• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.


Ponyville is an unusual place. Unsurprisingly, that means some of its inhabitants have unusual jobs. Meet Pussyfoot. With his faithful assistant Holly, they keep the streets clean and sparkling. In this town, it's not just soda bottles they're clearing up...

A last-minute entry for the Thousand Words Contest III, written inside an hour.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Applejack arrive in the nick of time to rescue their friend from a potentially terrible fate. The way it happens might be considered shocking – it certainly startles AJ – but as ever in Equestria there's a story behind it...

An entry for the Dialogue Only Contest.

Chapters (1)

Twilight lies alone in her bedroom, but she does not sleep. She will not sleep again. Still, she stays in that old, familiar room. There is nowhere else.

"Excellent depiction of desolation and the only reasonable action when time runs out." —FanOfMostEverything

An entry for the Thousand Words Contest II, in the Horror category.

Cover image by Henry & Co., from Unsplash, available under this licence.

Chapters (1)

In a place as strange as the Everfree Forest, is it really so surprising that its Trees should communicate? They have, after all, been there for a long, long time. Even so, that doesn't mean that nothing ever changes in the woods, or that the Trees have always been that way...

An entry for Mockingbirb's Arboreal Yearnings Contest.

"yo, that is a great fic :D" --PresentPerfect

Cover image: Background: Everfree Forest Clearing by 90Sigma.

Chapters (1)

The Critter Concert Classic is coming up, and who better to organise it for Fluttershy than Twilight? But there's a big problem: a distinct lack of performers. Can Applejack ride to the rescue?

Gentle fluff.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is renowned for her kindness, but that doesn't mean she's always done the right thing. Over tea with Rarity, she finally lets her friend know how cruel she once could be.

Honourable Mention in Bicyclette's "A Thousand Words Contest".

"I just found it really effective in how economical it was"; rated Really Good -- Ghost Mike

"...Logan's excellent story..." -- iisaw

Chapters (1)

Following the retirement of Celestia and Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle is now the unquestioned and undisputed ruler of all her land – including the transport networks. That means the major rail strike now looming will be all her fault.

Chapters (1)

After spending a fortnight working with the Crystal Empire's fledgling petting zoo, Fluttershy has made a new friend. Baabara the tiny ewe is making a return visit and is now relaxing in Ponyville. In Twilight's castle.

Cover image courtesy of Clipart Library.

Chapters (1)

Applejack isn't a mare who's afraid of hard graft, so joining the Dream Coast's latest Shoreline Shape Up seems like the perfect working holiday. It may be a rocky assignment, though...

Cover pic is my crop and edit of this public domain image by Pixabay.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Starlight Repeatedly Teleports into Custard

Starlight Glimmer's teleportation skills have improved to the extent that she can now travel around Equestria without landing in somepony's dessert. Unfortunately, her determination never to face such a fate again, combined with her predilection for using magic as the solution to pretty much any problem, means she's now lying in acute discomfort in Twilight's castle.

A Custardverse story.

Chapters (1)