• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2014

fic Write Off

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Writefriends from all over /fic/ gathered in a war of words on Jun 23 2013. These are the resulting stories.

But who is the greatest a/fic/ionado? That is for you to decide. Vote, rate, and choose your favourites!

See http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/17 for more info.

Chapters (28)

Writefriends from all over /fic/ gathered in a war of words on the weekend of Mar 15. These are the resulting stories.

See http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/15 for more info.

Chapters (20)

Writefriends from all over /fic/ gathered in a war of words on the weekend of Feb 17. These are the resulting stories.

See http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/14 for more information.

Chapters (5)

Writefriends from all over /fic/ gathered in a war of words on the weekend of Dec 14. These are the resulting stories.

See http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/12-My-First-New-Years-Alone for more info.

Chapters (18)

You know what they say – well, I guess not (because they couldn't say it, hohoho). It's the MLPchan write-off, in which a prompt that could go anywhere goes exactly where you thought it would. Yep, lots of shipping. Oh boy. You're in for a treat.

It's a competition, in case you couldn't figure. The winner gets a free plushie, and your vote helps decide the winner. (And this is just me, but I really liked that thriller.) Something, something, something... I really lost my meter.

Cast your vote here, preferably after reading the stories. There's also a discussion thread, if you're into that.

Have a good day. May your bread be crunchy.

Chapters (19)

Writefriends from all over Ponychan gathered in a war of words on the weekend of October 19, writing to prompts drawn by our friendly neighbourhood /art/ists.

The preliminary voting round has reduced the pool of stories down to nine finalists. But who is the greatest a/fic/ionado? The decision is yours. Vote, rate, and choose your favourites!

Authors are anonymous, so you won't know who wrote what until the voting stage is over.

Click here to cast your vote! The stories listed above VOTING are the finalists.

More details:
- Event listing
- Art gallery
- Ponychan /art/ thread
- Ponychan /fic/ thread

If you would like to be updated whenever new events are announced, sign up to the website. There might be blog posts here parroting the announcements, but no guarantees.

Chapters (17)

Nothing in life comes without its sacrifices. How far will some go to follow their dreams?

Minific contest with a limit of 400–750 words.

More details:
- http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/119728.html#121275
- http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me

Chapters (38)

What lies beneath the minds of Ponychan's /fic/? A quick little contest to get those creative juices rolling set them the task of writing short stories—between 300 and 600 words. These are the resulting stories.

More details:
- http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/119728.html
- http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me

Chapters (36)

Writefriends from all over Ponychan gathered in a war of words on the weekend of August 4th. But who is the greatest a/fic/ionado? The decision is yours. Vote, rate, and choose your favourites!

The stories listed above VOTING are the finalists.

Authors are anonymous, so you won't know who wrote what until the voting stage is over.

Unlike previous events, the final decision is entirely up to the public. Yes, that means you. So take a gander, enjoy the show, mull it over, then head down to the survey to cast your vote.

This round also introduces a new addition the event: /art/. Instead of worded prompts, the prompts were drawn by our drawfriends in /art/ (See: Sweet Music - Art<->Fic Relations for which story was written to what prompt).

Chapters (22)

Writefriends from all over Ponychan gathered in a war of words on the weekend of June 15. But who is the greatest a/fic/ionado? The decision is yours. Vote, rate, and choose your favourites!

Authors are anonymous, so you won't know who wrote what until the voting stage is over.

Voting Information

(See: http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/105796.html for info on how the competition went down and http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/107637.html for the discussion thread.)

Cover image by http://graffegruam.deviantart.com, captioned by Cassius.

Chapters (36)