• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Talking with Hedo

Hedo was at a loss for words as he considered his current predicament, as he had been captured by the police, his lab was no doubt being dismantled by those that had the knowledge to do so, and all of his ghouls, both the Alpha and Beta series, were resting in a chamber specifically designed to keep people like them contained. The worst part was that he had finally gotten the data disk container back, holding the precious item that was stored away inside it, and it had brought about his capture, since it seemed like the police knew that someone at Blue Hal High School having gained possession of it and had set up a trap for him. He wondered how he could have blindly walked into what had clearly been an elaborate trap, since he recalled the bag holding the container having nothing else in it, an odd fact he was only now realizing, meaning he should have had the driver take the extended route, as they could have gotten out of this without any problems. In addition to that he couldn't believe that he was taken in by Data Red and Data Blue, two members of the great hero force that had shown up recently, though instead of feeling ashamed by that fact he was actually happy, as he had gotten a chance to meet them up close and personal, making him wonder if he'd be able to get their autographs once his sentence was complete.

As he thought about that, however, he glanced around the room he was in and found that it seemed designed to ensure that the people brought here would be unable to bust their way out, before the door opened and he realized that a lawyer or one of the top officials of the police was here to speak with him... only to pause as Lady Twilight, in the flesh, walked through the door and entered the room, causing the door to close behind her.

"Dr. Hedo, we meet at last." Twilight said, though at the same time she took a seat at the table that the smaller figure was sitting at, since it was the only thing he could do as he waited for someone to come in and talk with him, causing her to pull out a few things that contained all of the information she had on him, "We have a lot to talk about... like all of the laws that you've broken, the dark lengths you went to in order to regain this one item, and what's going to happen to the ghouls you created over the last few weeks. Frankly, for someone who wants to be a hero, and outright adores super heroes, everything you've done so far is... well, hypocritical, plus there's the nature of your frankenstein experiments... all of this is unbecoming of someone who wants to be a hero."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hedo asked, where he noticed something as Twilight sat down, she pulled out a couple of items and set them down on the table, including a tablet that looked unlike anything else he had seen before, along with a pill container and a few other items.

"A hero is supposed to save the day and fight villains... you, on the other hand, have robbed graveyards, stolen bodies to revive as ghouls, attacked a school, threatened to blow up a city block, and many other crimes." Twilight replied, where Hedo paused for a moment as he considered what she was saying, which was good news for her since it meant he wasn't totally like his grandfather, who had been obsessed with Goku to the point of pure madness, "And you even attacked the real heroes a few times... honestly, at this point your obsession with super heroes is almost like the madness that Gero suffered before his demise, and if you go any further I'm afraid that you'll suffer the same fate. In fact, I took the liberty of checking your genetics against your grandfather's and found a few genetic markers that indicate you've also inherited the condition as well, only you haven't reached the point in time that it'll actually affect you... to counter it, I have prepared one of my special medical pills to help you out."

Hedo had heard of the item in question while he was setting up his various labs, as they were said to help people that had all sorts of conditions, and while it was true that madness did seem to run in his family, because the records on his father sure indicated he had suffered from it before his demise, he had figured that it would be years before he started to see the signs his family had ignored. As he thought about that fact, however, he realized something as Twilight prepared the pill container, he had screwed up quite a lot recently and, upon thinking about what she had said, could see how someone like her would say that his actions were hypocritical. In the next moment she offered him the pill and some water, almost as if she knew that it would be in his best interests to take it while he could, like a silent warning that he'd start to go mad at some point in the very near future, no doubt in the next year or so, causing Hedo to down the pill and water. That was when he felt something inside him change in the span of a few seconds, though unlike the various transformation items in the world, which Twilight was known for, there was nothing physical, purely mental and probably a little genetic to make sure the madness never surfaced.

Twilight nodded as she tapped something on her tablet, moved an item to another area, and then set it down in front of him for a moment, where Hedo noticed that it contained her personal exam of him before administering the pill, where he had to wonder what sort of exam she was talking about, but realized it might be time related, as there were rumors that she could peer into other timelines, and decided not to question it.

"Now then, part of the reason I did this is because most of the population knows about Gero, and the fact that most of the doctors claim he went mad in some manner," Twilight continued, which was true to some degree, given what the man had done in his mad quest to bring down Goku and avenge the organization he had been affiliated with for some time, though her focus was on Hedo and his reaction to what she had in mind, "those same people have already determined that you are in the early stages of that very same madness, so anything that you told the ghouls to do will be seen as part of that madness... but, if you want to be seen as a hero, you need to stop doing such stupid and outrageous things, especially the part where your creations actually threaten innocent people. However, some people have turned a blind eye to the evil you have committed and are petitioning the courts to reduce your sentence... the only condition is that you freely allow all of the ghouls you've created to go home to their families... I'll have to do some work on them, to restore their minds and fix up their bodies so they aren't seen as ghouls anymore, but they'll be back home in a single day."

"How much time are we talking?" Hedo asked, though at the same time he checked the information that was on the tablet Twilight had set in front of him, as his mind was racing to do the calculations and even envision what she had written on the device, a plan that was staggering when he considered all of the pieces labeled on the side.

"You'll have to serve three months, out of what should be a very long sentence, but you'll be a free man after that... and I aim to use that to my advantage." Twilight stated, something that was followed by a smirk appearing on her face, as she could tell Hedo was interested in what he was reading and that meant she might be able to convince him to actually join her forces, turning him into a true hero while he worked to make whatever he was working towards, "You see, the newly reborn Red Ribbon Army, who have been living in the shadows and have no doubt been planning world domination, are no doubt interested in you and the fact that you're Gero's grandson... they know you've inherited some of his work, items they want to use to take over the world. News will reach them that you have been imprisoned and some of their members will no doubt come to investigate the area you will be held in, and I intend on using that against them... you want to be a hero, like Cleangod and the Data Sentai Digiman? I can make you one... we just need to teach you how to behave like a true super hero, instead of causing destruction and chaos like a villain."

"This is insane... you want me to infiltrate their secret operations, pretend to work with them, make the item they want to use while fooling them at the same time, and relay all sorts of information to you?" Hedo remarked, because he had heard rumors that Twilight was one of the smartest individuals in the entire world, in fact many assumed that she was above everyone, as in her intelligence was on a whole other level, and even he could see that this plan was full of risks.

"Yes. Heroes fight villains, right? This of this as more of your hero debut, if you will... people will be overjoyed to hear that the Red Ribbon Army's beaten again, and you'll get the fame you want." Twilight said, though she could tell that he was seriously thinking the offer over, which meant she had won him over, to which she collected the tablet for a moment and switched it to another tab, one that told him all of the benefits that came with accepting the offer, before handing it back to him and nearly chuckled as he laid eyes on it, "If you agree to join me in my quest to take down the Red Ribbon Army, there are a few things we'll have to work on, before and after you join the empire... namely using your time in prison to learn how to be a true hero and offering official apologizes for everything you've done up until now. Join my empire and you won't have to resort to robbing graves, plus you'll have access to all sorts of materials that cannot be found on Earth, how each one is used throughout the empire, and people like yourself to work with. So... what do you say?"

Hedo considered the offer that was being presented to him, as he wanted to create the ultimate android and by heading out into space, tackling planets and resources that only Twilight's empire had access to, he would be able to create something that was a blend of both worlds. He could see it now, the ultimate android mixed with the potential of being the greatest of super heroes, saving the universe or the worlds beyond from all sorts of dangers, fulfilling two of his dreams with ease, and it all started with everything Twilight wanted him to do to bring down the Red Ribbon Army. Given what he could see of her plan he'd have plenty of time to start working towards both of his goals, especially in the android department since he had new ideas on a whole new breed of androids after the Dino-droid 01 had been destroyed earlier, a 'Gamma' line that would be far more than the ghouls he had created for the Alpha and Beta series. Sure, there were all sorts of things he had to learn before any of that could happen, in fact he was sure he wouldn't have a lot of free time during his stay in whatever prison he was sent to, but that only caused a smile to appear on his face, as this path was far more clear that the one he had been on previously and, more importantly, he could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Twilight smiled as she noticed the look on Hedo's face, especially when he told her that he was willing to join her if she could actually do everything she was promising, causing her to chuckle as she made sure the contract was signed before letting the officers know his decision on the ghouls, as he had agreed to let them return to their families, because things were going to get even more interesting with him working with her and it made her eager to see what happened next.

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