• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Cell's Trump Card

"It can't be... a Dark Dragon Ball?! Here, at this point in time?" Towa remarked, as she had been observing the battle with a lot more interest than what she had when she first arrived with her family, because both she and Demigra had noticed a few temporal pauses before discovering the sphere that Cell inserted into his body.

"It would seem so." Demigra said, though he knew why Towa was shocked by the recent discovery, she likely knew about what her future self, or at least the one from the timeline where Twilight didn't exist, was doing in Mechikabura's name, a fact that included using seven darkness-infused Dragon Balls to fulfill a wish, "This is bad. With a Dark Dragon Ball in this timeline it's only a matter of time until one of the other Demon Gods shows up to claim it from Cell... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they're already here, watching this match, just waiting to swoop in and claim it once everything's done."

"If they meddle in the fight they'll anger Twilight, and I don't think they are dumb enough to do that." Frieza stated, as he knew, just like his family knew, that his daughter was a frightening person whenever she was interrupted, especially when she was investing so much of her time into something that interested her, so if the Demon Gods tried anything they would be walking into a death trap.

The others didn't say anything to that as the fight resumed, as Cell rushed through the air and Twilight clashed with him not a few seconds later, their fists colliding with each other as black and red lightning branched outward, all while the ground itself had a small crater blasted into it in the process. While the watchers were amazed by this turn of events, due to Cell's previous attempts not earning him any ground when it came to fighting Twilight, they found that Twilight was still grinning as she clashed with her foe, approving of his new level of power. It looked as if she didn't mind him doing what he had done to equal her strength, rather she was excited by the prospect of fighting someone on equal footing and not just beating the tar out of someone until they gave up, even though Frieza knew she had glanced at the sphere that was now in Cell's chest for a moment. He knew she wanted the strange sphere, to study it and see what powers it had, compared to the Dragon Balls she had seen so far, though her focus was on beating Cell into the ground and that meant any studies would be put on hold for the time being.

In fact, as he thought about that, Twilight swung her staff at the same time Cell moved his hand, the two attacks colliding with each other with enough force to push them away from each other, a collision that rocked the entire area and freaked out the humans who were trying to watch the battle.

Following that the two moved all over the open area that Cell had built his arena in, both attacking the other with little to no care for the environment as the collision of their attacks blasted craters into the ground and kicked up stones into the air, fragments that were turned to dust as they rushed around the area. After a few moments one collision caused Cell to take to the air, mostly so he could get his bearings since they were moving too fast for most of them to see, before he and Twilight collided again and this time the air shook as both fighters' energies clashed with each other. This time he actually pushed her backwards, as if his power was now suddenly greater than what Twilight had, where she braced her hooves against the ground to slow her down before swinging her staff, the sheer power of her strength shattering everything that was around her as she rushed right at Cell. The two clashed as they moved into the air, higher than anyone had gone since the battle had started, before Twilight got ahead of him and knocked Cell back down into the ground, which was when the pair got a little more serious as Cell fired a beam of energy at her and she responded with a lance made of lightning.

The collision of the two attacks shook the air and whipped up violent winds that nearly sent several of them flying due to how strong both warriors were, before Twilight got the upper hand once more as she caught Cell and hurled him through the air, colliding with one of the hills that were still intact. As he considered his next move, however, Twilight pointed the tip of her staff in his direction and released a burst of dark energy, a condensed beam, that tore through the air within a matter of seconds and struck the area he was resting in. The resulting explosion tore apart the area around him, kicking up a lot of dust and creating powerful winds that nearly sent some of the watchers flying, though Towa made sure to keep her family and allies safe with a barrier, since at this point she was sure Ginyu's team would have been blown away by all the pressure. It was as if two powerful beings, like gods, were clashing with each other, though as everyone waited for Cell to make his appearance once more it was clear to Towa and Demigra, at least, that while Cell was growing stronger, due to the Dark Dragon Ball, Twilight's ability to adapt was far stronger, meaning they were simply fueling each others' growth as time went on.

Cell followed all of that up by bursting into the air and charged most of his energy into a massive Kamehameha, one that blotted out the sun itself and looked like something that could truly end the world, though Twilight loosed a beam into the air, once more from the head of her staff, and struck her foe in the chest, while at the same time draining the attack with her left hand, allowing her attack to hit him and take his legs with ease.

"Wow, I knew she was strong, but she's standing up to Cell's monstrous power like it's nothing." Goku commented, which only made him want to fight her even more as time went on, as Twilight's newly revealed power was unlike anything he and the others had felt and he knew that she was continuing to grow as the fight went on, "Okay Twilight, I think it's time that you finish him off."

"No, I don't think so. Cell, you got enough energy to keep going, or do you need some assistance from your ally?" Twilight asked, focusing on her foe while her eyes glanced at the figure that was lingering in the space behind him, using magic to hide herself from the rest of the observers, because she had felt the familiar tug of time magic being used and had found the source of it, though she had chosen to ignore her until now.

"You can see me?" Putine inquired, as this was a first for her, that someone she was hiding from was able to sense that she was there and was able to tell that she happened to be aiding the person that her target was fighting against, all while she appeared behind Cell, dismissing her spell as Towa and Demigra finally noticed her, "How?"

"I noticed you freezing time every now and then, but didn't react since it made things interesting." Twilight said, as if she was discussing the weather or something that was completely normal, even though the Z Warriors, save for Gohan, were lost and simply remained silent as she stared at Cell, "You haven't answered my question: do you have enough power to keep going, or do you need assistance?"

"I have one more attack that I'd like to try, but... with my current energy I won't be able to pull it off, not to the degree that Goku can perform with it." Cell replied, which was the truth, he had used up a lot of his energy during the first portion of their battle, before he inserted the dark Dragon Ball into his chest for a significant power boost, and that Kamehameha had drained him of the majority of his power, giving him enough to fix his body, before he found something coming at him and he caught it, a small green bean.

"That's a Senzu Bean... who the hell gave her a Senzu Bean?!" Vegeta demanded, as he knew the properties of the beans by this point in time, in fact they were really handy depending on the situation that a warrior could be in, and right now it was a bad move, especially since Twilight had given it to Cell of all people.

"We gave her two back when we separated to track down Gero... I totally forgot she had them." Krillin stated, though this was one of those times where he had to agree with what Vegeta was thinking about, this was bad news and it meant that all of Twilight's work had been for nothing, "Twilight... how could you?"

"Because the battle's far too interesting for me to end it now... and besides, I want to see what Cell's got." Twilight said, as while many would see the Senzu Bean as the worst tactic in the entire world, given that she had beaten her foe multiple times and it might convince him to do something drastic, like head to another part of the planet to blow it up, she really didn't care what the others thought about her decisions, "Unless, of course, you'd rather get in my way again."

Vegeta, now having a greater understanding of her true power, wisely said nothing to her comment as Cell quickly ate the Senzu Bean, before someone dared to get in Twilight's way, where he felt his energy being restored instantly, just like all of the tales that were on Gero's computer, causing him to tear a rock out of the ground and lift it into the air, which he landed on a few seconds later.

"Okay, let's do this! Everyone, lend me your energy!" Cell loudly stated, surprising the Z Warriors for a moment as he raised his hands towards the sky, as they recognized the stance that indicated that one was going to make a Spirit Bomb, a move that Krillin thought he wouldn't be able to use and was now being proven wrong.

Twilight watched as a number of space-time portals opened up in the space behind Cell, where she found that a number of what she assumed were soldiers flew out of them and gathered behind her foe, as she assumed they were soldiers due to the armor they were wearing. As they raised their hands, offering Cell their energy and filling the air with small dark spheres of energy, she noticed a few more individuals that were like the bio-android's ally, such as one who was tall, bulky, and wore a modified chest piece that showed off his midriff, complete with a belt with a demonic G on it and a warhammer in his right hand. After that she found another male demon who wore a posh black robe with a white handkerchief near the neck, while he had red hair, blue earrings that matched her mother's, and carried a double-edged sword as his weapon, though that was when she noticed that his robe had short bunny-like ears. While she considered that she moved onto the next figure, who looked more like a teenager with a maroon bandana around his forehead, holding up his silver hair, before she noticed that he carried a scythe as his weapon and wore a black caped vest with black pants.

The one who interested her the most was the pale demon who wore a red pair of pants and a red shirt, who carried a blade as his weapon and had a black marking on his chest, the same the other Demon Gods and Goddess possessed, though the reason for her focus was due to the cape wings and the infinity symbol on his belt, symbols that her mother always wore, before she turned her gaze back to Cell.

"Looks like you're having some difficulties... go ahead, take all the time you need. I'll wait." Twilight said, as she could see that Cell was having some trouble forming his Spirit Bomb, either due to the fact that he wasn't 'pure' enough to use it, which she thought was a load of bull considering that it gathered energy into a single point and condensed it, or that this was the first time he was using it and needed to ensure everything was stable.

While Cell chuckled Twilight noticed the arrival of two more figures, one being another version of her mother, an alternate version whose cape wrapped all around her waist, her hair now had two horns, and her staff had a green orb at the top of it, while the other was a blue skinned figure, male to be exact, with a cloth bottom that matched her alternate mother's, just without the spikes, and a red chest piece with an altered infinity sign. As she took them in, however, she noticed that the energy that was being offered to Cell was starting to gather above his head, just like what happened when Goku used this technique on Namek, though it was more black colored, no doubt due to the fact that demons were offering him their power. Based on what she could tell it seemed like the Future Demon Gods weren't aiding Cell, as in none of them raised their hands to do anything or contribute to the sphere, meaning it was possible that they had simply opened the way for all of the soldiers to come to this point in time to offer their energy to Cell's attack. When she considered that, however, Twilight knew it wasn't true, as one of them would have been enough to bring the army to this point in time, so with the number of Demon Gods assembled she knew that they had to be giving the bio-android their energy.

Once the soldiers were done offering their energy to the Dark Spirit Bomb, as she was going to call it, they rushed down at the area below them, something that caused Gohan and everyone else to summon their full power, as it seemed like they were also targets of the Demon Gods, and that included her family, causing the Ginyu Force to join the battle while both her father and uncle transformed into their respective final forms. It seemed as if the Demon Gods wanted to ensure that everyone else was distracted and didn't interfere with the battle, even though many of the Z Warriors were surprised by Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 form, where she focused on her foe as she waited for him to make his move. She was curious as to why the Future Demon Gods were so interested in Cell's 'Dark' Dragon Ball, something that made her wonder if there was another Eternal Dragon they didn't know about, a topic she could ask her mother about later. In addition to that she found three newcomers joining the battle, a young man who reminded her of Cell, due to his insectoid wings, a second young man who seemed to have white fur all over his body, and a young lady wearing a lab coat who turned her skin bubblegum pink and gave herself a long pink tail, along with white baggy pants and a black chest cover.

As all sorts of fights started around her she noticed something else, the one who had been following Cell around suddenly changed course as she struck the muscular Demon God in the back of his head, sending him down towards the ground as everyone else paused for a moment, since her allies were totally surprised.

"What the hell, Putine? Have you gone mad?!" the muscular Demon God remarked, where he and his allies stared at the female demon for a moment, which was around the time that Ginyu blinked for a second as Guldo knocked him down to the ground as well, causing those familiar with the horned warrior to know what's going on.

"Is that her name? I can get used to it." Putine said, causing Twilight to chuckle for a little as she realized that Ginyu had taken the opportunity to steal the body and power of a powerful foe while she was distracted, while at the same time the fact that Guldo wasn't confused meant they had used his time powers to get behind her without them noticing, all while the Captain raised her empty hand to her forehead and formed a V for victory, "Lord Frieza, Captain Putine is reporting for duty!"

"Give me back my body you... creep!" Ginyu demanded, though as Twilight noticed that the body was standing oddly, no doubt due to who was now inside it, she noted that the Captain had empowered his technique, because he had spoken with Putine's voice and she had spoken with the voice of his previous form, meaning impersonations were easier for him and made her wonder how such a change had come to pass.

In the next moment, while everyone was coming to terms with what had happened, the energy in the air condensed into a massive sphere above Cell's head, one that looked nearly identical to a miniature moon, causing Guldo to grab Putine and flee as the various warriors understood that the battle was about to end. Twilight could tell that the Dark Spirit Bomb was strong, especially as Cell sent it hurling down towards her with the intent of crushing her into dust or just crushing her into the ground before blasting everything to pieces, but she stood her ground. When it reached the halfway point Twilight just moved her staff into her left hand before raising her right towards the Dark Spirit Bomb, activating her ability while using her power at the same time, the latter to stall or even push it back while the former devoured it's energy. For a moment she expected it to start shrinking as it paused, given what she had experienced in the past, though while it stalled in the air the sphere remained the same size, which sort of made sense given that there was a lot of Ki wrapped up in one attack, so it would take longer to drain all of it.

A few seconds later, however, she found that the Dark Spirit Bomb started to slowly resume it's course and was coming at her once more, only this time something was wrong about the situation, the attack wasn't even reacting to her drain ability, as if the Demon Gods had figured out a way around that. Such a thing did make some sense to her, because if their plan was to destroy her, for being a threat to whatever they happened to be planning, it made complete sense to go back to a time where she didn't have the power to resist them and one that had the perfect pawn for them to use. It was a good strategy, using Cell's desire for a good battle against him so they could have someone to form an attack they could manipulate into something that could kill her, and in that moment she understood the scene that was playing out before her. The soldiers were just a distraction, both for the others and for her, as their energy was covering the core of the Dark Spirit Bomb, a core made out of the energy of the assembled Demon Gods and Goddesses, the very item that was resisting her ability to absorb the massive Ki attack and was ensuring the attack stayed in one piece.

In that instant she understood that the remaining enemies wanted her dead, to the point that they would cheat to get what they wanted, though even then she held her ground and applied more effort to either breaking the attack or figuring out a way to get around the barrier.

"Should have known that the Demon Gods would play dirty." a voice said, where Twilight found that Aeos appeared in front of her, though this time around Twilight found that time hadn't been affected by anyone, especially since the sphere was on it's way down to where she was standing, "They hid a core of God Ki inside the massive Dark Spirit Bomb, as they realized that you don't have the power to absorb that type of energy... yet, anyway."

"Which is why we're here." another voice added, one that came from Chronoa, who Twilight frowned at for a moment, as their past encounters had soured her opinion of the current Supreme Kai of Time, though this time around she stood her ground and focused on the task at hand, "We'll explain later, but we're here to even the odds... by infusing, or gifting you if you prefer, you with some of our own God Ki."

Twilight found that the pair walked behind her before stopping a couple of steps behind her, where they called forth their own powers and extracted some of their God Ki, causing them to focus as they started the process of infusing her with the power needed to stand up to this attack. In the next moment she heard four more figures land behind her and turned her head to see that her mother, along with Demigra, Robelu, and Chamel, had decided to join them and had their left hands raised towards her, offering her a small portion of their God Ki as well. Such a thing caused Twilight to chuckle as she took it all in, something that allowed her to focus her mind for a moment before stalling the Dark Spirit Bomb as she tracked down the core that was causing her so much trouble. A few seconds later she pushed it back into the air, forcing it to get closer to where Cell happened to be standing, and, sure enough, she felt him trying to resist her power, effectively trapping it in the space between them as everyone else wisely pulled away, as there was no telling what might happen to the attack.

As they faced each other, however, Twilight could feel their energies clashing and Cell decided to do something new, he used the Kaio-Ken to boost his power to new heights so he could see the sphere back down to her, but it refused to budge from where it was resting. In fact all this did was add pressure to the Dark Spirit Bomb, since two powerful forces were trying to control it from two different angles, and she wasn't even surprised when it's form started to shudder, getting smaller for a few seconds before it expanded outward, back to it's former glory. A few seconds later it repeated the motion and increased in size a few times, a sign that things were becoming unstable, before a silver light appeared inside it and bits started to pour out of the attack, even though all of the Ki was still trapped inside the massive sphere. From what she could tell it looked like the sphere was now effecting the area around them, as the ground started to shift and break, almost as if gravity was being altered in some manner, given that some of the large hills were breaking apart before their eyes.

Cell continued to stain himself against her might, while Twilight focused on the Dark Spirit Bomb, and when it reached the point of no return she flexed her power some more and the sphere condensed into a single point in a few seconds, where all of the energy remained trapped in a black marble that she swallowed without delay.

In the next moment a pillar of dark energy erupted from where she was standing, as there was a lot of energy inside the marble for her to add to her own, though Twilight smirked for a moment as she focused on obtaining a new level of power that would shock everyone. Towa watched as the pillar broke down without too much time passing since it appeared, as it had been about ten seconds or so, and when her daughter emerged she found that things had changed, because her attire was no longer armor, rather it was more like a elegant gown, the front part of the skirt stopping above her knees while the backside stopped just a little further than that. In addition to that she found a few interesting things, such as the diamond shaped cutout in the chest area that showed off the inner sides of her breasts, a common trait for the attire of a Demon Goddess, while the gown stopped at a red collar around her neck, but it exposed her backside. In that moment she and the others found that Twilight had a few additions in this form, as she was now sporting a pair of feathered wings on her back and a horn on her forehead, both colored to match her body interestingly enough.

The strangest thing was that her staff disappeared entirely, meaning she was different from the rest of the Demon Gods and Goddesses who came before her, something that caused those who knew of the form to remain silent, save for one who just had to say something about this.

"And so, in an attempt to stop her rise to power, our enemies have utterly failed... a new Demon Goddess has been born." Demigra stated, though as he said that he and the other gods, demon and Tokishin, realized that Twilight's new power was greater than her previous form, meaning Cell was totally screwed.

As Cell opened his mouth, so he could talk about this for a few seconds before resuming their glorious fight, Twilight made the first move as she rushed through the air and appeared in front of him before he even had a chance to move from the area he had prepared his Dark Spirit Bomb in. In the next instant she struck him in the chest, right where the Dark Dragon Ball was located, with a fierce punch that sent the ball flying through his body and out his backside, surprising everyone in the process as it landed some distance away. As Cell came to terms with how strong she was, and that his power paled in comparison to her might, she spun around and kicked him in the side of the head, before he even had a chance to recover from the previous attack, where he was sure she cracked his skull in the process. After that she grabbed his tail and spun him around for a few seconds before swinging him towards the ground, which was when Twilight kicked him in the back and rode him down into the ground, crushing him under her terrifying might.

In the next moment, as Cell tried to get up, Twilight struck him several times in the chest, leaving marks in the process, but as he staggered backward something inside him broke and he started to feel something coming up his throat, where he ended up throwing up 18. As everyone noticed that, however, Cell started to curse as he was forcefully regressed into his altered semi-perfect form, something that caused the Demon Gods and the remaining Demon Goddess to pull back, as all of them and their soldiers departed before they became Twilight's next target. Of course such a thing meant that they left behind their own ally, who was stuck in Ginyu's old body now and seemed to be whining over losing her body, but for the most part the remaining warriors ignored her, as they were far more interested in Twilight. Even the three mysterious figures were unsure of what was going on right now, meaning they were as lost as the Z Warriors, but they did drop out of the sky and land near Earth's champions, just so they could watch what was going on and witness the end of the games.

Frieza, however, grinned as he and his family waited for the killing blow to be delivered, as Twilight had won and it was just a matter of time until she destroyed the bio-android, allowing them to focus on what the future held in store for them and the people of Earth.

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