"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)
"Take me away to a dream and I will live like it was real, wake me up to reality and I'll live it like it was a dream."
I used to write. Depression killed that for years. I might get back to it someday.
I don't write fanfiction; I just read it. Let me tell ya, some of you are great writers.
Just a simple bronny. Fanfiction acount is also dominicthewise
"Her crews are babes or madmen? Her port is all to make? You're manned by Truth and Science, and you steam for steaming's sake?" - Rudyard Kipling "The Three-Decker"
All you need to know about me is that I read way too much fan fiction. Also, this site needs more Derpy x Crackle.