• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 8th

Inferno demon Dash

Showing you the darker, more realistic side of MLP in my writing. Smoking, swearing and being a bastard, but that's nothing new with me. Got a cigarette?


New idea. · 1:07am Oct 30th, 2019

I have an idea for a slice of life, maybe comedy and romance story with Fluttershy and Spike working for Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie, rated teen for swearing, smoking and maybe drinking as the two work for different goals, experience or even more in Spike's case and money, naturally. The romance is Discord/Pinkie and Spike/Gabby.

If any one would like to help edit, proofread or maybe even co-op please let me know, the story will be called Now Hiring.

Report Inferno demon Dash · 314 views ·

Ending · 10:32pm Oct 9th, 2019

Hey everyone, I'm back. Just watched season eight and nine plus the movie and I have to say, I really liked it. Some parts made me laugh really hard and the final fight was insane for MLP at least.

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Professional Artist? · 12:06am Nov 13th, 2017

Any really good artists in the fandom? I have a few custom cover arts I want made and I have the money if you have the time and patience. Keep in mind I'm very detailed but will take consideration to your words to changes and such, naturally you'll be credited and given a link to your profile on top of being paid.

Let me know the price and if you would be willing to negotiate or not.

Let me know if any of you are willing to help, thanks.

Until next time.

Report Inferno demon Dash · 405 views ·

Apple Bloom/Rumble Aid? · 8:39pm Nov 2nd, 2017

What's up everyone? So I have an idea for an Apple Bloom/Rumble one-shot in my head.

Problem is as much as I love the Apple family, I'm terrible at writing them. So I was wondering if anyone who knows how to write any of the Apple family would mind helping me out and co-authoring with me on this one-shot?

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Report Inferno demon Dash · 411 views ·

Four Hundred! · 12:09am Oct 12th, 2017

Holy bucking shit, it took me five years but this is still a very, very big deal for me. Thank you everyone so much for four hundred followers, I'm very excited and I feel like I should do something to celebrate. Ideas?

Report Inferno demon Dash · 460 views ·

Trying to bring a pairing back. · 9:09pm Oct 9th, 2017

Hey every creature, Inferno here wanting to talk to everyone about something on my mind for the last few days.

So if you have not noticed by some new stories of mine, I been writing a lot of Pinkie/Discord, I found only two groups of the pairing and not that many stories which made me confused and a bit sad.

It seemed like much of what the two have in common are already in place yet it has not been touched upon as much as one would hope.

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Looking for editors and proofreaders! · 10:09pm Apr 24th, 2017

Welcome everypony, as you are aware I'm in need of people who are willing to journey with me on a very dark and serious voyage titled A Son's Loyalty.

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Spike The Son (New group by a friend) · 11:14pm Mar 4th, 2017

How you all doing, motherbuckers?

I have a friend of mine who recently made a new group titled Spike The Son by CaioCoia that has Spike being raised by Celestia, Twilight or Velvet.

Please give it a join if you're a fan of any of them raising our favorite dragon and be sure to add your own stories that fit the mold, I'm hoping his/her group gets big.

Report Inferno demon Dash · 285 views ·

Professional artist? · 12:56am Mar 3rd, 2017

How you doing everyone? I need a bit of help, I have two big, serious multi-chapter stories I'm planning on writing and I'm hoping to have someone who really good at drawing to aid me, you'll get credited and of course paid, which we can work on another time. For now though, my current artist is either busy or can't get to me so I have to ask for another's help, any takers?

Report Inferno demon Dash · 229 views ·

Cleaning out my profile. · 6:35pm Feb 28th, 2017

Just letting everyone know I'm unfollowing those who have not been online for a very long time, save for a few in the hopes they'll return. That includes groups I no longer care about, if you have not been online for four weeks or more then I'm unfollowing you, again save for a few.

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Report Inferno demon Dash · 220 views ·