• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 13th, 2014


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Found 2 stories in 11ms

Total Words: 12,418
Estimated Reading: 49 minutes


Scootaloo and her friends have long been crusading for their cutie marks, but after a long string of failures, Scootaloo is more desperate than ever. Desperate enough to try something as namby-pamby as - ugh - dancing. Will Scootaloo find that dancing's more fun than she expected, or will she end up once again covered in tree sap? Read this to find out!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 7/25/12.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle accidentally awakens someone with a powerful spell. The entity calls to Rarity, bringing her and the others into a rising current that strives to complete something begun long ago.

This story deals with the history of the Elements of Harmony, and the connection between the current Elements and those in the past who created them.

Prereading by EQ Daily Pre-reader 23ish.

Chapters (3)