It is better to be kind in a world full of hate, then join that hate and become part of the problem. Simply be kind and better.
I am a new author who writes to improve his writing and to see if I can come up with great ideas for people to enjoy.
Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions
Just somepony that use to be like RD, didn't like to read, but now I think I'm open up to the idea of making some stories.... maybe.
I'm not looking for glory, I'm not looking for fame, I just want to get my thoughts and stories out there.
Writer and idea-maker. I'm also a gamer (Nightfire170295 if you want to add me on Xbox).
Everyone Needs A Creeper, A Personal Space And Privacy Grim Reaper. Also Hail Minty p.s. I'll steal yo gurl, yo husbund, yo house, yo cids, yo dawg, and yo side bae
Like a neglected and dejected pup, I roam. Also known as Swimmingly "Herr Direktor" Choppingston.
The beginning, the rise, the downward fall, the recovery, the new rising and the end.
I am thou, Thou art I. You frauds who are in over your heads... Allow me to show you. How you pale in comparison to us thieves! Go! Arsene!
Showing you the darker, more realistic side of MLP in my writing. Smoking, swearing and being a bastard, but that's nothing new with me. Got a cigarette?
I am a fan of fanfics in any catgory so im hear to comment and read
I love donuts and ponies, therefore i am a dony.
Well, I'm 17 (for now) and I absolutely love writing. Writing is one of my favourite pastimes so I'm glad that I came here!