• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.


Fics I reviewed in May 2024 · 4:05pm July 16th

Thought I'd forgotten these, did you? Not a bit of it! Well, not now anyway. Cough. Of course if you want to see my reviews as they appear -- and, surprising as this may seem, some people do -- then you'll need to keep track of my weekly Ponyfic Roundup reviews over on my off-site blog, Louder Yay. Being off-site means I can break lots of Fimfiction rules there, but being a pretty dull person I don't. Well, there is

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British democracy may have its problems, but one thing I am proud of... · 11:11am July 5th

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Report Loganberry · 116 views ·

Rainbows, eh? · 4:00pm June 6th

This is fortunately nothing to do with Zephyr Breeze's... distinctive way of addressing Ms Dash. It's simply that in a (print, hence no link) magazine earlier I found a comment by someone, himself gay, who said he'd stopped trying to work out which letters to include in LGBTIQA+ (or the many variations thereof) and simply referred to people who feel at home under that umbrella as "rainbows" instead.

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Report Loganberry · 136 views ·

The never-ending stor(e)y · 1:55pm May 19th

For some reason this is one of the points readers of mine (including off-site ones) have mentioned several times, perhaps because it's one of those Transatlantic divides that isn't all that well known. So: when you're talking about the floors of a building:

US English: one story, two stories. The same spelling and the same plural as for the other kind of story.
UK English: one storey, two storeys. Not the same spelling or the same plural as for the other kind of story.

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Report Loganberry · 118 views · #English usage

Fics I reviewed in April 2024 (and one from late March) · 6:11pm May 13th

By popular request¹ I'm bringing back this feature. My weekly Ponyfic Roundup reviews are, and will remain, on my off-site blog. It just suits me to do it that way, even if I'd probably have got significantly more of a readership had I written the blogs on Fimfiction as most (all?) other current reviewers do. However, a monthly... roundup, ha ha [Don't try to be funny, Logan, it doesn't suit you —Ed] on here is

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Report Loganberry · 122 views · #Ponyfic Roundup

State of the Unicorn: Poor · 9:48pm January 21st

That's poor in both senses, I'm afraid! Though before I say any more, I need to stress that I have a warm, safe home, enough to eat, internet access... the essentials, really. I am not in danger of losing those. However, I won't be doing much beyond those essentials for a while. Without going into boring details, I will very shortly be going in for dental work to be done. Which, as we're not just talking a quick filling here, means dental bills as well, and they won't be small. (I

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Report Loganberry · 222 views ·

Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! · 8:50pm Dec 24th, 2023

I keep my online activity to an absolute minimum on Christmas Day, so I'll take this opportunity to wish all of you reading this a Merry Christmas!¹ However life has treated you over the past year, I hope it treats you better over the next. I shall be back to reading Fimfiction on Boxing Day!
¹ By all means substitute another holiday if you like though here in the UK, we tend to say "Merry Christmas" to everyone; "Happy Holidays" is quite rare.

Report Loganberry · 139 views ·

So then, Doctor Who · 7:51pm Nov 25th, 2023

Loved it! A few little quibbles, not all the acting from the newcomers was stellar and sadly parts of the gender-related stuff felt awkward and forced, eg "something a male-presenting Time Lord wouldn't understand", but I liked much more than I didn't. Plus one of my worries about the new Disney-cash-infused Who has been dispelled: this definitely did not feel like a big American series. The ending with Donna spilling her drink into

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Report Loganberry · 154 views · #non-pony

Bloody Covid · 9:28pm Oct 16th, 2023

Fortunately not in the literal sense! But yeah, I'm currently stuck at home, yet not feeling well enough to concentrate on ponyfic. It's a seriously annoying combination. :pinkiesick:

Report Loganberry · 171 views ·

UK PonyCon report · 10:42pm Oct 4th, 2023

This is inelegantly copy/pasted over from the (slightly) nicer looking report over on Louder Yay. Of course, I'm sure you all read Louder Yay anyway because you're such great people, but just in case here's the report here as well...

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