• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Destroyers: An Unexpected Arrival

Following her takeover of the Galactic Patrol, and joining it with all of the other organizations that were under her ever growing power, Twilight's first actions were to united them into a single force that worked together to uphold the safety of the universe, into the Grand Imperial Army, or GIA as some called it. Such a thing meant melding all of the soldiers into a single unified force that protected the rest of the universe, working together instead of against each other, not to mention ensuring that everyone had the more advanced armor and gear to do their jobs. Such a thing shocked Merus and Jaco when she came in on the first day, delivering upgraded gear, workers and soldiers to help them learn how she wanted to keep the peace of the universe, and even delved into the security system, tearing it's pitiful defenses to shreds before installing a brand new system to keep the information safe. That, alone, caused their jaws to drop as they watched her do her work on the terminals, upgrading and modifying the systems so that they worked as well as the machines in her father's Empire, which were as good as her own tablet, something that caused her to remember that everything was, essentially, hers now.

She also made sure that the old Galactic King was swiftly placed in the very jail that Moro was in, making sure the octopus was actually wearing clothes, before turned her attention to updating all of the procedures, protocols, and even the vast amount of devices that kept the mad sorcerer imprisoned.

Twilight had to admit that Moro was a fascinating creature, even if he used his power to devour the life energy out of every creature and every plant on the planets he attacked, as nothing was spared when he did his thing, and yet there was no real history on where he came from. He was a lot like her in a way, both of them had mysteriously appeared in this universe, as if the magical element of the universe itself gave way for their creation, along with the fact that they had a strong connection that allowed them to use magic, hence why she had to observe him from a safe distance. Based on her understanding of his power she suspected that if she got too close to him he would recognize her magical of her powers and likely steal of small piece of it, which would allow Moro to escape from his bindings and escape into the universe, an event that would be bad for everyone. With how she had changed the universe there was all sorts of feasts that he could partake in, planets full of energy that he could devour to quickly grow his terrifying power, meaning he would become a monster in a short period of time if he was released, hence why part of her focus was on ensuring that he remained in his cell, at least until she convinced Beerus or the trainees to kill him.

In addition to that Twilight also safely dismantled the various Extinction Bombs that had been made, as there were only a handful of them in existence, four to be exact, but she wanted to be sure they were taken care of without leaving a trace of their existence, while making sure the plans for their creation were utterly destroyed, erased from existence while also memorizing them, just to preserve the knowledge in her ironclad memory.

When she wasn't busy doing anything to maintain the state of the universe, which she left in the hands of her mother, her father, a few of the higher ranking Demons, and even Merus, who had been elevated to her Commander over those who worked in the patrol side of things, Twilight trained and maintained her own power. Such a thing meant that she trained with either Whis, who was the greatest partner she could ask for when it came to her final form, or trading blows with the likes of Goku and Vegeta, as both Saiyans grew in the face of great foes and she was, in their eyes, the greatest they could ask for. Of course she also took breaks and watched the pair as they tackled whatever training Whis had in mind for them, as he was working on improving their skills, especially since it required time to utilize the Super Saiyan Blue form, mostly in the sense of perfecting it like the forms that came before it. The best thing that came from her facing off against them in that form was that she was able to directly point out where their flaws were so they could rapidly improve, without saying much in the process, because both were used to her way of teaching and acknowledged her motions as they constantly pushed themselves to become better than before.

Of course they weren't the only ones training, as Twilight found that Beerus was series about training the trainees and all three were getting stronger as the days and weeks went by, even if it would take some time to match Beerus' own power, but Saria, Shandy, and Caser were pleased with whatever progress they were able to make. Occasionally she trained with them, allowing Beerus and Whis to see how they had improved while Goku and Vegeta rested from their lessons, though she found gaping holes in their various techniques and motions, ones that either Beerus had no idea about or didn't care to help them fix. Shandy had also developed his own special attack, a large sphere of energy that he called 'Super Star Break', which seemed to be a variation of the Sphere of Destruction that Beerus and Saria used, while Caser himself used a red version he called 'Red Sun Destroyer'. They were strong and powerful skills, worthy of trainee Gods of Destruction, though while Twilight was sure that they would do some damage to a planet, not destroy them utterly like Beerus could, all three of them were nothing before her terrifying might, as she shattered them and siphoned the remnants of power that had formed them in the first place.

It was during one of those training sessions that Goku and Vegeta were tasked with clashing without using Super Saiyan Blue against the other, to further improve their base forms, which ended with Vegeta transforming before Whis stopped them, lectured them a little, and then punished them with incredibly heavy suits that they had to do thumb stands, like hand stands but only with their thumbs.

"At least they're learning." Twilight remarked, as the Saiyans had a unique way of learning the lessons that were offered to them, usually through harsh training or even severe punishments like enduring the heavy weight of the thick clothing that Whis had put the pair in, though as she opened her mouth to say something else she felt the arrival of someone else on Beerus' planet and glanced in their direction, "It would seem that we have guests."

"Very good, you're learning fast as well." Whis said, all while he prepared his instant ramen cup and smiled as he smelled the aroma that came from it, as he had visited Earth fairly recently and collected a few more choice food options to share with Beerus later, though while he carefully ate the noodles and savored the flavoring he had to admit that Twilight's own power had grown rapidly, as she was able to sense the movement of an Angel to some degree.

"Who are those idiots? Students of yours, Whis?" a new voice asked, where Twilight glanced back and found two figures standing behind them, the very people she had tracked, before discovering that the speaker was like Beerus and Shandy, only with a plumper build, while his attendant was a female Angel who looked similar to Whis, only her hair was done up in a high ponytail.

"Lord Champa. Vados. What a pleasant surprise." Whis replied, choosing not to acknowledge the question as both Goku and Vegeta stopped their training, all while sealing his ramen cup in a sphere so it didn't go bad while he chatted, though he knew that Twilight had likely assumed who these two were, "Is there something I can assist you with?"

"Yeah, go get Beerus. I want to chat with him." Champa stated, where Twilight realized that most Gods of Destruction did, in fact, treat their Angels like servants, even if they happened to be the attendants of another universe's Destroyer, or at least the two she had encountered so far seemed to be of that mindset, before he glanced at her, "And who are you?"

"Dark Queen Twilight Sparkle, Empress of the Known Universe... I'm an associate of your brother's." Twilight said, as she wasn't worried about revealing anything to Champa, as there was no way for him to know about the Demon Realm and it's ruler, or the fact that she was Frieza's daughter, and he certainly wouldn't care about the state of Beerus' universe.

As Champa considered that information, however, he was interrupted as Beerus landed nearby, though his arrival was due to the fact that he and his trainees had been training in the forest section of his domain, hence why they had gotten here in such a short period of time.

"What do you want, Champa? I'm kind of busy right now." Beerus stated, because he had to admit that he enjoyed all of his training sessions with the three displaced trainees, as it allowed him to further sharpen his own power, though despite that fact he had to wonder how he measured up to Twilight's growing power.

"It's been a while since our last showdown and I found something that'll knock your socks off." Champa remarked, where Twilight discovered that she wasn't the only one interested in what he was talking about, since Goku, Vegeta, and the trio of trainees were eager to see what he and Beerus might do next.

Beerus stared at his brother for a moment before beckoning with his head, where he and Whis led the way back into his massive tree house, to a room that was reserved for whenever this happened, an area that happened to have a long table, two chairs, and next to nothing else in case the two of them decided to clash for some reason. Beerus sat on the left side as Champa took the right one, with their Angels standing on their respective rights, showing Twilight and the others that they were used to this sort of thing happening and were well prepared for whenever this happened. Whis quickly explained that the two brothers used to fight, as in actually swing their fists at each other, over disagreements, but since both of them held such high esteem for the food of their universe both he and Vados had convinced them to make their fights about food, to spare their universes from any additional destruction. The rules of such a showdown were quite simple, each Destroyer would present one food item, usually enough for the other God of Destruction and their Angel, and explain what it was as the other side tasted it, and it typically ended with both he and Vados determining the winner, but there were times where Beerus and Champa's expressions were all they needed.

With that information in hand, and Twilight thanked him since it seemed interesting, Vados produced an egg shaped device that opened in the front, revealing six decent sized eggs that could pass as ostrich eggs, only they had blue spots on them and, unless she was mistaken, they had been preserved in a cooked state on the way here, to keep them nice and fresh for when Champa arrived.

"Don't let your eyes deceive you, as these aren't plain old eggs... rather, they are hard boiled eggs of the newly discovered Don Don Bird," Champa stated, where two eggs floated out and landed in the hands of Beerus and Whis, two more floated over to Goku and Vegeta, and the remaining two remained by him and Vados, which meant that if Shandy and the others wanted a taste they would have to divide the eggs that the Saiyans were given, "It is said that there are no words to even begin to describe how delicious they are... and, as Vados likes to remind me, they are incredibly nutritious as well."

Twilight, on the other hand, took Goku's for a moment and did what she did best, extracting a sample out of it, as there was a small bit of DNA left in the shell, before using her magic to dice up the two eggs the Saiyans had been given so that all of them had something to sample, allowing everyone from Universe 7 to enjoy some eggs.

"I'll admit, it wasn't bad, however... Whis, prepare our course." Beerus stated, because thanks to his discovery of the food wonders of Earth, which everyone in his universe seemed to be uncovering on their own, he had far too many options to pick from and had prepared one of his favorites in the off chance that his brother showed up.

His dish, as it turned out, was the instant ramen bowls that Twilight had seen him and Whis enjoying in the past, hence the reason he had picked them for this challenge, where she noticed that Champa and Vados were surprised by his selection and simply watched what was going on. It was clear that his brother thought that Beerus was pulling his leg, especially due to the fact that there happened to be a timer and a large teapot that was full of hot water, though when it was time to eat Goku and Vegeta showed the gods exactly how to eat this particular dish. In a matter of seconds they prepared a couple of ramen bowls, where Twilight had to resist the urge to laugh as she watched Champa and Vados struggle with it for a few moments, before digging into the bowls that had been given to them as their gods did the same. Such a thing caused the deities from Universe 6 to sample it, just like Beerus and the others had done for their eggs, though it wasn't long before Champa devoured the entire bowl he had been given, he practically sucked in the noodles and guzzled the soup, showing that he actually enjoyed it.

What was hilarious about this was that Champa wanted to deny how good the food was, even despite devouring literally everything that had been placed in front of him, not to mention the fact that on Earth this happened to be a cheap option compared to everything else, so if he went to their Earth he'd be in for a rude awakening.

"Beerus, I have to ask... where in the world did you get this from?" Champa asked, where he looked down at the container he had been holding moments ago, imagining the delicious food that had been inside it just a few moments ago, and had to wonder why he had never discovered such a dish during his travels.

"On a planet called Earth, a place full of infinite delicacies that is constantly growing." Beerus replied, which was the truth, it had all sorts of delicious food and he couldn't wait for his next visit, since he was sure it would have something good for him to partake in, especially after the dish Bulma had given him and Whis while Goku and Vegeta were clashing with both Frieza and Cooler, "You should have one in your universe, somewhere."

Sure enough Goku and Vegeta, despite having put that together due to Champa's arrival, asked Twilight about it and she informed them that there were twelve universes in all of existence, something she had found out during her studies in the libraries of Alexandria, but they knew nothing more than that, as the other universes were beyond their power, causing Whis to tell them that each universe was paired to another and the numbers formed thirteen.

"I've found our Earth, Lord Champa... however, it would appear that war has devastated the planet entirely and humanity is dead." Vados stated, as she had stared into the orb of her staff, which was used as both a communicator, for those who they gave special devices to so they could communicate with her and her Destroyer, and a search engine of sorts, since it allowed her to peer anywhere in their universe.

"Damn, I didn't want to do this. Beerus, let's do 'battle'." Champa stated, showing Twilight and the others that he was very desperate to get his hands on the food of Earth, to the point that he was basically admitting defeat in the food contest he had started by coming here and initiating a contest of strength with his brother, "By that I mean a tournament between my universe and your universe, say with teams of five, where the last one standing will determine which of us wins... say for example that my team wins the tournament, we'll trade Earths."

"Yeah, how about no?" Twilight remarked, because while she was more than willing to let the Destroyers play their games, as it seemed to be common between Beerus and Champa, she drew the line at having a planet that she invested so much of her time into being the prize for such a tournament, "I'm fine with you two betting whatever you want, just as long as you leave my domain, and my Earth, out of it."

"Don't you mean Beerus' Earth?" Vados inquired, though she had to admit that she was now more interested in Twilight than she had been when she and Champa first arrived on Beerus' world, because there was a mortal who dared to speak against the desires of a God of Destruction, not to mention the trio standing nearby her.

Champa, being annoyed by her statement, stepped towards her in an attempt to punch her, though that was when Vados watched as Twilight dodged out of the way and slightly moved her right hand, knocking the Destroyer back with what had to be a gust of wind, but a quick glance from her caused Champa to stop before he did something stupid.

"No, she's means HER Earth." Beerus replied, because after his battle with Twilight, and her reaction to someone uttering a threat towards the planet in question, he knew it wasn't a good thing to even say such a thing near her, though it was a little amusing to see his twin brother being knocked around a little, much to Vados' surprise.

"Of course you'd take your girlfriend's side over mine... owe that hurts." Champa remarked, where he picked himself up off the ground and rubbed the area that he had been struck in, though he wasn't sure if he had been struck by his own brother or the odd pony girl who had moved out of the way of his attack.

"Anyway, even if you could convince Twilight to agree to such a thing... and good luck with that, if you want to keep trying... how would you even switch your Earth with mine?" Beerus asked, though he wasn't going to even respond to his brother's remake about Twilight being his girlfriend, rather he was going to focus this and many talk about that foolish subject with Whis later on, once the person in question was off world.

"I've been searching for seven special wish granting spheres, that are capable of granting any wish you make, so switching our Earths wouldn't be a problem." Champa stated, almost as if he didn't want to reveal this piece of information to them, as if it would reveal his guilt, though it interested Twilight and the two Saiyans, since they were more familiar with the wish granting orbs than most individuals who called the universe home, "They're planet sized spheres and I have six of them in my possession, so I just need the seventh one to make my wish... if your team is able to wish the tournament, well, I'll give you the ones that are in my possession."

"No way... the Super Dragon Balls exist? Everyone on Alexandria thought they were a myth." Twilight said, because during her studies of everything that were in the libraries of the planet she caught a reference to them, that they were what had caused the Namekians to make their own wish granting spheres, though it was something not even she knew a lot about, making her wonder if there was more in the libraries for her to discover, "In fact the only record that I've read about them so far indicates that the Namekians saw one about a thousand years ago, inspiring them to make their own sets, but the planet sized one simply disappeared into the depths of the universe... or multiverse, now that I think about it."

Beerus considered the options he had right now, he could either let Champa go and risk not only losing his Earth, but also Twilight, or he could partake in the tournament and stop his brother from doing something incredible stupid, something that caused him to sigh as he focused on Champa.

"Very well, I'll play ball. Send Whis the location you want to hold this event on." Beerus said, though his goal was to take the six massive wish granting orbs from his brother before he did something stupid with them, like steal away his greatest asset by taking away the planet she had worked so hard on, and, knowing his brother, he realized it would be good to use them in case he tried to steal them later.

"Before I go, who are those three? Your replacements?" Champa inquired, as he had noticed Saria and the others during his arrival on the planet, but, since he had been more interested in upstaging his brother, he had focused on Beerus and nothing else, so before he left he felt it was only right to get some information, "Don't think I'll let you use them in our private tournament."

"They're my apprentices, since they have access to destruction energy... and don't worry you big baby, I don't need them to beat whoever you pick for your team." Beerus replied, which was the truth, as he knew that Twilight, on her own, would be more than enough to wipe out whoever his brother picked for his team, a fact that told him that he needed to keep her at the end of the line, since exposing her power would be bad for him.

To be sure that everything ran smoothly there were a few rules to make things fair, such as fighters only lost when they were ringed out, forced to surrender, or were knocked out, using weapons and killing were against the rules, doping and drug enhancements were out, and Vegeta proposed a written test to make sure everyone had a basic intelligence, since he didn't want Champa bringing monsters to fight them.

"I even have the perfect location in mine: the Nameless Star, which rests in the neutral space between universes." Champa stated, as he had one last thing that he wanted to tell his brother before he and Vados departed, where Beerus took just a moment to think about his proposal and nodded his head, causing him and his attendant to leave so they could prepare for the tournament, which would be held in five days time.

Twilight smiled as she watched the deities of Universe 6 departed from their universe, as she was eager to see what sort of fighters Champa would bring to face her, the Saiyans, and whoever else was picked to defend Beerus' honor, and see the power of the Super Dragon Balls with her own eyes.

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