• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Growing Up: Planet of Knowledge

After showing her father that she had the skills to protect herself, and topple someone of Raditz's low power without any problems at all, Twilight found that he granted her deepest wish without delay, allowing her to enlist in the Frieza Force to aid the empire in subjugating the rest of the universe. The only thing she wasn't too pleased with was that her father, uncle, grandfather, and many of her father's high ranking soldiers in the force considered her to be a high ranker as well, as in the third hand of the Emperor, given Zarbon and Dodoria's roles. In fact some of the soldiers gave her a title to match her new position, even if she wanted to work her way up like everyone else, and that was the 'Emperor's Shadow', while some took it a step further by calling her the 'Shadow Princess'. She did have to wonder if they were calling her that due to the fact that one of her powers, a copy of what she learned about Moro before he was imprisoned, could be considered an 'evil' power, so 'shadow' meant 'dark', the 'Princess of Evil' in some twisted sense.

In the end, however, she decided not to think about it too much as she focused on what her mother had done after they told her about her enlistment in the force, she started to study armor from different points in history, from a variety of planets, to design a set of armor for Twilight. What Towa settled on was a suit of armor that looked more like a combination of what a princess might wear and what a warrior might wear, as it had what could be described as a plated skirt that reached her knees, black bracers with silver inlay for her arms, almost reaching her elbows, and matching metallic boots for her hooves, since she couldn't use actual boots. The chest armor was identical to what someone in the Frieza force wore, only colored to match the rest of the gear and, interestingly enough, she discovered that it didn't have shoulder pieces, where her mother told her that they'd likely get in the way and that they didn't suit Twilight at all. She also gained her very own Scouter, this one colored purple so everyone knew it was hers, not that she needed to worry about someone stealing it since they knew better than to mess with Frieza's daughter.

Once Twilight was set up in her attire, which was comfy enough that her mother even told her she could wear it whenever she wanted, as in both on duty and off duty, her father informed her that he had spoken to his scientists and mechanics about her schematics for a modified core. Twilight had been surprised to learn that they were more than willing to work on the plans in question, more in the sense that it was a worthwhile project and less because everyone was scared of who her father was, and was pleased that it worked like a charm. Their main ships were going to be outfitted with the new cores she had designed, cutting the amount of time needed to move from one planet to another down in half, or maybe closer to just a third, but Frieza was perfectly fine with it, even though the scientists were eager to see if she had anything else. Frieza and Towa weren't at all surprised when they found that she had downloaded schematics for the various devices and ships that were in the empire, finding new ways for most of them to be improved to another level, save for the Attack Ball, as the only way to really improve them was to make them bigger for many of the alterations.

In the end, after seeing what she pointed out to him and Towa, Frieza had to agree that only the minor changes to the Attack Balls would be possible, mostly additions to help keep track of the occupant's health and condition, so if one was returning, and the user was seriously harmed, they could be rushed to a healing tank in no time.

Following that Twilight got a lot more serious about her training, taking to practicing with her new armor on so she wouldn't be weighed down by it in the future, even though her mother claimed that it was made in a way that matched her father's own armor, but she wanted to be sure she could fight without being slowed down. Occasionally she faced off against either of the Captains that served her family, finding that Ginyu and Salza were equal in power, though while her father had five members in the Ginyu force she could tell, with a single glance, that the Armored Squadron had three individuals of near equal power. They were good foes for her to fight against, since their powers were beyond what an ordinary soldier had to offer, due to the fact that she had faced fifty of her father's lesser soldiers and beat all of them without breaking a sweat, in part due to their power level of thirteen hundred, roughly around Raditz's level. According to her family her power level was far higher than most of the lesser members of the Frieza Force, in fact the only ones who stood above her right now were the members of her family, as her grandfather and uncle were somewhere over a million, her mother was around their level, and her father's 'final form' was even greater than all of them.

The interesting fact she learned was that her father, uncle, and grandfather each had multiple forms, mostly used to seal all of their immense power, though Cooler had long since stopped doing that, as his true power was more than enough for his purposes, and no one outside of their family knew about the ability, so Towa and Twilight said they would say nothing about it, keeping it as a family secret of sorts.

In addition to all of that Twilight had some ideas for how their empire worked, as instead of wiping out the population of a planet, like the Saiyans did so the planets could be sold to someone else, they could instead focus on integrating all of the native people into the empire. It was a bold idea, one that could easily backfire given how some species didn't like Frieza or his empire, and she had countermeasures to her own proposals, as in they could study a planet before attacking it, as it would allow them to see if there was an ongoing threat they could deal with. The idea was simple, they could side with one group and take down the other, thus allowing the survivors to be integrated into the empire as citizens, which caused her to mention the idea to leave outposts on each planet in case someone came to attack one while they were gone. All of that meant that her father would be able to add all sorts of people to their growing empire, be it soldiers, scientists, scholars, or whatever else he was looking for, instead of sacrificing all that potential by attacking the planet.

Twilight knew that changing how the empire worked would take time, or not even work at all, but she was willing to try it out, for the betterment of their forces and the rest of the empire, and she even left the clause that if the whole planet was against them they could tear them down like normal, but she figured she'd wait and see what happened next.

When Twilight's fifth birthday came around Frieza had a surprise for her and the others, he was taking her to a planet that he suspected she would be interested in, a planet that some of his scouts had found not that long ago and reported back to him without delay, allowing them to near a light blue planet with their newly improved ship.

"So, where are we going?" Twilight asked, as most of the time she knew the planets that they were going to, due to the fact that most of them were renamed into a series of numbers, like how Kanassa was renamed to Frieza Planet 79, even if one of the other soldiers claimed it was actually 419, despite the official labeling, so this one was new to her.

"Alexandria, the Planet of Knowledge." Frieza replied, where he had to resist the urge to chuckle as he glanced to his right, as that was where Twilight usually stood whenever Zarbon and Dodoria weren't nearby, even though right now they were near the door to the main control room, because he could tell this information interested her, "We discovered it thanks to a group of scouts who were looking for new planets to work on, as they landed and spoke to some of the natives about it so we could learn more about the planet as a whole... I figured it was a good place for your first mission. We're going to land near one of the settlements and you're going to try your hand at convincing one side to join our empire, as we have learned that there are two opposing factions on this planet."

Twilight couldn't help but smile as she stared at the planet they were descending on, as while she knew there were many in the universe this was a special one, because a planet of knowledge meant they knew far more about the universe than the rest of the people who called this massive place home. There was too much for her to be excited by, as she could learn so much about everything if she stayed in this place for any amount of time, yet at the same time she had a feeling she knew who the two forces were, given the nature of this planet. She remained silent for a time as they landed on a cliff that just so happened to overlook what had to be a major settlement on the planet, a large city that had a number of buildings, one of which had to be a library where they held all of the information they had gathered, while noticing that they didn't have any palaces, as if knowing that power corrupted. As the ship came to a stop her father informed them of his desires, Twilight was to go out and see what needed to be done to fulfill her unique approach, picking a side and taking the other down, though as she did that he Zarbon, Dodoria, and Towa would survey her actions from afar, so the rest of their staff had the day off as they watched her complete her mission.

With that in mind Twilight left the ship and flew over to the city, where she was thankful for her mother's lessons on flying as it allowed her to cut out an unneeded walk, allowing her to land in what seemed to be the entrance of the city as she found some civilians, lizard people dressed in fine clothing, stopping to stare at her.

"Please, don't be alarmed, I'm just here to... admire the city and explore the knowledge you've been collecting." Twilight said, because while she was a soldier in her father's army, possibly one of the youngest while not counting the Saiyan brats who used to do some of the dirty work, she couldn't help herself in this situation, there was too much potential knowledge for her to gleam from the libraries.

"Ah, you've heard of Alexandria and the knowledge we've accumulated, stored in seven grand libraries that are scattered all over the planet?" one of the lizards inquired, where Twilight found that he spoke quite well, though her eyes lit up when she heard him mention that there were seven libraries on this planet, meaning she was near one and there were six others for her to study from when she had the time to do so, "I see, you're a seeker of knowledge as well... sadly, you might have come too late to enjoy our libraries, as we, the Enlightened, have been threatened by another faction of our kind: the Burners, who have been raiding the smaller settlements, rounding up our innocent people, and are either burning them at the stake, executing them to prove a point, or are forcing them to watch as they burn their books to break their spirits."

"How awful." Twilight replied, as it was incredibly awful, that one faction of their own kind was actively destroy the pieces of knowledge that had been spread to the rest of the planet, and she was also sad to hear that even the innocents were suffering, all while figuring that the majority of this species were scholars and researchers, "They haven't destroyed any of the major libraries, have they?"

"No, they are protected with powerful seals and barriers... the keys to break them, however, are stored in this city, which is why our enemies are coming here first." the lizard said, though as he did that Twilight could see that many of his kind were depressed, as they knew they didn't have the strength to stand before the might of the Burners, before all of them focused on her for a few seconds, their minds racing as they realized what this meant, "I hate to ask this of someone like you, and I mean that in the sense of one of your age but... can you help us?"

As Twilight opened her mouth, so she could tell him that such a thing was part of the reason why she was here, they heard the sound of a horn and the looks on the faces of the Enlightened turned into despair, meaning the Burners were coming, to which she followed the one she had been speaking to and found a path leading down to an open plain, where a army of red scaled lizard people were standing.

"Enlightened, we have come to lay claim to your precious libraries and condemn their heresy to the flames!" one of the red lizards exclaimed, where Twilight found that he was armed more like a war general, as he wore silver armor that was more like a combination of a warrior's attire and what a king wore, complete with a flowing red cape, meaning he felt that burning all this information would make him ruler of Alexandria, "Behold!"

In that moment Twilight and the others realized what was behind him, there were carts full of books and scrolls that were ready to be set on fire due to a number of torch bearers that happened to be standing near them, especially since each of the carts had a stake that other lizards, be they children, adults, or even the elderly, were chained to.

"Your precious heretics have been captured and will be purified with your dark heresy!" the Commander continued, as if he was putting on a show for everyone right now, likely assuming that he'd go down in some sort of acceptable history as soon as all of this was over, since he clearly hated books, "Lower your heads and renounce your heresy... I might let many of you live, but only if you obey my commands from this day forward and lower the barriers protecting the rest of your foul and unholy heresy!"

"By my father, you're an annoying person to listen to." Twilight remarked, as this was more than enough for her, hence why she leapt over to where he was standing, because he had moved to the front of the line to demand the attention of his targets, which had worked quite well, and landed near the foul lizard, "At least you made it easy for me to locate the people I'm here to defeat, so there's..."

Twilight never got to finish that remark as the Commander walked up to where she was standing and smacked her with the palm of his hand, as if he was showing everyone that not even strangers could stand in the way of his quest, though instead of her falling to the ground something else happened. As she looked back up at him, with the darkest and angriest look he had ever seen in his entire life, the lizard noticed that the purple color of her eyes shifted in an instant, taking on what could only be described as an angry or fiery red, like her anger was about to erupt. In the next moment he and the rest of the people in the area felt the air shudder, meaning she had to be up to something, as her body started to change before his eyes as well, as it turned a bone white as her hair and tail burst into flames. Such a transformation, as that was what they must have just witnessed, caused some of his soldiers to back off as several dropped their torches as they took a step back, causing the figure, an avatar of wrath, to wave her hand as all of the torches went out.

In the following moment energy danced around her body as Twilight warped the civilians and their knowledge, both the books and scrolls, into the city, leaving only the Burners and their Commander in front of her, before she started to walk towards those who wished to destroy the precious knowledge this world had.

The Commander watched as the ground below her was blackened by the flames that the girl was using, as if her energy was burning away anything around her with the intense rage she was feeling towards him and his large army, to which he raised his right hand for a moment. His intent was to use his own power to wipe her out, as while he had a blade resting in a scabbard on his belt, used against those who got close to him, he had a feeling that this was the best way to eliminate a potential threat to his mission to become ruler of this planet. As such he loosed a burst of blue energy into her face, only to find that she simply walked through it as if it was nothing to her, though at the same time he noticed something odd in his men, all of them were starting to get weak, as a few stumbled as if they had been on the field for a long time, despite the fact that no one had actually fought anyone since capturing the other settlements. Despite that fact he found that his soldiers looked like they were going to collapse any moment, as if something, or someone, was draining their energy from their very bodies, causing him to stare at the young girl that was approaching him, the young figure that was tearing apart his forces without actually fighting anyone.

In that moment he glanced up at a part of the sky that had a ship watching from a distance, one that the Enlightened had claimed was the personal ship of Frieza, the galactic emperor, something that had caused him to silence the figure before putting his plan into motion, but as he realized who had to be in front of him the girl brought her right knee into his chest, causing him to collapse not a moment later.

"Who... are you?" the Commander asked, because he felt that he deserved the name of the one who had ruined all of his plans in a single moment, all while his soldiers collapsed behind him, no doubt dead when he considered the power that was crushing him with the sheer power of her rage.

"Scum like you doesn't deserve to know who killed you." Twilight hissed, her power forcing him to fall to the ground as she talked, causing her to reach down and grab him by his neck so she could stare into his eyes as he expired, though when he did so she growled and tossed his body off to the side before letting out a roar that shook the air around her.

Frieza and the others, who had been watching patiently and had moved once they noticed the change in Twilight, arrived in time to see her do that, only for her to stumble for a moment before she collapsed, though as Frieza caught her he and the others watched as her body returned to normal.

"Brother... we may want to rethink her training. She's not emotionally ready for this sort of thing." Cooler stated, as while he had initially agreed with the others, that Twilight had seemed far more mature than they expected of someone of her age, this mission had revealed that she might not be ready to join the Frieza Force or the rest of their forces.

Frieza was torn on this matter, on one hand he sort of agreed with his brother, an odd thing since they hated each other to the point of ignoring each other at times, while on the other hand he was amazed by the sheer power that was resting deep in Twilight's body, a rage form that was unlike anything he had seen. One would have expected such a state to have driven all rational thought from her mind, and for the most part it looked like the transformation had done that, but her desire to punish these lizards, the Burners as they called themselves, might have been the key to her keeping some part of her mind intact as they collapsed around her. As he looked at the battlefield, if it could even be called that, he found that something had changed in his daughter, the power she had been nurturing all this time, to absorb the energy of others and make it her own, had grown due to her anger, as none of the lizards were alive, in fact his Scouter had read zero energy from them just before each expired. Twilight had killed them not by fighting them in combat, like they had trained her to do, but had slain a force of at least one hundred and fifty to two hundred soldiers, not counting the Commander, by siphoning the energy of all those who disrespected knowledge, meaning she was now stronger than before.

Towa, on the other hand, only smiled as the rulers of the empire tended to Twilight, as her power was far stronger than she had thought and, with enough time, she was sure that her daughter would be able to surpass the sheer rage needed to use this form, causing her to wonder what the future held for them.

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