• Member Since 5th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 11th, 2017


I would consider myself to be a young, fledgeling science fiction writer. I am always looking for room to grow, so if you have a tip or suggestion, I would greatly appreciate it.


Cool Beans · 11:43am Aug 5th, 2016

Well. This is interesting.

Report ASocialistCactus · 299 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
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Yo, are you involved with SPUSA?

Yo Cactus. Thanks for the fave on "Three Rednecks Enter Discord's Maze.":twilightsmile:

Many thanks for the favorite!

Hey bud, thank you very much for the follow. It is greatly appreciated.:twilightsmile:

Hello! Thanks for the follow, and welcome to FiMFic!

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