• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: The Majin

"I... I can't believe they're actually going to fight each other." Shin remarked, as he had thought that by bringing along Goku and Vegeta they might be able to stop Babidi's plan to revive Majin Buu, only to be vastly disappointed in the fact that the two Saiyans were falling into their enemy's hands.

"Welcome to the world of Saiyans. They're strong warriors, but... well, they make tragically stupid decisions." Twilight said, which was a truth she had come to understand throughout the years she had spent observing them, though at the same time she found that Babidi was smart enough to open the hatch so her group could continue into the depths of his ship, as part of her had thought about blowing everything up and he decided to let her in, "Unfortunately they're battling in their Super Saiyan 2 forms, which means that the revival of Majin Buu is now an unavoidable certainty, especially since the energy Babidi's minions siphoned was from Gohan using that very form. We're probably only moments away from the seal being broken and the monster being unleashed."

"You are correct, Twilight Sparkle, the gauge is almost filled." Babidi stated, speaking as she and the rest of her group arrived in the lowermost level of the large spaceship, where they found a large round brown orb that had what appeared to be veins of some kind all over it, which had to be Buu's prison, and it was attached to some sort of device, the gauge most likely, "Here, let us move somewhere more spacious."

Sure enough he teleported them to a new area, literally just outside the entrance to his ship since it wasn't too far away from where they ended up, where Twilight could see that the little wizard was pleased with how things were going, since his plan was about to bear great and terrible fruit.

"Since there's nothing you can do to stop Buu from being released, why don't you tell me how you freed Dabura from my powerful spell... I might let you live a little while longer." Babidi remarked, showing that he was just stalling for him, since there was a chance that Twilight could do something to stop him in his tracks, especially given what she did when he tried to take control of her with his mind control spell.

"Your spell isn't absolute, Babidi, especially since Demons have a far superior method." Twilight stated, which was true, as her mother had shown her the method several times and had taught her how to avoid being mind controlled by any of their enemies, in preparation for this day, before she tilted her head as she glanced in the direction of the signatures that belonged to Goku and Vegeta, "It's quite simple, really: I just used my superior magical power and broke your spell, just like how I destroyed your attempt to mind control me... however, my abilities aren't your concern, especially with what's about to happen."

As Babidi opened his mouth to say something he, along with everyone else, heard the sound that told Twilight that she was right, the gauge was full and there was smoke coming out of the holes that were along the edge of the sphere's base, before she realized that it was steam. At the same time, however, she felt several Ki signatures coming towards them at speeds that were incredible, which she realized were her children and the three young Saiyans, meaning they must have gotten bored of the tournament ground and were coming to investigate what was going on for themselves. Gohan, seeing that no one was going to stop Buu from breaking free of his bindings, summoned his full power and blasted the sphere with a full power Kamehameha, showing Shin that he was going to make an attempt to take Buu out before he was even released. Twilight and Aria, however, knew that it was a futile gesture, rather the steam was escaping from the prison at an alarming speed and was currently gathering high above where Babidi had teleported them to, so they stood there as Gohan wasted his time, even if he succeeded in knocking the sphere off it's pedestal.

When the sphere came to a stop nearby, however, it opened and revealed that nothing was inside it, causing Shin to turn on Babidi and laugh at their foe, claiming that Gohan's pull power was enough to vaporize Buu before he could escape, a fact that stopped when he noticed that everyone else wasn't joining him. Shin glanced at Twilight and Aria without even bothering to pause, where he found that they were looking up at the sky and he followed their gaze, finding that there was a massive cloud of steam above them and, more importantly, there was a tremendous Ki coming from it. Babidi followed their eyes as well as everyone else focused on it, just in time to watch as it started to condense into it's true form, which was when it turned a familiar shade of pink as two arms started to form with golden gloves over the hands, golden boots over it's feet, and a large white pair of pants that were round and baggy. What surprised Twilight was the fact that Buu, for that was who the figure had to be, was chubbier than she remembered him being, plus he wore a purple cape around his neck, though he looked far more innocent and carefree than the Buu who nearly killed her.

Aria was rightly confused as well, as this wasn't the creature who killed her all those years ago, something both she and Twilight agreed with as they stared at the creature as he landed and cheered, showing that he was pleased to be free once more, even if he seemed to be dancing about right now.

"Is... is that Majin Buu?" Gohan inquired, because while he suspected that he was right, and this was the monster that he had been trying to help Shin stop the revival of, he wanted to make sure of that fact before they did anything reckless, all while noticing that Babidi was confused by what he was seeing as well.

"Y... Yes. I'd never forget that face." Shin remarked, where he sweated for a moment, because with Majin Buu freed from his prison he knew it was over for the rest of the universe, as he would go on a spree of destruction with Babidi and wreck who knew how many planets, hence why he and Kibito had come to stop his resurrection.

"No, that's not Buu we remember... oh, I get it now." Twilight said, as she had been thinking about Shin's story, what she had been told when she asked her mother about the creature, and all of the other information on Buu, before realizing why he looked like this, instead of the slim child-like form that had kicked her rear, "South and Grand Kaioshin... didn't you say that Buu absorbed them both? He must have taken on their forms and this was the result of that."

"You're right, he certainly looks like the Grand Kaioshin." Aria commented, because now that Twilight had mentioned it she was starting to see the resemblance between Buu and the large figure who had been teaching her and the other Kaioshin, at least before the arrival of Bibidi and his monster, before she shifted her stance as Buu looked around, "I wonder if he even remembers us."

"Pony! Buu remembers you... you and girly Kaioshin ran away when we fought." Buu stated, sounding like a child, though at the same time revealing that he, much like Aria, remembered Twilight's manipulation of the Time Room to go back to when he fought Aria, something that shocked the others who weren't in the know about what she had done, "Let's play tag!"

Twilight soon discovered what he meant when Buu rushed over to where she was standing and tapped her shoulder, just like one would do when they were actually playing the game in question, before he starting to run off, instead of flying, so he could get away from her, causing her to chuckle as she replicated his own move against him, causing the creature to smile as she did that.

"Buu, that's enough! I am Babidi, the son of your creator, Bibidi, and I have released you from your seal!" Babidi said, as if he had more important things to do than watch the creature play tag with someone, though at the same time Buu decided not to turn towards the wizard, showing that he was more interested in the game, "Which means I am your new master and, if you continue to disobey me, I can use my father's spell, which I learned from his notes, to seal you away again."

In the next moment they realized why Buu wasn't responding to Babidi's words, he was purposely drawing him closer to where he was standing so he could scare him by making a face when the wizard got close enough, a successful one that just ended with Babidi grasping his heart while he was on the ground. With that done Buu returned to what he wanted to do, as in he wanted to play a few games with Twilight, the 'pony' as he called her, which seemed to include their game of tag and even a game of hide and seek that Aria was included in. While they did that, however, Twilight could see the gears moving in Buu's head, as part of him was definitely smarter than he was currently showing everyone, since he was in the middle of weighing Babidi's words against what he knew from before Bibidi sealed him away, especially since he glanced at the halves of his prison for a few seconds. In that moment she understood what he was thinking about, he was going to kill Babidi and likely fly off to have his own fun, in whatever manner that might be, all while she fully understood that the Buu she and Aria had been preparing for had to be buried deep inside this one.

If that was the case, and she was positive that the 'Kid' Buu, as she was going to call him, was firmly locked away for the time being, Twilight theorized that they might not have to worry about him too much, they just had to find a way to calm him down and teach him right from wrong, which was around the time that Babidi's ship blew up.

That was followed by Vegeta, of all people, landing nearby before he rushed at Buu, choosing to see him as an enemy, like Shin had warned them about on the way here, though at the very least the worthless Kaioshin had been pulled back by Aria and Kibito, as most of their group put some distance between them and Majin Buu. Twilight knew that the power that Vegeta possessed in his Majin Super Saiyan 2 form was impressive, even though she highly doubted it was enough to take on Goku and walk away without any damage, meaning he must have stolen the Senzu Beans after dealing a low blow to his distracted foe, but it wasn't enough. She stood nearby as Vegeta lashed out at Buu with his newfound power, punching and kicking at the bubblegum monster with all his might, though as she suspected it didn't do much in the grand scheme of things, as Buu was able to tank his blows, despite looking like he was being hurt, and when the Saiyan stopped she and the others found that the creature's body restored itself instantly. He seemed to understand that as he gathered some of his energy and blasted a hole right in Buu's chest, as it went straight through him and forced him to the ground, though in the next moment Buu got up, flexed his body, and healed the wound like it was nothing before his power.

At the same time, however, Vegeta's attack really pissed off Buu as he gathered his own power into his body before letting it out as a violent explosion that rocked the area they were fighting in, because it tore apart everything that was around him and Twilight had to use a shield to ensure everyone who wasn't near her mother was safe from harm.

The crater that was left when the smoke finally cleared was evidence to the power that Buu had when he was angry, as he let out a bunch of steam from some of the holes in his body before releasing his attack on Vegeta, though Twilight found that the crater was roughly the same size as the tournament's new ring and was quite deep. Babidi, of course, had his own shield sphere around him, protecting himself from Buu's mighty attack, though Twilight was more interested in Vegeta, as he had been partly caught in the attack, since most of the damage was focused on his left arm, the one that everyone he fought seemed interested in hurting. He seemed to be cursing the power that Buu possessed, or maybe he was taking the time to curse the fact that he had helped the creature break out of his prison by fighting Goku with his full might, forcing his foe to do the same thing, though as he did that Buu pulled on his belly, like it was taffy, and extracted a piece that he threw at Vegeta. Twilight raised an eyebrow for a moment as it actually wrapped around the Saiyan and wrapped around him like it was a snake or something, restricting his movements so the creature could beat him up however he wanted, a fact that happened to be interrupted by the arrival of the young Saiyans and her children, who knocked Buu back before Trunks freed his father.

Piccolo joined them by slashing Babidi in half with a swing of his right arm, even though it was easy to see that he was still alive, though Twilight could tell what was coming a mile away and put both Trunks and Goten to sleep with a spell, which allowed Eschalot and the others to grab them.

"Regroup with the others and head for the Lookout... we'll figure something out." Twilight said, which was the truth, as she and Aria had been prepared to destroy Buu when he was freed, or eliminate the sphere before anything else happened, but with the discovery of this Buu, who was different from what they were expecting, it made her question if they should end him or figure out a way to change his mindset.

After her children and Eschalot nodded their heads, showing that they understood, and then departed with the two now unconscious Saiyans, Vegeta talked with Piccolo about what might happen when he, specifically, died, speaking once his daughter was out of the area, though as Buu showed up Piccolo departed as Twilight landed on a rock pillar to watch his resolve in the face of this creature.

"Stop right there, you bloated balloon. You're fighting me still." Vegeta stated, something that actually stopped Buu, since he turned and looked at the Saiyan for a time, though as that happened Twilight could tell he had something interesting planned for the creature, since his energy was starting to build and it seemed like his body was starting the slow process of breaking up, if the little white specks she noticed were any indication, "I've also figured out how to get rid of you."

Buu looked surprised by that statement as he glanced at his arms and body, finding that the specks were also coming off of him, all while Vegeta's energy started to form a sphere around him, even if he seemed lost in thought for a moment or two, no doubt making a mental thought about all of this, before focusing on his task. In the next instant he released all of his power in a spherical attack that was much like what Buu had done earlier, as if he was sacrificing himself to smash Buu into dust, where Twilight formed a barrier around her as she floated into the air so she could observe this scene. The scale of his attack, his Final Atonement based on the look that had been on his face, was far more than what Buu had done, as it covered the majority of the wasteland that Babidi had landed his ship in, showing that Vegeta was taking no chances with a foe like this. She could hear Buu making some sort of noise as the attack consumed him as well, especially since he was so close to where Vegeta was standing, and when the smoke cleared she found a massive crater blasted into the ground, with a bit of lightning arching off the stone for a few seconds.

Buu, for the most part, had been blasted into oblivion, pieces of him scattered everywhere, while Vegeta had been turned to stone, as he extinguished his own life force to exterminate Buu, to which Twilight dismissed her barrier and pulled out a container that was exactly like the one her future self had given her many years ago.

"Now I know what I'm doing first when I get back to the Lookout." Twilight commented, where she opened it for a moment and selected a piece of Buu that looked exactly like the one that she had seen when she pulled out the container during her trek to Cell's ruined future, a fragment that went still when the lid was sealed, allowing her to safely store it away as Vegeta's statue him the ground and shattered.

She ignored Babidi, who was shouting at her, as the fragments disappeared with the wind, though in that moment she found something new in the exposed dirt, the Three Star Dark Dragon Ball, which had to be Buu's given that the Two Star had been Cell's, something she claimed with her magic, since she had an idea as to what she could do with it.

"You know, you could be more focused on Vegeta's sacrifice." Piccolo remarked, as he must have turned around to see the damage for himself, though this time around he wasn't accusing her of stopping this event from happening or not lending her aid to those who were fighting for the safety of this planet, due to the fact that he had learned his lesson back during the events that lead to the Cell Games.

"Why? He clearly failed." Twilight stated, where she gestured to the side for a moment and Piccolo watched as the various pieces of Buu grew before his eyes, becoming smaller versions of the creature before they leapt into the air and formed a familiar shape, causing the Namekian to flee before Buu was fully reformed.

As he did that Twilight made herself invisible so she could observe the pair for a little while longer, to see if there might be a weakness she could use against Buu in the future, though she knew that things were about to get interesting and that made her eager to see whatever happened next.

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