• Member Since 7th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Cum historia, Mutat valde Razgriz, Revelat ipsum, Primum daemon scelestus est


With their aircraft shot down over the Everfree Forest, the pilots have to survive an evening in the old castle, fighting off beasts and hoping for rescue.

Part of the Equestria at War universe.

Written for the The Fifth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

With the war raging, a Changeling, hidden in Equestria, is given an offer.

Part of the Equestria at War universe, and written for the Fourth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

On the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War, the last veteran performs one final service for his county.

An Equestria At War story.

Chapters (1)

The Changelings have lost. Their cities destroyed, their Queen dead. Yet the war is not over. A bomber crew is assigned one final mission to remind the Equestrians of this fact: By using a Nuclear bomb to wipe the city of Las Pegasus off the map.

Written for the Equestria at War writing contest.

Chapters (1)

On one dreadful night, in the middle of summer, the skies shattered, and a thousand bolts of light rained down from the heavens, laying waste to the land below.

The world five years later is a changed place. The massive loss of life from the 1996VG1 Ulysses asteroid sent the world into a shock and panic from which it has only just begun to recover from. Large nations, like Equestria, are quick to rebuild and recover. For those without deep pockets, however, times grow hard.

Griffonstone, a nation already falling to ruin before the disaster. Nationalism begins to rise in the Griffon Kingdom. They blame their leaders for not protecting them. They blame Equestria for not providing support. And most of all, they blame their neighbors for the failure of a pact between the nations of the world to build a weapon to defend themselves against the stars.

And so, with fury and speed never before seen in modern warfare, they Blitzkrieg across the continent, destroying all in their path.

Rainbow Dash signs up as a mercenary pilot for a backwater nation besieged by Griffon forces, desperate to get away from Equestria. With a wingman who would rather do his own thing than follow orders, and the might of the Griffon Air Force hunting them down, everything Rainbow Dash knows about fighting is thrown out and replaced with one simple realization.

There is only one ultimate rule in war-


Chapters (4)

The war is over.
Cipher and PJ, two mercenaries working for Equestria, have been through a lot, from fighting the best warriors the Griffons could throw at them, to destroying a giant flying warship gunning for Canterlot. But its over. A World with no Boundaries, a group of Griffons who had taken control of the Griffonstone government after the official surrender, vowing to fight to the end for Griffonstones honor, have finally been defeated.

But for Cipher, there is one last fight: an old friend returned from the past to hunt him down.

Chapters (1)

Unfortunately, Tirek has taken over Equestria, stolen all its magic, and is now running amok, destroying everything he sees.

Unfortunately for Tirek, the United States Air Force isn't too keen on having allied nations invaded by giant goat-demons. In go the A-10 Warthogs.

Rated T for some gore, cursing, and lots of BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT.
Recommended listening

Chapters (1)

It has been six years since the war began. With raids hitting cities daily, and losses mounting, a Griffon Fw-190 pilot writes one final letter home from war.

Chapters (1)