• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Full Moon Awakening

Following Mechikabura's downfall, a fact that had surprised the Xeno warriors in the process, Twilight spent the rest of the week resting, doing her usual training to get used to her new base power, and working on a project based off of what she saw during her time in the future Age. She had been fascinated by two of the Xeno warriors and was hard at work making something that would help Goku and Vegeta gain more power, because if both of them got stronger she knew that her father and his father would push themselves to actually do more training and grow their own powers as well. There was also the fact that their increase in power would lead to further growth on her part as well, because they were the best training partners anyone could ask for, and while many might assume that she hated the two warriors, for their past actions, she had moved past that to focus on her plans. While some rage was important, given that sometimes one gained vast power from it, she knew that letting it cloud one's vision, so it was all they saw and focused on, was a terrible thing and that it would only lead to ruin, hence why she moved on from her rage towards the pair.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she focused on her tablet once more and found that her project was complete, which was a good thing because she had been worried that it would failure in some manner, before she moved over to the device that synthesized serums for her, the very thing she used to make her Animorph variants.

"You seem to be in a good mood, Twilight... and I don't mean because your plan worked." Towa commented, because she knew her daughter's habits and could tell that something had made her happy, though like she said it wasn't due to the fact that she had stopped Mechikabura from fulfilling his dark plans.

"The project is complete. There is no problem with what I have planned." Twilight replied, where she slipped the tablet into a slot that she used occasionally and tapped another button on a near by screen, something that caused Towa to watch as the device started to formulate whatever was on the tablet, just as it was designed to do, before she walked over to one of the tables and picked up an injector, "Fortunately a full moon is right around the corner, the best time to accomplish what I have in mind... hopefully Goku and Vegeta live up to my expectations."

Towa recalled what happened right before they put their plan into motion against the Dark King, how she had been very interested in two of the Xeno warriors, and suspected that the Saiyans in question would actually live up to her daughter's expectations of them, especially given their desire for power and the forms they had unlocked so far. If anything Towa felt that both Saiyans would appreciate the gift her daughter was planning on giving them and would no doubt give her their absolute best in a training session, allowing Twilight to grow as well, an everlasting circle in her mind. In fact she was sure that this was what her daughter had in mind, she was helping the Saiyans both to keep the Earth safe, in case they came under fire while she, their family, and their allies were gone, while at the same time ensuring that their power allowed her to grow her own at an extraordinary pace. There was also the fact that there were other dangers in the universe, such as Moro, who was currently imprisoned and would soon perish on his own if nothing serious happened, so Twilight was also preparing the Saiyans for the future, whether they knew it or not.

Her own thoughts were interrupted as the device beeped and Twilight pulled the vial off of it, one that was filled with a crimson liquid, definitely not blood, and carefully corked it before placing a second on it, showing Towa that she needed two, one for each Saiyan, and once that was done she walked over to a communicator and tapped it.

"Bulma, come in. Are you there?" Twilight inquired, because half the time she found that the dragon lady was nowhere near the device that allowed her to communicate with her, while also finding that the other half she did have it, though it wasn't long before the line was connected as Bulma appeared on the other side.

"Yeah, I'm here. Vegeta's in the gravity chamber, training." Bulma replied, as she was used to people calling and asking where her husband was, something she didn't bother to correct since those outside their circle didn't need to know any of the specifics behind their relationship, and this was usually her first answer.

"I figured as much. Can you tell him that I have something special for him and Goku, something that will give them a boost to their power?" Twilight asked, as she knew that the former Prince would want more power, to bring her and her father down, or to beat Goku since that seemed to be his focus right now, and the reason she was telling Bulma about Goku was so she could contact him while she was wrapping things up here.

Bulma said nothing to that as she nodded her head and disconnected the line, allowing Twilight to walk over to the device once more as it beeped again, producing a second vial of crimson liquid that she collected, corked, and stored away as she made sure the injector was ready. While she was getting ready Frieza and the others showed up as well, because they had returned for a time, a visit and a break from the rest of the Empire, something that was becoming more common, which made Towa wonder if her husband was itching for Twilight to take over, and now they were interested in what Twilight had in mind for the Saiyans. It made Towa remember that her daughter had told no one about what they had seen in the future, save for those who had been present for the final stages of her plan, so they had no real idea what she was doing and were merely curious, even though this could convince Frieza to get serious about his training, or maybe not since he seemed content with his current power. She also knew that Twilight was keeping her new form a secret for the time being, either to get used to her new strength or, and this was the more likely reason, she was waiting for a worthy challenger to arrive before she bothered to use it, even though it did make her wonder just how much power she held as the new Dark Queen, given Mechikabura's vast power.

After a few moments of getting ready Twilight proclaimed that she was ready to go, especially since the vials were resting in a protected pouch, before they departed from their home and headed to Capsule Corp once more, because that was the favorite gathering point for Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else in their group, other than the Lookout. With that in mind she focused her mind and discovered that many of the Z Warriors were coming their way, meaning Bulma must have taken a moment to call some of the others and tell them that she wanted to give the two Saiyans something, or she had another reason and was killing two birds with one stone. Twilight really didn't care which answer was right at the moment, rather she was focused on her task and what it would do to the Saiyans she was interested in, because her project indicated that this would work and she was eager to see it in action, especially after her time in the future. Of course her family was silent on this matter, mostly because her father and his family had no idea what she was up to and wanted to see the results of her newest project, allowing Twilight to focus on the task at hand as she found their destination and descended towards it.

Sure enough she found that the two Saiyans were present, not to mention the majority of their friends, meaning most of them must have been near Bulma's place when she got the call earlier, allowing her to land without delay as the rest of her family did the same.

"So, Twilight, you really have a way for us to gain more power?" Goku asked, because while he knew that she was stronger than she had been before her venture into the future, something that disappointed him since he wanted to see the Dark King and his power, he was interested in what sort of training she had in mind to increase their power even further.

"Yes, but it's not training... at least not yet." Twilight said, where she took out the injector for a moment and prepped it, by pressing a few buttons to ensure that everything was ready for when she wanted to use it, and found that Goku paled a little as he noticed the small needle, "Oh relax, it's not going to hurt you. Are both of you wearing Morph Clothing?"

"Your clothing has dominated the market, to the point that it's been woven into our clothing and my armor." Vegeta stated, though at the same time he had to wonder why Twilight would ask such a thing, since there was no reason for him or even Kakarot to need the special clothing that modified itself according to whatever Animorph products one ingested, which he and his fellow Saiyan didn't care for.

"Good to know." Twilight remarked, where she stepped up and moved behind Goku first, since he was afraid of needles and might flinch if he witnessed it being used, which was when she slipped a vial into the injector, locked it into place, and then got him right in the side of his neck, injecting the liquid into his body, causing her to pull it out when the deed was done and switch it for the second as she turned towards Vegeta, "You'll understand why I asked soon enough."

Vegeta stared at her for a few seconds before offering his arm to her, as he wasn't afraid of needles, causing her to quickly inject the liquid from the second vial into his body, where he flexed his fingers and moved his arm while he waited for it to do whatever it was designed to do.

"Now, both of you are going to feel like a fire is coursing through your veins in the very near future, so just know that it's part of my offering." Twilight said, figuring that she could give them a bit of warning so they knew what to expect, which would be due to the effects of the serum she had injected into both of their bodies, which was when Vegeta raised one of his eyebrows as he focused on her once more, "I'm not going to kill you two like this... seriously, if I wanted to actually kill you I'd do it in battle, actually give you a chance to fight for your lives."

As Vegeta opened his mouth to say something both he and Kakarot doubled over in pain, showing the others that it was time for the serum to do it's job, and discovered that Twilight was right, it felt like a fire rushing through his veins, but that was swiftly followed by his spine extending, causing him to glance back as his jaw dropped as he saw his old Saiyan tail swaying behind him.

"What the?" Vegeta said, as that was all he could say in this situation, since he had expected many things when he heard that Twilight had a way for him and Kakarot to gain more power, in fact part of him really expected her to have some form of painful training for them in mind, but regrowing his Saiyan tail was not among his thoughts.

"Wow, it's been years since I had a tail." Goku commented, because he recalled the things he had done with his tail, not to mention the trouble it helped get them out of when he transformed on accident, allowing them to stop Pilaf from getting his wish on the Dragon Balls, before finding that he could move it like before and discovered that both his and Vegeta's attire had made way for their tails.

"I'm not sure I understand your reasoning, Twilight. Why bring back their Saiyan tails?" Gohan asked, as it seemed weird to him, even though he had been born with one and lost it during Vegeta and Nappa's assault on the planet, or at least their battle with Piccolo and the others.

"During my brief time in the future Age, I met their Xeno counterparts: members of the Time Patrol, who had access to an interesting form," Twilight explained, though at the same time Vegeta recalled how to fully use his tail and moved it back to it's position around his waist, while Goku didn't seem to mind letting it sway behind him, showing her that they had adjusted to having their tails again, at least to some degree, "I learned that the method to obtain the form involved being able to transform into a Great Ape, so obviously my first step was to figure out how to regrow their tails... fortunately my studies into Saiyan genetics allowed me to pinpoint the gene that, when expressed fully, allows a Saiyan to regrow their tail, even one that's been cut off for many years. Now that both of you have your tails again we can move onto phase two of my plan: that being moving into the mountains so you can get used to moving with your tails again, but also giving you room to transform into your Great Ape forms again. That's when things will get interesting, because the next stage will be more important, as you'll need to transform into a Golden Great Ape... after that you'll need to overcome that rage, which will lead to both of you gaining your newest form: Super Saiyan 4."

The two Saiyans glanced at each other for a moment, as they had no idea what Twilight was talking about and were far more interested in what she had learned than they were willing to admit, causing them to agree with her plan, though this did explain why she wanted them to have their modified clothing on. With that done she and her family moved them into the mountains, far away from Bulma's residence and the rest of the city, while making sure to teleport those who wanted to see this with their own eyes as well, since there was an observation area for them to rest in. Twilight had set this area up after learning of the process from the Xeno Saiyans, giving her an area to watch over Goku and Vegeta while they did their training, in addition to allowing her to form a cube shaped barrier around the area, just to be sure they didn't go out and cause mayhem in their Great Ape forms. As everyone got settled in, since there were a few hours before night fell and the moon rose, Twilight raised her magic and formed the protective barrier around the part of the forest that they were in, since this mountain had a bunch of trees, before informing the Saiyans that it was time for them to begin.

Sure enough the two started training while the others observed them, finding that Vegeta was quick to adapt to moving with his tail again, since he had far more experience than Goku did, while the Saiyan raised on Earth proved that he was just as skilled as his rival, regaining the balance and movements despite only having his for a number of years. Twilight knew that the rest of the Saiyans, like Gohan and Trunks, were watching and observing, no doubt wondering if they could do this, despite the fact that Goku's eldest didn't care about growing as a Saiyan anymore, but she warned them that this was best left for the adults. The two moved with ease, rushing around the area as Vegeta taught Goku how to properly move with a tail, once again showing that he was far more skilled in that aspect while revealing that his rival was able to keep up due to his ability to quickly adapt to new things. It was quite fascinating to watch, that much Twilight could tell as time went on, and it only made her that much more interested in using the Room of Time to go back and observe the rest of the Saiyans during their actual training, but for the time being she focused on the pair as she watched the day give way for the night.

When the moon rose into the sky, releasing the powerful blutz waves into the two Saiyans as Eschalot backed off, as she remembered her first transformation and didn't want a repeat, though as Goku and Vegeta started to huff both Bulma and Chi-Chi called out for them to think about why they were trying to obtain this power as the show got started. Twilight watched as the two started to shift into their long forgotten Great Ape forms, their bodies bulking up and gaining more mass as they started to grow bigger and bigger before their eyes, surprising those who hadn't seen the only form that the Saiyans had, at least until the events of Namek. While they started to transform, however, Twilight noticed that the fur on their bodies started to change, as while it started out brown, the normal color based on what she had seen in the past, it started to take on a golden sheen, as if they were skipping a step and combining two steps of her plan into a single swift motion. Sure enough she and the others watched as two Golden Great Apes eventually took shape in the area that she had set up for this event, though while Vegeta had more experience controlling the base form he was having a hard time controlling the enraged golden form, while Goku himself was also consumed by rage.

In that moment, as the two enraged Saiyans clashed with each other, Twilight understood the key to calming the rage and obtaining the form she had seen in the future, where she opened a hole in the barrier and slipped inside, making sure to close it as she stared down at the figures, who hadn't even noticed her arrival.

"Goku, Vegeta, I want you two to try and think about why you want this power. What would you use it for?" Twilight stated, because simply thinking that the form was for the power itself, and nothing else, was wrong and might not help them out in calming their rage, but, knowing the Saiyans in question, she knew they were listening to her every word, despite the rage they were feeling at the moment, "Do you want it for the sake of growing stronger... or do you want it for the sake of someone important to you? I'll leave you two to figure that out for yourselves."

Her words stopped the two from clashing, allowing Twilight to slip out through the opening that she reopened for just a few seconds, something that allowed everyone to observe as the two, in the depths of their souls, sought out the answer, their personal answer anyway, to her question. Sure enough it wasn't long before lightning started to arc around their bodies as Goku reached for the moon, for some odd reason, though that was only a temporary thing as the two started to wail on each other again, as if her interruption had been a mere pause in their rage. For a time it really didn't seem like her words were having any real impact on the two Saiyans, causing her to wonder if she had wasted her time with all of this, as she was sure she could have created a machine to infuse them with either the blutz waves or even the form that she had been interested in. As she considered that, however, a new idea sprung to mind as she turned towards Chi-Chi and Bulma for a moment, not to mention Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Eschalot, where she asked the six to get ready, because her new idea was to use their families to try and break through their rage, to give them a physical representation of what they should be fighting for.

A few seconds later she carefully moved the six into the protected zone, with her mother and Demigra watching over both groups, to teleport them out if things got hairy, Vegeta's family approaching him while Goku's did the same, allowing the rest of the group to watch and observe.

Their arrival caused the two Saiyans to pause for a time as they stared at the groups, memories surfacing based on the fact that neither one seemed to move after noticing their guests, though in that moment Twilight sensed a drastic change in the air, energy being altered to fit a new purpose. For a couple of precious moments nothing seemed to happen, which made Twilight wonder if she had been wrong about this plan of action, before the two Saiyans started to growl as both of them turned towards the moon and held their hands out towards it as blue lightning danced around their bodies. This, as far as she could tell, was exactly what they were waiting for and made sure the groups were moved back, placed under the protection of the edge of the barrier when Twilight altered it, but if the Saiyans needed reinforcement they were nearby for them to look at. There was another fact that told her that they were successful, the golden aura that appeared around both figures, where it almost looked like they were struggling to regain themselves and deal with their anger, to the point where the air seemed to vibrate under the intensity of their power.

In fact the entire forest was tore asunder by the power they were emitting, though through the smoke Twilight watched as both Saiyans shrunk down to their humanoid forms, though she could only smile as she noticed that both had the red fur on their chests and arms, with the different hairstyles she had seen as well, and when everything settled down she could see that both had obtained the new form.

"So this is Super Saiyan 4... amazing!" Gohan remarked, as while he and the others had been wondering what sort of form this transformation would take, since Twilight had shared nothing about this while they were watching, this was beyond what he, personally, was expecting to see by the time this was over.

"Indeed... I don't know what to say." Goku said, as he glanced over his new form and Vegeta's new appearance, who was doing the same thing, and knew that their power was now on a level that was beyond what they had before attempting this process, before both of them grinned as they imagined what they could do now, "I can't wait to test this form out in a proper battle."

"And you will... for now, however, you should get used to your new forms. We'll clash when you are ready." Twilight said, to which she dismissed the barrier, as it looked like she wouldn't need it or it's protection, though she was pleased with what she was seeing, because while they weren't as strong as their Xeno counterparts she did know that Goku and Vegeta were now far stronger than they had been earlier that day.

She was excited by the prospect of training with them, now that they had obtained this new transformation, and seeing just how much power could be gleams from using this form in battle, something that made her all the more interested in what the future held for them.

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