• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2014

Colt Vulpes

Comments ( 6 )
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ondering when muffin dyastnasty will get updated

Yay I'm follower #12!!!!!

Thanks for the favorite


you're welcome, among the few such stories that kept their consistency.

keep it up. :ajsmug:

Hi, thanks for the fave on Prince Blueblood Dies at the End!

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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Fighting is Magic and Video Game History · 7:07am Mar 16th, 2013

So today, I learned something that surprised me greatly. I’m sure many of you know about this already, but I didn’t.

The whole thing with the Mane6 adapting their work to have original characters has happened before with other games. That’s not the surprise in of itself—after all, lots of us have heard of Freedom Planet, which was originally a Sonic fangame. But that is not the only example... or the most impressive.

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