• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Aftermath

Twilight stared out at the ruined version of West City as she thought about everything that had happened since the first space-time portal had opened up in Future Trunks' parallel world, the corrupted army of Darkstar pouring out and, as if in response, the arrival of the alternate Twilights and their armies. She had known that their true foe was watching them as they clashed with Eventide and her allies, but even then she hadn't expected the darkest version of herself to suddenly make an appearance and declare her intentions to, eventually, take down Zeno. It was a foolish plan, no matter how much she tried to wrap her head around such a thing, but even then she suspected that if she were to devour enough energy it might be possible to cross the threshold into that level of power, though it wasn't something she was interested in. Her focus was on what could have been done to stop Darkstar from taking over all of reality, what sort of plans she could have come up with to stop this series of events from happening, and yet, no matter what she thought of, nothing changed in her mind, it all ended up at the desperate plan.

She had to assume that it was just backlash from having witnessed the end of so many parallel worlds, that her mind was stuck on assuming it had been the only path to ensure that reality was safe from Darkstar's dark delusions, causing her to punch the rock wall that was to her left in frustration.

"You idiots... if you had only told me of the danger ahead of time, we could have worked something out." Twilight stated, though part of her found it amusing that she was, essentially, calling herself an idiot with that remark, since it was all of her alternate selves she was talking about, while finding that the people in front of her stopped what they were doing.

"Still thinking about the alternates?" Eventide asked, because after seeing everything that revolved around Darkstar and her sudden arrival in this parallel world, especially what was bothering Twilight right now, she had stopped her assault on Future Trunks' world and allowed his people to be brought back from the Demon Realm, where she waited for Twilight to nod her head before speaking again, "Yeah, so am I. Honestly, I don't think they wanted to tell you anything because they knew two things: first, Darkstar had an interest in you and was watching your main world with great interest, so if any of them showed up to warn you she would know whatever might have been told to you... second, its possible that they knew you would do anything and everything in your power to stop them from what happened, potentially at the risk of allowing Darkstar to succeed, so they kept you in the dark and used their own plan instead."

Twilight said nothing to that, as the only ones who could answer the question were the now deceased alternates who had given everything, and their own parallel worlds, to stop Darkstar in her tracks, causing her to turn her attention to one of the other things that were going on right now as she walked away from the now ruined rock wall.

"How goes the rebuilding?" Twilight asked, as her mother and some of the other skilled Demons had come to this parallel world once the coast was clear, traveling with those who were originally from this part of reality, and were currently using their time powers to restore as much as the city as they could, before the residents insisted on taking over to do things on their own, purely on account of how stubborn Future Trunks was.

"Good, especially with the residents telling us about how things had changed... this West City is somewhat different than the one we're used to." Towa replied, where she gestured to the map she had created, based on the statements from all of the survivors, and Twilight could see that there were differences between this world's version of the city and the one that all of them knew, which was very interesting to see, "If all goes as planned we can have the city up to an acceptable level before we have to pull back to our own world... with all that happened, I'm surprised we got off scot-free."

Twilight knew what her mother was talking about, that with all of the space-time energy being thrown around, plus the utter destruction of so many parallel worlds in an instant, they would have been visited by this world's version of Zeno, as this had to be something he had to be watching out for. Since he hadn't shown up yet they just assumed that they were, in fact, so far beneath his notice that not even the literal end of so many parallel worlds concerned him, meaning everyone was fine and they could go about their lives without having to worry about anything else happening. Of course that didn't stop Future Trunks from standing in the area that Eventide was in, as he wanted to keep an eye on her in case her desire for the destruction of all mortals returned, but Twilight knew that such a thing wasn't even on her mind right now. All of them, even the Saiyans, were quiet after seeing all that destruction unfold, as there was no real way to wrap their heads around so many parallel worlds perishing like that, causing her to glance down at the golden Time Ring that was the end product of the event in question.

The black infinity icon was either a container for the power that Darkstar possessed, ripped from her screaming body just before all of the parallel worlds perished, or it was a prison for the darkest version of herself, it was hard to tell, but as she thought about all of that a flash appeared in the air and struck the ground near her group... revealing Future Zeno and his pair of guards.

"Of course, talk about someone and they're bound to show up." Demigra commented, though at the same time he, just like all of the smart individuals from his group, had assumed this individual would show up and had been relieved when he had failed to show up, so now they were worried about his sudden arrival.

"Lord Zeno, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" Eventide asked, taking a moment to be respectful as she bowed towards him and his guards, while at the same time the majority of the group stood nearby as they noticed that the figure in question seemed to staring out at everyone while they worked, as they were some distance away from the city.

"The Grand Priest felt a massive surge of space-time energy, and the Great One decided to investigate." one guard said, in a matter of fact voice, which was interesting since they had remained silent when Zeno came to check out the tournament that Beerus and Champa held, though he and his companion remained floating near the figure they were there to protect and serve.

"What happened here?" Future Zeno asked, as he expected the planets of the multiverse to be thriving, or be on their way to getting life at long last, not be in the middle of rebuilding from some sort of event that shook the entire world, though at the same time that meant they had to be careful in how they approached telling him anything.

"Arrogance, my Lord, of someone seeking to undo all of creation. We, um, managed to stop them." Eventide stated, as she made sure not to say anything about the fact that this was partly her fault, due to all the mortals she had slain before this point, while also doing her best to not reveal too much about what had happened before the figure's arrival, "In fact the two of us were about to say goodbye to our allies from the past."

"Wow, you two look awesome!" Future Zeno remarked, where he moved over to where Goku and Vegeta were standing, as they were still in their Super Saiyan Blue 4 forms, just in the off chance that someone else decided to start trouble with Future Trunks' world, while they were still here anyway, "Are all of the people from your world like this?"

"No, not like us... but there are some interesting and unique creatures in our world." Goku replied, because thanks to all of Twilight's hard work he knew there were dozens upon dozens of new species that were visiting the Earth, and some had taken to living on the planet in new cities that were starting to form all over the place, and while he had no idea if any of them were strong he could tell that the idea interested Future Zeno, before he thought of something, "Actually, that gives me an idea. Twilight, can I talk with you for a couple of seconds?"

She had no idea what was going through his mind, usually it was good training ideas to help further his power and those he was training with, normally Vegeta, or it was terrible ideas that got people in serious trouble, to which she got up and followed him over to an area that would give them some privacy, especially with an invisible barrier of her making to be sure no one eavesdropped on them.

"So, I was thinking that maybe we could convince Future Zeno, and probably his guards, to come back with us." Goku said, a fact that stunned Twilight for a moment as she listened to what he had to say, because out of everything that could have been said this wasn't something she was honestly expecting to hear, especially not from him.

"What? Why?" Twilight asked, as she saw no reason to unseat the King of All in this parallel world, in the sense of moving him from one world to another one, especially since it meant that having two might bring about some stupid things for all of them, given their zero hesitation to get rid of universes when something angered them enough.

"Look, given the state that Future Trunks' world, can you safely say that it's possible that this version of Zenny will erase or destroy it later on?" Goku inquired in turn, though he knew that Twilight didn't need a reminder of what the figure could do, since she had been there when Beerus told them about all of the other erased universes, and he wanted her opinion on his odd plan, "With all the damage that Zamasu and Darkstar did, more the former than the latter, is it possible that he might erase the universe, potentially the entire multiverse, now that there are no gods, save for Eventide?"

"Given that any annoyance, however small, can set him off, the discovery that someone has killed all of the gods, both the Kaioshin and Hakaishin, might set him off." Twilight commented, causing her to sigh as she realized what Goku was doing, he was figuring out a way to get Future Zeno out of this parallel world so he didn't erase everything, and she suspected that it might have something to do with his promise to their Zeno, 'Zenny', to find him a friend of some kind, "Given that he's interested in you and Vegeta, and the aspect of what might be in our world, I guess there's a chance that we could, in fact, convince him to come back in time with us and present him to our King of All with the intent of them being friends. It would give Future Trunks time to rebuild and get over the shadow of what has happened, especially with the loss of his mother and everyone else... I might be able to help with that at some point... without the fear of them being wiped out by an annoyed almighty god. The downside is that having two of them in our world might cause something odd to happen, as in either that tournament you were excited about or a discussion about the states of the universes... this could endanger our world instead... the question is, are you willing to make such a drastic decision?"

Sure enough Twilight found that Goku was willing to roll the dice on such a thing, he trusted that their Zeno would love a friend and it might do wonders for both of them, causing her to sigh as she dismissed the barrier and they returned to the area that Future Zeno and his guards were in. Just as she expected the idea was met with some opposition, mostly in the form of the guards declaring that it was foolish to even suggest such a thing, as if they saw Future Zeno as a toy, but Goku informed them that it wasn't going to be a permanent thing, it could be for as long as their boss wanted. With that in mind it wasn't long before Future Zeno agreed to come back with them, so he could be taken to the home of their Zeno, which wasn't much of a surprise since he was like a child at times and even the future version wanted a friend, hence why the idea had sprung into Goku's mind. Once everyone was ready to go, and they were sure that no new enemies were going to show up to do some damage, Twilight and her group opened the portal back to their timeline, allowing them to walk out into the more pristine city with smiles on their faces.

Of course the gods from their world were surprised by the sudden arrival of another Zeno, so Twilight quickly informed all of them as to what was going on, especially in regards to Future Zeno, before Shin took Whis, Goku, and the future group to Zeno's palace, so they could get it over with and see how their own Zeno took the news.

While they were gone, however, Eventide had some news for them, she was going to head back to Future Trunks' world, as the new God of Destruction who was enlightened, while stating that the Saiyan warrior she had set out to kill would be a fine Kaioshin. Twilight pointed out that the rules would no doubt render her immortality void, for as long as she was one of the two gods in question, where Eventide stated that it was fine, because it actually gave Future Trunks the power to end both of them if he so desired, if he couldn't forgive her for everything she had done. She also informed them that this sudden change of heart came from watching so many parallel worlds perish, when they could have likely done something, anything, to stop Darkstar, so she figured that to stop this from happening again one of them would have to take on the form of a Destroyer, which she was suited for, and the other the Creator God. Future Trunks confirmed that he had gone through the ritual to become an apprentice to the Kaioshin, meaning he should still have the healing power that Future Zamasu had abused before using the Potara to form her Fused state, so with enough studies he was positive he could replace his Shin, at least until he found a replacement.

Twilight left the matter of returning the pair to her mother and Demigra, where she walked over to one of the chairs that had been left outside for those who wanted to relax by the pool, because she was going to need a bit of a break before she started her preparations for whatever the future held in store for them and their universe.

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