• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Survivor: Meeting Granolah

Twilight found that, despite the advances in spaceships and other components that went into the ships in question, which she had created and produced so everyone in the universe had access to greater speed, the trip to Planet Cereal took eighteen whole days to complete. She already understood that Oil and Macki were playing at desperate individuals of a race that had gathered nearly all of their resources to find some heroes to take down 'Granolah', the Cerealian no doubt, but at the same time she had to admit that their acting skills could use some work. After noticing how unconcerned she was about everything it took no time for Goku and the others to realize that something was up, but likewise kept at their training and meditations to make it seem like nothing was out of the ordinary, figuring that she had a plan and would clue them in when the time was right. She, on the other hand, positioned herself in the one spot that didn't have a camera watching her back, as the Heeters were smart enough to hide them in places that would go unnoticed, but she found them easily enough, her senses were just that well trained to spot such small details, and sat in the 'private area'.

She spent most of her time hacking into the ship's systems, which were laughably easy to hack into despite being the very network that the 'most intelligent' group in the universe used in their day to day life, and she discovered a few things that confirmed her suspicions about this entire setup. The Heeters were trying to eliminate Granolah, who had been weaker than Gas on day and suddenly put up one heck of a fight a few days later, because he was a loose cannon that might take out all of her father's empire before doing her father in, showing that they had no idea he had passed the rule of the empire to her a number of years ago. There was also a recording of the meeting between him and the Heeters, after he gained his power, where he revealed to them that he had used the Dragon Balls of Cereal to become 'the greatest in the universe', but for the dragon to grant his wish he had to sacrifice most of his remaining lifespan, one hundred and fifty years to be exact. Thanks to his power boost, and the shortening of his lifespan, had caused the Heeters to call in some Saiyans, figuring that his rage towards the species that wiped out his people would end with him dead, while they could swoop in and grab the Dragon Balls to make their own wish.

There was also the fact that Macki had informed Granolah of the situation, informing him that they were Frieza's assassins, sent to kill him after hearing of his desire to kill their boss, and Twilight was amazed by the sheer stupidity of Granolah as he accepted it at face value before ending the call.

So far she wasn't impressed by either group, as the Heeters were dumb and thought they could get away with anything that sprung into Elec's mind, as he was the mastermind of the group, while at the same time she was disappointed in how the last Cerealian was acting, throwing away most of his life and his pride to have his revenge. Instead of finding a way to live as the last of his kind, or even seeking a way to ensure that the Cerealians lived on, Granolah was literally throwing everything away after discovering that he had a chance to have his revenge against those that wronged him. It wasn't a path of justice he was walking, it was a path of destruction, both for those he was targeting, the people of the planet they were heading to, and for himself, and that fact irritated Twilight the more she thought about this situation. This time around she doubted that taking a few samples of his DNA and showing him that she could find a way to revive his species would convince him to just stand down, meaning they were going to have to fight and beat him into submission.

In addition to all of that she determined that Elec and Gas were on their way to the planet as well, no doubt to observe the battle that would take place and to find the Dragon Balls to grant whatever wish they wanted to have granted, but it would take them longer to reach Planet Cereal, so there was a chance the battle would be over when they arrived.

During the journey she had to think about the fact that Elec and his people had no idea that she was the ruler of the entire universe, something they should have known as soon as they laid eyes on her, and, when combined with everything that had transpired so far, she confirmed that they were simply morons. Sure, they had a complicated plan, but it hinged on all of the parties they were trying to manipulate into taking their words at face value and not questioning anything, so thanks to her already knowing something was up the Saiyans had raised their guards while maintaining the appearance that they knew nothing. Neither of their hosts seemed to realize that they had been found out, nor did they realize their folly by not recognizing the one that ruled the entire universe, which only made her agree with her father's remark when she sent him and the others a notice about this turn of events, he felt it was time to bring the Heeters down. Of course she had to wait for all of the players to be in position before springing the trap on them, but she was fine with playing along for a while, as it would give her a chance to see what sort of powers Granolah gained from his wish and if it was worth worrying about the new set of Dragon Balls.

When the eighteenth day arrived they landed in a clearing on Planet Cereal, one located a rather pristine domed city that was on one side of things and a ruined city that was a good distance away from it, where Twilight was the first one off as the rest of her group followed after her, all while the two Heeters happened to be the last ones off the ship.

"The planet is peaceful... too peaceful for a rampaging villain." Kale commented, keeping her voice low so only the rest of the group could hear her, while at the same time the Heeters seemed distracted by something else, no doubt a signal that was coming from Elec's ship if Twilight was right about what was going to happen next.

"Now, last we heard the dastardly Granolah was last seen somewhere behind that mountain." Macki said, gesturing to the tall mountain that was off in the distance, just so they understood the direction they had to travel in, though she kept up the innocent person routine to try and convince them that she and her brother weren't lying to them, "Getting any closer would be disastrous for us, since we're not fighters like you guys, so we'll just hang back and let you take care of him."

Goku nodded for a moment and gave them a thumbs up, mostly to keep up the illusion that they believed the Heeters, as Twilight's body language told him that things were different than what they had been told, before the group floated into the air and flew off into the distance. As they flew in silence Twilight noted that Oil was definitely following after them, all while not using his energy since he didn't want them to notice his movements, which he failed at since she knew this was happening, before she noticed that Whis had signed Goku's gi again and Beerus had given Vegeta an earring like his, as if he had been trained to use destruction energy. She figured the pair had learned some things while they were on Beerus' planet, before they were called back to Earth for this venture, and the two deities were having a wager of sorts to quickly determine which style was better, Ultra Instinct or Destruction. While she was eager to see the results of this, however, her focus was on tracking down Granolah and bringing this to an end before something stupid happened, but, given what she had learned so far, she suspected that such a thing wouldn't come to pass, that Granolah was going to be an idiot and force their hand in some manner.

"Kale's right, something's up with this whole thing... there's an old ruin that looks like it was destroyed ages ago, while the newer cities are totally pristine." Caulifla said, something that confirmed what they had been thinking after seeing how Twilight had acted on the way to this planet, the Heeters were definitely lying about something and that meant they had to be on their guard until someone figured out a way to calm this Granolah down, "There's no sign of anyone rampaging for quite a while."

Twilight sensed someone using their power and noticed that it was coming from a nearby forest, where she called out to the others and they dodged out of the way as a barrage of small but deadly fast Ki blasts rushed into the air, though she did notice that she was left alone as the others were targeted by their hidden attacker. In response to that three of the Saiyans transformed into their Super Saiyan states and rushed down towards the ground, while Goku closed his eyes so he could get more experience using the basics of Ultra Instinct and followed after them. As they discovered Granolah wasn't where the blasts were coming from, rather when the group landed several more blasts came from the sky, forcing the group back into the air as Twilight joined them, weaving her magic into a bubble around each of them. She could tell that their foe wasn't playing around and wanted to make sure everyone was fine for the time being, and her spell came in handy as one of the blasts hit Goku in the back, keeping him safe as they landed on the ground again.

The shocking thing for the others was that Granolah had struck him in a vital area, which would have been fatal had she not used a barrier spell to keep them all safe from harm, save for herself anyway since she didn't need it, though that did cause Goku to join the others in using the Super Saiyan form before he pinpointed their target and fired a blast at him, an attack that missed as their foe appeared behind them.

"Impressive. Moving from one point to another in the blink of an eye... similar to Instant Transmission, but far faster and without needing the hand motion." Twilight commented, turning to face the figure in question, where they found that the figure in question was light skinned with wavy green hair, while his attire consisted of a dark yellowish-green shirt that was under a green coat, a long gray scarf, a yellowish-green pair of pants, brown gloves and boots, and an eyepatch of sorts that rested over his right eye, "You must be Granolah."

"I am indeed. I have no name for the technique, but it is but a fraction of the power I possess as the strongest warrior in the entire universe." the figure, Granolah, replied, though it was clear that he was looking at each of them as he took note of who he needed to kill and who he could afford to let go so he could focus on his quest for revenge, and it was clear that he was focused on Goku and Vegeta, at the very least, "I am the last of the Cerealians... you might not know about my race, judging by your reactions, but I know that four of you are Saiyans. I will tell you nothing more, for you are fated to die this day!"

In that moment Granolah gripped his right hand as he pointed it at the ground, causing Twilight to surround them with a barrier as the area around them detonated, forming a crater as the smoke cleared, though they knew that his attack was like the Destruction attack the Gods of Destruction used.

"You are wrong, Granolah, as we know plenty about your race... I studied the Cerealians, once upon a time." Twilight said, though as she said that the Saiyans focused on their foe in case he tried anything while she was talking, though she could see that he was interested in what she might have to say, as if he was allowing her to try and bluff her way out of this, like he was looking down on her as well, "You come from a race of incredible snipers, claimed to be the best of the best, but, unlike the Saiyans, you only used your power to defend yourselves, the planet you called home, and the small group of Namekians who eventually came to call this planet home as well. The Cerealians also refused to bend to the Emperor's iron will, so instead of wasting time on trying to convince your people to join him, as he deemed it pointless to reason with you, he tasked the Saiyans with attacking the planet so they could sell it to someone else later on. Your people fought to the end, just as your Namekian friends did, but, in the end, all you succeeded in doing was blowing away the moon so the attackers couldn't use their Oozaru forms anymore... and you, plus the Namekian Grand Elder of this planet, survived the attack and went on with your lives."

"...Yes, until I found the means to fulfill my vendetta against their kind." Granolah replied, though he wasn't sure what to make of this situation, as he was sure that there was no one, outside those that served Frieza anyway, who knew of what happened all those years ago, and yet his thoughts were proven wrong, someone knew of the attack and was standing with the four Saiyans that were behind her, "I will admit that the golden hair surprised me, as I was under the assumption that all Saiyans had black hair..."

"Oh, if that surprises you, then this will be quite the shock." Twilight stated, to which she turned her head for a moment and glanced back at the group that was behind her, as they were clearly waiting for her to determine how to go about this battle before they wasted their time going through their various transformations, "Full power. Do not hold back... show him the error of his ways so we can talk things out."

Caulifla and Kale were the first ones to nod as they transformed without delay, taking on the form of Super Saiyan Blue 4, a form they had unlocked thanks to training with Goku and Vegeta on Beerus' world for so long, and helping Broly out as well, something that surprised Granolah as the ground around them shook. Goku closed his eyes for a moment before he shifted into his Ultra Instinct form, as he had unlocked it during his training with Whis, while at the same time Vegeta did something new, as he seemed excited by the prospect of battle and was surrounded by purple energy for a moment. Not a few moments later he emerged in a form that had a facial structure similar to Super Saiyan 3, though he had spiked hair that was purple colored, like Beerus' Destruction power, likely some sort of 'Ultra' form as well when Twilight took a couple of seconds to think about it. This was the fruit of their efforts of training on Beerus' planet, two Saiyans utilizing the very pinnacle of their Saiyan power, with Kale saving her Legendary form in case it was actually needed, while the other two in the group were utilizing personal transformations that were even stronger than Super Saiyan Blue 4.

Twilight, in response to that, shifted into her Dark Queen form as she jumped back and waved her hand, calling forth the other Granolah that was hiding in the forest, surprising the figure in question as she shattered the clone he had created to waste time, allowing her to stand there with a smug look on her face.

"Perfected Ultra Instinct, what I'm guessing is 'Ultra Ego', and two Saiyans using Super Saiyan Blue 4... good luck, Granolah, as you're going to need it." Twilight commented, where she raised her hand into the air for a moment, all while the lone Cerealian struggled to comprehend what was going on right now, even though his full power was similar to one of the four warriors that stood in front of him, before she swung it down at the Saiyans burst into action.

Her words were proven right as Goku made the first move, striking Granolah in the face with a kick that knocked off his leathery eyepatch, though as he regained himself Vegeta appeared in front of him, with his hands raised towards his chest for a moment, before he blasted the Cerealian in the chest. As he called forth his own power to destroy the attack, which seemed to work quite well as Twilight watched the attack crumple to dust, he wasn't expecting Caulifla and Kale to strike him in the chest with a combined downwards kick, before they flipped into the air and blasted him into the ground before he had a chance to defend himself. Granolah, sensing that allowing them to have their way would be a bad idea, lashed out at the group and found that when he aimed at one target one of the others would strike his openings, which just told Twilight that there was nothing major behind the 'strongest in the universe', a meaningless title for someone like him since he couldn't handle a group of foes. Such a thing meant that she wouldn't have to get involved, not as Caulifla and Kale let him taste their fists before Goku and Vegeta pushed him away, blasting the area apart as she noted that the residents of the cities were evacuating at an alarming rate, before she noticed something that surprised her.

The Cerealians didn't have the natural ability that the Saiyans had to turn damage into power, to grow as a battle went on and they experienced facing powerful foes, and yet, despite that fact, Granolah's power was increasing as the moments went by, which was completely impossible. In that moment she realized something, the wish he had made on the Eternal Dragon of this planet had given him all sorts of powers and awakened his latent abilities, things that his race didn't have access to during the invasion of the planet, as if the dragon peered into him before granting his wish. Twilight knew that it was possible for an Eternal Dragon to do so since both Shenron and Porunga had their own ways of figuring out what sort of wishes their users wanted, and the one for this planet's Dragon Balls was the same, granting Granolah everything the dragon through he needed to complete his wish. As she realized that fact, and how disastrous it was for the Saiyans, they found that the tables turned as Granolah thrust his pointed hand into Goku's chest, the tips of his fingers lightly touching the left side of his chest as Goku reverted to his base form, before he punched that area, tearing the gi while leaving what looked like a bloody hole in the Saiyan, forcing Twilight to act.

As Twilight caught him with her magic, and pulled him into a healing dome of her own creation, she had figured out how to use healing magic after studying the various types of it that existed in the universe, Vegeta went on the offensive as the girls assisted him, only to find that Granolah was still growing at an alarming rate.

It was absurd, it was unnatural, and, to some, it was completely unfair that Granolah had suddenly unlocked all sorts of powers, skills that he was only now tapping into thanks to having powerful foes to fight against, and was even given a new innate trait that he shouldn't have. With four beyond powerful Saiyans standing against him Twilight knew that Granolah should have been defeated by now, hence why she had told the group to go all out and just take him down before he was able to do much, and that had turned out to be a mistake, as it forced an evolution in his powers to match the Saiyans he was fighting against. In fact even his eyes evolved, as she noticed that he tossed his eyepatch aside and now had two red eyes, instead of one like his race was known for, and that sudden power boost allowed him to tear through Vegeta's chest piece with ease, another impossibility since it was one of her best, and as he crippled his current foe both Caulifla and Kale rushed in to defeat him. As Twilight moved Vegeta over to the healing dome, however, she knew the remaining Saiyans were fighting a losing battle, as Granolah struck Caulifla in the chest, taking her down as well, and as Kale shifted into her Legendary form he struck her heart before she could move.

In the next moment she raised her hands and teleported the downed Saiyans into the healing dome, causing Granolah to turn to face her with a frown on his face, as he was annoyed that she was getting in his way, though he flinched for a few seconds as he noticed the annoyed look on her face, even though Twilight grabbed onto his face and planted him right in the ground for a moment.

"You will be my opponent now, Granolah... and trust me, you'll come to regret annoying me." Twilight remarked, because she knew that, after having watched the brief fight take place, the Cerealian would need to be taken down and restrained before someone could convince him that he was being played by the Heeters, and right now she wasn't too happy with the scenario that was unfolding before her eyes.

Granolah, on the other hand, could only grin as he realized that there was one more foe for him to tear down and kill, as it was her fault that her life was about to end, since she was getting in the way of his revenge against the Saiyans, and once she was gone he would torment the Saiyans until he got what he wanted, he just had to be patient and victory would be his at long last.

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