouded him from his foe's sight, especially since he moved out of the area and watched him from a rock pillar's peak, before moving as the android departed. Piccolo was able to determine that this android wasn't like 16, as he didn't have anything that allowed him to sense Ki or any of the powers that existed in the world, and based on what he had seen so far it didn't look like he had the infinite energy like 17 and 18. With that in mind it meant that he was likely a weaker android, in comparison to the abilities that Gero's androids had been gifted with, though that didn't mean this one was foe that could be taken lightly, as one misstep would cause the downfall of whoever happened to be fighting him and the rest of his kind, because if there was a 2 there had to be a 1 somewhere. While he traveled Piccolo did his best to make sure there were no enemies in the various areas they rushed through, since he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing, not until he knew what the army was doing so he could tell Twilight what he knew.

In the end he discovered that the android's destination was a large man made lake, with slanted walls to keep the large body of water contained inside it, only to nearly slap his head as he found that they emblazoned the Red Ribbon Army logo on one of the walls, meaning they were just as stupid as before, and discovered that a wall opened as the android approached it.

"Interesting... now how do I..." Piccolo started to say, though before he could finish his remark he found that there was a new Ki signature coming towards him, Gulus Gamma he noticed, who dropped to the side of him, set down a set of attire that matched what was inside the hidden area, and departed without saying a single word.

Piccolo decided not to question it as he put on what seemed to be the grunt armor for the new Red Ribbon Army, which did cover his mouth and most of his body, so no one would suspect that he was anyone other than '99' and that his post, according to a slip of paper, was inside the main command center. Such a thing was followed by him heading inside and found that the android, called Gamma 2 by some of the other soldiers, had walked down a tunnel, one that lead them to the inside of the area, revealing that it wasn't a lake, rather it was a hidden base protected by a barrier. With that in mind he followed his target for a time, who had no idea that he was even following him, before he found his way to what had to be the main command center of the entire base, where he spotted Hedo, dressed in a scientist coat, sitting in an area as he talked with someone, like the army's leader. The other soldiers didn't seem too surprised to see him here, as if Gulus had infiltrated the area beforehand and set this up for Piccolo, something only Twilight would know to do, unless Hedo was on her side, and he was able to get into the chamber as well, following instructions that appeared on his visor, which had to be Gulus' way of helping him out.

Such a thing allowed him to find another android that was nearly identical to Gamma 2, only he had one fin on his head and his cape was red, which meant he had to be Gamma 1, where he and his brother were talking about Piccolo's corpse, or lack of one since the first one was definitely smarter than his brother.

What he was able to learn from watching the Gammas and their creator, plus the Commander of the Red Ribbon Army, was that they believed that he, Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else associated with them were a dark organization that was bent on trying to take over the world. Many of them were labeled as 'mid-tier lieutenants', while the likes of Majin Boo and Hercule were some of the higher ranking members of the group, joining Bulma near the top, though Twilight was exactly where she belonged, right at the top as the 'Grandmaster', the leader of everyone. What happened next was that Hedo revealed the existence of another creature he had been working on, as his boss wanted to know when it would be ready to be deployed, a creature called 'Cell Max', a red and green version of Cell that looked like he was currently in his second form, his semi-perfect form, and he seemed to be sleeping. Fortunately Hedo didn't like Cell Max and was doing his best to work around the restrictions that came with making an android like him, plus there was a control system for his mind that needed to be finished and installed at some point, least he destroy the very world that Magenta, the Commander, wanted to conquer, so there was time before he was ready to go.

Piccolo realized that this information needed to be delivered to Twilight as soon as possible, so she could determine what to do with the Red Ribbon Army and their new monster, he just had to wait for an opening to reveal itself so he could leave this place without drawing attention to himself.

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