• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Destroyers: Vegeta's Assault

Following the battle between Cooler and Frost, the former utterly breaking the arena that everyone fought on, Vados took a few minutes to recreate the arena so that it would be stronger, so it would be able to withstand more without breaking in case the rest of Beerus' warriors were strong, before nodding to the Referee.

"Up next we have the warrior of Universe 7, Vegeta, going up against the warrior of Universe 6, Auta Magetta." the Referre said, where Vegeta floated down to the arena floor and faced the other side as he waited for his opponent to enter the arena, as the robot was taking his time finishing off what appeared to be a lava drink that came from a special metal can, one he tossed to the side after reaching the end.

In the next moment Champa whispered something to Vados, who sighed as she waved her staff and set up a brand new transparent barrier between the watchers and the arena, where Twilight noticed that it was cube shaped and even rested a fair distance above the arena floor. As she studied it for a few seconds, however, she noticed something odd that set off more warning bells in her mind, because there were no holes in it as far as she could see and the only opening was down near the bottom, setting up a sort of ventilation system. She instantly knew what Champa was planning, as Metalmen had a habit of heating up their surroundings to drastically weaken whoever their opponents were, making it easier for them to win, and by setting up the barrier it was clear that the Destroyer of Universe 6 wanted to overheat the arena so Vegeta would collapse over time. Such a thing caused her to growl as she tapped her staff on the ground and showed Whis what was going on, causing him to frown as both of them turned their staffs on the barrier, breaking the cube's roof off to open it and prevent the overheating issue.

Of course their motions were noticed by Beerus, Champa, and Vados, where Beerus instantly understood that they had dealt with more of his brother's trickery, which he wasn't very good at in his mind, Champa was outraged by Twilight's newest actions, and Vados seemed surprised by what she was seeing.

"Seriously?! Stop butting into things, otherwise I'll come over there and destroy you!" Champa stated, showing them that he was annoyed by the fact that Twilight was interrupting things, prolonging the tournament when he felt it should have ended while Frost was on the field.

"I was simply nullifying your attempt at treachery, as you had the barrier made so there was no real ventilation," Twilight replied, once more weaving her power into existence to show everyone what she meant, creating an image of the barrier, before it was altered, and what she meant, causing many to glance at Champa as Beerus let out a sigh that showed just how disappointed he was in his brother, "That's twice you've attempted to pull a fast one on us, Champa... do it again and I'll call an end to this entire tournament by announcing your team's disqualification, and make sure the Super Dragon Balls remain with the team that played by the rules."

Champa growled for a moment, but since he could see that everyone was siding with Twilight, taking her side with far too much ease for his liking, he decided not to challenge her as he sat down, allowing everyone to turn their attention back to the arena as Vegeta stared at Magetta. In the next few seconds Magetta rushed at Vegeta as the Referee called for them to start the match, swinging his fists down at his foe without wasting time, though while his speed was good Vegeta quickly found that he was above to dodge his attacks and even slip under his body to attack him from behind. That was when he learned a shocking truth of the Metalmen, their bodies were tough, made out of a metal that was a few grades below the strongest in the universe, or at least that was the case in Universe 7 based on what Twilight knew, as the Saiyan Prince had to hold his right hand in shock after the first blow. Magetta noticed that and swung his fists at his target again, though this was where the training that Twilight had put him and Goku through earlier came into play as he avoided the attack with ease and moved around the rest of the area, being mindful of his surroundings since there was a chance that his foe's new plan might be to push him out of the arena.

Vegeta, as well, had a new idea in mind as he loosed a volley of blasts at Magetta, where the Metalman tanked them for just a few moments before emerging from the smoke cloud like nothing could damage it, forcing him to wonder if he had to do what Goku did, ring his opponent out, but upon landing behind his foe, and trying to lift him, he immediately backed off so he could come up with a new plan.

As he did so Twilight informed those around her that the Metalmen were incredibly heavy, hence why Magetta caused the arena to shift when he first stepped on it, and she suspected that Vegeta might be forced to use the higher tier of his power to take his foe down. Vegeta, already knowing that his base form wouldn't be enough to best this foe, transformed into his Super Saiyan form, since it would help him keep a faster pace and stay ahead of his opponent, before he considered a new plan as he opened fire on the arena. Sure, Magetta was his target, but his true goal was to weaken the arena floor while also directing his foe where he wanted him to go, as he wanted the metallic creature to stop near the edge of the ring and he could tell that Magetta had no idea that he was being lured into a trap. Of course Magetta had his own attack in mind, as he spat globs of what appeared to be lava into the air to try and block Vegeta's attacks, where the Referee informed them that this wasn't a weapon, rather it was just the Metalman's spit, though he was fine with that as he moved Magetta towards the edge of the ring.

Once he was in place Vegeta powered up more, going into his Super Saiyan 2 form, before shifting his stance as he called forth a good bit of his power to perform the Final Flash, where the yellow lightning arced outwards and surprised those who were watching the battle take place. He knew that even if this failed to knock the Metalman out of the arena it would break part of the arena floor, as in weaken the construction of it so that when he rushed to attack his foe the energy of his punch would shatter the area around him and send him out of the ring. Of course there was the other plan he had come up with, utilizing the power of a stronger transformation, such as Super Saiyan 4, to do battle with his foe and knock him out the old fashioned way, but he was reserving that plan for later, in case his first one happened to fail. Magetta, on the other hand, just beat his chest as he accepted the challenge that Vegeta had thrown down, so when the Final Flash was fired it slammed into his face and seemed to push him back, before he started to put out a lava breath of some sort so he could counter it.

Twilight and the others found that the majority of the attack was pushed into the air, where she waved her staff to make a magical laced barrier beyond the one Vados had set up for the tournament, so while it pierced the Angel's, since she had no idea the warriors of Universe 7 were this strong, Twilight's stopped it from heading off into the universe and allowed her to absorb the energy. Despite the power that Magetta was putting out, to try and stop Vegeta's attack, it wasn't strong enough for him to stop the attack from breaking his apart and hitting him in the chest, where the blow caused him to just stand there with a daze for a couple of moments. That was the opening that Vegeta was looking for as he rushed down to where his foe was standing and punched him right in the chest, as it was far too late for Magetta to block the attack due to Vegeta's speed in this form, though even as he tried in vain to take Vegeta down the Saiyan said something that only the pair could hear. Based on the fact that Magetta became stunned after that told Twilight everything she needed to know, to which she remained quiet for now as the arena floor shattered and Magetta was pushed out of the ring, where he hit the ground as Vegeta landed on the floor again, all while Vados sighed as she realized another piece needed to be fixed.

While the Referee declared him the winner, however, Twilight told those around her that the Metalmen were weak to one thing, insults, as it caused them to become locked up and go into shock, allowing their foes to take them out easier if they knew this particular fact, causing many to sigh as Vegeta powered down and Cabba entered the arena.

Cabba, from what Twilight could see right now, was definitely a kind Saiyan while holding true to the principles that had forged his people, in fact he seemed to respect Vegeta and smiled for a few moments as they got ready for the battle that was about to take place. As the Referee called for the battle to start they all discovered that Cabba was faster than most of his team, in fact he was likely a true hero of his universe and that meant he had likely fought in a number of battles, so his power and speed were better than a normal Saiyan's, but Vegeta kept pace with him. It was an interesting fight, one of the more fair ones since even Twilight could tell that Cabba didn't like the tricks that Frost used, or the barrier that would have helped Magetta out, rather he did leap into the air to use the sunlight to block Vegeta's vision for a short time so he could kick him hard in the chest. Cabba followed that up with a blast of energy that was clearly designed to push Vegeta off the arena, before he had the chance to recover or transform, but the Saiyan Prince instantly recovered as he dodged the small blast, moved into the air, and kicked Cabba down to the ground with ease.

Sure enough Vegeta, falling into the Saiyan trait of wanting a good fight, told Cabba to transform, as he was sure that the other Saiyan could take on a form of his own, even if he was from another universe, but Cabba informed him, and the rest of the crowd, that no Saiyans in his universe could transform, save for the one who started the legend of the Legendary Super Saiyan, a figure who was no longer alive.

Apparently Cabba asking for Vegeta to train him upset the Saiyan Prince as he transformed into his Super Saiyan form and decked his foe right in the gut, causing surprise to appear on his face while his mind registered the fact that he had been hit, but Twilight didn't say anything about it, as she knew better. Sure, Vegeta wasn't too happy about Cabba's request, but she also knew that he was going to enrage the younger warrior so he could awaken the first transformation, hence why he delivered several more blows to his foe's body as he taunted him, just like he did to his foes in the past. He wasn't going to give Cabba a chance to surrender, rather he was going to keep pushing him until he unlocked his inner power and turned into a Super Saiyan, where Beerus knew that since Twiligt wasn't getting involved there was no need to step in. Vegeta, on the other hand, kept at it until he hurled Cabba up into the air, who sailed a bit above the arena, before he recalled what Twilight had told him and informed his foe that, once this tournament was over, he was going to head into Universe 6 and blow Salada apart, all while firing another blade at him.

"Leave... Planet Salada... OUT OF THIS!" Cabba shouted, though sure enough it had the effect Vegeta wanted, his rage and anger at the very thought of his home being destroyed awakened his inner power, as he transformed into a Super Saiyan and even called a barrier sphere into existence around him to stop the attack.

In the next moment Cabba rushed down and attacked Vegeta, who went on the defensive with a smile on his face, or at least that was what Twilight liked to imagine given the situation in front of her, though his fire didn't last too long since he discovered Vegeta's approval of his new power, something that caused him to stop for a time.

"A Saiyan is able to unlock new forms by accessing their rage or focusing on their desires, such as wanting power to stop me from destroying Sadala." Vegeta stated, though as he said that Cabba, now no longer controlled by his short-lived rage, returned to his base form as he lost the Super Saiyan glow, where he ordered the younger Saiyan to focus on his anger again, causing him to transform once more, "Good, you have some potential... but this is the only the first form that we have unlocked over our many years, as there are six more forms beyond this one, so continue to push yourself and you might be able to reach our level one day."

As Cabba opened his mouth to say something Vegeta took advantage of his lowered defenses and fired a Kiai right into his chest, putting just enough power to knock him out of the arena and put him back in his base form, allowing him to take a moment to sigh as Cabba thanked him for the lesson, though that was when the Referee informed them that it was time for Hit to fight for his universe.

"Finally, Hit takes to the field. This I have to see." Twilight remarked, because out of everyone she was more interested in the figure who had been meditating for the majority of the tournament, even if some of the officials might have thought he was sleeping, as she knew the difference between both stances, and now it was time for her and everyone else to see what sort of power he had.

Hit stood there as the Referee told them that they could start fighting, where Vegeta decided to test the water by using his Super Saiyan 3 form, much to Cabba's surprise despite being told that there were more forms not a few moments ago, but quickly found that Hit struck his face, instead of dodging the incoming attack. Everyone stood there as Vegeta sensed that this wasn't going to be an easy fight and kicked his power to the next level, allowing the other universe to observe as he transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 before going on the offensive again, showing that he wasn't going to back down, but it did nothing as Hit struck his chest without moving. Of course Hit's attacks were powerful, appearing to be aimed at vitals from what Twilight could tell, but that didn't stop Vegeta was he moved into the realm of the gods with Super Saiyan God, only to discover that it failed to give him the edge he wanted. Not even Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan Blue 2 were a match for Hit's power, though while everyone was shocked by this information, given the foes he and Goku had faced in the past, Twilight focused on his stance, the fact that he stayed in the same spot, and where his hands were, causing her to come up with a theory as she focused her attention, seeing that which was unseen to everyone else.

She understood what they were seeing, Hit was one of the rare types that had the power to stop time, similar to Guldo's own technique, hence why his attacks were unseen by his foes and were impossible to avoid, in fact she was sure that it was the Time-Skip technique her mother had told her about a lifetime ago, and while she thought about it Hit knocked Vegeta to the ground, unconscious, causing the Referee to declare Hit the winner.

"So that's what his power is... the Time-Skip, skipping through time at a tenth of a second." Twilight remarked, though this was exciting, because it meant there was a chance that she'd get to fight anyway, not unless Goku had something up his sleeve that could turn the tide in his favor, where some of the others glanced at her for a moment, "No, there's nothing bad about this technique, as the Galactic Law on time travel is designed to prevent people from messing with the past, so his skipping into the future is legal."

"Still, Hit was able to take down Vegeta, especially with his newest form... this is bad." Beerus said, though he meant it in the sense that Goku was the one in trouble, because both Saiyans had the same transformations and if Super Saiyan Blue 2 was able to be beaten he had the feeling that this would end in a battle between Hit and Twilight.

Twilight, on the other hand, could only smile as she leaned forward, as she had a feeling that Goku would find a way to get Hit to show everyone more of his power, while putting on an interesting show in the process, which only made her eager to see what might happen next.

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